SSAHotchner October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 I thought they showed the feeding tube as being a G-tube (i.e. going directly into the stomach through a stoma in the skin), since his mouth is sewn shut and he's apparently not supposed to move his jaw to be able to eat. Thanks for explaining the mole! I definitely missed it. I missed the mole thing, too, (I think) but when they showed the unsub's mouth it was only half-sewn shut. I'm no medical expert, but it seemed like he could have used a straw or feeding tube in the mouth somehow. 4 Link to comment
secnarf October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 I thought the jaw was wired shut? I'm not sure though. I get the feeling that we are giving it more thought than the writers did, though. 3 Link to comment
normasm October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 They didn't show the jaw being wired shut, in fact it looked like the jaw had not been treated beyond a stanky bandage. No way that would have been what happened when he went to a hospital. 2 Link to comment
Danielg342 October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 Well, it was nice to see the old guard have some prominence and cater to their individual strengths like they used to. Really felt like the old team working together, which it was, so in that sense, it gave off a nice "old episode" vibe. Problem is, I was just bored. I don't know why but this episode was very "blah". The story was cohesive, it just wasn't very engaging and I can't really put my finger on it. Maybe it's because the killer seemed too much like a comic book guy than someone I could buy exists in real life, although I appreciated for once that an UnSub took into account his lack of time and didn't go through his normal ritual. Maybe because I felt the profile made too many leaps and wasn't based on much evidence. Maybe because some of the things the UnSub did just didn't make sense at all- the whole Puccinella thing might score points with the hipsters, but it felt really pointless. Why would the UnSub want to give away that he had his jaw broken? Also, why would Reid automatically think of Puccinella? Looked more like a Phantom of the Opera mask than Puccinella to me. I think the bigger thing that gets me is that I'm not liking the vibe I'm getting from this arc. If the point of the arc is that Morgan makes it "personal" and gets killed because of it, I will not be very happy. I don't care if it's "heroic"- it's already a bad trope where the black guy is made into a hero just so he can be sacrificed later, so there's that angle, and secondly, for once I'd rather have someone have a happy ending to their CM career, especially an "original" like Morgan. I think, ultimately, I'd rather have him stay, but that's just me. (Besides, why would Morgan make it "personal" with these guys anyway? The UnSub isn't the first guy who's clocked him. Maybe the only way I'd appreciate this is if Morgan comes out with a more satisfying arch-enemy than Billy Flynn was, someone who puts his muscle to the test...with him winning, of course) Overall...just blah, and I still don't know if I'm buying the whole hitman storyline the show wants to sell me. I'll see how it goes but it's too unrealistic for me. Oh, and Tara Lewis? Nice debut, although I want to see her in the field before I pass judgement...too brief here. 2 Link to comment
Saje October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 To me, it's not that simple with Morgan. You can't just say it's a matter of "oh let's kill the BLACK guy", because he's not just that guy. He's been on the show for over a decade, since episode one. He's not just 'the black guy' any more that Reid is just 'the skinny geek'. They have depth and levels and are part of - yes - the family that the BAU is. He's not just a token guy that shows up for two episodes and gets offed to make the star look good. If Morgan dies, it'll be epic. It will be heroic. And I predict right now, it will be in the arms of Penelope Garcia. 1 Link to comment
Danielg342 October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 Morgan may have been on the show since Day 1, but other than "Profiler, Profiled", was his character ever examined that much in depth? I feel like I hardly know him despite all these years. Besides, length of time doesn't change the fact that he's got a stereotypical role- that of the tough black guy. As far as I'm concerned, the show hasn't done nearly enough to portray him any other way. I think Shemar Moore has done well in the role, but I don't see anything in the characterization of Morgan that differentiates him from the other "black bruisers" TV seems to have. Furthermore...Morgan dying in Garcia's arms...sounds like something ripped from The Young & The Restless. 4 Link to comment
Guest October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 It struck me as odd that they're only interviewing for JJ's replacement now, after she's had her baby. Won't she be back in a couple of weeks? I thought the replacement was for Jennifer Love Hewitt's character who left because of that whole ordeal with her adopted neice / pregnancy. JJ will be coming back, though that might not be a good thing. She was bad enough as Saint JJ-Mother with one kid, god knows how they'll write her with two kids. Link to comment
Droogie October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 To me, it's not that simple with Morgan. You can't just say it's a matter of "oh let's kill the BLACK guy", because he's not just that guy. He's been on the show for over a decade, since episode one. He's not just 'the black guy' any more that Reid is just 'the skinny geek'. They have depth and levels and are part of - yes - the family that the BAU is. He's not just a token guy that shows up for two episodes and gets offed to make the star look good. I agree with this. But they can't kill Morgan. I don't know how they'll write him out, if he's the one leaving, but I don't want him to die. I don't want any of these guys who've been on the show this whole time to go out that way. Not to mention what it would do to Reid. And, frankly, I don't want to have to watch Garcia's reaction. 6 Link to comment
missmycat October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 I agree with this. But they can't kill Morgan. I don't know how they'll write him out, if he's the one leaving, but I don't want him to die. I don't want any of these guys who've been on the show this whole time to go out that way. Not to mention what it would do to Reid. And, frankly, I don't want to have to watch Garcia's reaction. Droogie, I don't want them to kill any of them either. Not even JJ whom I can't stand. And I don't think they'd dare. I believe the backlash would be to great. 4 Link to comment
normasm October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 (edited) I think they want a bit of backlash, and that's why Morgan will probably "go away" in some dramatic manner some point in mid-season. They may imply they are killing him, but, if the backlash is as big as they hope, he'll be back in the last 2 episodes. Speculating, of course. They usually know if the show is renewed for another season by February or so, right? So they may keep it open-ended until the very end. Edited October 2, 2015 by normasm 4 Link to comment
JMO October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 There shouldn't be any contract drama this year, as they were probably all signed for one-and-one, so renewal should be confirmable earlier----unless the numbers are on the fence. If Morgan is only off screen for a while, it might be nice if MGG directed both his departure and his return. But I'm beginning to wonder if we're getting more than one from MGG this year. He had too much on his plate during the first half of the season last year, and he doesn't seem to have made room on his plate so far this year. One wonders if there is an element of choice there. 3 Link to comment
Guesswht October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 I'm heartbroken we didn't get a chance to see JJ being pregnant. It would've been such a deep, beautiful (and painful) storyline for her. AJ would've acted the heck out of it. The scene with her baby was the sweetest thing ever. AJ melt my heart, what /a/ precious little sweetheart(s). Aisha Tyler was great. Hopefully she'll get more thing to do and she won't get bullied into leaving the show (the incredible amount of hate Blake/Jeanne Tripplehorn got was incredible...) I'm sure everyone was happy about JJ not being there. Well i'm missing her awfully and can not wait until she comes back. :) It was an "ok" episode.This year will be so much better than last year was... until someone - Shemar or AJ leaves the show. 1 Link to comment
QASteph October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 Double grrr to the blatant misuse of "begging the question" (for the second time on my TV this week - can't remember now what the other show was). I have *serious* problems with their job applicant selection process. Basically, you just happen to be in the right place at the right time and you get the job? Based on a skill that, sure, came in handy in this one case but probably doesn't come up as needed all that often? Ridiculous. I'm sure the character can contribute in other ways, etc. but mimicry is not enough to be hired into this supposedly elite unit. The only way it makes any sense is if Hotch was leaning that way anyway. It is patently unfair to the other applicants as well. I suspect it violated federal hiring guidelines and in real life someone would sue. Morgan is an IDIOT. I mean, he basically went and dared the unsub to come after him. Morgan - you do not bait psychopaths. Did you learn nothing from Foyet? "Please mister contract killer, focus all of your energy on me because I do not have enough self control to avoid tracking you down hours after you tried to kill me so I can froth at the mouth at you." In that scene Morgan came across as more deranged than the killer even. Had it been in the moment I could chalk it up to adrenaline. But the guy had gotten to the hospital and been treated so that excuse won't fly. 4 Link to comment
Danielg342 October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 It might be nice to have an “adversity” storyline, where Morgan is fired for “pulling at Montolo's stitches”. Perhaps here he'd leave the team but not the show, and we could have a few episodes where he investigates The Dirty Dozen on his own, all while contemplating where he wants his career to go. He might wonder- if not outright believe- that he should be where Hotch is, and thinks that maybe he just “went along to get along” for far too long. Yeah, I know there's the inevitable conclusion that Morgan will solve the case, bring the bad guys in and then realize his heart is in the BAU and that he's loyal to Hotch, but for once we might be privy to his own ambitions and concerns regarding his career. Hey, a man can dream, right? 4 Link to comment
SSAHotchner October 3, 2015 Share October 3, 2015 It would have been nice to actually have seen the other candidates for the open position contribute something. 4 Link to comment
BookWoman56 October 3, 2015 Share October 3, 2015 If I had to pick a single word to describe this episode, it would be "adequate." For me it was slightly better than mediocre but not quite good. I liked that the entire team was the focus instead of just one or two profilers and that they didn't immediately throw the new agent into the middle of the action. There were a few things that did not sit well. The impression I got was that the new agent was the first applicant that Hotch interviewed, although I could have missed something. Hotch's snap decision to hire her was all kinds of wrong. I've mostly worked in large corporations, not in government, but HR generally requires you to interview a few candidates, ask them the same set of questions and note their answers (and frequently have the finalists go through a second round of interviews), before you make the hiring decision. I'd imagine that a federal agency might have even stricter hiring protocols. With this, it felt too much like she got the job because she happened to be in the right place at the right time, and while I recognize that does happen, I'd hate to think the BAU works that way. Morgan was an idiot to go into the unsub's hospital room and essentially announce that he was going to go after the entire group of contract killers. If they're setting this up as a way for Morgan to leave, I could sort of understand; maybe he will be put on leave while they investigate whether he actually injured the unsub in the hospital room. I'd be fine with Morgan leaving because I hate the writers using him (and JJ) as the agents who actually resolve cases by kicking down doors/shooting people. His reaction here just seemed so OTT; other unsubs have tried to kill him and he seemed to accept that as just part of the job. So why is this one suddenly so personal? More profiling, less action, please. Nothing in Morgan's behavior and actions in this episode made me think that he is a good profiler. 7 Link to comment
Saje October 3, 2015 Share October 3, 2015 It would have been nice to actually have seen the other candidates for the open position contribute something. Hear hear! I would have liked to have seen Hotch going through candidate after candidate and each one having some weird creepshow thing about them that he just couldn't deal with. His Hotchy faces would have been priceless. It could have been a short bit of levity in a very serious and intense episode. I did think it was beyond adequate, I thought it was excellent. Also I don't think Morgan will be blamed for pulling the stitches... the unsub's finger was bloody, and all it would take would be to run the surveillance footage to see Morgan didn't attack him. 5 Link to comment
peacheslatour October 3, 2015 Share October 3, 2015 Hear hear! I would have liked to have seen Hotch going through candidate after candidate and each one having some weird creepshow thing about them that he just couldn't deal with. His Hotchy faces would have been priceless. It could have been a short bit of levity in a very serious and intense episode. I did think it was beyond adequate, I thought it was excellent. Also I don't think Morgan will be blamed for pulling the stitches... the unsub's finger was bloody, and all it would take would be to run the surveillance footage to see Morgan didn't attack him. i really hope you were being sarcastic. What I want to see on a crime drama about a team of FBI agents bringing down psychopaths is a lot of in-office, bureaucratic machinations, just like my every day life. Not. Link to comment
zannej October 3, 2015 Share October 3, 2015 (edited) I do know that *sometimes* the federal government agencies will hire people for certain jobs based on just the resumes and do not even do an interview. I suppose we would have to ask Jim Clemente if they actually interview people. I agree that this process seemed a bit wonky though. I chalked it up as fudging for TV for drama/time. They established that they interview people for BAU positions (although Prentiss apparently didn't interview- but she was forced in by Strauss and they just brought in Seaver-- although I refuse to accept that she was ever a full member and was instead a trainee). If they say that Morgan pulled the stitches, I will be very annoyed. I'm sure Hotch will believe him that the guy was ripping his own stitches out and Morgan was stopping him. He should have told the nurse "He was trying to hurt himself". I wonder why the guy's shackles were so long. Usually they use short cuffs or even those padded medical cuffs. A guy who was known to be a dangerous hitman should have been better restrained AND had a police guard on the door or in the room. On a complete side note, I was watching one of those shows where they show actual footage from ERs and there was a guy in a room with police officers standing over him. The guy kept screaming and making a lot of noise. The nurse went in and calmed him down but then it started up again after she left. She went in and told the cops to STFU and to stop bothering the guy because they were upsetting him and he was upsetting other patients. She said to the camera that she was ready to kick them out because they were actively taunting/mocking the guy to get him riled up. Edited October 3, 2015 by zannej 5 Link to comment
Saje October 3, 2015 Share October 3, 2015 i really hope you were being sarcastic. What I want to see on a crime drama about a team of FBI agents bringing down psychopaths is a lot of in-office, bureaucratic machinations, just like my every day life. Not. Nope, not being sarcastic, though I see you are. I really did want to see what I said above. :) Link to comment
Saje October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 There were a few things that did not sit well. The impression I got was that the new agent was the first applicant that Hotch interviewed, although I could have missed something. Hotch's snap decision to hire her was all kinds of wrong. I've mostly worked in large corporations, not in government, but HR generally requires you to interview a few candidates, ask them the same set of questions and note their answers (and frequently have the finalists go through a second round of interviews), before you make the hiring decision. I'd imagine that a federal agency might have even stricter hiring protocols. With this, it felt too much like she got the job because she happened to be in the right place at the right time, and while I recognize that does happen, I'd hate to think the BAU works that way. Yeah, but this is Hotch. He recruited Penelope based on her hard coding talent and pink stationery. He overlooked Reid's physical limitations and hired him based on his brainpower alone, and he (I know, this one was absurd but whatever, we have to acknowledge) hired a rookie out of the academy based on Rossi's urging and the fact that her dad was a serial killer. It's not exactly, strictly, 'by the book' for the BAU hiring process, is it? 1 Link to comment
Guesswht October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 (edited) I hope y'all counting the screen time each character has. JJ had a few seconds in 11x1. They wasted a few seconds on her. This year is definitely not the "JJ show" (last year,S9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 wasn't either) Edited October 4, 2015 by Guesswht Link to comment
ForeverAlone October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 do realize AJ is on maternity leave right, because she gave birth right before filming started? So of course she is not going to be featured in the first several episodes. 5 Link to comment
secnarf October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 I'm not doing screentime but I will being doing lines, right now I'm doing season 10 again and just Kate because I'm trying to figure out why JJ, Garcia and Spencer's lines went down. I'm starting to think it's just because of the unsub time though do realize AJ is on maternity leave right, because she gave birth right before filming started? So of course she is not going to be featured in the first several episodes. AJ wasn't on mat leave in season 10. 1 Link to comment
Saje October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 Here's a review of the episode: Link to comment
ForeverAlone October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 (edited) And in season 10, AJ had more screen time than all the other characters. So she was not exactly hurting in terms of character presence. But I was addressing the one poster complaining about the lack of JJ in the season premiere. That had nothing to do with screen presence in season 10. Edited October 4, 2015 by ForeverAlone 3 Link to comment
missmycat October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 do realize AJ is on maternity leave right, because she gave birth right before filming started? So of course she is not going to be featured in the first several episodes. Actually AJ was still pregnant when they began filming the new season of CM. But your point is still valid. She couldn't very well be expected to be on set when she was in the late stages of pregnancy and just days a way from given birth. Link to comment
Guesswht October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 I'm not doing screentime but I will being doing lines, right now I'm doing season 10 again and just Kate because I'm trying to figure out why JJ, Garcia and Spencer's lines went down. I'm starting to think it's just because of the unsub time though JJ, Garcia and Spencer's lines went down because they had to give everything to Kate and her kid/S!!!/. It would've been so beautiful to see JJ being pregnant again after her miscarriage but we didn't have the chance to see this, Kate ruined everything. Tara/Aisha is being treated the same way Jeanne was treated. They're not promoting her at all. Last year jlh's "face" was everywhere, i unfollowed/unliked every CM page because of this. Link to comment
missmycat October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 Tara/Aisha is being treated the same way Jeanne was treated. They're not promoting her at all. Last year jlh's "face" was everywhere, i unfollowed/unliked every CM page because of this. Let's see now. Tara/Aisha was featured prominently in both the official promo for this episode as well as the sneak peek itself. Not to mention that there has been several behind the scene pictures of her. And then there were the articles themselves about her characters. Articles that CM's social media promoted. All I can say if this was them ignoring her and "supposedly" not promoting her at all, than please let them ignore Reid in the same way. Because then that will mean he is finally going to get some decent screen time/focus this season. 5 Link to comment
MCatry October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 I'm not doing screentime but I will being doing lines, right now I'm doing season 10 again and just Kate because I'm trying to figure out why JJ, Garcia and Spencer's lines went down. I'm starting to think it's just because of the unsub time though I will do it, probably by Tuesday. I have a couple of very busy days after travelling for two weeks... do realize AJ is on maternity leave right, because she gave birth right before filming started? So of course she is not going to be featured in the first several episodes. And yet she was right there at the premiere, so that was not a JJ-free episode after all. 4 Link to comment
ForeverAlone October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 No, but AJ had a brief cameo during "Normal" when she was on her maternity leave, so it's not like it was unprecedented. I doubt we will see JJ through episode six. 2 Link to comment
missmycat October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 I will do it, probably by Tuesday. I have a couple of very busy days after travelling for two weeks... And yet she was right there at the premiere, so that was not a JJ-free episode after all. I do understand why they had her make that cameo appearance. Although it is more than apparent that it did little good where some JJ fans were concerned. 2 Link to comment
Saje October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 I liked the JJ cameo, I always like her best when she's looking soft and happy. I think it's cool that both her sons are getting to play their characters on the show. 3 Link to comment
Guesswht October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 Let's see now. Tara/Aisha was featured prominently in both the official promo for this episode as well as the sneak peek itself. Not to mention that there has been several behind the scene pictures of her. And then there were the articles themselves about her characters. Articles that CM's social media promoted. All I can say if this was them ignoring her and "supposedly" not promoting her at all, than please let them ignore Reid in the same way. Because then that will mean he is finally going to get some decent screen time/focus this season. That's TRUE... but ... compare her to jlh ... she IS being ignored ;) The team (cast) seems really happy right now, even though they're missing AJ awfully. I can't wait to see how happy they will be when AJ comes back, I hope Aisha is staying. I haven't seen the cast being so happy since Blake/Jeanne left. Last year was a punishment for us because Jeanne was bullied into leaving the show, but it's unfair that they had to punish the cast, they didn't deserve it at all. Link to comment
Saje October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 Jeanne wasn't bullied into leaving the show. My friend actually knows people who work there and she said that Jeanne could not wait to get out of there. Are your statements based on your own opinion, or provable behind the scenes truth? 1 Link to comment
missmycat October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 (edited) That's TRUE... but ... compare her to jlh ... she IS being ignored ;) Have you ever even considered the fact that it is because when JLH was hired it was as a full time character. But Aisha character is a recurring character and a temporary one at that. So it makes perfect sense for them to have promoted JLH more. Still I am of the opinion that the newbie was given plenty of publicity herself. Edited October 5, 2015 by missmycat 3 Link to comment
Old Dog October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 That's TRUE... but ... compare her to jlh ... she IS being ignored ;) The team (cast) seems really happy right now, even though they're missing AJ awfully. I can't wait to see how happy they will be when AJ comes back, I hope Aisha is staying. I haven't seen the cast being so happy since Blake/Jeanne left. Last year was a punishment for us because Jeanne was bullied into leaving the show, but it's unfair that they had to punish the cast, they didn't deserve it at all. Aisha Tyler has been all over the promotion for Season 11 - maybe you missed it all if, as you claim, you unfollowed/unliked all the CBS sites. Last season was a massive step up for Criminal Minds despite being dominated by JJ once again after some really poor seasons prior to that - notably Season 9 which was the worst of all. So it seems it was only a punishment for you as you have this manic and obsessive hatred of JLH. I hope she decides to return if there is a Season 12 as she made a great addition to the team - and I wasn't a fan of her before this. I just hope that they continue to tone down JJ and cut back some of her screen time when she returns in episode 7. 5 Link to comment
thewhiteowl October 5, 2015 Author Share October 5, 2015 These are just opinions, people. No one has to "prove" anything to anyone. Carry on. 3 Link to comment
Guesswht October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 Aisha Tyler has been all over the promotion for Season 11 - maybe you missed it all if, as you claim, you unfollowed/unliked all the CBS sites. Last season was a massive step up for Criminal Minds despite being dominated by JJ once again after some really poor seasons prior to that - notably Season 9 which was the worst of all. So it seems it was only a punishment for you as you have this manic and obsessive hatred of JLH. I hope she decides to return if there is a Season 12 as she made a great addition to the team - and I wasn't a fan of her before this. I just hope that they continue to tone down JJ and cut back some of her screen time when she returns in episode 7. S10 wasn't dominated by JJ. My heart hurts thinking JJ would've had a pregnancy storyline but she couldn't have it because Kate had to be pregnant. I'm disappointed and i'll voice my opinion about it. I dislike jlh. It's not "manic and obsessive hatred" i have a very good reason to not like her. So you want JJ to have less screen time? She had PTSD for one--1!!! episode, that was the only1 JJ centered episode in S10. What do you want? You want her to dissappear completely? Well, maybe you get what you want, she might be leaving forever. Reid not having enough screen time is NOT her fault. I think they wanted to give Reid more screen time and they wanted JJ to have a pregnancy storyline but someone ruined everything for them. Link to comment
Old Dog October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 S10 wasn't dominated by JJ. My heart hurts thinking JJ would've had a pregnancy storyline but she couldn't have it because Kate had to be pregnant. I'm disappointed and i'll voice my opinion about it. I dislike jlh. It's not "manic and obsessive hatred" i have a very good reason to not like her. So you want JJ to have less screen time? She had PTSD for one--1!!! episode, that was the only1 JJ centered episode in S10. What do you want? You want her to dissappear completely? Well, maybe you get what you want, she might be leaving forever. Reid not having enough screen time is NOT her fault. I think they wanted to give Reid more screen time and they wanted JJ to have a pregnancy storyline but someone ruined everything for them. ROTFL. JLH fell pregnant BEFORE AJC! So of course her pregnancy was mentioned first and thus more. JJ's pregnancy was shown and we will no doubt get masses more baby talk when she returns. And as for screentime - it has been measured and JJ got more screen than everyone else bar the unsubs in Season 10 and we won't talk about Season 9 which was pretty shameful, especially 200. It is more than time that the main cast got a look in. 2 Link to comment
Guesswht October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 ROTFL. JLH fell pregnant BEFORE AJC! So of course her pregnancy was mentioned first and thus more. JJ's pregnancy was shown and we will no doubt get masses more baby talk when she returns. And as for screentime - it has been measured and JJ got more screen than everyone else bar the unsubs in Season 10 and we won't talk about Season 9 which was pretty shameful, especially 200. It is more than time that the main cast got a look in. I'm sorry (i have to say sorry, isn't it sad) but I wanted to see JJ having a beautiful baby bump after her heartbreaking miscarriage. If only Jlh knew how a TEAM works. Let JJ be pregnant, because AJ deserves it more and it means more to her. What kind of **** gets pregnant right after getting a new (undeserved) job? AJ's been working hard for 10+years, she'd deserve better than what she gets. I can't wait to hear about JJ's baby when she returns, i'm not quite sure we'll get enough of them though. She might be the one who's leaving the show. (Season 9 was amazing, Season 10 was the worst.) Link to comment
thewhiteowl October 5, 2015 Author Share October 5, 2015 I don't think JLH had any control over the show or AJ's pregnancy. You may be giving her too much power. Any way, she's gone and as such off topic for this thread. 2 Link to comment
ForeverAlone October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 Actually, since you asked, I would be perfectly fine with JJ disappearing altogether, but since I know that will not happen, I am just enjoying the episodes when she won't be present. But yes, there was plenty of JJ in season 10. The writers COULD have written in JJ's pregnancy earlier, but that would have meant she would not have had any tactical scenes once it was announced. I can't see them sidelining their golden girl, not when they make such a point of highlighting her physicality and her fitness (witness that completely gratuitous running scene at the start of "Protection).. Maybe if Jennifer hadn't become pregnant first because she could have gone on the tactical raids, but not after. Plus AJ wasn't showing very much by the end of season 10, and she gave birth right around the time filming started up again.The viewers already got an entire storyline of JJ being pregnant. It certainly was not essential for us to see it again. 5 Link to comment
Bookish Jen October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 I didn't hate this episode, nor was I completely blown away. I guess adequate is the right word. It was nice to get my usual CM fix. And it was quite pleasant that Spencer got to do his job as an actual profiler with the brilliant brain. Plus, how fetching did he look in that suit? Hmm...Spencer + suit=Spuit? I like Aisha Tyler a lot, and I wonder how she'll play out as Dr. Lewis for the few episodes she's on. Ms. Tyler has the gravitas to sell the role plus I like her warmth and humor. However, I did cringe when Dr. Lewis mentioned her father's drinking and "2:00 AM is my jam" while going through an interview. Ugh. That was right out of the Garcia playbook. I did think seeing JJ with her new baby was a nice touch. It was very sweet and her little guy is a cutie. It looks like he's a total hair farmer just like his Uncle Spencer. Snerk. 7 Link to comment
Racbec October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 My take on Hotch's selection of Tara: All of the candidates were probably deemed worthy of the position by the time we saw them, barring something concerning coming out in their interview with Hotch. The purpose of the interview was likely to choose the candidate who Hotch thought would best fit in with the team. When Tara mentioned why she wanted to change careers, I think it must have struck a chord with Hotch, being so similar to the reason why he left the prosecutor's office--they both wanted to be part of hunting and stopping the bad guys, not just putting them in jail once they were caught. 5 Link to comment
secnarf October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 If only Jlh knew how a TEAM works. Let JJ be pregnant, because AJ deserves it more and it means more to her. What kind of **** gets pregnant right after getting a new (undeserved) job? This is so insulting to pretty much all women - the kind of "insulting" that literally has my hands shaking in anger. Also, it was mentioned earlier that nobody has to prove their opinions, which is true, but if you state your opinions as fact (e.g. being pregnant means more to AJ than JLH) then I believe that you do need to have some sort of proof to back up that statement. I like Aisha Tyler a lot, and I wonder how she'll play out as Dr. Lewis for the few episodes she's on. Ms. Tyler has the gravitas to sell the role plus I like her warmth and humor. However, I did cringe when Dr. Lewis mentioned her father's drinking and "2:00 AM is my jam" while going through an interview. Ugh. That was right out of the Garcia playbook. I did think seeing JJ with her new baby was a nice touch. It was very sweet and her little guy is a cutie. It looks like he's a total hair farmer just like his Uncle Spencer. Snerk. I completely agree with this! Espeically the cringe-worthy moments. However, I'm still not yet sold on this new character. It's early though, and to be fair we didn't see too much of her in this episode. For limited screen time though, two cringe-worthy moments does seem like a lot. My take on Hotch's selection of Tara: All of the candidates were probably deemed worthy of the position by the time we saw them, barring something concerning coming out in their interview with Hotch. The purpose of the interview was likely to choose the candidate who Hotch thought would best fit in with the team. When Tara mentioned why she wanted to change careers, I think it must have struck a chord with Hotch, being so similar to the reason why he left the prosecutor's office--they both wanted to be part of hunting and stopping the bad guys, not just putting them in jail once they were caught. This is a good point! I hadn't thought of this, but it seems very reasonable. 4 Link to comment
thewhiteowl October 6, 2015 Author Share October 6, 2015 If I state that Reid's hair is atrocious, it is still JUST my opinion. You all should recognize when you are being baited and let it go. Thanks! Locking this thread for a cool down period 2 Link to comment
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