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Criminal Minds Fanfiction

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ReidFan's story Journey to Deliverance is now complete, although we hope there will be more to follow, the ending is quite open, so...

And JMO's story Broken has a new chapter.

Both are worth reading, so different but so good!! 

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aw thanks Senin. Yeah JtD is complete, but one sequel is already done and a second is underway. Unfortunately, I wrote part 3 before I finished part 2, so it'll be a while....

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As a huge fan of JMO's writing, I should be honest and say I find this story slow, overly wordy, and in need of editing. 

That is not to say that it is in any way uninteresting - it is not! The author loves Spencer, that is evident, and is always a reason I seek out her stories. Please continue!

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18 hours ago, normasm said:

Both stories are wonderful, and I'm glad to hear that JTD will continue. I thought that's how you left it!

JMO's story is twisting my guts. Poor Spencer.

Agreed Norm. This is how to write drama. JMO really gets inside the character of Reid.

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I know this has been said many times by others here but please, please, please - enough with the character/reader stories! I read fanfiction more during the hiatus and story after story is Spencer Reid/Reader with lots of Y/Ns for presumably the reader to insert their name! I just flip past them. Has anyone read any that are worth reading? I've only tried a few and quite frankly those I've read were poor and a waste of time. But I am open to suggestions if there are any good ones out there. Thank goodness there are some good stories out there like those by  JMO and Riff! I'm currently re-reading old stories by Blythechild, another of the great writers on AO3.

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For those who are not opposed to the idea of Reid being granted custody of the baby, here is something I scribbled last weekend when it was too hot to go outside. It's an AU where Reid is indeed the biological father, but in the interest of full disclosure, my interpretation of canon is very, very loose. 

Edited by idiotwaltz
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7 hours ago, idiotwaltz said:

For those who are not opposed to the idea of Reid being granted custody of the baby, here is something I scribbled last weekend when it was too hot to go outside. It's an AU where Reid is indeed the biological father, but in the interest of full disclosure, my interpretation of canon is very, very loose. 

I have not read the story yet but I hope this never actually happens in the show.

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That was really lovely. I loved your Reid and Emily. I do wish they could find a way for Reid to get the baby, but it likely isn't his (in canon), and it really wouldn't make sense, but this is Reid we're talking, and I have a romantic ideal about him.

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9 hours ago, idiotwaltz said:

For those who are not opposed to the idea of Reid being granted custody of the baby, here is something I scribbled last weekend when it was too hot to go outside. It's an AU where Reid is indeed the biological father, but in the interest of full disclosure, my interpretation of canon is very, very loose. 

Loved it.  You have new parenthood, and Reid, down.  I'd love to see him with a baby girl, just like this.  Thanks!

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Many thanks, normasm and JMO! I'm glad you enjoyed the fic and that I managed to get Reid's voice right; it's my first time writing from his POV and I haven't written anything fannish in around four years(!). I think I wrote this because I wanted to read Reid-with-a-baby and also find a way for him to get out of the Greek tragedy that has been his life for the last 12 years, replacing it with doing laundry and not sleeping. 

Edited by idiotwaltz
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Reid can be a very tough character to get right, yeah. I've struggled a bit with that issue before, too. 

You have me curious about your story now. I'm with ReidGirl in not wanting it to be a thing on the show itself (I'm all for him having kids someday, 'cause he wants them, but...yeah. Not like that). But in the fanfic world, it'd be interesting to see what a writer could do with the idea.

(Also, LOL at referring to Reid's life as a Greek tragedy. You ain't wrong.) 

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On 8/1/2017 at 9:42 AM, idiotwaltz said:

For those who are not opposed to the idea of Reid being granted custody of the baby, here is something I scribbled last weekend when it was too hot to go outside. It's an AU where Reid is indeed the biological father, but in the interest of full disclosure, my interpretation of canon is very, very loose. 

This was such a sweet and entertaining story. I haven't had a child yet but I'll take JMO at her word and say you got parenthood right! In a Reid-like fashion, of course. Just out of curiosity, Reid is the actual bio dad in the story, correct? Are you planning on ever writing how that "happened?" Aka did Cat get Lindsey to rape him or was it consensual?  It was such a bizarre proposition on the show the exploration of it in fanfic seems intesting. If not, I will use my imagination  :) Or if Reid willingly fathered the child what the hell  went down...lol

I absolutely love the name Nora ! The two names Nora and Lucy are the top contenders of what I want to name my future, hypothetical daughter 

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On 01/08/2017 at 2:42 PM, idiotwaltz said:

For those who are not opposed to the idea of Reid being granted custody of the baby, here is something I scribbled last weekend when it was too hot to go outside. It's an AU where Reid is indeed the biological father, but in the interest of full disclosure, my interpretation of canon is very, very loose. 

Finally got the courage to read it. Wow you have written Reid with perfection. Loved the story!!!!

I hope in season 13 Reid finally gets some happiness and love in his life.

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Thanks, Haleysgalaxy. As to your question .... I didn't think about the logistics in great detail and I'm a pretty lazy writer ("let the reader fill in the gaps!" I might say, but really I'm just lazy) so I didn't want to go into it too much. In my head I just pretend the team and Reid were wrong about Wilkins, that Cat was right about what Lindsey did in Mexico, and  so Cat tries to bring the baby to term for the purpose of killing the baby so that when the truth comes out, Reid will never forgive himself for indirectly causing the death of his child by not believing her, a child that would otherwise have lived.


Oh boy, that got darker than I'd thought. 


Nora and Lucy are great names. I think the classic baby names are making a comeback. 


ReidGirl, it means so much that you gave the story a chance despite not liking the premise. Thank you! Babies don't make for interesting television so I don't think there's a snowball's chance in hell that we get this storyline in S13.


Seriously, thank you all for reading and for being so kind! 

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5 minutes ago, idiotwaltz said:

Cat tries to bring the baby to term for the purpose of killing the baby so that when the truth comes out, Reid will never forgive himself for indirectly causing the death of his child by not believing her, a child that would otherwise have lived

Knowing what we know about Cat, I can totally see her being cruel enough to do this to Reid. 

And the idea of her putting him through that kind of hell honest to god breaks my heart. 

Edited by Annber03
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5 hours ago, idiotwaltz said:

ReidGirl, it means so much that you gave the story a chance despite not liking the premise. Thank you! Babies don't make for interesting television so I don't think there's a snowball's chance in hell that we get this storyline in S13.

Thank you for writing story!!! I really appreciate the efforts of all the fanfiction writers. Apologies for dismissing the premise so quickly.

I am all in favour of Reid having a baby with someone he loves, just not this way. He would be an amazing father. 

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On 1/8/2017 at 3:42 PM, idiotwaltz said:

For those who are not opposed to the idea of Reid being granted custody of the baby, here is something I scribbled last weekend when it was too hot to go outside. It's an AU where Reid is indeed the biological father, but in the interest of full disclosure, my interpretation of canon is very, very loose. 

I finally got to read it, and I liked it a lot. As someone else  said, it's not something I would like to see in the show, but I enjoy reading it. I'm a little surprised about Emily's attitude towards Reid, it doesn't fit with the way I see their friendship, and I really loved the description of Reid at  the end of the story:  this is who he is now...

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I need to catch up on "Genius and Gentility" (I need to catch up on a lot of fanfics I've been reading/planning to read lately). Sad to hear the story's now at an end, but I'm looking very forward to reading how you wrap things up :).

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13 minutes ago, Fashionista7 said:

I posted my fanfic yesterday.


It's up.

For my fanfic, I've been thinking about Reid moving out of his place and into a new place since last season's you-know-what.

Should he stay at his old place or move into a house or apartment?

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Looks like there are some incredible fics here to start reading! I just wrote my first sentence of my first fic. I may never get beyond this first sentence, but it's fun just thinking daydreaming about these characters and the different scenarios we coud place them in. I love how fanfic gives us the freedom to explore some of these characters more deeply than the show's format allows, which means I'll probably take way too much liberty in how I choose to write them :-)

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Would love to see what you could write about these guys :)! And if you want to talk out ideas or want help with some aspect of a story or need another pair of eyes or whatever, don't hesitate to ask. 

3 minutes ago, AsYouWish said:

I love how fanfic gives us the freedom to explore some of these characters more deeply than the show's format allows, which means I'll probably take way too much liberty in how I choose to write them :-)

Agreed on the freedom that fanfic gives us. I like seeing how creative people can get in their stories, and the fun and interesting places they can take the characters and storylines. 

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Aw, thanks :). I'm always worried I'll come off like I'm rambling when I review something, but yeah, I like it when a story can give me a lot to discuss and comment on. 

Your comment reminds me that I should focus on spending this week catching up on reviewing stuff. Yes.  That'll be my little side project. 

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Reidfan said: the story's complete now


And she also said: now working on the next installment.


I didn't start reading it because I wanted to have it complete, so now I can read it !! And enjoy it as much as the previous one. 

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