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S02.E12: The Revengers: Age of the Monocle


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Well it was good to see everyone off a weekly scheme.  This show's eccentricity definitely needs smaller single episode story arcs to make each episode feel satisfying.


Shockingly I could actually stand Liam for the thirty seconds he was bullshitting a product demo.  At least he wasn't just a sad puppy dog for once.


Why was Regina outside Amy's window?  I really hope they are not making her a stalker just so we will not feel bad when Karmy comes back.  Actually Amy is feeling smothered after a month of dating and Regina roofied someone.  Yeah they are making her into a crazy.


Lastly, I knew it!  Lauren is A!  That's why the season final of Pretty Little Liars made not sense, it was all a misdirect to get our attention away from Lauren!  If only we knew we could suspect people from other shows!  But seriously, seeing Lauren wearing the hoodie made me laugh.  I wonder if they were just ripping off PPL or if they were actually trying to reference/parody them.

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Lauren is a better A than anything pretty little liars ever came up with


Honestly I don't know why I watch this show sometimes. i'm only here for karmy and for some reason they've been kept apart


Sorry Reagan, but I was always with the camp that believed Amy is a teenage girl, younger than Reagan why does she expect so much from her? At the same time yes Amy should tell Reagan she did let her heart out. Still at the same time Amy should be allowed to figure it out, has she even figured it out? all I'm saying if you're gonna date younger don't expect them to be exactly at your level yet but this show sucks for being biphobic!


I hate Karma and Liam that is all, as a karmy fan I don't mind Reagan and Amy but ugh I can't stand Karma and Liam together, apart I don't mind at all


And tale of two girls here Reagan roofie which shows she does thinks without thinking of the outcome the total opposite for Amy they were not going to last and Karma serving non vegan egg roll haha 

Edited by beetlesoda
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I thought Karma was trying to get Reagan's ex fired (the catering staff is not supposed to eat the food). When it turned out she was just trying to get her to accidentally violate her veganism, I laughed; Karma's version of badass was so passive aggressive and tame, it hardly seemed like she was trying. (I don't mean to belittle people's dietary principles, but compared to a roofie, the eggroll was baby stuff).


AAAAAnd... speaking of roofies: I liked Reagan a lot til that move, but once she roofied someone, she was dead to me. First of all, who carries that stuff around? Clearly she has used it before, enough to have it on hand at all times! And second: NO. NO. NO. There is just no excuse and no way to redeem her after that. Which is too bad, because I liked her until then. She was cluelessly smothering of Amy, but that seemed pretty much like the kind of thing that people do sometimes, not a sign of evil. Now that I see her as someone who will roofie someone and has the stuff on hand in case she gets the urge to do so, I see the smothering as a much more terrifying sign that she may be more than smitten, she may be a scary possessive abuser. Or an Evil Lesbian Trope. Too bad Amy wasn't interested in the very nice seeming girl her own age who she went on one date with last season. I liked her. Bring her back. She could have been a match.


It may turn out that the show is not so unsympathetic to Reagan's ex, either. Maybe said ex is a shallow idiot, but maybe she was terrified of Reagan and distanced herself out of prudence and fear. The show could be sending not the message people think (that girls who get involved with girls and then later get involved with guys are experimenting and using true lesbians for their own shallow purposes), but rather that they are bi and may have left you because you're a terrible control freak who would date rape someone or just plain drug them for some impulsive fun.


I'm disappointed that Amy is looking bi, because we were promised she was a lesbian. But I'm not surprised, either. After the Fucking Of Liam, I figured the show had decided to jettison all prior characterization and go the route of "healed by an emo penis" -- next thing we get will be a triangle where Amy and Karma are attracted to the same guy, and wind up competing over that. Keep the barf buckets nearby, just in case.


Not all kids are confused about their sexuality. I think it's rare to be 17 and never have felt attracted to anyone at all, and then suddenly discover you're attracted to both girls and boys. How often do we see a heterosexual kid age 17 who has suddenly discovered they're straight? It doesn't happen. But TV thinks girls are all incapable of recognizing what they actually feel, and that somehow this only applies when a show wants to have an oops-- ex-lesbian/actually bi character. Why not just make her bi to start with? They could have had the same drama of her attracted to her best friend without resorting to the lesbophobic idea that every lesbian is a confused person who has yet to fully blossom, and is just one penis away from suddenly discovering they are by golly attracted to males after all! Or else they are an evil and bitter person like Reagan, to be avoided at all costs.


I am reserving judgment on the Lauren and Shane stories.

Edited by possibilities
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They made Reagan out to be terrible tonight so that when her and Amy break up the audience will support Amy and Felix together which is where they are almost certainly heading.  I see nothing indicating any interest by the writers in an endgame of Amy and Karma.  That seems to be some extended queer baiting to keep certain viewers holding on to hope.  Reagan being worried over Amy being attracted to men combined with Reagan being terrible is the program's gameplan to comment on how only awful people would be bothered that Amy would go with men - not for a moment comprehending the continuation of the trope of how everyone's sexuality on tv is fixed except women who are attracted to women. 


If Amy's plotline was given to Liam it would be something special and new for tv.  Since it is Amy's it is a common plotline and it continues MTV's trend of being unable to have female characters attracted to only women.   



Edited by dohe
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To be fair Reagan got the drug from the creepy cook. Of course, I have had a bit of problem with how Reagan Is handling the relationship since how she reacted when Amy tried to get a delay on the camping trip.


The ep was better than last week as it was more focused on two main arcs with discussions on other storylines. Glad Zita told Liam's secret. Didn't want that lingering. Hopefully the sooner Karma/Liam reconcile the sooner they can break up again.


Lauren/Shane/Amy's storyline was a nice little story. Shane and his lying really bugs. l

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Hey Karma? You might have wanted to wait to tie Liam's hands behind his back if you were going to attempt to take off his jacket. That whole thing was just weird.


I know Amy was still questioning her attraction to guys at some point last season, but once she hooked up with Reagan, I didn't get the impression that she was questioning her attraction to HER. If she doesn't want a commitment & is feeling smothered, that's one thing, but unless she is attracted to someone else (guy or girl), why is it so imperative to tell Reagan that sometimes she thinks boys are cute?


The revenge plot against Theo was also just weird. How is a cheer team not going to know that those kids don't go to their school, let alone are cheerleaders for that school...and wouldn't someone else already have been dressed up as the mascot?

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This episode was better than the first, but still lacked something. You can always expect a fun ride when Amy, Shane & Lauren team up. I think I'm just getting tired of all the mis-direct and confusion this show creates and plays on.


Reagan wasn't necessarily stalking Amy from the window - that's how she always enters Amy's room since they met because of the Mom.


I got the vibe since in the 1st half that Reagan was a smother - sshh!! Calm down girl. I don't know how the other girlfriend could've stood that for two long years. I don't mind Reagan and Amy being together, but Reagan should temper her feelings a bit if she doesn't want to Amy to completely run for the hills.

Edited by Milks26
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I don't know. I liked parts of this episode. Amy/Lauren/Shane scenes were amazing. I never liked Reagan. I don't know. I just never really liked her. At first she was kind of fun but then that beauty pageant episode and Amy wanted to not ruin her because her mom was happy and Reagan went negative on it and didn't get it. It just threw me off. I would watch a whole show on Amy, Lauren, and Shane though.

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I'm disappointed that Amy is looking bi, because we were promised she was a lesbian. But I'm not surprised, either. After the Fucking Of Liam, I figured the show had decided to jettison all prior characterization and go the route of "healed by an emo penis" -- next thing we get will be a triangle where Amy and Karma are attracted to the same guy, and wind up competing over that. Keep the barf buckets nearby, just in case.


My bucket is already full after this episode, I think I will need a new one. I am starting to hope they do indeed write Reagan out so I can drop this show forever without thinking I might miss something interesting.


Then again, every major character in this show is kind of a jerk, to be honest, so why should I be surprised that Reagan seems to be headed that way too? Silly me.

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I'm cutting the writers some slack on Amy still being interested in guys because they never did say in-show that she was a lesbian. As I've said before, I reserve my ire for shows where lesbians sleep with men (looking at you, MTV's Skins). However, I have zero interest in seeing Amy with a guy, and if she's with one long-term, this show's going to end up being one I save up and binge on when I'm bored rather than a weekly must-watch. I started watching this show because it was about a girl falling for her female best friend. If I wanted to watch a show where a bunch of teens date people of the opposite sex, there are tons to choose from.


Autostraddle recap was good this week:


Ah yes, if there’s anything I love more than sticking my face in a giant-sized bowl of Fruity Pebbles, it’s the trope that questioning women are deceptive and confused and that lesbians are biphobic, clingy, easily made jealous and close-minded. Plus, slipping roofies in somebody’s drink is straight-up illegal and monumentally fucked up, so this episode is really doing an all-around bang-up job with the only out lesbian character on this show (and a lesbian of color, at that.)
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I'm cutting the writers some slack on Amy still being interested in guys because they never did say in-show that she was a lesbian. As I've said before, I reserve my ire for shows where lesbians sleep with men (looking at you, MTV's Skins). However, I have zero interest in seeing Amy with a guy, and if she's with one long-term, this show's going to end up being one I save up and binge on when I'm bored rather than a weekly must-watch. I started watching this show because it was about a girl falling for her female best friend. If I wanted to watch a show where a bunch of teens date people of the opposite sex, there are tons to choose from.


Autostraddle recap was good this week:

About Amy being still attracted to guys, a friend and I were talking about this show and how it looks like Amy might have a relationship with Felix and we don't think she looks right with a guy lol. We much prefer her with Reagan or Karma instead of bland Felix

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While Lauren and Shane remain my favorites on this show, I find myself beginning to like Karma a bit more this season.  She seems to have matured somewhat and was actually the voice of reason more than once in this episode. 


I am also liking Zita so far, who seems a worthy addition to this show's group of strong secondary characters.  The exceptions are Amy and Shane's current partners.  Though this episode did at least flesh out why Reagan seems to have that chip on her shoulder, she still isn't particularly likable, particularly after the roofie. Its probably a good thing that neither of those relationships seem destined to last very long.


About Amy being still attracted to guys, a friend and I were talking about this show and how it looks like Amy might have a relationship with Felix and we don't think she looks right with a guy lol. We much prefer her with Reagan or Karma instead of bland Felix


I fully agree that Amy just doesn't seem right with a guy.  But I wouldn't worry about Felix too much.  Parker Mack seems destined to play nice inoffensive (i.e. safe) guys who bi or questioning girls can dally/experiment/flirt with before moving on to more serious relationships.  Or at least it's being set up that way on both of his current shows.

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I'm actually liking Zita a lot, too. I expected her to be the stereotypical "rich bitch" who would try to drag Liam into her world and out of Karma's, but so far she's been sympathetic to his plight, yet not afraid to snark on him and tell him when he's being a dumbass -- plus she even tried to help mend the Liam/Karma relationship. I hope she retains this type of characterization even if she and Liam do get together.

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I really like the actress who play's Lauren, I think she is the only reason why I watch this show. Her character is great, and funny how she receats to other people around her. She has great comedic timing, I kinda want her to be on American Horror Story, just something else.

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I started watching this for Lauren, she was on Bunheads which I adored, though not enough people seemed to, it didn't last very long. She was a completely different character on that. She was also in the second Flowers in the Attic movie, Petals on the Wind I think. So this ep was a good one for me. I love those who said Lauren is clearly A. As a PLL watcher I cracked up when she was in her hoodie with her primative A lair board going on. Her and Shane are why I watch and I like Amy enough that I was really into their storyline. I have no interest in Liam at all (he was on PLL now I think about it, wasn't he Ezra's brother? And Zita was on it too as Jenna's little swim minion. Hmmm, maybe Lauren really is A!!!!!)lol


This show is still better than Awkward so I'll stick with it. I find the characters at least somewhat likable. (except Liam, I just don't like him. Don't hate him, just find it hard to pay attention when he is on screen).

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Someone above touched on this a bit.... but, I also don't understand why it's so important for Amy to tell Reagan she's into guys. I'm not saying she shouldn't be honest and not tell her girlfriend this... I just don't know why it's soooo important to her friends for her to tell Reagan about it.

Additionally, this was never actually discussed. So even though, yes, Amy slept with Liam... her still having feelings for Karma and actively pursuing Reagan, never even gave me the impression that she was still into men... so why her friends keep bringing it up, I have no clue.

I really like Yvette and her enthusiasm for the show and I loved seeing Amy with a girl who was just as into her as she is into them so I'm really sad about the Reagan/Amy breakup that I know is up ahead. I would like Carter to bring her back in season 3 but I know that's not going to happen.

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There is a Pretty Little Liars crossover thing happening on this show which is kind of awesome. Liam being Ezra's brother was also pretty lame too. It's funny Liam is just a blob of nothing to me. 


The whole thing with Amy and guys is strange to me too. I think she can still find guys attractive but not want to hook up with them, as for the fact that she slept with Liam, it means nothing. At least that's what the show was telling us in part A of this story. Neither Amy nor Liam felt anything for the other. So now that the show seems to be making it a thing makes me think they are trying to make it something. I don't know. 

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I thought Karma was trying to get Reagan's ex fired (the catering staff is not supposed to eat the food). When it turned out she was just trying to get her to accidentally violate her veganism, I laughed; Karma's version of badass was so passive aggressive and tame, it hardly seemed like she was trying. (I don't mean to belittle people's dietary principles, but compared to a roofie, the eggroll was baby stuff).

That was very in character for Karma, and I enjoyed that touch since it highlighted something that has always made me like Karma more than most viewers seem to: Out of all of the main characters, she's the least malicious one. (Until the post-reveal episode last season, where she did have it out for Liam big-time, I would have said that she had no malice at all.) Amy, Lauren, and Shane are all capable of and have done truly awful things out of sheer malice, but that really isn't Karma's thing at all. She's often thoughtless and wreaks havoc in other people's lives, but not intentionally, not out of malice. One of her functions in her friendship with Amy was trying (sometimes successfully, sometimes not) to talk Amy out of doing awful shit. Karma's idea of "revenge" against Reagan's ex being to get her to violate her vegan diet was totally in keeping with her characterization.


To be fair Reagan got the drug from the creepy cook. Of course, I have had a bit of problem with how Reagan Is handling the relationship since how she reacted when Amy tried to get a delay on the camping trip.

I've had a problem with Reagan since the group date episode where she got annoyed about Karma knowing about an allergy Amy has when Reagan didn't. And yes, I know Karma had been trying to emphasize all evening how well she knows Amy, but still. There was no reason to get that upset about not knowing everything about Amy yet when they'd known each other like three weeks or whatever. So, to me, Reagan has been overly invested and clingy from the start.


I started watching this for Lauren, she was on Bunheads which I adored, though not enough people seemed to, it didn't last very long. She was a completely different character on that. She was also in the second Flowers in the Attic movie, Petals on the Wind I think.

OMG - I've seen that movie several times, it's hilarious, but I never made the connection between death-by-DONUTS! Carrie and Lauren! But now I see it. How did I miss that...


Someone above touched on this a bit.... but, I also don't understand why it's so important for Amy to tell Reagan she's into guys. I'm not saying she shouldn't be honest and not tell her girlfriend this... I just don't know why it's soooo important to her friends for her to tell Reagan about it.

I thought the episode explained Karma's viewpoint well enough: Reagan and Karma bonded, so Reagan's feelings became important to Karma. Karma saw how hurt Reagan was by her last girlfriend and was told explicitly by Reagan that she wants to be with a girl who's sure she's a lesbian. So Karma had a line to walk there. I think that choosing not to tell Reagan the score herself, but having a conversation with Amy about it, was the right way to go.


As for Shane, he doesn't really have any attachment to Reagan, he just recognizes that this is a huge issue and so Amy should tell her. He's a little better at dealing with other people's lives than his own, ha ha.

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So true. Karma saw Reagan's feelings on the subject first hand and can be sympathetic  towards her. Since season 1 we know that Shane likes his b/fs out in the open and fully committed until he gets bored with them. And with that note on Shane is kinda peculiar that he's going to fall for a boy whose bi curious. I'm waiting to see how this plays out.

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The things is though, Amy does know that she's attracted to girls. Whether or not that is an exclusive thing is up for debate, but I haven't gotten the impression that just because she might still find herself attracted to guys, that doesn't mean that she's not also attracted to girls. Reagan was so hurt by her ex because she felt she was used as an "experiment" by the girl to figure out whether or not she liked girls in the first place...with Amy, that's not a question. Even if Amy is attracted to men, I could see her just as easily leaving Reagan for another woman (or for any number of other reasons), and she wouldn't say "oh her? That's my old BUDDY!". The 2 situations aren't really related IMO.

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Even if Amy is attracted to men, I could see her just as easily leaving Reagan for another woman (or for any number of other reasons), and she wouldn't say "oh her? That's my old BUDDY!". The 2 situations aren't really related IMO.


I agree, the situations aren't even close to the same but the thing is that we know it and Amy knows it but Reagan does not.

I think the issue is less that Amy is attracted to men but the fact that she lied about it (either directly or by omission) even though she knows how much of a sore subject this is for Reagan.

If I opened up about something painful that is obviously a huge insecurity for me and later found out that my girlfriend lied to me about this very issue I'd feel a little betrayed as well.

Reagan got burned so she's got trust issues when it comes to people who are "questioning" which isn't exactly a flattering trait but the way some people immediately scream "biphobia!!!" and use it as a reason to hate her is premature imo. *

If/when Amy has an open conversation with Reagan and tells her how she feels and Reagan is still a huge jerk about it, then I will agree that she is intolerant.

Looks like the truth is gonna come out next week so I guess we'll know by then.


All of that being said, I am 100% not okay with slipping people roofies so I can't really root for Reagan anymore anyway. The show is obviously trying to get viewers to dislike her, otherwise they wouldn't have her going to such extremes and emphazise how "smothered" Amy feels and amp up the conflict between lesbians and bi/questioning girls so much.

Shame since Reagan was one of the few characters I really liked until now.


As for the rest of the episode, I only really liked the scenes with Lauren, Shane and Amy. I wish the show would focus more on their friendship. Or focus more on the family dynamics between Amy and her mother, Lauren and her father, Amy and Lauren, Lauren and Amy's mom ect.

I started this show because it looked like it was focused on all kinds of female relationships and different from the usual hetero teen drama. But these days, Liam, his sad rich boy life and his relationshp with Karma gets more screentime than anything else.

I don't feel like writing about what about those plots work or don't work for me because I simply don't care and tend to tune out when the story focuses on any of that.


*I obviously don't mean the OP who I quoted from with this. It's just a general attitude I've seen people have online.

Edited by knaxx
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The things is though, Amy does know that she's attracted to girls. Whether or not that is an exclusive thing is up for debate, but I haven't gotten the impression that just because she might still find herself attracted to guys, that doesn't mean that she's not also attracted to girls. Reagan was so hurt by her ex because she felt she was used as an "experiment" by the girl to figure out whether or not she liked girls in the first place...with Amy, that's not a question. Even if Amy is attracted to men, I could see her just as easily leaving Reagan for another woman (or for any number of other reasons), and she wouldn't say "oh her? That's my old BUDDY!". The 2 situations aren't really related IMO.

Didn't Reagan say they dated for two years?  How is that an experiment?  I know "experiment" is the shows words, but I would get if it was a month or two but seriously Reagan's ex just sounds like someone who is bisexual and happened to date a guy after breaking up with Reagan.  I wonder if that was just bad writing on the shows part or if we are going to find out that Reagan takes everything as a massive betrayal?  The second option seems likely, since this episode was all about turning the audience against Reagan.

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I wonder if that was just bad writing on the shows part or if we are going to find out that Reagan takes everything as a massive betrayal?  The second option seems likely, since this episode was all about turning the audience against Reagan.


Reagan used the words "she said I was a phase" when she told Amy about her ex breaking up with her which doesn't sound like something she randomly  interpreted into the situation. We also saw her ex akwardly introduce Reagan as "an old friend" to her new boyfriend like she didn't want to admit they dated.


I'm taking the rest of that answer about the show turning the audience against Regan to another thread because it's more of a general problem with the show.

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But is the show turning against Reagan or is Reagan the guest star done with her storyline with Amy and is going to be moving on.

I don't see how the show is turning against her from what we saw last season things seem pretty in character. And why should Reagan not have something negative like everyone else on this show, everyone else on this show has done said some pretty terrible and crappy things and things why is Reagan the only one the show is turning on? Isn't flaws what makes us like our favorite characters more and I speak as an Alison Dilaurentis fan and not new school Alison bitchy psychopath Alison

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But is the show turning against Reagan or is Reagan the guest star done with her storyline with Amy and is going to be moving on.

Those aren't mutually exclusive for me. Amy can be moving on and Reagan can be done with her storyline without the show painting her in such a negative light.



I don't see how the show is turning against her from what we saw last season things seem pretty in character. And why should Reagan not have something negative like everyone else on this show, everyone else on this show has done said some pretty terrible and crappy things and things why is Reagan the only one the show is turning on?


  • For one, Reagan is the only representative for a minority group so how the show chooses to portray her is important.

    If there were more lesbians on the show they could adress stereotypes in one of them while debunking them with the others. As they only have Reagan, any stereotypes they use on her are merely re-enforcing them.

    The only other characters who can claim that are the sole representatives for a minority are Lauren and maybe Amy who are both given a lot more sides to their characters in order to make them more sympathetic and fleshed out. Which is understandable since they are part of the main cast but the point still stands.

  • Secondly, I know I am exaggerating because they didn't completely demonize Reagan and even gave her some backstory to make the viewer feel for her. However, it was so fleeting that some viewers missed it.
  • Thirdly, the plot might be in character with Reagan's earlier episodes but at least in 2A, they also showed her good sides and how well her and Amy got along while this week was mostly negative.
  • Lastly, they didn't just give her one flaw. In just one epsiode they managed to point out that she's clingy, that she is smothering Amy, that she doesn't like Amy's best friend who is very important to her, that she is unwilling to date bisexuals and that she is crazy enough to literally drug someone because she wants petty revenge. Sure it's a teen show where everybody fucks up but that s a lot of negative stuff to dump on a guest character with minimal focus in just one single episode. Especially since I doubt that Reagan is gonna be around much longer so that image we got this week might just be one of the last impressions we get of her.
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Lastly, they didn't just give her one flaw. In just one epsiode they managed to point out that she's clingy, that she is smothering Amy, that she doesn't like Amy's best friend who is very important to her, that she is unwilling to date bisexuals and that she is crazy enough to literally drug someone because she wants petty revenge. Sure it's a teen show where everybody fucks up but that s a lot of negative stuff to dump on a guest character with minimal focus in just one single episode.


Exactly. Kind of reminds me of the way they used to write out love interests on Friends - giving them random flaws out of the blue like Monica's boyfriend Pete deciding to become a martial arts champion or Phoebe's boyfriend Gary shooting a bird. They haven't written out Reagan yet but the writing is on the wall.



I've had a problem with Reagan since the group date episode where she got annoyed about Karma knowing about an allergy Amy has when Reagan didn't. And yes, I know Karma had been trying to emphasize all evening how well she knows Amy, but still.


The way I remember it Karma was acting like it was quite literally a contest on who knew Amy better. I would have been annoyed too if I were Reagan.

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Well it is a problem that this ep did emphasis all these aspects of Reagan but they have shown them before just not in one ep. I thought the roofie was extreme but I also remember her plan for Amy at the pagaent was kind of extreme. Of course it is also kind of hard to judge her as well as the other girls. While Amy and Karma are younger, Reagan is still not even twenty yet. So while she may be a little more mature, she still has some immaturity about her which at her age is natural.


Regarding the group date last season, the tension really started because of Amy and Liam. Both Karma and Reagan tried to get to know the other but Amy and Liam kept trying to avoid it. Amy kept bringing up past Karma/Amy moments to get Karma to talk about them because Karma is well Karma and doesn't have a problem talking about herself. After the 3rd or 4th time this happened Reagan got annoyed and out came the kale debate leading to Karma injecting Amy. I think this episode showed that Karma and Reagan could have gotten along better if Amy and Liam really hadn't sabotaged the first meeting.

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