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What I really loved about her response is that she didn't downplay her and Oliver's relationship to say that Felicity's more than that. She stressed the relationship and Felicity's importance. 

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Stephen addressed screen versions, too, in the Periscope interview.  I thought it was kind of funny that he didn't mention Brandon Routh in his list of actors (Jared Leto/Heath Ledger/Jack Nicholson; all the Batmans, etc.) who made popular comic heroes/villains their own, because BR's replication of Christopher Reeve didn't make for a successful movie.  SA was not throwing shade by omission, and I'm not even sure he was thinking about BR, but I still found it interesting.

Yeah, I highly doubt he was throwing shade at BR either. Stephen has definitely supported BR as Superman in the past by bringing up just how much money that movie made...which was a lot. While I'm personally not a fan of BR as Superman, I admit he's not wrong.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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It had to have been someone from GATV,I doubt anyone else cares about comic canon or would say fans are divided about Olicity when they just won ship of the year.Love how SA and EBR shut them down.Can't believe he actually said to EBR Felicity isn't a hero because she doesn't have a mask.

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Yeah, I highly doubt he was throwing shade at BR either. Stephen has pretty definitely supported BR as Superman in the past by bringing up just how much money that movie made...which was a lot. While I'm personally not a fan of BR, he's not wrong.

I should have clarified that I found it interesting that movies/shows can be more successful when an actor provides his or her own interpretation of an established, popular character--which is what SA/Arrow is doing with the Green Arrow character.  I'd add Daniel Craig as James Bond to that list, too.


Just more support to counter the ButComics! people, especially when the comics aren't even consistent in characters and relationships.

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Well fans like me are very much against Laurel being on the show much less the BC so im curious to see if he asks KC about that.And they don't have to follow canon they said a milion times they make their own story.

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I didn't see anything wrong with it. Yes, fans are split on Oliver/Felicity. *points to self* Yes, there is a requirement to respect the source. 


I don't really give a damn about his O/F comment because yeah it IS split. Whether it's evenly split is a different issue. What I really hate is that he insinuated that Felicity isn't a hero which EBR took offense to, and he keeps pushing comics down peoples throats which SA shut down severely. 

That's my problem with this guy. He claims that he's not biased, but every god damn time he opens his mouth or says something online it's the most biased thing ever.

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I don't think respecting the source has much weight when even comic book writers don't do it. That world contradicts itself all the time with any given character. Everything in the comic world is open to interpretation, which is, I think, Stephen's point.

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Yes, fans are split on Oliver/Felicity. 

"Split" is such a vague term that hasn't been quantified.  Is it a 50/50 split? I don't think so.  It might be more like a 70/30, 80/20, or 90/10 split, with the higher number representing fans of Oliver and Felicity.  We can't know for sure, but there is a lot of evidence that their fans are in the majority--of which the show runners must be members because they're responsible for the pairing.

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I'm not sure where you're all seeing this interview.  Is there a link or a site I should be on to catch all of this? This is my first time trying to follow SDCC live from home, and my Google searches haven't been much help.  Thanks!


Should work on a computer:

Emily's interview (x)

Stephen's interview (x)

David's interview (x)


You can go here for links to Willa's and JB's interviews: https://twitter.com/blastr

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Except when "respect the source" means slavishly following it to the letter, which is what "but comics!" people want. It's the 4th season, for crying out loud. How much of the show is already completely different from comics? Why are people still expecting that to change?

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I look at it this way. If I wanted to have 100% comic canon I would like....read the comics. Let the variations on themes exist on TV and movies.

I just don't understand why there is such a slavish devotion to the comics when so much of what is in a comic cannot possibly translate on screen or is used as a reason why TV or movies suck.


I like that Stephen is getting back to defending Arrow as it's own legitimate version of Green Arrow.

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Ummm WTF is she talking about?


I believe she's referring to the fact that she so totally screwed up the Black Canary character that the network was forced to create an entirely new show to bring back CL as the White Canary!  I see her point.

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The thing is with these people who want comic conon on the show its usually about the BC/GA relationship.They changed so many things from the start,I don't see why its a big deal.They knew what they were getting when the show started with a completly different Oliver Queen then in the comics.

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I don't really give a damn about his O/F comment because yeah it IS split. Whether it's evenly split is a different issue. What I really hate is that he insinuated that Felicity isn't a hero which EBR took offense to, and he keeps pushing comics down peoples throats which SA shut down severely. 

That's my problem with this guy. He claims that he's not biased, but every god damn time he opens his mouth or says something online it's the most biased thing ever.


THIS. Exactly. I don't care what he says about O/F because everyone is entitled to an opinion. But to say Felicity is not a hero just because she doesn't wear some ridiculous costume, is insulting and really unfair to EBR. 

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Nobody said follow it blindly...or that following it means it has to be done blindly.

It hard for me to think they mean it different when the most common question/complaint I see about BC is "when is she going to be a metahuman/get her *real* Canary Cry?" and "when are Oliver and Laurel going to get together?" Edited by lemotomato
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It hard for me to think they mean it different when the most common question/complaint I see about BC is "when is she going to be a metahuman/get her *real* Canary Cry?"

Or when they want Oliver to call Laurel 'Pretty bird' and have him have a beard and a sleeveless costume and have Oliver and Laurel together because of the comics and saying screw OTA the real team is Arrow/Arsenal/BC... smh

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Oh, and when is Oliver getting his goatee? I bet SA is pretty tired of *that* question.

And ditto to "actual" Team Arrow comments. Just saw a post on tumblr with an illustration that had GA, BC, Speedy, and Arsenal, with the comment "One day."

Edited by lemotomato
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Oliver Queen exists on the show and is a skilled archer. That's canon enough for me!


So much this. I watch the show for Oliver Queen. Everyone else is a supporting character in my book and if that doesn't hold to the comics meh. I don't care.

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It hard for me to think they mean it different when the most common question/complaint I see about BC is "when is she going to be a metahuman/get her *real* Canary Cry?" and "when are Oliver and Laurel going to get together?"

Yeah or the she has to be BFF with Tatsu or Helena even though they have no relationship or a reason for one on the show.Most are Lauriver shipers hiding behind the because comics excuse.

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SA also mentioned he only looks at the comics sparingly because they are doing their own show. He called CL Black Canary (in reference to Arrow's creation). SA said not exploring Olicity would be a disservice to the audience. WH throw some shade at LL, stating Thea has a wider range of training. EBR said that Felicity is kickass and a hero in her own right. The interviewer asked DR if Diggle had a problem with Felicity leaving him and choosing Oliver's side. DR shut that down.

I finally get to see Team Arrow shutting down a villain together, LOL. I think I'd watch a webisode of Oliver, Diggle and Felicity discovering Comic-Con, breaking the fourth wall and getting all WTF.

Seriously, it warms my heart that the cast are proud of their work and of the show's original creation. This is why I love Arrow...and if I compare its viewership to the comic readership, I suspect that I'm not alone in wanting it to stay unique and certainly not become comic-bookish (an orientation that was partially taken and caused the fail of S3 as far as I'm concerned).

Edited by Happy Harpy
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I wish people would be clear on what canon they'd like though. Because Ra's al Ghul was on the show and I'm pretty sure Dinah had a relationship with him in the comics but I didn't hear any cries for that happening last season. Ooooh. What about when Roy lost his arm? Was addicted to drugs? Shado raped Oliver in the comics too. Lots of canon to choose from, folks.


Selective canon-itis. 

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I really hate hearing the argument "respect the source"... 


IMO there are different ways to 'respect the source' and I think Arrow is doing it when they try to make the best version of GA there is. Whether if it's like the comics or not shouldn't matter. What should matter is that the show strives for Oliver Queen on Arrow to be one of the best versions of Oliver Queen on all mediums. 


THAT to me is respecting the source. Especially a source that has different reboots that a show can't follow. 

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I wish people would be clear on what canon they'd like though. Because Ra's al Ghul was on the show and I'm pretty sure Dinah had a relationship with him in the comics but I didn't hear any cries for that happening last season. Ooooh. What about when Roy lost his arm? Was addicted to drugs? Shado raped Oliver in the comics too. Lots of canon to choose from, folks.

Selective canon-itis.

^ That's a good point but imo there are several postulates from comics that really can't be broken (and no...O/L is not one of them)

Things like the sarcasm is. 

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On another note, JB says that Malcolm now has a soft spot for everyone on Team Arrow. Does that mean I don't get bitchface and snarky fabulousness from Felicity towards Malcolm anymore? *sadface*

Just because he has a soft spot for htem doesn't mean she has a soft spot for him :p She probably still hates Malcolm and I think Malcolm secretly loves that she does. 

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I'd have no issue if people said 'Oh, it'd be nice if they included x, y, z, from the comics but I'd understand if they didn't.' Because what works on paper doesn't always work on screen. But it's this blindness to different mediums that really bugs me. If you want everything from the comics, go read the comics. There's enough years to choose from.


Arrow is a TV show and I'm not surprised they're forging their own path, while still keeping some elements here and there. All the comic movies are doing the same thing. 



^ That's a good point but imo there are several postulates from comics that really can't be broken (and no...O/L is not one of them)

Things like the sarcasm is. 


Like what, for example?

Edited by Guest
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^ That's a good point but imo there are several postulates from comics that really can't be broken (and no...O/L is not one of them)

Things like the sarcasm is. 


The Superman vs Batman trailer would seem to suggest that DC disagrees with you on this point.


(For the first time, I feel sympathetic towards the "BUT COMICS" argument. My childhood is getting smushed here.)

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As a comic book reader, I want derivative live-action to actually DISRESPECT the fuck out of comic book canon, so there you go. I've already read it, I don't need it acted out on screen for replay. I have the comics in my shelf if I wanna revisit them.


Also, Green Arrow lore is chock full of a level of misogyny so foul and disgusting that it should be buried under lead, and then the Earth above it salted and burned.

Edited by dancingnancy
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And this is the first time I have seen such a reaction to a show not following canon.The DC and Marvel movies change canon all the time,do people complain this much about it too?And I would kinda understand if this was Batman or Superman,but GA is nowhere near as popular.LIke if the DC has no problem letting them change so many things,why are they crying disrespect towards the comics.

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I love this picture. Proof that JB really does have chemistry with everyone.


Reminds me of a Community quote: "It's called chemistry, I have it with everybody!"

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And this is the first time I have seen such a reaction to a show not following canon.The DC and Marvel movies change canon all the time,do people complain this much about it too? And I would kinda understand if this was Batman or Superman,but GA is nowhere near as popular.LIke if the DC has no problem letting them change so many things,why are they crying disrespect towards the comics.

Yeah...they do. It happens all over which is fine, but if you're still bringing it up 4 seasons later on a show that has deviated from the comic books from the very first pilot episode and then has continued to do so for 3 solid seasons, then I feel my annoyance is justified.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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...what do you mean?


Instead of Superman, MAN OF STEEL, it's Superman, MAN OF ANGST.   And that's before we get to the scene of Ma Kent telling Superman that he doesn't owe the world anything and doesn't have to be a hero. AUUUUUUGH.


That said, and to get back on topic with Arrow, new writers/creators/directors are going to take a different look at source material - otherwise, why bother? With Superman vs Batman, apparently it's "What would happen if Superman was WAY SCARY instead of a HERO," and with Arrow it's "What if Oliver Queen were actually Batman?" 

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LIke if the DC has no problem letting them change so many things,why are they crying disrespect towards the comics.


This is the part that makes me point and laugh at the comic book canon-thumpers a lot. Don't they realize the person at DC responsible for approving EVERYTHING they use from the comics is in the Flash writers room?

Edited by dancingnancy
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