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31 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Haha, my brain hurts. I really don't know. I thought it was implied tbh but you could be right too. I don't want to rewatch the episode to find out though. LOL.

I rewatched some of it before I commented, haha. Barry and Oliver have a conversation where Barry asks Oliver if he's going to tell Felicity about his kid. Oliver tells Barry that he doesn't think it's any of his business. Barry says that he knows it isn't but that in his experience when he messes with time, time messes back. Barry encouraged Oliver to go off and be a daddy, and then we get the rehash of his convo with Samantha that picks up with him promising not to tell anyone, not even Felicity (indicating their second conversation went exactly the way their first did). 

There is a scene in A.W.O.L. where Oliver tells Laurel that Barry changed the timeline and that he's been "tortured" that what happened to Felicity happened to her because he didn't listen to Barry. But he never really elaborates on what exactly he thinks he should have done differently, and as far as I've seen never expresses any kind of idea that he lied for any other reason than because Samantha said so and he is a moron. I mean, the pieces are there for losing Felicity to be a reason (the talk with Barry about telling Felicity, the thought that she got shot because he didn't - I guess, since he never really says), but the show doesn't put them together. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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JP Sears panel with David Ramsey and Echo Kellum at HVFF-San Jose on Aug. 27 (no spoilers, funny in a few places, but mostly tedious, I thought)...

Heroes and Villains Fan Fest San Jose Video #8 (The Last One)
Published on Sep 5, 2016, by steven alvarez

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FYI, @jeanedevivre is Jeane Wong, the script coordinator for Arrow...

Here's the podcast (53 minutes, only a few comments transcribed below)...

Wine and Comics
065 Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part One
September 2, 2016 
Listen: http://topherharless.com/wineandcomics/ or 

-- Jeane Wong (JW) said that, as Arrow's script coordinator, she's in charge of script distribution, she reads and proofreads the scripts before they go out, and she tracks them for continuity.

-- She also said that, because of the crossovers and shared universe, all the script coordinators on the different shows have to read the scripts for all the other shows. They have to keep track of the whole universe.

-- JW: "It's a great job, but your head can kinda explode. Like, sometimes people ask me questions about my own life and I don't know the answer, but I'll know, like, Oliver's birthday."

-- They're currently in the middle of breaking and writing the various crossovers. She can't say anything, but they are "going to be super fun," but they're also "super complicated" because there's a lot of people and a lot of "cross-pollination" between the shows.

-- Per JW, Lyla's code name on Arrow is Harbinger.

Edited by tv echo
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Interesting if you're an actual or aspiring TV writer - this July 22, 2016 panel at SDCC included Beth Schwartz (Arrow co-exec. producer), Terry Matalas (12 Monkeys), Jose Molina (Agent Carter), Karen Horne (NBC), and Jeffrey Bell (Marvel's Agents of SHIELD) and was moderated by Spiro Skentzos (Grimm)...

-- At one point, the panelists were talking about the importance of emotion in writing scripts because what people care about are the characters and what they remember are the emotions evoked.  Beth Schwartz said (if I transcribed correctly): "Even on Arrow, we start on Arrow on the emotional journey. That's the way we start to write all of our episodes because we care about our characters and what they went through emotionally - and plot and action and all that stuff - that's second to the emotion." 

-- Later in the panel, Beth Schwartz added (in response to audience question): "Well, in the beginning of the season, we sort of map out the entire emotional journey on all the characters, um, so we kind of know where the characters' starts, you know, the middle, their lowest point, and then, you know, where they end up. Sometimes that can change, but, um, usually you know what you want to do with them. And then, for each episode, the characters have their own emotional journeys. So it's like you have a journey long seasonal arc and also have for each episode what - what happens to that character in the episode, whatever obstacles [unintelligible word] the change from, you know, events in that episode."

-- At another point, the panelists talked about writing a serialized story when they don't know how long the TV show will go on, how long they plan ahead, and if they assume the TV show will last a certain number of seasons. They also talked about writing for a long-running series. Jeffrey Bell said that they wrote each season finale of Angel like it might be the series finale. He also said that, to keep a show "fresh", you bring in new characters, you find new relationships, "instead of pairing these two up, you pair these two up," and you try to find "new dynamics" to keep it interesting to the audience.

SDCC 2016 - Intro To TV Writing
Published on Sep 3, 2016, by Three If By Space - Convention Coverage

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Don't think this qualifies as a spoiler, but just in case...


ETA: Incidentally, I watched the rerun of LoT's S1 finale last night and during the hour, I saw two Flash promos, one Supergirl promo and one LoT promo - but no Arrow promo.

Edited by tv echo
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1 hour ago, Velocity23 said:

The Arrow cast and their love affair with that dolphine.

Perhaps the Dolphin will get a recurring role in an upcoming season. I just feel bad for Sally, the Fern and the Red Pen which will likely get passed over in storylines in order to promote the cool new journey of Arrow's newest prop.

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I thought the Pilot was okay. Nothing special. I remember the awful voiceover more than anything. So glad they got rid of that!

But with that Chico tweet it's just funny to see all the blatant PR crap/key words they're using in everything now. It's like the Pilot. Back to basics. The season is focused on Oliver. No time for Olicity romance. It's like they've got a checklist to make their demo happy! Haha.

I wonder how long before we hear...GAME CHANGER. LOL.

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I really liked the pilot on rewatch. But I honestly can't remember my first impression when I saw it. 

I'm also wishing everyone connected to the show would stop giving me their feelings on the new season. It's beginning to feel like used car salespeople trying to sell a clunker.  

Either give me tidbits of spoilers or developments to stimulate my taste buds or keep silent. I can experience the show with my own emotional palate when it airs.

Although I do think we are only a few tweets away from a "game changer" or "epic" drop.

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17 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I was reading spoiler info about two shows I keep up with (not Arrow), and both of the EPs mentioned "game changing twists." NAH SON


I instantly roll my eyes. It has lost all meaning to me now.

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3 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

It's with deep regret that I inform... too late.

Oh no. *shakes fist*

Do you think we should pitch in to buy the writers room a thesaurus or something? Surprised they have such a limited vocabulary for a group of people who use words all day. Haha. Yikes!

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Thanks, @lemotomato! I saw tweets saying he was defending her, but all I saw was a 15-second clip of him laughing, supposedly at the comment. And that laugh could be interpreted in different ways other than defending his co-star. (I took it more like "You're too funny to think that I would allow other people to overshadow me on my own show")

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8 hours ago, Chaser said:

I wouldn't call it defending her but I think he was mocking the poster.

I'll take that.

Yeah, I don't think simple laughter can be interpreted as defending someone, but it IS outright dismissing the idiocy of Felicity and Friends (which he's always dismissed), so works for me. 

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Unpopular opinion: I don't like the idea that SA should defend EBR or Felicity. If she needs a defense  then there must be some degree of merit to these ridiculous comments. I don't agree with that implication. I don't even think he needs to do posts supporting EBR (fanart and memes loving Felicity and Olicity work for me). I wish he wouldn't even acknowledge these ideas at all. BUT if he does, a good laugh at it works for me. 

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I agree to a certain degree. I don't think he should defend the character - any character for that matter - from critiques against the direction of the show. 'Felicity and friends' is the other side of the coin of our 'Lance Family Drama'. Sure, if he feels like speaking up against comments that veer in the sexist side of things, as well as when the attacks are directed to his castmates, good for him. But like you, I'd rather he didn't give those comments the attention. 

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A few portions transcribed from the above-posted U.S. Weekly Video interview with KC:

-- KC said that she'll be shooting a movie in L.A., starting on Monday. She couldn't say much about that movie, except that it takes place at Coachella and that it's a murder mystery.  Later in the interview, she disclosed that, in this movie, she'll be playing the lead singer of a band.

-- On how Arrow is going, KC: "I don't know... Well, I think as a lot of our fans know, I will be across all three shows this next season. In what capacity, or how often, I'm not allowed to say, um, nor do I know, necessarily." On if she's in the dark a lot with these scripts too, KC: "I'm in the dark, but when it comes to story, you know, obviously I'm close with our producers and everything, so I know a little bit of what they're thinking, but, um - and they'll bounce ideas off of me, which is cool, and vice versa. They're open to hearing different ideas. So, we'll see. But I do have a deal with them across all three shows."  

-- On whether there is anything more she can say about Arrow, KC: "Um, I think that use your imagination because there's time travel, there is flashbacks, and there's other earths within these three shows. And I think, you know, anything can happen and that's what's so awesome about this universe cuz they've been able to tap into all three elements, which is cool. Um, so, be - you know, use your imagination and hopefully, the writers will too."

-- In response to fan saying "No Laurel No Arrow. Represent," KC: "Oh, who said that? Carrie? Carrie, thanks for the support. I appreciate it."

-- In response to fan saying that she has the best scream in the horror movie business and requesting that she scream, KC: "Oh, I would love to give you a scream. I'm actually not allowed to." On why, KC: "I dunno. Contractually, the Black Canary is the superhero that I play. She has the 'sonic scream' (making quote marks with her fingers) ... so I'm not allowed to do it outside of - yeah." 

-- On when we'll see her again on other TV shows, KC: "Other TV shows like the Flash? Legends? ... I have no idea... I don't know, because I have a contract right now. So whenever that contract, I guess, is up. I don't know. But I know you'll see me on those three - Arrow, Flash, Legends. At least."

-- On what's next for her after her L.A. shoot, KC said that she'll be going back to Vancouver. She also said that four Berlanti shows film there, Arrow, Flash, Legends and now Supergirl.  KC: "So I'm going back there, I live there, but, I dunno, I might be filming something after."

Youtube version of the above-tweeted Arrow CW photoshoot (published by The CW Television Network)...

Edited by tv echo
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I know. I kind of wish people would quit asking her about Arrow, because at the moment it seems clear that all she can say is "I have a contract across all three shows," which really makes it sound like they haven't actually asked her to do anything. And "If I were in them I can't tell" still makes it sound like "They've locked me in, but aren't using me." I feel for her.

I really don't get the "I'm contractually bound not to do any screaming because of the BC cry." 

Edited by bethy
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On Friday afternoon (Sep. 9), SA did this live facebook chat...

-- He is not going to NY Comic Con.
-- He mentioned the Fan Fest Orlando charity event that's scheduled for next Saturday. (This is the event jointly sponsored by HVFF and Walker Stalker.) They'll be raffling off a trip to the Arrow set.
-- He only has three more events this year: Fan Fest Orlando, Edmonton Expo, and HVFF-Atlanta.
-- They're working on turning Dudes Being Dudes into a tv show.

Edited by tv echo
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14 minutes ago, bethy said:

I know. I kind of wish people would quit asking her about Arrow, because at the moment it seems clear that all she can say is "I have a contract across all three shows," which really makes it sound like they haven't actually asked her to do anything. And "If I were in them I can't tell" still makes it sound like "They've locked me in, but aren't using me." I feel for her.

I really don't get the "I'm contractually bound not to do any screaming because of the BC cry." 

I just wasn't ready to read "I have a contract for all three shows" so many times in a row. And the saddest  was "I'm going back to Vancouver. Because I live there, and oh, did I mention that the Berlantiverse shows film there? And that I have a contract for all three shows?

The Canary Cry thing is weird, sometimes she does it, sometimes she says she can't. Who knows.

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12 minutes ago, bethy said:

because at the moment it seems clear that all she can say is "I have a contract across all three shows," which really makes it sound like they haven't actually asked her to do anything.

I'm pretty certain she hasn't been on the set of any of the shows so far, so it is most likely she won't know anything for sure until they send her an actual script.

The only guarantee KC seems to have is she'll appear in all 3 shows. Arrow is sorted.


She's appearing in the premiere via footage they shot last season, and they're using her likeness in the Black Canary statue.

Both of with they have to pay her for. And if they want to keep using her pictures in like, Lance and/or Sara scenes, they need to pay her as well. A contract is handy for that.

I'm guessing sometime in the latter part of their seasons, she'll be in an episode of LOT via time travel, and Black Siren most likely will show up again on Flash. How many episodes is anyone's guess.

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32 minutes ago, looptab said:

Some of those answers are super sad. 

Sad is a good word. Yikes. It's word salad that sounds a lot like "I haven't heard anything, have no idea what is going on but I have a deal. I HAVE A DEAL."

When she was talking about her relationship with the producers, I just got an image of her emailing ideas of how she could come back and getting a "That sounds nice Katie. We'll get back to you." It doesn't make sense that they would meet up with her to bounce story ideas off of.

I don't get the scream thing. I remember her saying that to a fan at a Con but then doing it with another fans. They also didn't ask for Canary Cry, they asked for a horror movie scream. If there is a clause, it doesn't sound like she understands the terms at all.

The TV show answer is another one. She is doing a movie. JB and WM have other projects going. It sounds more like she is waiting around for one of the Arrowverse shows to call. Cause you know, SHE HAS A DEAL.

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21 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

I'm guessing sometime in the latter part of their seasons, she'll be in an episode of LOT via time travel, and Black Siren most likely will show up again on Flash. How many episodes is anyone's guess.

I could be absolutely wrong but, I really think any appearance on LoT would depend on them getting extra episodes.  Right now they only have 13 and, I expect they're mostly planned out by now. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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8 minutes ago, Chaser said:

The TV show answer is another one. She is doing a movie. JB and WM have other projects going. It sounds more like she is waiting around for one of the Arrowverse shows to call. Cause you know, SHE HAS A DEAL.

In an interview a page back, she said she wasn't ready to move on. This is her not moving on.

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56 minutes ago, looptab said:

The Canary Cry thing is weird, sometimes she does it, sometimes she says she can't. Who knows.

There's also the fact that this person mentioned her doing a great horror scream, which has nothing to do with the Canary Cry. I can't imagine she's contractually obligated to never scream on film again, haha. 

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8 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

There's also the fact that this person mentioned her doing a great horror scream, which has nothing to do with the Canary Cry. I can't imagine she's contractually obligated to never scream on film again, haha. 

Then I guess we have our answer. She just does it when she feels like it. :)

Unrelated, but does anyone knows whether the Arrow cast has ever done any interviews with MTV at SDCC? I saw a couple of them for other shows - OUAT, and recently, Supergirl - they were fun.  I tried looking for them on Youtube and couldn't find any.

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I haven't seen anything from MTV but it could be they are holding off until closer to the premiere. I'm waiting for the Eonline (the one we got a glimpse of with the Hamilton singing). I'm guessing that is when they got the quote about mistakes with Russian vodka.

34 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Does Flash using her likeness to market DVDs qualify as an appearance across all 3 shows? 

I'm not an expert but I would think that would fall under her previous contract.

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Oh, I wasn't referring just to this year's SDCC, I couldn't find any at all with them - not even previous years'. At first I thought, ok, maybe CW doesn't do those. But then I saw the Supergirl one. Maybe they've always been there and I just couldn't find them? If they never did them, though, I wonder why. 

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Yeah that is kind of weird. They have that SOTY award and their twitter account will post about Olicity and Felicity. They've written articles on Olicity moments. Kind of odd they haven't done an interview.

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46 minutes ago, looptab said:

Oh, I wasn't referring just to this year's SDCC, I couldn't find any at all with them - not even previous years'. At first I thought, ok, maybe CW doesn't do those. But then I saw the Supergirl one. Maybe they've always been there and I just couldn't find them? If they never did them, though, I wonder why. 

I found this from SDCC 2013

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