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Adam on Twitter:

bianca ‏@bluegraces

@AdamHorowitzLA will this season be broken down into two story lines, like 3 & 4 of will the dark swan story be the full season?

Adam Horowitz ‏@AdamHorowitzLA 
@bluegraces sort of both


Also, here are some other thoughts from TV writers who attended the press screening:


Leanne Aguilera

Okay #Oncers! Full thoughts next week but the premiere was... insightful, unique, beautifully shot, frustrating, sweet & darkly intriguing!


Jolie Lash

LOVE @AmyMansonLondon as Merida in S5 of #OUAT. Just saw the premiere ep & she killed! Fiery like Jenny in #Outlander


Jim Halterman

And, by the way, @OnceABC peeps, you're going to love seeing #DarkSwan. @jenmorrisonlive kills it across the board in the premiere! #ouat

Edited by retrograde

Screenspy with 5 things to know about the premiere.

Regina's Choice
The premiere will see Regina facing a serious moral dilemma when a chance to permanently rid herself of Zelena presents itself. The only thing is, choosing this path will mean losing her opportunity to find Emma. Which decision will Regina make? We can honestly say we were surprised by the outcome to this scenario.


Some Final Teasers

  • There's a One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest reference in there for all you film buffs. See if you can spot it.
  • The Blue Fairy will gift Belle with a Bell jar containing a single rose in bloom in order that she may watch over Rumpel's life while she embarks on a perilous journey without him, reminding us all that this love story is far from done. Everybody say Aw!
  • Also, don't miss Sneezy's impression of Emma. It seems he's been driving around Storybrooke in the sheriff's car wearing Emma's signature red leather jacket in her absence. The Dark One would not approve!
  • Ready for one last spoiler? Time travel.
Edited by stacey
Please do not quote entire articles.

This person has seen the screener and is answering some questions on Twitter. Nothing too spoilery:


was it addressed in the premiere the whole regina and robin and zelena baby daddy drama
I hesitate to say this but the conception gets a mention & insight to #zelena 's motives #ouat


captain swan good things?
you're going to sail straight into a storm of Squees. #captainswan #ouat
more details?
in a word "enduring"

an epic reunion scene i guess....
heart warming and different than I expected


yes and sorta yes if you squint #outlawqueen #ouat
 a bit more details pls?
you will get a particular moment where you will die of cuteness and then want to strangle the person closest 2u


can you tell us anything about #SwanQueen ? Anything we can look forward to?
a particular scene in the trailer/promo leads to a great moment


8 Things to Know About the 'Once Upon a Time' Season 5 Premiere

6. Regina and Emma are linked even more than they ever have been.
They already share a son and a complicated, thoroughly intertwined history, but this season looks like it's going to bring the two women even closer together. There are too pivotal scenes in the premiere that show how much Regina and Emma have grown to trust and rely on each other over the years. The episode also features indisputable proof that Regina is no longer the villain she once was.




Edited by stacey
Please do not quote entire articles.

We just need to clarify something in here, everyone - linking to articles, and quoting small sections of articles is fine here. Quoting entire articles is not, even if they're short.


Some recent posts will need to be edited in here; you will have some time to do that this evening, and we'll start doing that for you later tonight. Please note; if it's something such as a question in Ask Ausiello, the OUAT question can be included in it's entirety, since it's just a portion of the article.


Thanks for your assistance with this!

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