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Next time you speak with Once Upon a Time creators Adam and Eddy, can you ask them about Belle’s storyline for Season 5A? Even a small hint would be greatly appreciated. –Betsy
Your wish has been granted! “We’ve always wondered what would happen if Belle and Merida went on an adventure together…,” EP Adam Horowitz shares. “We hope you do, too, because it’s coming!” P.S. On a related note, everything I heard from the cast at Comic-Con suggested that Amy Manson really “hits the bull’s-eye” as the Brave heroine. Bonus scoop: For Episode 5, Once is casting the possibly recurring role of Sir Lionel, a distinguished knight who sits at King Arthur’s Round Table and is a single father to his 13-year-old daughter, Violet.

About Merida

Particularly, Merida will first cross paths with Emma (Jennifer Morrison) before eventually meeting up with the rest of our heroes and villains. “It’s certainly a part of Emma’s journey as the Dark Swan and dealing with her darkness,” Horowitz says. “All that is tied with how we explore the world of Camelot this year. At the end of last year, Merlin was revealed to be very important to what Emma needs. Hopefully you’ll see that it all ties together in a fun way. You’ll get that pretty much from the start. In the season premiere, there’s a lot that happens, including Merida and giving you a taste of what we plan to do with Camelot.”


Edited by stacey
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