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Season 6: Speculation

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How do we know what contracts they get? And the "staff" might work for free, but they still need food, clothes, etc...and look at Arya's first job. Somehow she acquired a whole new wardrobe and an oyster cart full of oysters, which was filled at least twice. And that's just a day's expenses for an untrained apprentice. Imagine what it would cost them to cover Jaquen H'gar's travel expenses. How many of these people are there out in the field? How much does it really cost to hire them? We have not really been told.


They also have to pay for weapons, poisons, etc... and speaking of the ship's captain, how many of those coins are there? How and where are those minted, and what does that cost? There is a great deal about this whole organization that it unexplained.


 We don't, but we have seen hints that they are hired assassins that charge a unrealistic amount for kills of important people (an army apparently and a freaking dragon egg. Also they sell that dragon egg they have all the money they ever need). Given the unrealistic suggested amount of killing Dany and Balon, and that we know they are hired killers, who else could their clients be? Maybe some low level lords. That would probably pay well.


 We know very little about them, but we can base our speculation on what would be consistent with the hints GRRM has given us. 

Since we're more than likely getting the Red Wedding 2.0 this upcoming season, what are people's thoughts on how it will shape out?

We know Old Walder will likely be the groom on the show since he lost his wife back in season 3. The bride will likely be a Lannister we've never met. My vote is for Kevan's daughter Janei but it could be some character created especially for the show. I haven't read anything about any blonde ladies being cast yet.

Who will attend the wedding?

I'm really starting to think that Jaime will be there along with Roose. I'm counting on Brienne, the Blackfish ,and maybe Nymeria showing up.

I can't decide if it makes sense for Ramsay to end up being killed here or elsewhere.

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I've seen people refer to summaries of episode 1 and 2 that were supposedly posted in WOTW comments and then deleted. Since it's September that was probably trolling, but I did like an idea that was mentioned in those discussions, that Melisandre could use the Mance glamour trick to claim Jon's body before the NW can burn it. If he's not resurrected right away, that could explain why his mostly undamaged corpse is still around mid-season.


I agree that if there's a wedding the bride will be a Lannister, but I'm currently not predicting a Bolton guest. Since they already have to deal with Littlefinger being on his way to Winterfell with an army that's supposedly friendly but won't like finding out that Sansa is gone, it would be way too risky for even one of them to leave when Walder is already Roose's in-law and isn't going to be offered chances to turn on him since everyone else hates him. If there is a guest it makes more sense for it to be Roose, but the Walda pregnancy plot would be even more worthless than it already was in season 5 if she dies at the wedding and Ramsay doesn't kill her (it would be twisting the knife if Sansa's one pathetic, tiny attempt to sow discord turns out to be just more proof of her fundamental uselessness and inability to read or manipulate people).


Ramsay really feels like someone whose whole story is in the North. He doesn't have Roose's connection to the Red Wedding/Freys and has become the main enemy in the Winterfell plot (he got more scenes and hype than Roose, who became his supporting character and didn't get his own interactions with Theon/Sansa - a wasted opportunity IMO).


I can see Cersei being all "get out of my sight!" when Jaime returns with Myrcella's corpse. Even though it doesn't make perfect sense for him to abandon her when she's about to have her trial and he hasn't stopped loving her on the show, if they want a familiar character to join the Freys it has to be Jaime if it's not Roose. But it's also possible that this season is just the buildup to Walder's death in season 7 and the only death is the Frey son implied to be a one-season role in the casting call. Without Stoneheart, there's no one to attack the Freys. Sansa is more likely to be part of the Bolton/Littlefinger/Theon/Rickon plots in season 6, and Brynden has been gone for so long that he's practically a nobody on the show (I hope he returns, but he'll need to be reintroduced and joined by bigger characters).

What is Red Wedding 2?  Did it happen in the books or is it just fan speculation about what will happen?

It's just fan speculation, nksarmi.

Half of the reason I think Roose and Walda will be there is because Walda is pregnant. I won't be at all surprised if she gets the Talisa treatment.

One of the things that's important to me about the RW2 if it ends up happening is that I hope we feel horrified along with thinking that pricks like Walder and Roose are getting their just desserts.

I think the deaths of Walda and the Lannister bride will help with that.

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I am at an utter loss for the upcoming season.  Based on News Reports it seems almost certain that we have NOT seen the last of the Sand Snakes, yet they are not on their way to Kings Landing either.


I can see Trystane Martell still going to Kings Landing and pretending (maybe it's true) he had know knowledge of what was happening to Myrcella, this wouldn't asuage Cersei of course but Trystane would certainly be kept alive through the efforts of Kevan and Jaimie.   


House Tyrell is a question mark for me, in terms of where they are going.   I know Natalie Dormer will be playing another period piece character in an ongoing series but I don't know the scheduling, so don't know if it will cause a diminished presence for Margaery Tyrell.    So our Kings Landing cast of characters are Kevan, Cersei, Tommen, Qyburn, Franken!Gregor, Pycelle, Olenna, Loras, Margaery, Littlefinger (it's where we last saw him), Jaimie, Bronn and Trystane.  A pretty cool cast of characters.


Since Stannis is out of the picture I don't think Yara will be his prisoner so I'm thinking it's the Iron Born v. The North.   Hence the casting of Some Northern Lords this season.    Roose and Ramsay dealing with Euron.   Likely having Sansa, Theon and Yara caught between them.   For my money this sounds like the 2nd most interesting region this year, dropping one place from being the most interesting during Season 5.   I know LF was suppose to return to Winterfell  but I could see him being tied up with all that's happening in Kings Landing.


I have know idea what to think about Jon.   Peripherally interested in Tyrion.


Of less interest to me is the sizeable screentime that will know doubt go to Dany and Arya.

With the plan being eight seasons, it still annoys me how D&D rushed through Stannis's storyline.  I guess that's what happens when you hate a character.


While I agree the Boltons shouldn't be there given the current climate, this is also the show that had Robb bring his pregnant wife and the Blackfish to what became the Red Wedding.  This show rarely operates on anything remotely resembling sense.


Having Cat kill Walder's wife was a more clever change from the books and setting up Walder marrying some Lannister cousin (which I also think will happen) is a very good idea storywise.

Edited by benteen
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My list is kind of simple right now....


- I want to see Sansa and Rickon retake the North (bonus points if Sansa gets to watch Ramsey die at the end of season six)


- I want to see Sansa form a temporary alliance with LF to get what she needs to turn on him by season end (I realize he probably won't die, but I'd like to see her reject him properly and remove some of his power, sending him back to KL/Cersei before he ultimately dies in the War with the Undead)


- I want the North story to be all about Sansa running from Ramsey and getting to know "her" people before she ultimately finds the Umbers/Rickon.  I really don't want to see the Iron Born story in the North at all in season six.


- I am hoping the Iron Born is all about Balon's death, the Queen's Moot (bonus points if they change it and Theon's sister becomes queen), and Euron is causing trouble in either the Reach or Old Town as some have speculated.


- I honestly don't care at all about what is happening in KL, but I expect we will get the resolution of Loras, Marg's, and Cersei's ultimate fate with the Faith.  I don't know if Kevan will get them in check or if they will just end up being dragon food when Dany comes, but I kind of don't care.


- For Tyrstane and the Sand Snakes, I have given up on it a) making sense and b) being interesting so I am hoping it just doesn't make my head want to explode with the nonsense of it all.


- I love Tyrion, but I hate Meereen, so hopefully they the bro-trip to find Dany won't last too long and Dany/Drago will get back to the city with a new khallasar pretty quickly.  I hope Tyrion gets to bond with dragons because I might find that mildly interesting and if they somehow contrive a reason to put Ayra in Meereen with Tyrion (and eventually Dany) I might be able to enjoy those characters again.  I really hope by the end of the season, Team Dany (which I hope includes Tyrion and Ayra) returns to Westeros.

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I could see the Iron Born playing a role in the Northern storyline only because I feel like the show runners will want each storyline tied into at least one major player.   All the Tyrell's that matter are in Kings Landing.   Who would the audience invest in when it comes to siccing the Iron Borne on the reach.

Edited by Advance35
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I could see the Iron Born playing a role in the Northern storyline only because I feel like the show runners will want each storyline tied into at least one major player.   All the Tyrell's that matter are in Kings Landing.   Who would the audience invest in when it comes to siccing the Iron Borne on the reach.

I imagine that Euron will brush up against Sam's family, right? 

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I imagine that Euron will brush up against Sam's family, right?


I could see it but for some reason I have an easier time picturing Euron/Yara interacting with The North/Theon and potentially Sansa, depending on whether she and Theon are going to seperate or not.   Though again, I reserve the right to be wrong.


Have they actually casted for the Tarly's or is it still speculation?  I don't think I saw anything definitive yet.

No Tarly actor has been announced, but they were clearly the most likely to be the family in the casting calls.


Perhaps the Kingsmoot will be around 6x05 and Sam's story will be about his family and whatever he needs to discover in Oldtown, and then Euron attacks the Reach in the last two episodes. Neither Euron nor Victarion is near Asha/Theon in ADWD and the show's North is already crowded with the Boltons/Sansa/Littlefinger and now Northern lords and Rickon's return. I guess it's possible that Yara becomes part of Euron's cast, attacking the south and giving him a character to share scenes with, and Theon stays with Sansa if the show's decision to kill Stannis means their reunion won't happen until Theon's survival can actually have an impact on Ironborn politics.

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 We don't, but we have seen hints that they are hired assassins that charge a unrealistic amount for kills of important people (an army apparently and a freaking dragon egg. Also they sell that dragon egg they have all the money they ever need). Given the unrealistic suggested amount of killing Dany and Balon, and that we know they are hired killers, who else could their clients be? Maybe some low level lords. That would probably pay well.


 We know very little about them, but we can base our speculation on what would be consistent with the hints GRRM has given us. 



It's very inconsistent. We hear of the waif's father hiring a Faceless Man to do in his wife, an obscure person no one knows much about, for an insane price--his daughter. This tells us anyone with a daughter can probably hire them.


Yet to kill Balon cost a dragon's egg and an army. Fair enough--he's a king. That's probably why Baelish didn't hire them to do in Joffrey--instead there's this bizarre business with a piece of jewelry and any number of co-conspirators. But that all points to Cersei being able to hire them to kill Sansa pretty simply back when she still had Tommen or Myrcella to offer them. I will be very, very surprised if neither Sansa nor Tyrion ever end up on their hit list--Cersei wants them both very badly and both are out of her reach. She might even trade FrankenGregor for one of them.

Ha!  That is so true.  It's amazing though that despite killing her mother and brother, Walder would STILL be better for Sansa as a husband than either Joffrey or Ramsay.



Oh, my. It does sound that way--as long as Ramsey is dead by then. If Frey weds Sansa Roose might consider that an act of war, and Sansa might manage to empty out the Twins and Winterfell that way. I'm in favor of it!

Edited by Hecate7
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Re: Red Wedding 2.0. It just... seems like a really, really odd time for there to be a wedding, on a large scale at least. The Boltons have just lost Sansa, are about the be attacked by Littlefinger, the head Lannister on the show (Kevan) has quite a large mess to contend with in King's Landing. It strikes me as strange. Still, you never know I guess. 

No way is Roose leaving the North at this point.  Among other things (though he doesn't know it), if he did that he would be immediately arrested by the Lannisters for going behind their backs to marry Sansa into his family.


Wait, so he's not leaving the North because of something he does not know? Wouldn't it make sense for him to act on the knowledge he actually does have, than the knowledge he hasn't got?

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Where the hell are Brienne and Pod going to be?


And wasn't there a rumor of NCW going to Iceland to film?


This is actually something else I've been trying to pinpoint.  Who is still filming and who isn't.  I feel like that might give us some clues as to what's happening this season.  I know M. Williams, A. Allen and other Greyjoy actors (there goes my theory of them bringing even more characters together in the North), And the guy that plays Tommen is filming as well, so I'll assume the storyline for Kings Landing is still filming.  Is there anyone else known to definitivly be filming?


I will be very, very surprised if neither Sansa nor Tyrion ever end up on their hit list--Cersei wants them both very badly and both are out of her reach. She might even trade FrankenGregor for one of them.



I think I'd agree with you if Cersei wasn't just forced to do the "Walk" and she wasn't about to get the news on Myrcella.   I think that's going to push Tyrion and Sansa further to the back of the line as far as her vengeance goes.

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Wait, so he's not leaving the North because of something he does not know? Wouldn't it make sense for him to act on the knowledge he actually does have, than the knowledge he hasn't got?

I'm speaking from a narrative perspective. It makes no sense for the narrative to send him south, given that; among other things, such as the fact that there's going to be a Northern plot this season, and Sansa is at large there. His hold on the North is not secure.
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So WOTW confirms that Jaime and Bronn are going to the Riverlands, but the more interesting news is that Arya is going to be there as well. Since a casting call implied they were including the storyline from Arya's TWOW preview chapter I was afraid she was going to spend season 6 in Essos, but if she's not getting on the boat back to KL with Mace Tyrell, going to the Riverlands and feeding Freys to Nymeria would be lovely.


I'm not as happy to read that Theon returns to the Iron Islands. I expected that to happen at some point, but after a season where Sansa was raped just for the sake of talk about the Starks being Theon's real family, having him abandon her and the search for Bran and Rickon could make that storyline even more disgusting than it already was. One dead henchwoman, one jump, and that's it, forgiveness granted for murdered peasant children, "family" betrayal and watching rapes, Theon is free to move on.

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I'm not convinced that Theon is going to abandon Sansa if he's going to the Iron Islands. If anything I feel like Sansa will want him to go. 


I fully admit to being anxious about Jaime and Bronn being in the Riverlands. I figured it would happen but it will be a bitter pill for me to swallow if he ends up being killed at that wedding. It's not a dealbreaker, I'll keep watching the show, but I'm pretty sure my neighbors will think something terrible is happening as I watch it go down, haha. 

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I fully admit to being anxious about Jaime and Bronn being in the Riverlands. I figured it would happen but it will be a bitter pill for me to swallow if he ends up being killed at that wedding. It's not a dealbreaker, I'll keep watching the show, but I'm pretty sure my neighbors will think something terrible is happening as I watch it go down, haha. 


I've been so sure that Jaime lives to kill Cersei, especially with the show's foreshadowing that she burns the city and the possibility that he's still in love with her so that the final break is more shocking, that I'm not too worried. However, if Show Arya ends up being part of Red Wedding 2.0 she doesn't have the same reasons for sparing him that Stoneheart might have (giving him a second chance to keep his oath to her by going on some kind of KL/Frey-related mission). Since Arya is still in Braavos and probably spends at least the first half of the season there, maybe her season 6 climax is a meeting with Nymeria and Brynden, plus the death of the Frey son they're casting, that puts her in a position to claim wedding revenge in season 7. Then Jaime's season 6 storyline could basically be AFFC, dealing with Freys (perhaps offering Walder a Lannister bride) and a couple of minor riverlands, but before the wedding can take place he goes back to Cersei because he hears she's in real trouble/has fled KL.

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I too have been convinced that Jaime would be kept alive and around to eventually kill Cersei but I still think it's possible that she could end up being taken out be a disguised Arya (I'm thinking of Mel's green eyed prediction that seems like it was only included to give us a heads up that Arya's going to kill a Lannister--she'll likely only have three to choose from and Jaime seems the least likely) or Cersei could be taken out by wight!Tommen. Or maybe Sandor. (This one seems like a total longshot though.) If Jaime isn't going to be Cersei's killer (something I'm actually fine with) then I can see him dying in the Riverlands or later in the North with Brienne somehow. I know I won't be surprised if he ends up dying in Brienne's arms.


I can definitely see Brienne attending or gatecrashing the wedding.  


I'm calling it now that Nymeria will killer Old Walder. I'm thinking of that little howl Frey gave after the RW during that conversation he's having with Roose. 

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I spent all of season five hoping that Ramsey would somehow get eaten by Nymeria, but I will settle for her eating Old Walder.  If I don't get at least one satisfying villain death at the teeth of Nymeria, I must admit that I will be VERY disappointed.


Prior to reading the concerns expressed here, I never doubted that Jamie had a lot of story left to tell, but maybe his time in the Riverlands is setting him up for death.  I would have never guessed that Kevan would get offed because he was doing a half-way decent job of putting the kingdom back in order lol.

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Theon belongs to the North.  I feel like he should be bound to it for the rest of his life, like the resolution of a Twilight Zone episode.  The North should be like Jacob Marley's chains were to him after he died.


I don't know why Sansa would want to follow him to Rape Island.


I'm hoping we get Jaime's AFFC storyline like we should have gotten last week.  Considering D&D's disdain for the character, I wouldn't be surprised if he's "rushed" to his death like Stannis.  I really hope I'm wrong about that but D&D and Cogman have absolutely botched the character development of both Jaime and Stannis, two of ASOIAF's most interesting and compelling characters.

Edited by benteen
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The reason I don't suspect that Jaime will die during whatever happens to him in the Riverlands (books or TV show) is for a reason entirely independent of him being Cersei's valonqar (which I don't necessarily think he is); I think he's going to end up at Casterly Rock. There is certainly some evidence for this in both the book and the TV show, but not only that - we haven't seen Casterly Rock yet, and I don't think we're going to in Season 6. It's the last place in Westeros that I think we *have* to see that we haven't yet, and I think it's going to figure heavily into the endgame somehow (otherwise why has George been holding such an important place back?) It's possible all three Lannister siblings might "reunite" there (oh lord, that would be epic), though I do suspect Cersei might be killed before she makes it anywhere near the place. That would leave Jaime and Tyrion to meet up again there. Which would be insanely fitting.

I'm not convinced that Theon is going to abandon Sansa if he's going to the Iron Islands. If anything I feel like Sansa will want him to go.


I actually thought/hoped Theon would reunite with Euron/Asha/Ironborn in the North.   I'm suprised they are going to start another storyline thread this late in the game since the goal, from interviews, is to streamline the remaining arcs.   And it will also allow Sansa to continue her tale of mingling with the 7 Great Houses.    Baratheon, Lannister, Tyrell, Arryn.  If she were to mix it up with The additional Greyjoys the only Houses she'd be missing are Targaryen and Martell.


The rumored characters all in the Riverlands......Meh.   I'm not invested in any of them so their survival doesn't matter to me but I'd imagine this season will spoil readers on whether Jaimie makes it out of the Riverlands alive.

Edited by Advance35

You know...Arya could kill Cersei wearing Jaime's or Tyrion's face? Or Tommen's?


I absolutely hate the idea of Arya Stark: Child Super Assassin. It seems more likely to me that the HoBaW decides she is a total failure and sends her back to Westeros with a flea in her ear and she decides to go all personal revengey in the Riverlands.

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You know...Arya could kill Cersei wearing Jaime's or Tyrion's face? Or Tommen's?


I absolutely hate the idea of Arya Stark: Child Super Assassin. It seems more likely to me that the HoBaW decides she is a total failure and sends her back to Westeros with a flea in her ear and she decides to go all personal revengey in the Riverlands.


I don't relish the idea of Arya Stark: Child Super Assassin either.  But I'm not certain the House of Black and White is all about that anyway.  Their weird "gift of death" philosophy doesn't seem to align with Arya's quest for vengeance to be honest.


I could see them expelling her, but I'd rather it be her choice to leave.  I'd like to see her dreaming of Nymeria and maybe even get an ominous dream about Sansa and that be enough to make her go back home.  I want to see Arya be a Stark again.  I don't expect her to ever marry or be a "lady" of anything, but I'd really like to see her go back to her family and have a role to play in their story. 


Ayra and Tyrion are easily two of my favorite characters, but I really disliked the path they were both on in the last two books.  The show did me the mercy of skipping over most of his self-loathing trip to Meereen and even let him meet Dany and be witty in season five.  I feel like I've had enough of Arya in Braavos at this point so the sooner the show gets her back to Westeros - the happier I am.  I am hesitant to say that I don't care how they do it (because I was really excited about Sansa in the North and that failed me) - but I do love the idea of her getting back into the main story.

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I'm speaking from a narrative perspective. It makes no sense for the narrative to send him south, given that; among other things, such as the fact that there's going to be a Northern plot this season, and Sansa is at large there. His hold on the North is not secure.


What makes sense, is for characters to act on what they know, to get what they want.


It doesn't make a lot of sense to get Jaime's Riverlands sojourn now. It makes no sense at all for Arya to be in the Riverlands, unless of course she is warging Nymeria and it's all a dream. Makes no sense at all for Theon to go home, either. I get the feeling we're hearing a very distorted or abbreviated version of what's going on.

Edited by Hecate7

What makes sense, is for characters to act on what they know, to get what they want.


It doesn't make a lot of sense to get Jaime's Riverlands sojourn now. It makes no sense at all for Arya to be in the Riverlands, unless of course she is warging Nymeria and it's all a dream. Makes no sense at all for Theon to go home, either. I get the feeling we're hearing a very distorted or abbreviated version of what's going on.

I strongly suspect that all of this will make very good sense in the books.  I really can see Theon ending up back in the Iron Islands with his sister after the Battle of Winterfell resolves itself in the books.  I do wonder how much fast forwarding Stannis story and sending Jamie to Dorne is going to mess up other arcs, but I'm sure they will somehow get everybody in place for where they need to be to get to the end of the tale.


I really think the show is in a weird place in terms of the books right now.  At this point the show seems to be still in books 4 and 5 for some characters, other characters are exactly where they are supposed to be, and others are already beyond the story we have been told (Tyrion and Stannis in particular).  So it feels almost impossible to predict what will make sense narratively in season six.  I hope that at least some of it is done well enough that we can enjoy it because some of it is kind of exciting.

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I could see them expelling her, but I'd rather it be her choice to leave.  I'd like to see her dreaming of Nymeria and maybe even get an ominous dream about Sansa and that be enough to make her go back home.  I want to see Arya be a Stark again.  I don't expect her to ever marry or be a "lady" of anything, but I'd really like to see her go back to her family and have a role to play in their story.



As I said in another thread, I think "Bran's" going to find a way to communicate with Arya, (likely appearing in her dreams,) and convince her it's time to come home to Westeros.


And for the record, while Arya could never be a proper Lady, (much less a Queen,)  sometimes I wonder if she wouldn't be a great choice someday to be Master of Whispers.  


For the record, just because Theon goes back to the Iron Islands doesn't mean Sansa will.  I can envision a lot of possibilities where Theon might *need* to go home, (again possibly on Bran's urging as well,) but Sansa has business elsewhere.  Unless Martin's master plan was to have Sansa someday marry Theon...which no. 


I'm excited for next season, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to being worried they might have almost TOO many things to fit in.  It's certainly gonna be busy! 


And while there's no certainties with this series, I'm fairly confident that Jamie's going to survive long enough to kill Cersei.  Of course he'll probably die then as well, so the Twins will leave the world together just as they came in together.  Hopefully, he'll at least get some action with Brienne first-maybe the two of them will even conceive the next heir to Tarth together.

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I'd like to see her dreaming of Nymeria and maybe even get an ominous dream about Sansa and that be enough to make her go back home.

I'd rather she had an ominous dream about Jon, even in the show he's the closest to her. Since there's seemingly no Pink Letter, I think I'd like a kind of inversion, a kind of a wink to the books, where she is the one who throws her "duties" away when she feels he's in danger. Fingers (and toes) crossed for Nymeria making a comeback.


I was afraid that Arya would be "prisoner" in Braavos for a good part of the season so I'm happy she's going back to Westeros.


Although I'm in the "worried" camp of those who hope she won't take over the role of Lady Stoneheart and kill Jaime. It isn't the most likely to me, but I could see it.

Let's say, Brienne gets to Sansa and Theon in episode 1. The group splits almost immediately -maybe Yara gets to Theon and gets him back to the Iron Islands- Brienne gets Sansa to the Umbers and there, they get  rumors of Arya in the Riverlands. Sansa sends Brienne to get her sister back. And there could be the set-up for the book plot. It would explain why D&D had Brienne meet Arya in the Vale, because Arya knows her, knows she's "with the Lannisters" and could ask her to prove herself by bringing Jaime to her (maybe the detail of "Jaime Lannister" and not "the Lannisters" re: regard sending also becomes significant at this point).

Muddy timeline or course and jetpacks needed, but methinks that  jetpacks are going to be the fashionable item in Westeros and Essos this coming season.

The difference with the book is that unlike LSH, we've seen that Arya is still able of feelings outside revenge (crying over Jaqen because he was her friend) which gives a bit of hope for Jaime and Brienne unexpectedly making it alive in this case.

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"I'd rather she had an ominous dream about Jon, even in the show he's the closest to her. Since there's seemingly no Pink Letter, I think I'd like a kind of inversion, a kind of a wink to the books, where she is the one who throws her "duties" away when she feels he's in danger. Fingers (and toes) crossed for Nymeria making a comeback."


I didn't think of Jon because I thought anything related to his resurrection and parentage would come through Bran.  But excellent call on the reverse of the pink letter. I love it!

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It doesn't make a lot of sense to get Jaime's Riverlands sojourn now.


With Jaime at least, I suspect that we both are and aren't getting his Riverlands sojourn. Watchers reports that NCW is filming in Iceland, which stood for the Riverlands/ish area. Also that Jaime will be with Bronn again. However, there was no casting call for a bunch of extras in Iceland, and no reports of large-scale filming. That doesn't sound like Jaime Lannister leading an army through the Riverlands - that sounds like Jaime going on some kind of personal quest with his buddy Bronn again (hopefully it has different results than last time). I'm sure it will have elements of what happens in AFfC, but not the big picture. That's just my guess.

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That doesn't sound like Jaime Lannister leading an army through the Riverlands - that sounds like Jaime going on some kind of personal quest with his buddy Bronn again (hopefully it has different results than last time). I'm sure it will have elements of what happens in AFfC, but not the big picture. That's just my guess.


I agree a personal quest seems much more likely than Jamie at the head of an army.  More economical for the show too, since I can imagine with the Iron Born and whatever's going to happen with the Wall and so forth they're going to need their budget elsewhere. 


There's been some speculation that in the books Brienne might have to kill LSH to save Jamie; for the show that can't happen, which almost makes me wonder if Arya will be the one to die.  You'd think Arya would be safe until the final season but I'm not sure that's true for anyone but Tyrion. 

As I said in the casting thread, I wonder if the fact that the Tarly family is about to become so visible isn't because House Tyrell is doomed-and the Tarly's are destined to supplant them in the Reach.  In any event, I think it's safe to say that Sam's storyline next season will interlock with the Iron Born invasion-but its anyone's guess whether he survives or not. 

Given the way Marg and Loras almost completely disappeared in season five, I also wonder if House Tyrell is doomed on the show.  I really think it was weird the little conversation Grandma and LF had and then nothing followed.  That and the weird little bit with Mace singing in Braavos.  I just don't get the feeling this family is going to matter much longer.


Now I'm not 100% sure if that's true because GRRM has commented that Loras' brothers were important and he doesn't think the show should have cut them, but that doesn't necessarily mean they aren't doomed to die in the books as well.  Others have commented that despite being on the "losing" side with Renly. the Tyrells have largely managed to escape taking the kind of hits the other great houses have in the story so perhaps they are due.  I can believe the Tarly's are about to replace them if that is the case.


But as far as who is safe until the end of the series, I think that list is rather long.  Or at least, there are characters on the show that I just can't imagine getting killed until the final season.  I think Cersei and Littlefinger will be with us until the end.  I think all of the Starks (including Jon if he is resurrected) will make it until the end as will Dany and Tyrion.  I am reasonably certain that Jamie and Brie will be with us until the last season, but I could definitely be wrong there.  And I don't see Varys going anywhere either.


That still leaves plenty of people to kill off between now and the final season and I think any of the above people are fair game at the end of the series (I actually have no clue if anyone will live through this lol).  But I do think they will want to keep most of the current main cast around as long as they can.

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Something tells me the Faceless Men don't expel you but quietly retire you...permanently. 

Honestly, I doubt it.  First because, on a practical level, the way these guys are depicted there's no way Arya would ever survive them.  But we've already seen them offer Arya, at one point, the equivalent of a lifetime pension if she didn't want to go any further.  If she just decided the whole thing wasn't for her, I don't think it would be any problem.


Given the way Marg and Loras almost completely disappeared in season five, I also wonder if House Tyrell is doomed on the show.  

That happens every season, so I don't know that it really means anything.  The Tyrells faded out in seasons 3 and 4 as well.

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But as far as who is safe until the end of the series, I think that list is rather long.  Or at least, there are characters on the show that I just can't imagine getting killed until the final season.  I think Cersei and Littlefinger will be with us until the end.  I think all of the Starks (including Jon if he is resurrected) will make it until the end as will Dany and Tyrion.  I am reasonably certain that Jamie and Brie will be with us until the last season, but I could definitely be wrong there.  And I don't see Varys going anywhere either.

You know, I really wonder about Cersei. I've already said it, Varys is the ultimate survivor for me, and I think the five "original intended" are safe, too. But KL has been mostly depleted of major players (and two of the originally secondary ones, Pycelle and Kevan, are done by the books) and I don't know how long it will actually be relevant.

It would be a huge, huge, shocker, maybe equivalent to the Red Wedding (since I think that few expect it so early)  if Cersei died mid-season 6. There are storylines left for her, but I could see them all spiraling down very quickly, especially with another of her children already dead.

You know, I really wonder about Cersei. I've already said it, Varys is the ultimate survivor for me, and I think the five "original intended" are safe, too. But KL has been mostly depleted of major players (and two of the originally secondary ones, Pycelle and Kevan, are done by the books) and I don't know how long it will actually be relevant.

It would be a huge, huge, shocker, maybe equivalent to the Red Wedding (since I think that few expect it so early)  if Cersei died mid-season 6. There are storylines left for her, but I could see them all spiraling down very quickly, especially with another of her children already dead.

Well yes that would be one heck of a shocker, I just said what I did about Cersei because the actress seems to be the equivalent to the "leading lady" on the show (at least if I understand how credits work).  You know they were just biting at the bit to do the Walk of Shame, convinced it would put her in the running for an Emmy (not saying it shouldn't - I think her acting was excellent in season five). 


But as far as the story is concerned, I am fairly convinced that Cersei will eventually go mad and I don't think GRRM will kill her in the next book (I could be wrong, but it seems like there are things that must play out for her first).  And the more people make the case for "little brother" meaning undead Tommen, the more I'm kind of buying it.  But rather it's Tommen or Jamie (I'm pretty sure it isn't Tryion), I think Cersei will die in KL - either when Dany and her dragons arrive or when Jon's wildling/Northern Army gets backed up to that point as they fight the White Walkers.  Since I don't really see those show downs happening until either the end of season seven or the start of season eight - I think Cersei will be with us for awhile.

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Well yes that would be one heck of a shocker, I just said what I did about Cersei because the actress seems to be the equivalent to the "leading lady" on the show (at least if I understand how credits work).  You know they were just biting at the bit to do the Walk of Shame, convinced it would put her in the running for an Emmy (not saying it shouldn't - I think her acting was excellent in season five). 


But as far as the story is concerned, I am fairly convinced that Cersei will eventually go mad and I don't think GRRM will kill her in the next book (I could be wrong, but it seems like there are things that must play out for her first).  And the more people make the case for "little brother" meaning undead Tommen, the more I'm kind of buying it.  But rather it's Tommen or Jamie (I'm pretty sure it isn't Tryion), I think Cersei will die in KL - either when Dany and her dragons arrive or when Jon's wildling/Northern Army gets backed up to that point as they fight the White Walkers.  Since I don't really see those show downs happening until either the end of season seven or the start of season eight - I think Cersei will be with us for awhile.

Indeed, IIRC L.Headey is first or second billed and yep, I don't think they'd want to lose her so early either.

I also think that Cersei will die in KL. But lately I began to think that maybe, the Ironborns could get there before Dany or Jon (Euron is Balon's little brother, right?).


It will all depend on the general pace and path of the show; in particular when/ how KL falls and how long the war against the Others lasts. With 7 seasons, I'd be 90% certain of Cersei's death is in S6. Now, with 8 confirmed, I still think it's an option (things can escalate quickly and the pace is reportedly "insane")  but I agree that her sticking around is much more likely.

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