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Dylan & Emma: Run Far Far Away

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Because it's known what will happen with Psycho there's this bleakness to Bates Motel since we know what will happen with Norma and Norman.  It occurs to me that Dylan and Emma are the only part of the show where there's any hope.  Their fates are unknown, and I just want those two to survive.  I want the last shot of them to be hopping in a car and getting away from the dangers around them.  I feel like they are the biggest hearted and most nurturing characters.  It's why I root for them, and it may be their downfall because they won't walk away to protect themselves.  They will stand by those they love even if it endangers them.


Unfortunately, there's so much that can go wrong.  Emma's health could take a horrible turn, Dylan's criminal history will likely endanger them, and then there's Norman whose response to Emma/Dylan being together could be deadly.


What will happen for Dylan/Emma in Season 4?  Will Chick go after Dylan?   That seems certain.  How will Emma respond when she inevitably finds out about Dylan's $50,000 bribe to get her to the top of the transplant list?  How will Norman react to Dylan/Emma?  I'm curious about how Norma would feel about it.  Would she be happy for Dylan or angry on Norman's behalf?


Edited to add:  I noticed that the song playing on Dylan's radio when Emma's father called to get Dylan to find Emma was

.  Was that supposed to mean something or was it a random song choice to play in the background? Edited by Luckylyn
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It's funny that most of us are like "Run, Dylan and Emma" before you get murdered by Norman or anyone else in that town of full of murderers.


I was surprised how much I really like DylEmma (especially their name). I liked when Emma helped him out after he got drunk after finding out he's a product of incest. Then when Emma stuffed all his weed plants in VWBug and drove it up to him. Then Dylan was so worried about beating on her chest to clear her lungs and took a gun running job to get her 50 grand to put her on top of the transplant list. And when you see all that craziness written out you really know those two are meant for each other. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I haven't read up on much about the show, I just saw from a post in one of these threads that Dylan/Emma wasn't planned. Since the show did toy with a Dylan/Bradley dynamic, though, it seems maybe they were planning at some point for Dylan to cross that line with one of Norman's love interests? I'm not a fan of Dylan getting involved with a lady "love" of Norman's at all--'cause, come on, obvious...and they have enough issues without that--but Dylan/Emma (if initially out of the blue and a bit forced IMO) is definitely more palatable. Norman never really cared for her in that way, unlike with Bradley. And we see where that got her!

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I was initially very against this, as this is the second time that Dylan has struck something up with one of Norman's girlfriends, and that's kind of creepy.  It made me feel a bit better that Emma was nice enough to formally break things off with Gunnar and Norman before things went any further with Dylan.  So they do seem like a sweet coupling now, but it still does seem doomed given the company they keep.  I was rooting for Norman to get away from Norma and find emotional health, but it seems that's impossible now (or at least not for thirty years until the time of Psycho 4.)  So it is good to have someone to root for.

Edited by Glade
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I know it won't happen but I'd actually like the show to pick up after Emma has already successfully had the surgery. Instead I feel like the surgery is going to hang over the season and it will be a will she or won't she survive sort of thing. 

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I know it won't happen but I'd actually like the show to pick up after Emma has already successfully had the surgery. Instead I feel like the surgery is going to hang over the season and it will be a will she or won't she survive sort of thing. 


From your mouth to the writers' ears Avaleigh!  Bates is to good of a show to fall into the whole "Will she or won't she die?" trope.

At least, I hope so!

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I was initially very against this, as this is the second time that Dylan has struck something up with one of Norman's girlfriends, and that's kind of creepy.  It made me feel a bit better that Emma was nice enough to formally break things off with Gunnar and Norman before things went any further with Dylan.  So they do seem like a sweet coupling now, but it still does seem doomed given the company they keep.

The struggle is real. I was initially against this pairing because I thought that it would be a little creepy to have Dylan be interested in yet another of Normans love interests. Don`t we have enough weird incest vibes in this show already? Plus, it would hurt the Dylan/Norman relationship, which I love (on days when Norman is more on the stableish side). But, damn it, they're just so freaking cute! Norman and Morma are both lost causes, so at least we can root for Dylan/Emma to come out alright. I mean, they're probably doomed, but its something. I`ll ride the cute shipper train for as long as I can before it falls off a cliff. 

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While I hear what some are saying about their hesitance over Dylan and Emma because it would be the second time Dylan went after someone Norman had liked or been involved with in some way, I actually don't think the situations are really comparable. It's strange, but when I look back at it, I feel like the writers considered doing Dylan and Bradley but then were unsure about it and then never fully went there. Because thinking about it, I feel like Dylan never really seemed to have a thing for Bradley and it was more she was interested in him. 


Their first interaction where she immediately started making creepy, sexy bedroom eyes at him had Dylan actually looking a little uncomfortable and his later saying a sarcastic "yeah right" to Norman, when Norman said Bradley was a nice girl who was just going through some stuff. I even remember speculating back then that maybe it was leading to some story where Dylan hooked up with her after meeting in a bar or something not realizing who she was and how old she was. Then after that Bradley starting coming around asking Dylan for help to figure out what happened with her dad and having the same emotional reactions she'd had with Norman weeks before about her dad and he comforted her a few times with some hugs but that was it. 


I may have to rewatch, but I don't think Dylan and Bradley ever even kissed once. And then Season 2 opened with her in a mental institution after her suicide attempt and when she sees Dylan, viewers find out that she'd written to him while in the hospital and he never replied or came to see her. Honestly, I thought Dylan often looked uncomfortable and awkward around Bradley and was more than happy to help her fake her death and drop her off, never to be seen again. This is not the case with Emma. 


That first scene this season when Emma first delivered his pot for him in her little beagle, had them both making serious bedroom eyes at each other. And the flirtation ramped up pretty quickly on both their ends. While Dylan looked uncomfortable and like he wanted to not be around Bradley, he is clearly into Emma. 

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I always thought Bradley liked Dylan, but he wasn't into her, partially because he wasn't into her, but didn't he at one point specifically bring up Norman as a reason that she shouldn't flirt with him?  I don't think Bradley should be counted against Dylan in a "goes for his brother's girl" score.

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For me I didn't feel that Dylan was that into Bradley, even is she wasn't the girl his brother liked. Would he have slept with her if she wasn't, probably. But he didn't seem like he fell for her or was falling for her. 


Then with Norman, he was never really into Emma, she was there and he figured they should date, then he used her to make his mother jealous. It was never about Emma. She was there to make him feel normal. I don't consider that a real relationship. Emma probably figured that out when she saw the way Dylan looked at her or the way she lit up when talking to him. 

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Dylan and Emma really are the only plot line where there's any hope. I worry that Dylan's efforts to get out of the pot business or Chick wanting revenge because of Caleb are going to get Dylan killed.  Then there's Norman whose reaction to Dylan/Emma could be something horrific.  Also, what happens when the fate of Emma's mother gets revealed?   So much could go horribly wrong for Dylan/Emma. 

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For me I didn't feel that Dylan was that into Bradley, even is she wasn't the girl his brother liked. Would he have slept with her if she wasn't, probably. But he didn't seem like he fell for her or was falling for her. 


Then with Norman, he was never really into Emma, she was there and he figured they should date, then he used her to make his mother jealous. It was never about Emma. She was there to make him feel normal. I don't consider that a real relationship. Emma probably figured that out when she saw the way Dylan looked at her or the way she lit up when talking to him. 

I was reading Emma's Blog on the A&E website and she talks about how being with Norman meant everything had to be about Norman and Norma and that Norman wasn't really taking an interest in Emma.   Meanwhile Dylan really gets involved in Emma's life.  She never has to wonder if he's really thinking of someone else. 


I think Emma had this fantasy of what being with Norman would be like and found that being his girlfriend still didn't maker her a priority for him.  Then, Dylan notices her, and she can see the difference between Norman and Dylan's focus on her. It's not one sided.  Dylan and Emma really make the effort to be there for each other.

Edited by Luckylyn
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