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Supernatural Survival Game

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Goodbye Ruby! You worked so, so hard for absolutely no purpose. So futile. Hope they have no french fries for you in oblivion!


Though I do appreciate how irritated Dean always was with Sam dating you. For that alone, I'm glad you were around while it lasted.


-- Ruby

-- Lilith

++ Azazel


21 - Meg Masters
21 - Azazel
19 - Cain
17 - Crowley
13 - Abaddon
09 - Alastair
01 - Lilith


Exorcised with Our Minds (I don't remember what we had thought the title for this category would be? Smited something something?)


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Goodbye Ruby! You worked so, so hard for absolutely no purpose. So futile. Hope they have no french fries for you in oblivion!


Though I do appreciate how irritated Dean always was with Sam dating you. For that alone, I'm glad you were around while it lasted.


-- Ruby

-- Lilith

++ Azazel


21 - Meg Masters

21 - Azazel

19 - Cain

17 - Crowley

13 - Abaddon

09 - Alastair

01 - Lilith


Exorcised with Our Minds (I don't remember what we had thought the title for this category would be? Smited something something?)



May I offer an alternate "Hand of Ipecac'd" or "Sent to Oblivion by the Hand of Ipecac"?

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Do we need to vote on the name again?

In the meantime...

++ Cain

-- Alistair

-- Lilith

21 - Meg Masters

21 - Azazel

21 - Cain

17 - Crowley

13 - Abaddon

07 - Alastair

Goodbye Lilith. You were one seriously creepy child, but your plan to raise Lucifer was nothing short of convoluted.

Exorcised with Our Minds or Smited by the Hand of Ipecac or [insert Here]:



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++ Crowley
-- Abaddon
-- Alastair


21 - Meg Masters
21 - Azazel
21 - Cain
19 - Crowley
11 - Abaddon
05 - Alastair


Exorcised with Our Minds

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23 - Cain 

21 - Meg Masters

21 - Azazel

17- Crowley

11 - Abaddon

09 - Alastair


Exorcised with Our Minds



This is too hard because I hate them all but I love to hate some more than others LOL

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-- Crowley (Sorry SueB, I couldn't decide what to do, so just down-voted the bottom three)
-- Abaddon
-- Alastair


23 - Cain
21 - Meg Masters
21 - Azazel
15- Crowley
09 - Abaddon
07 - Alastair

Exorcised with Our Minds

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++ Crowley
++ Cain
-- Alastair


25 - Cain
21 - Meg Masters
21 - Azazel
17- Crowley
09 - Abaddon
05 - Alastair


Exorcised with Our Minds


I could down vote Meg as I only liked the first Meg....what to do what to do....

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I could down vote Meg as I only liked the first Meg....what to do what to do....


That's been my problem with this list...I liked all of them at some point, but maybe didn't like them all the time. For instance: loved little girl Lilith, but didn't care for the grown up version of her; Alastair I thought was interesting, but the Brando impersonation was hard to watch; Crowley sometimes I love to hate him, but lately I've just grown tired of him (Mark Sheppard is totally awesome, IMO, though); Azazel was probably the only demon I found actually frightening, but by S4 a lot of what he had been up to really became confusing; Meg I loved in both incarnations, but really didn't care for what they did with her in the end (not her death, but being their friend and ally); Cain was interesting concept (and played by a great actor), but really nothing has been learned about him and he's now dead. Ruby's the only one of them that I wasn't conflicted on.


Is it weird that I had no problem killing off almost all the angels, but am more attached to the demons?

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Is it weird that I had no problem killing off almost all the angels, but am more attached to the demons?


No, I don't think so. Because the demons are sorta/kinda human, so it's easier to connect with and understand them imo. The angels are too alien to me. It's like trying to connect emotionally with a bunch of ants or drone bumblebees or something. That's probably why the only angels I cared about (not necessarily "liked" but at least was interested in) at all were the ones who went rogue:  Gadreel, Lucifer, Cas-as-a-human/grace-vampire. I can't do the hive-mind thing.


But that's also why the idea of there being any kind of hierarchy in Hell, with a "king" and "knights" and all that, doesn't make sense to me. Or even how organized Dean's version of hell under Alastair seemed. I think Hell (and evil in general) is supposed to be chaotic. It's *literally* Pandemonium, ffs.

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-- Cain (was getting very far ahead!)


-- Meg (generally liked her, but she was all over the place as a character. I liked the actress for Meg 2.0, but what they did with her in S6 was ridiculous (becoming Castiel's nurse?). So she's kind of hit-or-miss for me)


++ Azazel (old Yellow Eyes was scary as hell, the best villain this show has ever had imo (regardless of the eventual nonsensical retcon w/r/t his scheming))


23 - Cain
23 - Azazel

19 - Meg Masters
17- Crowley
09 - Abaddon
05 - Alastair


Exorcised with Our Minds

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Cain --  (Never got a good read on him, so really don't care.)

Meg ++  (I loved both Megs.)

Alastair --  (A decent enough character, just reminded me too much of movie Constantine's Satan.)


23 - Azazel

21 - Cain

21 - Meg Masters

17- Crowley
09 - Abaddon
03 - Alastair

Exorcised with Our Minds

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Meg ++
Abaddon --
Alastair --


Since he's going out next anyway, I'll send Alastair on his way so I can properly eulogize him.  What I loved about Alastair was how he was so effective at tearing Dean apart emotionally.  Through Alastair's verbal torture we learned so much about Dean.  And he was cool as a cucumber, even when being tortured.  He was a grotesque demon with a distinctive personality and presence.  He felt exactly like the kind of creature who would be able to get Dean to break.  A "Picasso with a Blade" indeed. 


23 - Azazel
23 - Cain
23 - Meg Masters
15 - Crowley
07 - Abaddon


Exorcised with Our Minds


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Meg Masters --


Crowley ++


21 - Azazel
21 - Cain
19 - Meg Masters
13 - Crowley
03 - Abaddon


Exorcised with Our Minds


not ready to send Abaddon off yet.  Since I don't like the 2nd Meg I can't keep voting her up and I like Crowley over Meg....I like Cain, I think they could have done so much more with him but it maybe they can't get the actor.  But the casting for Cain was awesome.  Crowley is a mess because of the writers but his character is still a strong one for me.


Alastair -  how I love to hate you for what you did to Dean.  I think you knew just what would break our hero and I think you did more than play with a knife.  I've always thought you played head games with Dean and used his greatest weakness - Sam.   So for that you must go.  But you did have some great moments.


IA that they did better with the demons than they have with the angels.


ETA:  I can't seem to spell today!

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-- Cain

-- Meg

++ Crowley


Just trying to keep everyone in the game and keep it interesting, I guess?


21 - Azazel
19 - Cain
17 - Meg Masters
15 - Crowley
03 - Abaddon


Exorcised with Our Minds

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Hmmm, I wonder if Death is going to want me to start paying fees or something as I seem to do so many execution these days....


Abaddon, you Magnificent Evil Queen!  You were FAHHHH...BU....LOUS.  With those red lips and "The Devil Made Me Do It" T-shirt. And the sass! Girl, you brought the sass so spectacularly.  I loved how you always flung people around with a certain flare. And damn, but that scene with you pawing Dean's tatoo?  Superhot and super-disturbing.  You really belonged at the cool kids table.  But alas, it's time for you to move along.  You remain a fantastic villain in my mind.  Enjoy the flames.


-- Azazel
-- Cain
--  Abaddon

19 - Azazel
17 - Cain
17 - Meg Masters
13 - Crowley

Exorcised with Our Minds


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Bad. I forgot to vote or I would have saved Abbadon for a bit longer. She was cool, badass, and fun. She was smart, she wasn't remotely afraid of Crowley or the Winchesters and she didn't mince words.

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-- Azazel

-- Cain

-- Meg Masters1


14 - Azazel

12 - Cain

11 - Meg Masters

11 - Crowley



++ Meg

++ Crowley

++ Cain


14 - Azazel

14 - Cain

13 - Meg Masters

13 - Crowley


Exorcised with Our Minds






Since we can only do 1 + fixing the vote before I vote.

-- Azazel

+ Cain

-- Meg Masters


14 - Cain

12 - Azazel

12 - Crowley

10 - Meg Masters


Exorcised with Our Minds






Should make it easy for someone to double check my scores.  :)

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Not sure when I'll get a chance to vote tomorrow, but I expect this to be all cleared up by the time I get back, y'hear?  ;-)


Azazel +

Meg +

Cain --


11 - Azazel
11 - Meg Masters
08 - Crowley
06 - Cain

Exorcised with Our Minds

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Azazel --

Meg --

Cain +


09 - Azazel
09 - Meg Masters
08 - Crowley
07- Cain

Exorcised with Our Minds



Not sure when I'll get a chance to vote tomorrow, but I expect this to be all cleared up by the time I get back, y'hear?  ;-)

Well I might be outnumbered, but at least I got it a little closer, and I won't be killing off Cain or Crowley.  I can kill off Meg but that is by killing off Meg 2 so I guess I'm putting a little dent in someone's plans to do this quickly.   I guess this makes me evil right????  :)

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+ Crowley
+ Cain
-- Meg Masters


07 - Crowley
07 - Cain

05 - Meg Masters
05 - Azazel


Exorcised with Our Minds


Nope I don't think this is gonna end quickly, but I'm okay with who made it to the top 4

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Well, that went in a rather unexpected direction.  ;-)


Crowley --  (I won't vote for anyone who had a hand in the creation of Demon Dean.)

Cain -- (See above.)

Meg +


04 - Cain
02 - Azazel
02 - Meg Masters

01 - Crowley


Exorcised with Our Minds

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