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Supernatural Survival Game

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-- Dog Dean Afternoon
-- Bad Boys
+ First Born

15 - First Born

12 - Bad Boys

09 - Dog Dean Afternoon
09 - Heaven Can't Wait
08 - Mother's Little Helper

Off in the Veil with Kevin
Rock and a Hard Place
Do You Believe in Miracles?
I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here
I'm No Angel
Sharp Teeth
Stairway to Heaven
The Purge
Meta Fiction
Road Trip
Slumber Party
King of the Damned
Blade Runners
Devil May Care
Holy Terror
Alex Annie Alexis Anne


Is it me or does Rue have a definite preference?  

Edited by SueB
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+First Born

-- Heaven Can Wait

-- Bad Boys

16 - First Born

10 - Bad Boys

09 - Dog Dean Afternoon

08 - Mother's Little Helper

07 - Heaven Can't Wait

Off in the Veil with Kevin


Rock and a Hard Place

Do You Believe in Miracles?

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here

I'm No Angel


Sharp Teeth

Stairway to Heaven

The Purge

Meta Fiction

Road Trip

Slumber Party

King of the Damned

Blade Runners

Devil May Care

Holy Terror


Alex Annie Alexis Anne

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+ Mother's Little Helper

-- Heaven Can't Wait

+ Dog Dean Afternoon


16 - First Born
10 - Bad Boys
10 - Dog Dean Afternoon
09 - Mother's Little Helper
05 - Heaven Can't Wait

Off in the Veil with Kevin
Rock and a Hard Place
Do You Believe in Miracles?
I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here
I'm No Angel
Sharp Teeth
Stairway to Heaven
The Purge
Meta Fiction
Road Trip
Slumber Party
King of the Damned
Blade Runners
Devil May Care
Holy Terror
Alex Annie Alexis Anne

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-- First Born
-- Mother's Little Helper
-- Heaven Can't Wait


14 - First Born
10 - Bad Boys
10 - Dog Dean Afternoon
07 - Mother's Little Helper
03 - Heaven Can't Wait


Off in the Veil with Kevin
Rock and a Hard Place
Do You Believe in Miracles?
I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here
I'm No Angel
Sharp Teeth
Stairway to Heaven
The Purge
Meta Fiction
Road Trip
Slumber Party
King of the Damned
Blade Runners
Devil May Care
Holy Terror
Alex Annie Alexis Anne

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+ Bad Boys
-- Mother's Little Helper
-- Dog Dean Afternoon


14 - First Born
11 - Bad Boys
8 - Dog Dean Afternoon
05 - Mother's Little Helper
03 - Heaven Can't Wait


Off in the Veil with Kevin
Rock and a Hard Place
Do You Believe in Miracles?
I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here
I'm No Angel
Sharp Teeth
Stairway to Heaven
The Purge
Meta Fiction
Road Trip
Slumber Party
King of the Damned
Blade Runners
Devil May Care
Holy Terror
Alex Annie Alexis Anne

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I just have to say that the Final Five (heh...I miss Helo :( ) is one eclectic mix of episodes.  It's great, because it shows just how squirrelly s9 was. The Final Five all have some really fantastic moments and some really odd ones but for me First Born works all the way through so that's why it gets my vote as best of the season.


First Born- Dean and Crowley road trip and snark fest  was great. The opening of Dean in the bar, visibly inebriated for the first time that I can remember not involving getting drunk for ghost reasons.

Badass!Dean in that terrific fight with 3 demons as Cain just sits there amused and shucking corn and drinking beer.  Sam and Cas bonding was sweet, but I didn't buy that Sam had to remind Cas to hug him back. That was weird. And then Dean taking on the MoC was awesome and terrifying because I remember thinking...."Oh shit Dean. WTF are you doing??" which sent the show into a totally new direction with Dean having a mytharc! 


Cain is one of the best all time one off characters that made such an impact in one episode that if we never see him again, I'll never forget him.   I really liked Tara too.


"You have a guinea pig?" Oh Cas.....


Bad Boys- which is a lovely episode about Dean's childhood and Dylan Everett was amazing as teen!Dean.  The timeline was wonky because he should have been 14 not 16.  But whatever.  I liked it but for some reason I didn't love it completely and I don't entirely know why.


Dog Dean Afternoon: What a goofy episode. It's hilarious with Dean as a dog. Jensen just throws himself into being a dog and it's gloriously funny.  The game of fetch is forever funny to me.


Didn't like some of the animal voices though. I did like the creepy villain. As much as find Dog!Dean amusing it's not enough for me to put this as the my favorite of the season.


Mother's Little Helper: I would have picked this as my 3rd favorite episode of the season, (Blade Runners was 2nd).  I liked Misha's direction, I liked that Dean was being affected by the Mark. It had long establshing shots and Misha wasn't afraid to linger on Jensen's face to let it tell Dean's story. I liked Sam here investigating on his own. I liked the case and that it was tied to Abaddon's stuff.  I liked the use of Henry here too.  But I didn't really like how the souls were visualized. That was a bit too hallmarky for me. And I really loved Dean racking the balls on the pool table with his arms. That really should not have been that hot.


Heaven Can't Wait: I'm surprised this one lasted as long as it did. It should have been better. I didn't like the way to on the nose conversation between Cas and the church lady.  I did not like Cas' boss taking advantage of him. But Cas singing to the baby was lovely.


Dean was kind of oddly demeaning to Cas about his job. Dean has never struck me as being particularly mocking about people's jobs that I can remember, so him telling Cas he was better than that job...was ....rude and weird.  I did love the scene with Dean dropping Cas off on his date like a goofy dad. 


But overall this one was a big meh for mre.

Edited by catrox14
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catrox14, on 08 Feb 2015 - 11:30 AM, said:

Heaven Can't Wait: I'm surprised this one lasted as long as it did. It should have been better. I didn't like the way to on the nose conversation between Cas and the church lady.


That scene is not in Heaven Can't Wait, but I'm No Angel.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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As much as I hate Demon Dean, and everything that led to it, I can appreciate one moment from First Born.  If only because I still hold out hope that Cas was right:



Well, that PB and J taught me that angels can change, so...who knows? Maybe Winchesters can, too.



First Born --

Bad Boys --

Dog Dean Afternoon +


12 - First Born
09 - Bad Boys
09 - Dog Dean Afternoon
05 - Mother's Little Helper
03 - Heaven Can't Wait

Off in the Veil with Kevin
Rock and a Hard Place
Do You Believe in Miracles?
I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here
I'm No Angel
Sharp Teeth
Stairway to Heaven
The Purge
Meta Fiction
Road Trip
Slumber Party
King of the Damned
Blade Runners
Devil May Care
Holy Terror
Alex Annie Alexis Anne

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Ah. thanks for that correction. My opinion of  Heaven Can't Wait remains minus that scene.  But then again I never liked Cas being human anyway so I'm biased and those  two episodes bored me for the most part minus the Cas and Dean interactions. I mean they had sweet moments I guess, but mostly...I dunno...bleh.

Edited by catrox14
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I'm also loving how eclectic the top group of episodes is.


I liked the soulless idea and Sam working the case on his own in Mother's Little Helper, though I could have done without the nuns and the bottles'o'soul. (99 bottles of souls on the wall, 99 bottles of soul! Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of souls on the wall...). And I wish they'd been more imaginative about the way that soullessness would effect people. Though wasn't there a soullness man making art out of his own blood in the one jail cell? LOL. That man clearly is an artist down to his bones.


Human!Cas is my favorite Cas, so I like Heaven Can't Wait pretty well. It actually made me respect Cas (for once) that he worked hard. And that he was a legitimately good babysitter, who was worried about protecting the baby more than himself when shit started going down at his boss's house. Dean also had been aggravating me A LOT around that time, and he was at least sorta/kinda human and likable when dealing with Cas in this episode (at least compared to how he was behaving during that period otherwise). But I don't like Cas very much so mehhhhh.


I hate Dog Dean Afternoon. DIE EPISODE DIE. :)


First Born is my definite favorite for the season. That fight scene alone would have done it for me! Plus, I loved when Dean calls Crowley out on his subterfuge and we see him from a different perspective (giggling to himself and getting all shaky and nervous about setting Dean up for getting the Mark). Crowley was good all throughout that episode imo. I also liked when he faked an injury in order to kill the *one* demon he was fighting, and then crowed to himself about how that's his signature move. Cain was also an amazing character, I'm on pins and needles for him to come back.


I loved Bad Boys for how sweet it was and the interesting MotW. Dylan Everett did a fantastic job. It didn't feel like a story about Dean to me, but I liked the story itself so...mixed bag, I guess.


-- Dog Dean Afternoon

-- Mother's Little Helper

-- Heaven Can't Wait


12 - First Born
09 - Bad Boys
06 - Dog Dean Afternoon
03 - Mother's Little Helper
01 - Heaven Can't Wait


Off in the Veil with Kevin
Rock and a Hard Place
Do You Believe in Miracles?
I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here
I'm No Angel
Sharp Teeth
Stairway to Heaven
The Purge
Meta Fiction
Road Trip
Slumber Party
King of the Damned
Blade Runners
Devil May Care
Holy Terror
Alex Annie Alexis Anne

Edited by rue721
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Funny the order they are in right now I can live with.  First Born is 1st because it is an ep that is really spot on and it is rare for Supernatural to have one that strong all the way through.



 I really only figured out my top two so it will be interesting to see what happens next.  I don't think we've had one this close before that didn't look like a tie.  I also don't remember us having to worry about vote counts before as we usually had some sort of agreement.  But this season seems so unique in people's voting.  Although for me this season with all of it's problems had me liking the show again and once again gaining my love for the show, which I really didn't think would happen.  Just saying.

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I'm cool with any of the top three winning. All three are pretty even for me, but none of them are stellar and/or stand out, IMO. First Born had a good fight scene and a great guest cast, but don't think, as an overall episode, it was particularly stellar--just wasn't horrible. But then I'd say the same thing for the other two also. Weird season indeed.

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-- Dog Dean Afternoon

-- Mother's Little Helper

-- Bad Boys


12 - First Born
07 - Bad Boys
04 - Dog Dean Afternoon
01 - Mother's Little Helper
01 - Heaven Can't Wait


Off in the Veil with Kevin
Rock and a Hard Place
Do You Believe in Miracles?
I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here
I'm No Angel
Sharp Teeth
Stairway to Heaven
The Purge
Meta Fiction
Road Trip
Slumber Party
King of the Damned
Blade Runners
Devil May Care
Holy Terror
Alex Annie Alexis Anne

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+First Born

--Bad Boys

++Mother's Little Helper


13 - First Born

05 - Bad Boys

04 - Dog Dean Afternoon

03 - Mother's Little Helper

01 - Heaven Can't Wait


Off in the Veil with Kevin


Rock and a Hard Place

Do You Believe in Miracles?

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here

I'm No Angel


Sharp Teeth

Stairway to Heaven

The Purge

Meta Fiction

Road Trip

Slumber Party

King of the Damned

Blade Runners

Devil May Care

Holy Terror


Alex Annie Alexis Anne

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catrox - As much as I agree with you about "Mother's Little Helper", we can only do one + for an episode now (I'll fix it)... Don't worry I'll be giving it a + vote so it'll be at 3. I'm glad others enjoyed the episode as well. It's solidly my #2 for the season, so I'd like to see it outlast "Bad Boys", but will likely not be able to vote in time again to make that happen. Meanwhile, I'll knock off "Heaven Can't Wait" so the places don't switch while I'm away. Someone else who remembers the episode better, please give a eulogy for me?


- Heaven Can't Wait

-- Bad Boys

+ Mother's Little Helper


13 - First Born
04 - Dog Dean Afternoon

03 - Bad Boys
03 - Mother's Little Helper

Off in the Veil with Kevin
Rock and a Hard Place
Do You Believe in Miracles?
I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here
I'm No Angel
Sharp Teeth
Stairway to Heaven
The Purge
Meta Fiction
Road Trip
Slumber Party
King of the Damned
Blade Runners
Devil May Care
Holy Terror
Alex Annie Alexis Anne

Heaven Can't Wait

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I'll say some nice things about Heaven Can't Wait. For an episode about handling pain and suffering, I rather enjoyed it. I like Cass's human journey--until they dumped it to go back to status quo, that is--and the idea that Cass was fumbling to find his footing after his fall from grace (see what I did there?) was compelling and Dean not able to wrap his head around what Cass was going through actually works for me coupled with the angel that couldn't wrap his head around what humans were going through. I also enjoyed the Crowley/Sam/Kevin side of things and was surprised some sort of Crowley-escaping shenanigans didn't occur. It's not the most exciting episode, but it's one of the few S9 episodes where the plotting goes from A to B to C instead of A to L to D.  I also appreciated how they had five main characters living and breathing in one episode without needing to have nine hundred thousand plot points in-order to make everyone relevant to the episode. And, as far as I recall, no retconning was seen either. Oh yeah, and Sam and Dean didn't need to have a petty fight in order to be apart for an episode. Overall, one of S9's highlights, for me.


-- First Born
-- Dog Dean Afternoon

-- Mother's Little Helper


11 - First Born
03 - Bad Boys

02 - Dog Dean Afternoon
01 - Mother's Little Helper


Off in the Veil with Kevin
Rock and a Hard Place
Do You Believe in Miracles?
I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here
I'm No Angel
Sharp Teeth
Stairway to Heaven
The Purge
Meta Fiction
Road Trip
Slumber Party
King of the Damned
Blade Runners
Devil May Care
Holy Terror
Alex Annie Alexis Anne

Heaven Can't Wait

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First Born --

Bad Boys --

Dog Dean Afternoon +


09 - First Born

03 - Dog Dean Afternoon

01 - Bad Boys

01 - Mother's Little Helper

Off in the Veil with Kevin
Rock and a Hard Place
Do You Believe in Miracles?
I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here
I'm No Angel
Sharp Teeth
Stairway to Heaven
The Purge
Meta Fiction
Road Trip
Slumber Party
King of the Damned
Blade Runners
Devil May Care
Holy Terror
Alex Annie Alexis Anne
Heaven Can't Wait

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Goodbye, Mother's Little Helper. There was actually a lot to like about this episode, imo. Abaddon was legitimately frightening, the (imo intriguing) idea of a town full of soulless people, the novelty of Sam working a case alone, that old former nun teasing him about how she doesn't date anyone under the age of 65 because she hates drama, and some of the fight scenes -- especially that small moment, imo, when the boy in the diner is about to stab the waitress and Sam stops him. All the soulless people in the jail cells were similar to all the souls trapped in Hell/a lame sex dungeon in Taxi Driver, except actually more interesting and scary imo. Also, congrats to Misha Collins for his first go at directing an episode! For what it's worth, I thought he did a pretty great job!


-- Dog Dean Afternoon

+ Bad Boys

-- Mother's Little Helper


09 - First Born

02 - Bad Boys

01 - Dog Dean Afternoon


Off in the Veil with Kevin
Rock and a Hard Place
Do You Believe in Miracles?
I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here
I'm No Angel
Sharp Teeth
Stairway to Heaven
The Purge
Meta Fiction
Road Trip
Slumber Party
King of the Damned
Blade Runners
Devil May Care
Holy Terror
Alex Annie Alexis Anne
Heaven Can't Wait

Mother's Little Helper

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-- Dog Dean Afternoon

+ Bad Boys

+ First Born


10 - First Born

03 - Bad Boys


Off in the Veil with Kevin
Rock and a Hard Place
Do You Believe in Miracles?
I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here
I'm No Angel
Sharp Teeth
Stairway to Heaven
The Purge
Meta Fiction
Road Trip
Slumber Party
King of the Damned
Blade Runners
Devil May Care
Holy Terror
Alex Annie Alexis Anne
Heaven Can't Wait

Mother's Little Helper

Dog Dean Afternoon


Farewell Dog Dean Afternoon.  I loved Dean chasing the ball and barking at the guy.  It had some nice fun moments but it isn't the top 2 for me.


I agree that First Born is higher than Bad Boys but I can't kill either.  Most likely it will be over before I vote again.  But this has been a very very interesting round.

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+ First Born

-- Bad Boys


11 - First Born

01 - Bad Boys


Off in the Veil with Kevin
Rock and a Hard Place
Do You Believe in Miracles?
I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here
I'm No Angel
Sharp Teeth
Stairway to Heaven
The Purge
Meta Fiction
Road Trip
Slumber Party
King of the Damned
Blade Runners
Devil May Care
Holy Terror
Alex Annie Alexis Anne
Heaven Can't Wait

Mother's Little Helper

Dog Dean Afternoon

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And the victor is First Born. I legitimately think it was the best episode of the season. It was good battle and I thought all the final five had a reasonable shot at winning. Bad Boys is not a bad runner up at all.

-- Bad Boys


11 - First Born


Off in the Veil with Kevin


Rock and a Hard Place

Do You Believe in Miracles?

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here

I'm No Angel


Sharp Teeth

Stairway to Heaven

The Purge

Meta Fiction

Road Trip

Slumber Party

King of the Damned

Blade Runners

Devil May Care

Holy Terror


Alex Annie Alexis Anne

Heaven Can't Wait

Mother's Little Helper

Dog Dean Afternoon

Bad Boys

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I say we hold off on the best of each season until 10 is over -- although, since we'll be getting at least one more season, we may have to do it again in the future, anyway.  


These are the characters that have been in at least 3 episodes (I removed some like Young Sam, Dean, John, and Mary; random monsters that just happen to be in more than one episode.)  We should probably cut the list back a bit.  We can divide into good and bad?



Bobby Singer 


Kevin Tran 

John Winchester 
Lisa Braeden 
Ellen Harvelle 
Sheriff Jody Mills 
Samuel Campbell 
Chuck Shurley 
Mary Winchester 
Ben Braeden 
Jo Harvelle 
Amelia Richardson 
Meg Masters 
Bela Talbot 
Dick Roman 

Anna Milton 
Rufus Turner 
Charlie Bradbury 
Jessica Moore 
Ed Zeddmore 
Harry Spangler 
Pamela Barnes 
Adam Milligan 
Garth Fitzgerald IV 
Gordon Walker 
Frank Devereaux
FBI Agent Victor Henriksen 
Christian Campbell 
Gwen Campbell
Cole Trenton 

Henry Winchester 
Becky Rosen 

Dr. Eleanor Visyak 
Linda Tran 
Karen Singer
Ronald Reznick 
Alpha Vampire 

Claire Novak

Edited by Demented Daisy
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Wow, that's a long list. What if we divide them into groups based on season-of-their-first-appearance? Might be interesting to see what the stronger seasons are for side characters.


Thank you Demented Daisy, for compiling that list. That looks like a lot of work.

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I have to admit, I love this kind of stuff.  So making the list was fun for me.  Yeah, yeah, I'm a freak, I know.  ;-)


By my count, we have 38 male characters and 27 female.  That's still an awful lot of each.  If we broke it down even further:


Hunters:  11

Angels: 12

Monsters: 11 

Demons: 9

Misc: 22  


ETA  By Misc, I mean:  




















Mrs. Tran

Karen Singer 



Edited by Demented Daisy
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Ooh, I like the idea of the five categories and then maybe a supernatural survivor runoff?


What say you all?


OK with me.


Is there a way to split up Misc. a little more, though? There's such a range of characters and it still seems like a very long list. But if not, that's fine, too.

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We could split them up amongst plain ol' human and supernatural humans.  That could be 12 and 10.  Depends on how certain people are categorized.  For example, I put Karen Singer in this category, even though she was briefly a zombie.  Same with Ronald -- as a human, he was in one episode; a ghost in another; and a memory in the third.












Mrs. Tran






Karen Singer




Jessica  (could go either way)

Adam (could go either way)


Also, should we include Michael with the angels?  Technically, he was in 3 episodes --  Song Remains the Same, Point of No Return (while not seen, his presence is most definitely felt), Swan Song -- and mentioned in at least 5 others.

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22 is about the same as eps per season, so I don't think it's too unmanageable for a miscellaneous re-occurring character list.  Looking at the people on that list, I honestly can't think of a further subdivision that would make sense, unless we want to go with the arbitrary men vs women split, and then it's 9 to 13.


Or we could do the super vs normal humans, like Demented Daisy suggested.  And add Michael as a character, even though he never had a real body of his own, just varous Winchester meatsuits.

Edited by Iguana
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Whatever you guys want to do. For the Misc. group, I'd actually be OK with a male/female split or a pre-S5/post-S5 split or something pretty arbitrary like that, to get the numbers more even. As long as we have 5+ categories, though, that's probably enough for a decent runoff in any case.

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Just a little clarification.  I included Bela and Henry in the "supernatural" humans because, even though they have no powers of their own, they use the supernatural.  Does that make sense?


Okay, so these are my other master lists.  (I'll break this up so it's not one huge post, hopefully.)










Christian Campbell

Gwen Campbell



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I'm a little confused by the supernatural group. I don't think Bela and Pamela should be in the supernatural group. They both died as humans and never came back again as ghosts or anything else. Pamela was a psychic but that is not necessarily supernatural is it? Paranormal maybe. Just curious. Same with Jessica

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I include Jessica with the supernatural because she was only herself in one episode.  At other times, she was a memory, a creation of a djinn, a disguise for Lucifer, etc.  Even the supernatural humans are still that, human.  It's not like I included them with the monsters.  It's just a way to break up the "human" category.





Anna Milton

ETA  Michael

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We could just alphabetically split the list in half and do a Misc 1 round and Misc 2 one. Personally, I don't think the 22 is a problem, though, like Iguana said, that's how many episodes are in a season.


Should we start with the hunters?

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Like I said, they're all human.  They've all been affected by the supernatural -- it's how the characters have been used that make me separate them into one category or the other.  But if everyone wants to keep all the humans in the same category, so be it.  Just trying to keep things manageable.  :-)




Dick Roman
Gordon Walker

Dr. Eleanor Visyak


Alpha Vampire



Lucifer  (Technically, an angel, I know, but anyway....)
Meg Masters

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For the sake of getting the game started, I agree with Ditty that we start with the Hunters and figure out the later rounds... later.  ;-)


15 - Bobby
15 - John
15 - Mary
15 - Ellen
15 - Jo
15 - Ash
15 - Samuel
15 - Christian Campbell
15 - Gwen Campbell
15 - Rufus
15 - Garth

ETA  Forgot to add my votes.


Bobby ++

Ellen ++

Rufus ++


17 - Bobby

17 - Ellen

17 - Rufus

15 - John

15 - Mary
15 - Jo
15 - Ash
15 - Samuel
15 - Christian Campbell
15 - Gwen Campbell
15 - Garth

Edited by Demented Daisy
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Oh no, I like 95% of these characters! I don't know if I can downvote anyone. Possibly Garth.***


++ John

++ Mary

++ Ash


19 - Ellen

17 - Bobby

17 - Rufus

17 - Jo

17 - John

17 - Mary
17 - Ash
15 - Christian Campbell
15 - Gwen Campbell

13 - Samuel

13 - Garth


***Warning! This is NASTY. Proceed at your own risk! Did you guys see "Road Trip"? It was a Tom Green vehicle from 2000. (*snort*). Anyway, the same actor who plays Garth was in it, and there's this scene where that actor's character is at a diner and pisses off the waitress or the cook or someone. He ordered pancakes and to get back at him, everyone in the kitchen makes the pancakes as disgusting as possible -- one person puts the pancakes down his pants and rubs them in his asscrack. And then the pancakes get served to this actor's character and he chows down and says they're delicious. I've thought of that scene EVERY TIME I've seen him on TV or in a movie since. So obviously I never, ever want to see him onscreen.


ETA:  and now maybe everyone will think of that scene when they see him. Uhhhhh so, enjoy! I guess!


ETA2:  Nastiness warning added.

Edited by rue721
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++ Jo
-- Garth

-- Samuel


19 - Ellen

19 - Jo

17 - Bobby

17 - Rufus

17 - John

17 - Mary
17 - Ash

13 - Christian Campbell
13 - Gwen Campbell

11 - Garth

09 - Samuel


I really thought I would like Samuel as the idea was sound, but what they did with it...well that's another story.  However we are voting against the ones I love so much more so...why not lighten the load?


I like Garth but not over the ones I like more.  @Rue721, after reading your nasty story...I have to honor it by down voting him at least once.  Luckily for me I won't focus on that again...  :)

Edited by 7kstar
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