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Supernatural Survival Game

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::Pouts:: Damn work getting in the way of my bloodlust! I really wanted to kill a some more today.  ;(


-- Trial and Error
-- Blood Brother
-- Citizen Fang



29 - Hunteri Heroici
29 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - Pac Man Fever
19 - The Great Escapist
13 - Trial and Error
11 - Blood Brother13 - A Little Slice of Kevin

09 - Citizen Fang
09 - Freaks and geeks
07 - Sacrifice
07 - Clip Show
05 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver

  • Love 1
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-- Clip Show
++ Blood Brother
++ Citizen Fang


29 - Hunteri Heroici
29 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - Pac Man Fever
19 - The Great Escapist
13 - Trial and Error
13 - Blood Brother

13 - A Little Slice of Kevin

11 - Citizen Fang
09 - Freaks and geeks
07 - Sacrifice
05 - Clip Show
05 - We Need to Talk About Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver


Sorry but I'm fighting ya on two of them...I like them  not for Sam's story but I really miss Benny!  :(

Edited by 7kstar
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-- We Need To Talk About Kevin

-- As Time Goes By

-- Citizen Fang


29 - Hunteri Heroici
29 - Everybody Hates Hitler
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - Pac Man Fever
19 - The Great Escapist
13 - Trial and Error
13 - Blood Brother

13 - A Little Slice of Kevin

09 - Citizen Fang
09 - Freaks and geeks
07 - Sacrifice
05 - Clip Show
03 - We Need to Talk About Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver

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-- Clip Show

-- Citizen Fang

-- Hunteri Heroici


29 - Everybody Hates Hitler
27 - Hunteri Heroici

21 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - Pac Man Fever
19 - The Great Escapist
13 - Trial and Error
13 - Blood Brother

13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
09 - Freaks and geeks
07 - Citizen Fang

07 - Sacrifice
03 - Clip Show
03 - We Need to Talk About Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver

Edited by rue721
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-- Trial and Error
-- Blood Brother

-- Citizen Fang



29 - Everybody Hates Hitler
27 - Hunteri Heroici

21 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - Pac Man Fever
19 - The Great Escapist
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin

11 - Blood Brother

11 - Trial and Error
09 - Freaks and geeks
07 - Sacrifice

05 - Citizen Fang
03 - Clip Show
03 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

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Hunteri Heroici ++

Freaks and Geeks --

Citizen Fang --


29 - Everybody Hates Hitler
29 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - Pac Man Fever
19 - The Great Escapist
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
11 - Blood Brother
11 - Trial and Error
07 - Freaks and geeks
07 - Sacrifice
03 - Citizen Fang
03 - Clip Show
03 - We Need to Talk About Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver

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Setting someone up for a triple kill...

-- bottom 3


29 - Everybody Hates Hitler
29 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - Pac Man Fever
19 - The Great Escapist
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
11 - Blood Brother
11 - Trial and Error
07 - Freaks and geeks
07 - Sacrifice
01 - Citizen Fang
01 - Clip Show
01 - We Need to Talk About Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver

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I can't kill citizen fang. Sorry

++ Citizen Fang

++ What's Up Tiger Mommy

++Everybody Hates Hitler

31- Everybody Hates Hitler

29 - Hunteri Heroici

21 - LARP and the Real Girl

21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 19

19 - As Time Goes By

19 - Goodbye Stranger

19 - Pac Man Fever

19 - The Great Escapist

13 - A Little Slice of Kevin

11 - Blood Brother

11 - Trial and Error

05 - Freaks and geeks

07 - Sacrifice

03- Citizen Fang

01 - Clip Show

01 - We Need to Talk About Kevin

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans


Southern Comfort


Torn and Frayed

Taxi Driver

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 1
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Yeah someone else that won't kill Citizen Fang.  I know it still a easy kill but not ready to stop fighting yet! 


++ Citizen Fang
++ Blood Brother
-- Trial and Error


31- Everybody Hates Hitler
29 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 19
19 - As Time Goes By
19 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - Pac Man Fever
19 - The Great Escapist
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
13 - Blood Brother
09 - Trial and Error
05 - Freaks and geeks
07 - Sacrifice
05- Citizen Fang
01 - Clip Show
01 - We Need to Talk About Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver

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Wow, I can't kill Clip Show. I HATED that they killed off Sarah but Crowley's voice-over is so freaking spot-on during that scene. And I was tickled he found the books. 


But I'll let "We Need to Talk About Kevin" slip away to Purgatory.  Mostly because they assassinated Sam's character with a piss-poor explanation of why he didn't look for Dean.  I'm somewhat mollified by the repeated gag of "and Sam hit a dog" because I think Carver realizes it was a mistake.  But except for Sam's storyline (okay, that's HALF the show!), I did like many things about the episode.  I loved the blade Dean showed up with out of Purgatory and his uber-warrior skill set.  Dean is BADASS personified in this episode.  The way HE chases the vampire.  I loved Kevin prioritizing the bad news 1) demon possession and 2) safety school.  I hated Channing's fridging.  But we'll let this episode go run freely in the woods of Purgatory, in search of Dean's angel. 


++ Clip Show
-- Freaks and Geeks
-- We Need to Talk About Kevin


31- Everybody Hates Hitler
29 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - As Time Goes By
19 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - Pac Man Fever
19 - The Great Escapist
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
13 - Blood Brother
09 - Trial and Error
07 - Sacrifice
05- Citizen Fang
03 - Clip Show
03 - Freaks and geeks


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver

We Need to Talk About Kevin

Edited by SueB
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Crap, I didn't get to kill anything... Well, I'll give someone else the opportunity if they want it...


-- Citizen Fang

-- Freaks and Geeks (looking back at the episode thread, I remembered that this episode wasn't very good and it made no sense)

++ Pac Man Fever (This episode on the other hand I actually liked)


31- Everybody Hates Hitler
29 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

21 - Pac Man Fever
19 - As Time Goes By
19 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - The Great Escapist
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
13 - Blood Brother
09 - Trial and Error
07 - Sacrifice
03 - Clip Show

03 - Citizen Fang
01 - Freaks and geeks


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver

We Need to Talk About Kevin


SueB gave a fitting eulogy to "We Need to Talk About Kevin." I just can't forgive it for what was done to Sam's character. Since to me it was unnecessary and crappy,  the storyline at least could've been interesting - oh wait, it wasn't that either. Badass Dean was enjoyable, and I still liked the idea of Benny here a lot, so this episode can also go play with Benny in purgatory as well. If it gets mauled by a leviathan though, I won't mourn too much - because Sam character assassination and all.

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++ Time After Time

++ The Great Escapist


31- Everybody Hates Hitler
29 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

21 - Pac Man Fever
21 - As Time Goes By
21 - The Great Escapist

19 - Goodbye Stranger
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
13 - Blood Brother
09 - Trial and Error
07 - Sacrifice

03 - Citizen Fang

01 - Clip Show
01 - Freaks and geeks


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver

We Need to Talk About Kevin

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I'll do it! I'll kill 'em all! ;)


Clip Show is forever blamed for introducing the stupid demon cure via purified blood. Sorry, that's just a whole bunch of nonsense that they didn't think through very well.  Freeks and Geeks was full of other stupid that I loathe.


-- Citizen Fang

-- Clip Show
-- Freaks and geeks


31- Everybody Hates Hitler
29 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

21 - Pac Man Fever
21 - As Time Goes By
21 - The Great Escapist

19 - Goodbye Stranger
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
13 - Blood Brother
09 - Trial and Error
07 - Sacrifice

01 - Citizen Fang


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver

We Need to Talk About Kevin

Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks

  • Love 1
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There was a lot to hate about Clip Show, imo.


For me, the worst is Cas's murder of the "Nephilim" woman. I was shocked that SPN had an angel commit a hate crime! How did Cas not realize something was up right away when Metatron told him to murder someone because she didn't have ~pure~ blood?


But yeah, I really hated the thing with Sarah, too. For all kinds of reasons. Here's an especially petty one: since Ruby had previously cured Dean from a hex using some sort of spell/potion, and the guys live in that stupid bunker'o'magic by this point, and they already wonder around with angel feathers or whatever in their car, you'd think they could have done some research into what that anti-hex potion was and whipped up a vial or two to carry around with them just in case. But no, because then how would we have dramz and senseless death? The whole thing was terrible.


Oh, here's another thing I hated about Sarah's death -- they made sure to give her a baby. For the sole reason of turning the notch up a bit higher on the bathos, I guess? As though the show were saying, "Oh, you were horrified by Sarah's murder? Well mourn her poor motherless infant now, too!" *vomit*

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For me, the worst is Cas's murder of the "Nephilim" woman. I was shocked that SPN had an angel commit a hate crime! How did Cas not realize something was up right away when Metatron told him to murder someone because she didn't have ~pure~ blood?

forgot about that  good point

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Citizen Fang -- *cackles with glee*

Sacrifice --

Hunteri Heroici ++


31- Everybody Hates Hitler
31 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
21 - Pac Man Fever
21 - As Time Goes By
21 - The Great Escapist
19 - Goodbye Stranger
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
13 - Blood Brother
09 - Trial and Error
05 - Sacrifice

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks

Citizen Fang

  • Love 1
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LARP and the Real Girl --

Trial and Error --

Hunteri Heroici --


31- Everybody Hates Hitler
29 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
21 - Pac Man Fever
21 - As Time Goes By
21 - The Great Escapist

19 - LARP and the Real Girl

19 - Goodbye Stranger
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
13 - Blood Brother
07 - Trial and Error
05 - Sacrifice

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks

Citizen Fang

Link to comment

I know that you enjoyed that as much as I would have, Demented Daisy. : )


++ Trial and Error (I actually kind of enjoyed this episode)

-- Blood Brother

-- As Time Goes By


31- Everybody Hates Hitler
29 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
21 - Pac Man Fever
21 - The Great Escapist

19 - As Time Goes By

19 - LARP and the Real Girl

19 - Goodbye Stranger
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
11 - Blood Brother
09 - Trial and Error
05 - Sacrifice


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks

Citizen Fang

  • Love 1
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++ As Time Goes By

-- Blood Brother

-- Trial and Error


31- Everybody Hates Hitler
29 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
21 - Pac Man Fever
21 - The Great Escapist

21 - As Time Goes By

19 - LARP and the Real Girl

19 - Goodbye Stranger
13 - A Little Slice of Kevin
09 - Blood Brother
07 - Trial and Error
05 - Sacrifice


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks

Citizen Fang

Link to comment


++ LARP and the Real Girl

--The Great Escapist


31- Everybody Hates Hitler

29 - Hunteri Heroici

21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

21 - LARP and the Real Girl

21 - Pac Man Fever

21 - As Time Goes By

19 - The Great Escapist

19 - Goodbye Stranger

13 - A Little Slice of Kevin

09 - Blood Brother

07 - Trial and Error

03- Sacrifice


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans


Southern Comfort


Torn and Frayed

Taxi Driver

We Need to Talk About Kevin

Clip Show

Freaks and Geeks

Citizen Fang

Link to comment

Awww, no death today. ;(


-- A Little Slice of Kevin
-- Blood Brother
-- Trial and Error


31- Everybody Hates Hitler
29 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - Pac Man Fever
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - The Great Escapist
19 - Goodbye Stranger
11 - A Little Slice of Kevin
07 - Blood Brother
05 - Trial and Error
03- Sacrifice

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang

Link to comment

-- Trial and Error
++ Blood Brother
-- Everybody Hates Hitler


29- Everybody Hates Hitler
29 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - Pac Man Fever
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - The Great Escapist
19 - Goodbye Stranger
11 - A Little Slice of Kevin
09 - Blood Brother
03 - Trial and Error
03- Sacrifice


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang


Well Citizen Fang I couldn't save you but I don't agree with your placement.  I doubt I will this season.  The first half with Dean and Benny is the part I liked, skipping Sam moments is easy for me since I always did that when I watched Soaps, like General Hospital.  I only watched the storylines I liked and ignored the rest.  Not my favorite season by far but the moments I will miss.


Benny and Dean kicking butt together.  Benny forcing Dean to talk to his brother about him.  I think he knew Dean well enough to know he wouldn't have talked to Sam about him.  Dean being a badass and I even get Benny's stupid about the girl.  I loved the moment with the phone.  For me Sam is in character when he meets Benny because he knows how bad it went when he ignored Dean about Ruby. 

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Setting someone up for a potential double kill.


Bottom 3 --


29- Everybody Hates Hitler
29 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - Pac Man Fever
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - The Great Escapist
19 - Goodbye Stranger
11 - A Little Slice of Kevin
07 - Blood Brother
01 - Trial and Error
01- Sacrifice

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang

Link to comment

Moving the game along

-- Hunteri Heroici

-- Trial and Error
-- Sacrifice


Trial and Error and Sacrifice seem fitting to go hand in hand off to Purgatory.  First there's the episode that put them on the path for the second half of the season.  I loved Kevin and Dean's full-body hug.  QH3F12k.png


Plus we had the boys in Clark Kent glasses.  For Sacrifice we had the fantastic "You're my Marnie, Moose." moment and the gorgeous Angel falling moments.  Sure there were some plot issues but I can always find a few things I like about almost every episode.  So... scamper off you two...go hunt something fun together.


29- Everybody Hates Hitler
27 - Hunteri Heroici
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - Pac Man Fever
21 - As Time Goes By
19 - The Great Escapist
19 - Goodbye Stranger
11 - A Little Slice of Kevin
07 - Blood Brother


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang

Trial and Error

Link to comment

DittyDotDot: I'm pretty sure that only + votes are singular after the halfway point... so we can downvote as we have been. And since there were only downvotes to get us to the halfway mark and past - we're all good.


As for the episodes: I'll miss "Sacrifice" also. I enjoyed the Sam/Crowley scenes quite a bit. I wasn't as happy with the Castiel, the accidentally destructive helper bee, plotline, but as SueB said, the falling angels moment was gorgeous.


I also enjoyed "Trial and Error." The family was awful, but in an interesting way, and I enjoyed the story and Dean actually considering a fling. It had been a while for him if I remember correctly.


-- Blood Brother

-- As Time Goes By

+ Pac Man Fever


29- Everybody Hates Hitler
27 - Hunteri Heroici

22 - Pac Man Fever
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
19 - The Great Escapist
19 - Goodbye Stranger
11 - A Little Slice of Kevin
05 - Blood Brother


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang

Trial and Error

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I liked Trial and Error until Sam knifed the hellhound and took the trials over. That really pissed me off because well let me count all the reasons. 


I fairly well dislike Sacrifice because I didn't like Crowley being de-demoned. I hated that whole humanizing of Crowley. Fuck Crowley sideways.  I hate that guy. 


MV, but I thought Jared, whilst giving his emotional all in that church scene it was all in the wrong direction and that is on the director IMO.  If they were going for Sam really feeling guilty and seeking confession and forgiveness for his sins or being unpure or tainted or whatever, I thought Jared didn't get anywhere near that beat. I have watched that scene many times and every time it still comes across to me that Sam was blaming Dean for having a vampire and an angel for a friend versus Sam feeling guilty for not looking for Dean or Kevin which caused Dean to make that vampire friend and continuing to turn to Cas. It was just weird. I was also completely confused by Sam feeling unclean because I thought he had been cured of the demon blood thing once he was re-ensouled and put himself back together again at the end of S6.


The only thing I really liked was Naomi turning on Marvatron and the angels falling was a great visual beat with a beautiful music cue. 

--The Great Escapist
+ Goodbye Stranger
+ Pac Man Fever
29- Everybody Hates Hitler
27 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Pac Man Fever
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
20 - Goodbye Stranger
19 - As Time Goes By
17 - The Great Escapist
11 - A Little Slice of Kevin
05 - Blood Brother
Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error
Link to comment

Sacrifice's church scene -- the one at the end between Sam and Dean -- was straight up confusing to me. After Sam mentioned his confession in the Big!Emotional!Climax of the *whole season* (i.e., that church scene), I literally went back and tried to find the scene of Sam giving that confession, because I thought I *must* have missed it. How could they not include that? And my reaction to Sam turning on a dime and deciding not to go through with the Trials was, "Buh?" I still don't understand what was going on with that, and the S9 premier didn't help.


The whole season was such a tease. They either put lots of effort into setting up climaxes that never came (the Trials) or threw random climaxes at us that had no setup and therefore meant nothing (Sam's "relationship" ends for good).


BUT! I'm a sap, and at the end of Sacrifice, Dean saying, "I gotcha little brother!" (or whatever ridiculously wholesome and sweet thing he said) as he dragged Sam out of the church melted my heart. Plus, I'm a total sucker for Crazy!Sam, and he was giving some massive crazy as he was falling apart next to the Impala. And the falling angels was one of the best visuals of the series, imo. I also did like the look of the church, that whole setting. So that episode (season?!) wasn't a total loss, I guess?


Talk about grasping at straws. Ugh S8 is just The Worst.


-- Goodbye Stranger

-- Blood Brother

+ The Great Escapist


29- Everybody Hates Hitler
27 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Pac Man Fever
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
19 - As Time Goes By
18 - Goodbye Stranger

18 - The Great Escapist
11 - A Little Slice of Kevin
03 - Blood Brother

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error

Link to comment

DittyDotDot: I'm pretty sure that only + votes are singular after the halfway point... so we can downvote as we have been. And since there were only downvotes to get us to the halfway mark and past - we're all good.


Oops, my bad...carry on, then.



-- As Time Goes By

-- A Little Slice of Kevin

-- Blood Brother



29- Everybody Hates Hitler

27 - Hunteri Heroici

23 - Pac Man Fever

21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

21 - LARP and the Real Girl

18 - Goodbye Stranger

18 - The Great Escapist

17 - As Time Goes By

09 - A Little Slice of Kevin

01 - Blood Brother


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans


Southern Comfort


Torn and Frayed

Taxi Driver

We Need to Talk About Kevin

Clip Show

Freaks and Geeks

Citizen Fang

Trial and Error


Link to comment

So I get to kill Blood Brother, huh?  It's an okay episode but, as I said in the episode thread, it was the set up for Citizen Fang, so I can't like it.  


Hunteri Heroici +

Bottom 2 --


29- Everybody Hates Hitler
28 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Pac Man Fever
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
18 - Goodbye Stranger
18 - The Great Escapist
17 - As Time Goes By
07 - A Little Slice of Kevin

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error

Blood Brother

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 Fuck Crowley sideways.

But.... I think he'd like that.


Sorry... voice in my head went off when I read your sentence.


At least the voice in your head didn't stop for a moment to try and contemplate how that would actually work.


My brain... I tell ya. Sometimes I don't think I should be let out in the unsuspecting public. ; )

  • Love 2
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I go away for a few days and come back to death and destruction at a rapid pace.  Gives me the warm fuzzies.  As far as eulogies for the fallen episodes, all I will say is that in Trial and Error I heartily agreed with the dealmaking stable girl's choice of a Winchester as her (apparently) final booty call.  Shows she wasn't a complete moron.

+ Hilter

-- bottom 2


30 - Everybody Hates Hitler
28 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Pac Man Fever
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
21 - LARP and the Real Girl
18 - Goodbye Stranger
18 - The Great Escapist
15 - As Time Goes By
05 - A Little Slice of Kevin

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error

Blood Brother

Link to comment

Everybody Hates Hitler --

Hunteri Heroici --

LARP and the Real Girl +


28 - Everybody Hates Hitler
26 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Pac Man Fever

22 - LARP and the Real Girl
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
18 - Goodbye Stranger
18 - The Great Escapist
15 - As Time Goes By
05 - A Little Slice of Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error

Blood Brother


sniff, Blood Brother bit the dust.  Oh how I enjoyed Benny and Dean being badass together.  How Dean used Sam's voice as bait.  Still think the best thing about 8 was Benny & Dean.  This is my debate side kicking in, I don't care if you agree with me, it is what I enjoyed about 8. 


I did like Charlie this season and I always like Charlie with Dean.  But since you killed my eps, I can cause havoc with the top 2.  :)

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Count me in as another fan of Blood Brother.  The teaming in Purgatory of Benny and Dean (with that little shoulder tap) was a thing of beauty. As well as the boat shot at night.  *sigh* I miss Purgatory!Dean.


LARP and the Real Girl --

Hunteri Heroici --

A Little Slice of Kevin +


28 - Everybody Hates Hitler
24 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Pac Man Fever
21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

20 - LARP and the Real Girl

18 - Goodbye Stranger
18 - The Great Escapist
15 - As Time Goes By
05 - A Little Slice of Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error

Blood Brother

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-- What's Up Tiger Mommy

-- As Time Goes By (So much potential, but having Sam as a cooperative, helpless hostage and the backstory retcon annoyed me)

+ The Great Escapist


28 - Everybody Hates Hitler
24 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Pac Man Fever
20 - LARP and the Real Girl

19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

19 - The Great Escapist

18 - Goodbye Stranger
13 - As Time Goes By
05 - A Little Slice of Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error

Blood Brother

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-- LARP and the Real Girl (just too Saturday Morning Cartoon)

-- A Little Slice of Kevin (helping set it up for the kill)

+ As Time Goes By (I liked Abaddon and Henry)


28 - Everybody Hates Hitler
24 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Pac Man Fever

19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

19 - The Great Escapist

18 - LARP and the Real Girl

18 - Goodbye Stranger
14 - As Time Goes By
03 - A Little Slice of Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error

Blood Brother

Edited by rue721
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+ Hunteri Heroici
-- As Time Goes By
-- A Little Slice of Kevin


28 - Everybody Hates Hitler
25 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Pac Man Fever

19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

19 - The Great Escapist

18 - LARP and the Real Girl

18 - Goodbye Stranger
12 - As Time Goes By
01 - A Little Slice of Kevin


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error

Blood Brother

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This game is turning me into a psychopath -- killing just for the sake of killing.  ;-)


Hunteri Heroici +

LARP and the Real Girl --

A Little Slice of Kevin -- (though I still love Mrs. Tran in this episode)


28 - Everybody Hates Hitler
26 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Pac Man Fever
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - The Great Escapist
18 - Goodbye Stranger

16 - LARP and the Real Girl

12 - As Time Goes By

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error
Blood Brother

A Little Slice of Kevin

  • Love 1
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+ Everybody Hates Hitler (Heh.  Just so it's clear I am not upvoting Hitler, just this ep, I will ensure I use the full title in the future.  I'd rather not show up in any google searches for people who approve of Die Fuhrer.)


-- Goodbye Stranger


29 - Everybody Hates Hitler
26 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Pac Man Fever
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - The Great Escapist
16 - Goodbye Stranger

14 - LARP and the Real Girl

12 - As Time Goes By

Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error
Blood Brother

A Little Slice of Kevin

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-- Everybody Hates H...


-- Goodbye Stranger


27 - Everybody Hates Hitler
26 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Pac Man Fever
19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
19 - The Great Escapist

15 - LARP and the Real Girl
14 - Goodbye Stranger

12 - As Time Goes By


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error
Blood Brother

A Little Slice of Kevin

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-- Hunter Heroici

-- What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

--  LARP and the Real Girl


27 - Everybody Hates Hitler
24 - Hunteri Heroici
23 - Pac Man Fever
19 - The Great Escapist

17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

14 - Goodbye Stranger

13 - LARP and the Real Girl

12 - As Time Goes By


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:
Man's Best Friend with Benefits
Remember the Titans
Southern Comfort
Torn and Frayed
Taxi Driver
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Clip Show
Freaks and Geeks
Citizen Fang
Trial and Error
Blood Brother

A Little Slice of Kevin

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+Everybody Hates Hitler

+Goodbye Stranger

-- The Great Escapist

28 - Everybody Hates Hitler

24 - Hunteri Heroici

23 - Pac Man Fever

17 - The Great Escapist

17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?

15 - Goodbye Stranger

13 - LARP and the Real Girl

12 - As Time Goes By


Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory:

Man's Best Friend with Benefits

Remember the Titans


Southern Comfort


Torn and Frayed

Taxi Driver

We Need to Talk About Kevin

Clip Show

Freaks and Geeks

Citizen Fang

Trial and Error


Blood Brother

A Little Slice of Kevin

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