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S01.E06: The Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune

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The episode was so flat without a Jasper / Eleanor scene to spice it up. Now Jasper has had a taste of being coerced into sex, too. Isn't he guaranteed to get fired now that the king has seen him? If he was run out of Vegas, how is his next move to go to England and work for the Royal family? What does working security for the Royal family get you in life? Not getting his storyline or motivations at all. Did he sleep with Eleanor the first night out of attraction/opportunity or was it part of some plan? It makes sense to be deliberate but then he quits her detail because she pushes back a little? He had no choice other than to go work for the queen and it's interesting that Ted gave him a heads up about the queen. Though, I swear it was hinted that Ted slept with the queen a few episodes back - when he was going to check her bedroom after the garden party.

Beck does seem like a good match for Eleanor but why can't he leave his wife? I'd put his age at late 20s.

This was such a blah episode and they ruined all my Jasper-Eleanor shipping once he had to put out for the queen.

Is the king headed for an affair with the maid now?

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 Not getting his storyline or motivations at all.

This was such a blah episode and they ruined all my Jasper-Eleanor shipping once he had to put out for the queen.


All of this.  Up until this episode it seemed like Jasper really had some interest in Eleanor but after this episode, seems like he is a crazy gigolo. I had expected to see Eleanor go crazy that mommy was getting her thing. But now it seems like we lost some of that fun as they progressed so fast.  Also looked forward to seeing Jasper's reaction to a sober Eleanor. I have to say this show can take a turn for the creepy.


Kind of felt bad for Gemma too.


Crazy friend of the price with the car is a nice addition.

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idk, it didn't seam to me like he was all into the queen. he was basically pressured as the head security guy told him that the queen is jelouse of elenor and she probably knew about his "relationship" with her.


i'm confused about his parents. were they las vegas con artist or were their uk citizens who committed some kind of treason (IRA or something).

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i'm confused about his parents. were they las vegas con artist or were their uk citizens who committed some kind of treason (IRA or something).

I was also unsure about that. But somehow it make me think that Jasper felt after that conversation that he had to bed the queen. I feel like maybe there are two layers ... MI-6 found the first layer-- Las Vegas Grifter and he doesn't want them to find the treason part. So maybe that is why he went right for the Queen to keep her from looking much further into his past.  But it was confusing.

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I was wondering about Jasper's parentage, too. Wouldn't he have to be a UK citizen to become Royal Security? Having British parents would explain his ability to hop between accents well. It might explain part of his motivation to keep this job at all costs. I had thought he was going to be tried for treason - if Eleanor doesn't corroborate his reasons for leaving her detail (I wonder what he said) - because of his lying about his background on official documents, not that it had anything to do with his parent's history.

I agree that Jasper didn't bed the queen willingly. I hope it's a one and done thing since it's gross, and I hope Helena doesn't torture Eleanor with it. The queen is mean enough to her, she doesn't need more ammunition against her. This is a tough show to watch since there are so many people doing ugly things to each other on it.

Since Jasper was forewarned, maybe Jasper made an audio tape of the queen coercing him and will be able to keep her from using him further/firing him. The queen is ruthless and has a lot of power so I worry about Jasper keeping his job/staying alive, though IMDB shows Tom Austen in all 10 episodes this season.

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I'm still liking the Liam and Ophelia storyline but at this point you can already tell the way these storylines are going to go. I so wish they would bring in another love interest from a different ethnic bckground for Liam though. It would make his storyline be more interesting. And make her just as "nice" as Ophelia. I'm already over Gemma. She's written to be rooted against, which is too easy of a cop out.

I already got the impression during the first episode that The King and the maid are being set up for an affair.

I like Liam's camaraderie with his security guard. I enjoy their scenes together. Beck is probably also a Crown Prince and his wife is probably someone who also comes from a royal family...a legit Princess, which is probably why he was so adament that he couldn't divorce her and why Elenor seem to get "why" even-though she was adament she knew his wife couldn't love him more than her. Just a guess though.

I hope they eventually show Ophelia having her own friends outside of Liam's circle. But I'm okay with them being how they are portrayed so far. I have a feeling that Ophelia's little topless show for Liam on that balcony is gonna come back to haunt her. Simil as r to Kate's topless pics at that French chateau a few years back.

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Haven't watched the episode yet, but my current theory on Jasper is that his parents are somehow involved in the death of Ophelia's mother, which is why he's hiding his background. But even if that were the case, I think Ophelia saw his papers and he was an orphan from somewhere, but assuming he was orphaned later, there should be a record of who his parents are. A background check would have turned up something hinky. But given how Ted sucks as head of security, it won't surprise me if he missed that.

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Ted seems to know about Jasper's past or at least his parents which makes him hiring Jasper in the first place kind of strange. But this is a tv show, so whatever. I too missed Jasper & Eleanor's antics. They're my favorite part of the show. I don't like the maid, but I do like the king. I do hope he doesn't get involved with her. I liked her turning the tables on the creepy brother though.


Hated that whole arrow in the leg business. But then I don't care for Ophelia at all. This was a boring episode.


I thought Jasper looked kind of disgusted after he left the queen's bedroom. It was sweet the king brought her flowers, too bad he saw Jasper. Looking forward to next week where it looks like the king calls the queen a bitch.


Were we supposed to feel sorry for Gemma staying behind and sulking in the pool?

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This was the first episode that I actually kind of liked Ophelia and Liam together. I mean I'm still not a huge fan of them together but it at least makes sense. 


Also, am I weird for wanting Prudence and Simon to get together? I mean it seems really lame but yet I just like how the two of them interact with each other. It's always so sweet and so honest. The age difference would usually put me off but I don't know...they just work for me. I wish I knew why. 


As someone who absolutely despises Jasper, I was quite happy to see Beck come around. He really is what's best for Eleanor. He brings out the best in her and they just clicked immediately. Plus, Beck is hotter than Jasper. It sucks that he's married and all though. 


Love to see the queen's mother pop in (Joan Collins!) that should be fun next week. 

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Helena having Jasper go down on her (and more) was gross. Yuck. I don't mind some sexy times, but I'm tired of the ones with power taking sexual favors from their underlings. At least this week Cyrus wasn't forcing Prudence for sexual favors and she stood up to him.


I had to laugh when Ted said that as head of security, he knows things. You still suck at your job, Ted!! Who cares if you know things when you don't actually do shit at security. It's all well and good that you believe people aren't defined by their past, but for fuck's sake-- you're supposed to be hiring people to protect the King and Queen (of England, did you know?) not giving them second chances. Personally, I don't really care about whatever Jasper's backstory is.


If video of Ashok getting treated for the arrow in the leg got leaked, I'm pretty sure that Ophelia's 10 seconds of toplessness will come back to haunt her.


I liked Beck bringing out Eleanor's good side, but I like the chemistry she has with Jasper.

Edited by catray
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Helena having Jasper go down on her (and more) was gross. Yuck. I don't mind some sexy times, but I'm tired of the ones with power taking sexual favors from their underlings. At least this week Cyrus wasn't forcing Prudence for sexual favors and she stood up to him.



Absolutely agree. It's bad enough having to watch Cyrus rape the servants without the queen doing her version of it. At least I got a few minutes of the cousins, I really laughed when she said she still had the coke up her ass.

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I'm really afraid we're going to find Gemma lifeless in that pool next week.


Still want more of the cousins. I'm hoping that we'll get more of them next season. I think all of this season's eps are already filmed. They are by far my favorite characters.


Helena must be the world's biggest slut. I think she certainly outdoes her daughter in that department. Disappointing, though - I thought Hel actually cared about the blond boyfriend? The one she took to the little love nest?


Ophelia is a total bore. Maybe the casting is off. More Cousins!

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Ophelia is a bore. I think it is more of the way the character is written as opposed to casting. The character is just so vanilla. She needs some spark or charisma. This is a case when I hate pre-determined love interests. Hell, Liam has more chemistry with his sister than Ophelia.


I like Eleanor and Jasper, but I found myself really liking Eleanor and Beck. I thought Eleanor had chemistry with both Jasper and Beck. I would like Beck to show up again.


I wouldn't mind seeing a flashback episode where we saw everyone's relationship with Robert. 

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  Delurking to say that I liked this episode. The Royals is no Empire, but it keeps me awake-most of the time.



Also, am I weird for wanting Prudence and Simon to get together? I mean it seems really lame but I just like how the two interact with each other. It's always so sweet and so honest. The age difference would usually put me off  but I don't know...they just work for me. I wish I knew why.


  As a fellow "weirdo," I like Prudence & Simon together too. At least Prudence acts like she respects Simon and Simon doesn't sexually harass Prudence, unlike his hypocritical, snotty, skanky, bitch ass wife Helena and his asshole brother Cyrus, respectively. Given Helena's cheating on Simon in the past two episodes, I think he deserves to have a little fun on the side and if it makes Helena and Cyrus suffer, then so be it.

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Helena having Jasper go down on her (and more) was gross. Yuck. I don't mind some sexy times, but I'm tired of the ones with power taking sexual favors from their underlings.

Something about this show is that sometimes it just goes too far. I didn't think there was a fine line between risque and ick but this show crosses it too often. I am also a little concerned that the show seems to throw characterization out the window sometimes. Helena was tres' creepy this episode and didn't seem to care about anyone but herself but earlier on she didn't seem that over the top - even last episode she seemed genuinely in love with the guy. I do find it hard to believe Elenore can snap out of being an addict and party girl just because her crush shows up.  Wouldn't she have withdrawal without drugs if she uses them all the time?


I am shipping Simon and Prudence too.  I also like the cousins but don't particularly like the mean spirited jokes. They can be comic relief without being mean comic relief.

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I was thinking that, too, about Eleanor having withdrawal symptoms over that weekend. I mean, she went half a day without drugs touring all the charities and was jittery enough at the rehab place the girl remarked on it.

The only time I like Ophelia is when she is with Eleanor. Then she is kind of fun, otherwise she's really dull.

Re: power and underlings - even Eleanor was a bit handsy with Jasper in the wine cellar in the first episode when he was being bumbling newbie security guy. And then she slept with him and was ready to have him fired before he turned the tables on her. Eleanor is a proto-harasser. The only decent Royal seems to be the King. I guess Liam, too, since he doesn't have to harass people to get sex.

I like Beck, too, but he's married so that door is shut.

IMDB mentions Robert in a description for an upcoming episode so I think we might get to see him/the past.

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Ophelia and Liam are so vanilla together. Ophelia only shines with Eleanor, otherwise she's super dull.


I had a second of liking her when she was using the bow and arrow to threaten a guy for Ashlocks vehicle and then she shot Ashlock and then the moment was gone.


UGH. This show seems to be spinning its wheels.

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