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Season 4 Episode Titles

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I modded the title to have the spoiler tag.

My guesses (spoiler tagged for now):

1. Two Swords - I'm actually not sure on this one. Probably a catching up episode of some kind for new viewers. Probably the introduction of the Martell family.

2. The Lion and the Rose (episode written by GRRM) -

The wedding of Joffrey and Margaery. One I'm really really looking forward to seeing for obvious reasons.

3. Breaker of Chains -

Probably Dany liberating Meereen (at least for now)

4. Oathkeeper -

I assume the title refers to Jaime and/or Brienne. Probably the episode where Jaime gives Brienne her sword and charges her to seek out Sansa and Arya.


Thanks!  Episode 1 seems a quite sad title to me--it may refer to other issues, but it certainly refers to Tywin Lannister melting down Ice, the symbol of House Stark, into two swords, to be given to two lesser men.  The Stark patriarch, matriarch,first-born heir and potential grandson are all dead, all at Lannisters' hands.  The younger Starks are scattered and rootless.  Their ancient proud home is burned and destroyed.  And now, the last great symbol of House Stark is to be melted down and handed over as gifts to---two Lannisters.  Grrrr, the North Remembers...

Again, I'm brand new here, but do we need to add spoiler tags to posts in a thread that's already designated a Spoiler thread?  LOL, one's head hurts trying to figure out the ins-and-outs of the various different forums, but of course, I want to do the right thing!  If a thread title is labeled 'Spoiler', doesn't that mean that posts can and will be spoilery, without tags?

Whatever works here, I'm happy with it...

Edited by joliefaire
Could The Children refer to the Children of the Forest?  Will Bran's storyline move that fast?

Given how fast that kid is growing, you almost wonder if they're going to "Walt from Lost" him - accelerate him getting to the far north and becoming a living tree person or whatever, and then basically writing him out until they need him to come back. That would give them the right amount of time passed on the show before they have to address his size.

Again, I'm brand new here, but do we need to add spoiler tags to posts in a thread that's already designated a Spoiler thread?  LOL, one's head hurts trying to figure out the ins-and-outs of the various different forums, but of course, I want to do the right thing!  If a thread title is labeled 'Spoiler', doesn't that mean that posts can and will be spoilery, without tags?

I spoiler tagged my responses at first because I wasn't sure if you intended this thread to have spoilers when you put it up. But in general... if there are spoiler tags up, you don't need to spoiler posts within that thread. I just did it out of courtesy. But now that we're all clear, and the thread is appropriately tagged, I won't spoiler tag my stuff in here moving forward

mad_typist, I think you're probably exactly right about what they're going to do with Bran.  I saw some photos from the London premiere and wondered 'who's that tall young man over there in the plaid sportscoat and weird orange shoes...'  Yikes, its Bran! 

Re the Russian episode titles, I wonder what those numbers superimposed on each photo mean?  Anybody?

The numbers seem like air dates to me, but maybe they're more exciting than that!  It seems like Bran will go quite far this season into ADwD territory, as Bloodraven has been cast.  

I think Dany will be getting to Meereen quite early - they seem to be going straight there this season, and certain scenes are all but confirmed by casting and I think some Twitter posts.  I think that title is probably most related to the Children of the Forest, although I'm sure that's not the only connection.

Re the Russian episode titles, I wonder what those numbers superimposed on each photo mean?  Anybody?

Those are dates when the episodes shall premiere in Russia. April 7th, April 14th etc. Due to the different time zones it will technically be the 7th on April in Russia when season 4 premieres in the US, so they obviously aren't allowed to make the content available until then.

Really looking forward to episode 2! As for the other titles: "First of His Name" probably refers to Tommen getting crowned. Since the Mockingbird is the symbol of Littlefinger, I presume that episode will be about his business with Sansa and Lisa Arryn. Ep. 8 will be great, as well as Ep. 9. This is shaping up to be a great season since most of the highlights of ASoS will be shown.

I always marvel at tv shows where they actually get to eat the food, but then again I'd be like wow how sick would you be after ten takes?

On one of the S3 DVD commentary tracks, the actor who plays Ramsey Snow commented the you could notice during the scene where he's eating sausage, his bites get progressively smaller as the scene progresses.  Emelia Clarke gave a sympatheitc response, reminding him that she had to eat a horse's heart in S1.  It was hysterical.

Edited by mac123x
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