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Jaclyn & Ryan R

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Could one of the reasons Ryan agreed to stay married at the six week mark be because of the positive feedback he was getting in SM and in his real estate business ventures?  He was replying to comments on twitter early on about how he improved his attitude in the middle of the six weeks.  I think he didn't realize how many people followed this show and and the adulation he was going to receive, and how it could positively affect his real estate listings.

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I don't believe for a second the "experts" believed Ryan and Jac had another shot, nor did they believe Ryan meant he wanted one. Sean and Davina were done before it ended and not even these people could have tried to push Ryan D and Jessica to try again after everything had aired and Jessica said everything about after. Ryan and Jac were the closest thing resembling a chance in hell. The "experts" and Ryan, wanted to look good at the reunion, enter the "one more chance."

Edited by Gigi43
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Thinking about it, I'm not sure the experts were pressuring Jaclyn, exactly. They focused on her because she's the one who kept repeating that she already tried and Ryan wasn't interested. Ryan -- per usual -- didn't say squat, so by his silence made it seem like he was willing to give it another try.


Actually the experts did pressure Jaclyn and said she should "give Ryan another chance" as if it was because of her that the relationship didn't work out.  How presumptuous of them to assume that he wanted to give it another chance - THEY wanted him to give it another chance, not him.  I watched it twice and couldn't believe how despite her being clear that he didn't contact her for months, etc. they would take this angle with her.  It was very clear to me that they were pressuring her, though.  I don't have actual quotes to print here but it was pretty blatant, IMHO.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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IMO: Ryan now has his revenge, and he served it cold. For what, you say? For having his ego bruised by Jaclyn's early comments about not finding him particularly attractive (in whatever words she used).

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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I think he checked before he even joined the show.  It is funny that Sean thinks of himself as this master manipulator, when it was doofus Ryan that really had us all snowed.

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I've been see-sawing on Ryan R. He was the good guy in the beginning and I was rooting for him and Jaclyn them to "grow" into their relationship (to use their vernacular). Then Ryan "pulled back" and I felt bad for Jaclyn as obviously her feelings were hurt. They chose to stay married and seemed to be back on the upswing. By the time of the 6-month update I was totally on Jaclyn's side because Ryan clearly did not seem committed to working on their relationship. Since then, however, I'm seeing more of Ryan's point of view. He can't control who he is attracted to or falls in love with. It clearly wasn't Jaclyn. Do I think he knew that when they were deciding to get stay married or not? Yes. And that seems to be Jaclyn's point of contention - that he shouldn't have led her on then essentially abandon her. I bet her hurt feelings were especially amplified because she had been single for so long and quickly attached to Ryan.  Do I think Ryan was overwhelmed by the experience? Yes. Do I see immaturity in Ryan in his inability to move away from home at his age, not recognizing Jaclyn's emotional stakes in the relationships? Yes. But I don't see as much of a "bad guy" as I did immediately after the 6-month update. 

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I think once Ryan had sex with Jacklyn, he did a turn around. She was too much for him to handle. He wanted peace and quiet back in the solitude of his basement to decompress. He missed his family and poker friends. I know my husband needs his quiet time and so do I. Some people are "on" most of the time and although Jacklyn was perfect, she was "over the top" for some. I watched the rerun of the six month show last night. Does anyone know if they ever got together anymore since then? I really loved watching that show. I didn't care for the experts in the end. That Logan with her faces .. Ugh! Just because those couples had life experiences in common, doesn't mean they are a match. I hope if the show comes back, they get rid of Logan and dr. What's his name next to her.

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IMO, Ryan knew Jaclyn was not his type, but he pursued her sexually anyway. He knew she was too much for him from the start. Also, his Facebook page a few months ago showed he had an active circle of pretty girls he associated with, not all about his family/basement life at all! These were just his excuses.

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Anyone doing a reality TV show has a personality disorder in all probability so I don't understand thew specific hate for Ryan,these people are all absolute nutters.


Only if the personality disorder (I hate that phrase) is "famewhoreitus."

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