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S01.E02: Part 2

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An accident exposes old wounds, complicating the already difficult situation between Danny and his family.


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Wow, talk about a slow burn.


Dang if Kevin (the hothead) isn't hitting too close to home in my family's dynamics, spooky.  Except the gun at the end thing.  That doesn't bode well.


I was with most of the cast that thought Danny did do something to the Dad, but if we are to believe what we saw, it really was just a stroke.  The flashbacks to him being beat, by the Dad, ugh.  Just ugh.  Yeah, that can cause some to have challenges when they grow up.


Sissy is nailing it as the Mom ... wow.  That is pretty much all I can say at the moment is wow.  To everything. 

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I was with most of the cast that thought Danny did do something to the Dad, but if we are to believe what we saw, it really was just a stroke.


i was just the opposite.  I strongly felt that he didn't.  It didn't make sense given what we saw of him telling his Dad that he wanted to make peace.  It also deepened my feeling that these people are just as bad if not worse than Danny.


It's interesting to me that the Dad told Danny that he left the decision to the other three siblings, but so far Danny's keeping that to himself.  I was surprised he didn't use that to poison them to his mother.

Edited by vb68
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i was just the opposite.  I strongly felt that he didn't.  It didn't make sense given what we saw of him telling his Dad that he wanted to make peace.  It also deepened my feeling that these people are just as bad if not worse than Danny.


It's interesting to me that the Dad told Danny that he left the decision to the other three siblings, but so far Danny's keeping that to himself.  I was surprised he didn't use that to poison them to his mother.

Her! Here!  Danny is the black sheep, but he is just  a sheep, the others are wolves.

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Usually I am the last one to figure things out, but I called the dad being a child beater last episode when John told Kevin that Danny did things for him when they were younger that Kevin didn't know anything about. I hate to be right about this one, though.

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I was with most of the cast that thought Danny did do something to the Dad, but if we are to believe what we saw, it really was just a stroke.  The flashbacks to him being beat, by the Dad, ugh.  Just ugh.  Yeah, that can cause some to have challenges when they grow up.



I may be mistaken, but in the flashback I believe Danny was being beaten by Johnny.   If you recall at the outset of the episode, Johnny's voiceover was explaining how people say Kevin's like his father, has his father's temper ... then Johnny says, ominously, I used to be more like my father, but I changed.


Then at the hospital, the doctor explains to Johnny about Danny's old injury and Johnny kind of winces and goes along with Danny's lie.   I took that as his guilt for being the one who inflicted the injury.


Finally, during the fight on the beach, Johnny suffers a momentary debilitating flashback as he watches his brothers fight.   In his mind, he sees young Danny looking up at him from a supine position, as he might have seen him while he was beating him all those years ago.


One more thing: the individual who beat Danny in the flashback looked too young to have been his father.


Of course, I might be wrong.

Usually I am the last one to figure things out, but I called the dad being a child beater last episode when John told Kevin that Danny did things for him when they were younger that Kevin didn't know anything about. I hate to be right about this one, though.

Again, it looked like Johnny to me, and his subsequent behavior seemed to support that.

Edited by millennium
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One more thing: the individual who beat Danny in the flashback looked too young to have been his father.



Interesting.  At first, I recall being slightly confused as to the identity of who was beating Danny but I didn't think it was John.  It all makes sense when it becomes clear why he was being beaten.  

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This is some seriously dark shit, at least compared to my usual fluff-n-stuff.  A lot of the filming is dark too or maybe it is my old tired eyes.  But compelling story and great casting.


I thought Danny was older than John so it did not seem like John was the one beating on him in the flashback.  Based on Danny's comments to his Dad on the beach, I was thinking it was Dad.


The guy who plays Danny is doing a great job.


I'm having a hard time with Kyle Chandler not being the clear cut good guy.


I like that not everyone is airbrushed perfection - girls and guys.  Having grown up in So Fl and spent a fair amount of time in the Keys, reality is that maintaining your make up is a futile effort.


When John went to talk to Eric-the-scumbag's sister, she was watching TV.  The broadcast kept saying Wink - I am assuming that was Wink Martindale (of tv gameshow fame).  Anyone recognize the show based on the audio?  Silly question, but for whatever reason college aged DeLurker and friends found Wink on High Rollers the ultimate funny.


The opening song, The Water let's You In by Book of Fear is awesome.

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I thought Danny was older than John so it did not seem like John was the one beating on him in the flashback.  Based on Danny's comments to his Dad on the beach, I was thinking it was Dad.


Without giving anything away, I'll just retract what I wrote above and say you appear to be correct.


In any event, it was a confusing flashback. 

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i was just the opposite.  I strongly felt that he didn't.  It didn't make sense given what we saw of him telling his Dad that he wanted to make peace.  It also deepened my feeling that these people are just as bad if not worse than Danny.


I'm reserving judgement for now, as I'm only 2 episodes in. I posted in the thread for episode 1 that this family dynamic hits pretty close to home for me. I also said that I was like Kevin, which I'm now taking back, lol. Yes, I was usually the one loudly voicing my opinion about not giving the troubled sibling in my family (my brother) another chance, because it was destined to end badly, but I never lost my temper or became violent the way Kevin did.


From my perspective, I think that John, Kevin, and (to a lesser extent) Meg are hesitant to trust Danny because they've been burned by him one too many times. The exact same thing happened in my situation -- each of us got to a point where we were just done, and had no more patience.


I'm loving this show so far. In episode 1, we're first presented with the picture of the perfect family, but slowly the layers are being peeled back to reveal that it is anything but that.

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I think layers is a good term to describe the Rayburns.


I wonder how your own family size (plus birth order placement) and family dynamics impact your viewing of this show?  I come from a large family - 5 (4 boys and me as the only girl & baby) too and a lot of the going ons ring pretty true to me.  But the norm in my family was almost unbelievable to my friends who came from smaller families.

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I bet it definitely does have some kind of influence. I'm also the last of 5, with 3 older brothers and then my sister and me, and I find most if not all of this to be completely believable, at least so far. The 3 younger siblings seem to be all about protecting their parents from whatever bad decisions and choices Danny makes -- been there, done that many times.

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I presumed it was the dad beating Danny. If that kind of stuff happend enough times, I can see Danny becoming the black sheep and him asking John to ask dad if he can come back. If things like that are the reason why Danny has become the black sheep, I can see why the mom gives him chance after chance and I can see why John says he loves him, wants him back and told Kevin and Meg what Danny did for him (presume protection). There doesn't seem to be a huge age gap between Kevin and John and them with Meg, so why don't they (Kevin and Meg) understand why Danny is the way he is? I would think they would be a little more forgiving? We shall see.


I watched the first two episodes back to back. I'm trying not to binge.

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I just finished ep 2.


I love Kyle Chandler in anything so this makes me happy.  But this is dark and I think it's gonna get darker.


Wink Martindale used to host Tic Tac Dough, and I think that was it. I heard him tell her to put an x in the square.

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This is some messed up family right here. Father beats at least one son; said son is in chronic pain and abuses pain pills, plus evidently having screwed up his life; third son has big anger issues to the point of his wife leaving him. And he also doesn't seem to have done much as an adult.  Middle, best-adjusted son owes his screwup older brother for things he did for him in childhood - protecting him from the dad? So it's not just a case of one bad kid, but maybe a violent father? Where is the mom in all this? She must know about the beating; the one we saw was in daylight and resulted in a broken shoulder. Sure, she always wants to give Danny another chance, but she is ready to give up on him while apparently still thinking her hsband is the bee's knees.


It does look like Danny was telling the truth about what happened to his dad. Only, if this show is anything like the Kesslers' previous show (Damages), they love to toy with audience perception. That flashback was from Danny's perspective. I wouldn't rule anything out. It was weird how the dad just collapsed, though. Like he was shot or stung.

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