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The X-Files Revival: The Truth is in Here

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Jeff Gulka tweeted that he's in Vancouver for the summer. So I guess that means we're getting Gibson Praise.


Blech (unless he's there doing craft services or something, heh).  Every new detail makes me lose interest in this thing. 


I didn't care about Gibson then, and I sure as hell don't care about him enough for him to be such a part of the story Gulka is filming that long.  Plus, he was a bad child actor, and they usually get worse, not better (and he hasn't done much of anything since XF).

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Yeah. I'm hoping he's not filming that long and just decided to spend the summer there for the fun of it, haha. He was a terrible actor as a child and I always wondered why they cast him. He obviously hasn't made acting his career so I don't believe he will be any better as an adult. Gibson also is just a boring character. Maybe if they gave him more personality I would care about him but I just don't.

So far bits of both synopsis spoilers seem to be true.

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At least he's not Jaden Smith, right? I don't actually remember what role Gibson played in the mytharc. I guess I should do a mythology rewatch.


I have no idea how they're going to salvage the mythology at this point. Sounds like they're going back to their roots, which means they'll be ignoring the magnetite and super soldiers (hopefully). 


EDIT: Yep, you're right, most of the leaked material supports that synopsis. It will make me sad if Scully is super skeptical again.

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I have been thinking a lot about what I want to see in the revival, and really it just comes down to one thing I don't want to see:  any relationship trouble between Mulder and Scully. I can take aliens, supersoldiers, William, FBI agents or not-FBI agents, Scully as a pediatrician, bearded Mulder clipping things out of newspapers, CSM being miraculously resurrected (again), Dogget and Reyes, Jaden Smith, Gibson Praise...seriously ANYTHING as long as the relationship is strong between Mulder and Scully.  I know they're fiction, but I love them and I will be so upset if it turns out they've been estranged. 


I rewatched I Want to Believe recently and while M&S are together in the movie and I love the scene of them in bed, they then become at odds with each other for most of the movie and I don't want to see more of that either.  I want those two together, a united front against whatever evils are popping up in the government, etc and watching each others backs, and going home together at the end of the day.  A couple good, well-lit kisses would be appreciated as well.

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Even though I've been complaining about a lot of those things, I completely agree with you. I would be okay with it (wouldn't be ideal, but I would be okay) as long as they get the M&S relationship right. After the drop in quality of the last 2 seasons and the movie, the M&S relationship is the only thing that I still absolutely love about this show and really the only reason I was really excited about this revival. It's really the only thing unique about X-Files. You can watch other MOTW type shows and even conspiracy/mythology type shows. But they're not the same because they're not M&S. 

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I have been thinking a lot about what I want to see in the revival, and really it just comes down to one thing I don't want to see:  any relationship trouble between Mulder and Scully. I can take aliens, supersoldiers, William, FBI agents or not-FBI agents, Scully as a pediatrician, bearded Mulder clipping things out of newspapers, CSM being miraculously resurrected (again), Dogget and Reyes, Jaden Smith, Gibson Praise...seriously ANYTHING as long as the relationship is strong between Mulder and Scully.  I know they're fiction, but I love them and I will be so upset if it turns out they've been estranged. 


I rewatched I Want to Believe recently and while M&S are together in the movie and I love the scene of them in bed, they then become at odds with each other for most of the movie and I don't want to see more of that either.  I want those two together, a united front against whatever evils are popping up in the government, etc and watching each others backs, and going home together at the end of the day.  A couple good, well-lit kisses would be appreciated as well.


Word. My heart couldn't take it if they were estranged for real :(. And add in any bad writing... then I'd just forget about watching any more of it.

Even though I've been complaining about a lot of those things, I completely agree with you. I would be okay with it (wouldn't be ideal, but I would be okay) as long as they get the M&S relationship right. After the drop in quality of the last 2 seasons and the movie, the M&S relationship is the only thing that I still absolutely love about this show and really the only reason I was really excited about this revival. It's really the only thing unique about X-Files. You can watch other MOTW type shows and even conspiracy/mythology type shows. But they're not the same because they're not M&S. 


Exactly. They don't have much to lose now. If they get the relationship wrong, then they're screwed.

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Me three.  I’d like this revival to be something I enjoy on all levels, because if I’m going to spend six hours watching something I’d prefer to watch something that interests me.  And I’d like it be something generally well-received by critics and the audience because I’d like the franchise to redeem itself. 


But my fundamental interest is Scully, and her interaction with Mulder.  If I come out of it thinking the plot sucked but M&S felt right, I’ll be disappointed but ultimately breathe a sigh of relief.  But if I think the mysteries were a well-written return to classic XF yet the relationship between the characters was a hot mess, I’ll wish it had never aired.

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Me three.  I’d like this revival to be something I enjoy on all levels, because if I’m going to spend six hours watching something I’d prefer to watch something that interests me.  And I’d like it be something generally well-received by critics and the audience because I’d like the franchise to redeem itself. 


But my fundamental interest is Scully, and her interaction with Mulder.  If I come out of it thinking the plot sucked but M&S felt right, I’ll be disappointed but ultimately breathe a sigh of relief.  But if I think the mysteries were a well-written return to classic XF yet the relationship between the characters was a hot mess, I’ll wish it had never aired.


You hit the nail on the head. We're kind of damned if they do, damned if they don't. I wouldn't want a bad plot yet I wouldn't want bad M & S interaction either. Heck I wouldn't even bother supporting a third movie if it was really bad. It'll be a waste of my time. A damn shame too. That this could turn out to be a pointless exercise :(. I certainly hope it won't be, but I don't have a ton of faith right now.

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Miguel: I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that Mulder and Scully are coming back to TV. What can you tell me about the new X-Files series?

The truth is still out there! We've heard some big things are going on, especially with Joel McHale's character Tad O'Malley. He may start off as an ally for Mulder, but with the Cigarette Smoking Man out of the picture, there's room for a new nemesis…get the hint? Some other scoop you may be interested in: Rance Howard, that's Ron Howard's papa, just filmed a guest spot and Mulder and Scully will meet a were-monster of sorts in the third episode of the revived series.

Spoiler Chat: Scoop on Pretty Little Liars, Teen Wolf, Arrow, X-Files, The Affair and More!

by KRISTIN DOS SANTOS Tue., Jun. 23, 2015 12:39 PM PDT


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A were-monster? Any of you know if that's true? The show has never handled werewolf stories particularly well.


EDIT: I think they're filming in public today and tomorrow. We might get some new photos!


There's a scene that will be filmed described as "a squatter's camp on the sidewalk, are forcibly removed by having water sprayed at them from a hose." And another scene described as "a character sitting in a car watching another character walking out of the building at 331 Carrall St." 

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A were-monster makes me think of the photos they released before IWTB of Mulder as a werewolf, lol.  I watched the making-of feature on the IWTB blu-ray about the great lengths they went to during the filming to keep everything secret, and to throw people off by releasing false information.  I know I would be happier if I didn't read any spoiler information at all because it makes me all anxious, yet I can't help myself!

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A were-monster makes me think of the photos they released before IWTB of Mulder as a werewolf, lol.  I watched the making-of feature on the IWTB blu-ray about the great lengths they went to during the filming to keep everything secret, and to throw people off by releasing false information.  I know I would be happier if I didn't read any spoiler information at all because it makes me all anxious, yet I can't help myself!


Exactly. I don't trust any information that's coming out right now tbh.


I feel the same! Only bit I'm really interested in is to do with M & S, everything else is gravy.

A were-monster? Any of you know if that's true? The show has never handled werewolf stories particularly well.


EDIT: I think they're filming in public today and tomorrow. We might get some new photos!


There's a scene that will be filmed described as "a squatter's camp on the sidewalk, are forcibly removed by having water sprayed at them from a hose." And another scene described as "a character sitting in a car watching another character walking out of the building at 331 Carrall St." 


Hopefully we will! But I don't trust them tbh, we don't know if they're for real or something that's a set up.



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Gillian Anderson has arrived on set, but it's filming indoors.


Here's the "homeless people": https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CISTRnLUAAAk-33.jpg


Oh. Dang it.


Edit: Just checked via Tumblr... maybe there's some hope... possible new pics?


I'm hoping.


Shit. Someone (one of the photographers) thought that one of the Lone Gunmen may have been spotted.


Edit: I double checked via a screen cap I have on my laptop and it looks like it could be him.


Here's the link to some of the pics


Source: yvrshoots.com

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Wait, I thought the Lone Gunmen were dead? So then, this is flashback filming, right??


Werewolves...yeah, the series didn't do it well. Gotta be deflection for the media for what really is taping.

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Well, nothing is confirmed yet, but in the previously canon comic books the Lone Gunmen are not dead. Their deaths were never shown on screen, either, so I think it's plausible enough for them to come back. (I know Mulder saw their "ghosts" in the final, but they can explain that away if they need to). 

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As great a villain and as important to the show as CSM was, I don't think I could accept him being alive, so I hope any use of William B. Davis* is as a flashback, some discovered footage, or something else that takes place in the past.  But the Gunmen being resurrected?  That's one tidbit I both believe and like.  And it must be all three!


*And the idea that Joel McHale is going to provide the substitute for one of TV's greatest villains?  Please.


If Gillian is shooting any of the scenes set in Philadelphia, then hopefully Scully is affiliated with the FBI in some way by this point -- if she's still "just" a doctor, and one who cares for patients, not one who works as a pathologist, with no license to practice in PA, there are limited ways it would make sense for her to be part of whatever is being investigated. 

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Well things just got stranger... that pic along with some others aren't on the site anymore.

The site says they took that picture down because they realized it wasn't Dean, it was just a crew member.

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Here's some scoop from Michael Ausiello (Tvline)

Question: The first day of filming for The X-Files revival was a whirlwind of spoilery goodness, but since then things have been pretty quiet. Please tell me you’ve got a crumb you can toss to us philes. We want to believe! —Hayley
Ausiello: The scoop is out there right here: The Darin Morgan-penned and -helmed third episode bears the title “Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster,” and it centers on a nondescript man by day/scurry-ass beast by night.
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Found a new E! interview that David did... and someone asks an M & S related question. Not sure of what to think of it answer wise though. But it might be looking like a breakup/separation/estrangement now :X.


Here it is.


Source: eonline.com


Tbh though, what was said there kind of seemed to be opposite of the Access Hollywood one, interview wise. So maybe this one is meant to be a diversion?

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What was said in the Access Hollywood one that's opposite of this? I don't remember.


From what I remember, David has only said that he doesn't know if M&S will be romantic. Now he's saying that he's never thought about it one way or the other and he doesn't know if there will be rekindling. We know that prior to this, he thought M&S were already married as of IWTB. He also said in response to someone quoting Chris about the relationship changing and evolving that he assumed so, otherwise what would be the point in coming back.


So, I don't know...it's either purposeful ambiguity to keep people guessing (a strategy that I think is backfiring) or they really are separated and there's a question of if they're going to reconcile or not. Bleh

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What was said in the Access Hollywood one that's opposite of this? I don't remember.


From what I remember, David has only said that he doesn't know if M&S will be romantic. Now he's saying that he's never thought about it one way or the other and he doesn't know if there will be rekindling. We know that prior to this, he thought M&S were already married as of IWTB. He also said in response to someone quoting Chris about the relationship changing and evolving that he assumed so, otherwise what would be the point in coming back.


So, I don't know...it's either purposeful ambiguity to keep people guessing (a strategy that I think is backfiring) or they really are separated and there's a question of if they're going to reconcile or not. Bleh


Oh just that him and Gillian would remind Chris if they think things are going wrong relationship wise with M & S. So him not knowing seemed a bit off. Not totally though, since you mentioned about the romantic thing. I remember him saying something like that before.


Good point. He sounds like a scrambled egg to me lol. Just as messed up as we are in that regard right now.


Seconded on the Bleh. No interest in the separated and rekindled crap. That's just CHEAP. If it ends up being the case, I won't even bother to buy the dvd's after one watch. 

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or they really are separated and there's a question of if they're going to reconcile or not.


If that's the case, I really don't understand the strategy behind it because by making that a storyline they would piss off pretty much everyone -- folks who love them as a couple and thus don't want to see them broken up, even if only for five episodes, and those who resent that the show ever put them together in the first place and thus don't want another "will they get together?" storyline. 


They have enough different factions to satisfy with the type of stories they tell via the mysteries.  The best way to keep most people satisfied on the relationship front is to keep it intact but not make a big deal out of it.

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If that's the case, I really don't understand the strategy behind it because by making that a storyline they would piss off pretty much everyone -- folks who love them as a couple and thus don't want to see them broken up, even if only for five episodes, and those who resent that the show ever put them together in the first place and thus don't want another "will they get together?" storyline. 


They have enough different factions to satisfy with the type of stories they tell via the mysteries.  The best way to keep most people satisfied on the relationship front is to keep it intact but not make a big deal out of it.


Exactly. It doesn't make ANY sense. 


One thing that concerns me is from the Winnepeg interview with Chris:



CP: Such a big part of the show was the will they/won't they storyline and fans still haven't gotten a proper love scene. Mulder and Scully obviously had a child together, why was their relationship never explicitly consummated?


Carter: It was part of the mystery of "The X-Files." That relationship was kind of mysterious. Did they get together? Didn't they get together? If they've got a child together, when did they get together? These are questions that we will deal with and answer in good time.


CP: In these six episodes?


Carter: In a way.


Bolded the important parts. Sounds like he might be up to his old tricks again.

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I'm just trying to keep in mind the forced ambiguity surrounding their relationship in IWTB. They really did try and convince everyone that Mulder and Scully were separated... and they weren't. Maybe they're using the same (stupid) tactic again?

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His interviews always make me question if he even understands his own show. Everyone on the show seems to really underestimate the fans' intelligence. No one liked the mystery of their relationship, they liked the reality and potential of their relationship. They seem to think shippers are the same as all the teenage girls who go crazy for the Twilight couple. They should give the fans and themselves more credit than that. M&S are a much better relationship and its appeal is its maturity and unwavering quality, not the mystery and drama.

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I'm just trying to keep in mind the forced ambiguity surrounding their relationship in IWTB. They really did try and convince everyone that Mulder and Scully were separated... and they weren't. Maybe they're using the same (stupid) tactic again?


Maybe. I hope it's that (as stupid as it was) and not FOR REAL.

His interviews always make me question if he even understands his own show. Everyone on the show seems to really underestimate the fans' intelligence. No one liked the mystery of their relationship, they liked the reality and potential of their relationship. They seem to think shippers are the same as all the teenage girls who go crazy for the Twilight couple. They should give the fans and themselves more credit than that. M&S are a much better relationship and its appeal is its maturity and unwavering quality, not the mystery and drama.


Not all of them are that way imo. It seems as if David might get part of it. And I think Gillian does to a point too. I think it's more of a writer thing tbh. And that's what scares me.


Word on that. We have BRAINS in our heads, people! We're grown ups (for the most part) and we're NOT fans of mystery and drama. That has come and gone. Exactly.

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A photo just surfaced of DD in what looks like a suit and tie.... http://humancredentials.tumblr.com/image/122371520578


I think it was taken today, but don't quote me on that.


Not digging the tie. XD


Suit looks ok though.


Just watched the E! interview, it seems as if she was going off of the pics... and he just meant in terms of the overall show, that it's only one aspect. Nothing new really.


I think she was just asking to ask in general. I don't think it means anything either way.

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I rewatched I Want to Believe recently and while M&S are together in the movie and I love the scene of them in bed, they then become at odds with each other for most of the movie and I don't want to see more of that either.  I want those two together, a united front against whatever evils are popping up in the government, etc and watching each others backs, and going home together at the end of the day.  A couple good, well-lit kisses would be appreciated as well.


I somehow missed this earlier ...


I didn't mind the extent to which they were at odds in IWTB (I just didn't think it was written very well, like the rest of the film).  Theirs is a relationship forged in conflict, and they're always going to have some fundamental differences.  Watching them sometimes being at odds with each other professionally despite being committed to each other personally would be fine by me, because it's natural. 


I don't want them broken up and getting back together (or, worse yet, broken up and staying that way!), because a) I don't trust CC with that storyline and b) it would drag things down.  But I don't want them to be in agreement the whole time, either, because that won't feel right; that was never who they were, and there's no reason for it to be who they are now.  They don't always want the same things, and they don't always agree on what's the right way to get the things they do both want.  Watching them navigate those differences was always interesting, and in IWTB we got a glimpse of how they do so now that they're partners in life on top of the rest.  I want to continue that.

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I agree. They don't need to agree on everything, but what I didn't like about IWTB is that they treated that disagreement as if it could potentially break them up. No long-term mature relationship can break up over something so trivial. That's what I hated about it. So, keep the disagreements here and there, but lose the overdramatic reactions to it.

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I somehow missed this earlier ...


I didn't mind the extent to which they were at odds in IWTB (I just didn't think it was written very well, like the rest of the film).  Theirs is a relationship forged in conflict, and they're always going to have some fundamental differences.  Watching them sometimes being at odds with each other professionally despite being committed to each other personally would be fine by me, because it's natural. 


I don't want them broken up and getting back together (or, worse yet, broken up and staying that way!), because a) I don't trust CC with that storyline and b) it would drag things down.  But I don't want them to be in agreement the whole time, either, because that won't feel right; that was never who they were, and there's no reason for it to be who they are now.  They don't always want the same things, and they don't always agree on what's the right way to get the things they do both want.  Watching them navigate those differences was always interesting, and in IWTB we got a glimpse of how they do so now that they're partners in life on top of the rest.  I want to continue that.


Fair point. I didn't mind IWTB in regards to it... just the 'I'm not coming home' thing seemed rather 'drama' in a way... rather cheap. Not terrible, but it was there. At least it was handled well, so that made up for it. So I'm cool with it.


Word. It would draw away from the plot itself. And that would NOT be good. It would be distracting. Exactly. Well put.

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I agree. They don't need to agree on everything, but what I didn't like about IWTB is that they treated that disagreement as if it could potentially break them up. No long-term mature relationship can break up over something so trivial. That's what I hated about it. So, keep the disagreements here and there, but lose the overdramatic reactions to it.


Exactly. It made no sense to me.


I hope that they DON'T go down that road again. Otherwise, I'm going to need some strong root beer to help me through this :D.

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I hope that they DON'T go down that road again. Otherwise, I'm going to need some strong root beer to help me through this :D.

Haha, I think I'm going to need some tequila.


I don't know what to think. Most of the leaks and actors' comments have made me think they are going to be estranged, but I really just don't see why any of the writers think that would be a good move. So, that makes me believe that they wouldn't do it, which means that the leaks have been intentionally misleading, but then I don't think they would do that either....so it's a vicious circle that's going around in my head and I'm trying to tell myself not to care so much. But I DO! I can't help it. 

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Scully running: http://41.media.tumblr.com/dec94299a0fcc5332ba2655e6d82c5d9/tumblr_nqh1ju6tC21un5gbko1_1280.jpg

Interesting tidbit: http://36.media.tumblr.com/f229db14b73e99007803e7ed1a68dcb4/tumblr_nqgytaOIjI1u4vq0ao1_1280.jpg



Some more photos


Sorry if you guys have seen these already---I'm just trying to be helpful to anyone who doesn't use tumblr.


EDIT: It's all but been confirmed that they are working for/with the FBI again.

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Haha, I think I'm going to need some tequila.


I don't know what to think. Most of the leaks and actors' comments have made me think they are going to be estranged, but I really just don't see why any of the writers think that would be a good move. So, that makes me believe that they wouldn't do it, which means that the leaks have been intentionally misleading, but then I don't think they would do that either....so it's a vicious circle that's going around in my head and I'm trying to tell myself not to care so much. But I DO! I can't help it. 


Word. And now there's been some news that Fox is looking into some stuff... so some of us have been too negative lol.


Been working on curbing it you guys! I'm only human! :) Sorry if it comes across in a negative light. It's just frustration.


Someone on Tumblr said that it would be better if some non plot related pics were leaked or something to help bring in some positive press. I agree with them on that, hands down. It wouldn't hurt. Being too secretive isn't helping.


Fans are only going to get/be frustrated, and that can lead to more negative posts.

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what I didn't like about IWTB is that they treated that disagreement as if it could potentially break them up.


I didn't perceive it that way, so it didn't bother me, but if I had, yeah -- that would be dumb.  And definitely not something I would want to see in the revival, either.

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