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S04.E17: Spiderhunt

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I didn't really understand the intent behind Coach's gay, scared, elephant stereotype but I loved the delivery.


Winston was great, as usually. "No, you guessed. How you do that?" and laughing with Jess about Cece liking him.


Jess calling Winston 'officer cat fancy.'


I LOVED the popcorn maker misunderstanding. My favorite line was when Nick said a bunch of old drunks would be grabbing at it.


I'm going to start calling spiders half insects, half lobsters.


I don't love the woman Schmidt is with.

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It took me about 45 minutes to watch this episode, because I kept watching the Nick/Jess conversation. It had me in stitches. I loved Jess's appalled "I know what temperature it gets." Also loved Nick telling Jess he didn't want her to sneak in and clean it.

Winston continues to be amazing. I love the relationship he has with Cece now and I cracked up at "Nick said she ugly."

Some of the smaller stuff was great, too - 10-ft. Ralph Macchio, Coach's writing attempts, Nick's gross ingredients. Even with a premise that I'm over (Cece pining for Schmidt), this was a great episode

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That sauce looked positively disgusting. I was cringing when he was squeezing an entire bottle of mayo into it.


More and more it strikes me what a fifth wheel Coach is on this show. The fact is, the character is just so superfluous he's not only unnecessary but a distraction. He always feels shoe-horned into the show, because basically, he is. It was a case of Damon Wayans Jr. losing his job when Happy Endings was cancelled and New Girl being nice enough to give him his old job back, but whatever time the episodes spend on him feels like a waste.

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Winston continues to be amazing. I love the relationship he has with Cece now and I cracked up at "Nick said she ugly."

Just reading that cracks me up again. He said so many hilarious things, which are often hilarious just from how he says it.


"Noooo. You guessed it. How you did that?"


"Uh-UHHHH! If you could see my face right now, I'm smiling, and I'm saying Uh-UHHHH!" (I have no clue how to spell the sound he made.)


The popcorn/Cece conversation betw Nick and Jess was fantastic. That's such an old trope, but this was written and performed to perfection.


I don't like Schmidt's girlfriend. I don't like Cece pining after Schmidt. But I thought this was a very funny ep.

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That sauce looked positively disgusting. I was cringing when he was squeezing an entire bottle of mayo into it.


More and more it strikes me what a fifth wheel Coach is on this show. The fact is, the character is just so superfluous he's not only unnecessary but a distraction. He always feels shoe-horned into the show, because basically, he is. It was a case of Damon Wayans Jr. losing his job when Happy Endings was cancelled and New Girl being nice enough to give him his old job back, but whatever time the episodes spend on him feels like a waste.


I loved Coach in the pilot and I was so disapointed when he left and we got Winston instead. When Happy Endings ended I clamored for his return and the departure of Winston. But I have to agree here, not only does the present Coach not ressemble at all the Coach I loved in the pilot (he seems more a mix of Brad/Damon) but Winston is alot funnier and Coach just seems out of place.

Edited by WorldWarIV
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I forgot to say how much I loved Winston holding onto Cece and Jess's hands at the end. When they went to the wide shot under the camera I expected his hand to go to her knee or something, but when he reached across her lap I lost it.

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The sauce gag killed me. The first shot of Nick just talking while squeezing a never ending stream of mustard into the pot... I was dying. Among all the condiments, he was also holding a jar of sprinkles at one point!

Which he was doling out into the sauce in a very PRECISE manner. Killed me. 

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