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S03.E12: Uprising

Meredith Quill
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I have finally gotten around to watching episode 12 and I’m surprised that I liked it!
Malcolm Merlyn
I was watching this with the closed captioning on.  I noticed by having to read what he was mumbling that he was using the same words Oliver used in the past 2 seasons. He became a villain while Oliver is still on his way to becoming more than just a hero.  I was not impressed.  He has excuses heaped on more excuses why he has become what he is today. The problem with that is that the writers seem to have forgotten what they have already written. He is the one who didn’t answer his wife’s phone calls, just because he killed the wrong man doesn’t in any way mean things would have turned out differently he thought he had the right man, dumb.  I don’t buy his sorrow or his path to redemption. I started watching this show because of Barrowman and it’s time for him to go.  He doesn’t do sad well, evil maniacal BSC yes but that’s it. 
Buckles and Roy
They have proven since Oliver left to die that they are a threat not only to themselves but to any innocent bystander as well.  While they have managed to live through each debacle it was by pure luck IMO or through the help of others. They both are a poor excuse for Arrow.
Did anyone notice that before the big fight that Buckles suit caught the light and glittered?  I was not watching on an HD TV so don’t know if that matters.  It proves that there is too much shiny stuff on her outfit.
They both need a lot more training.  Please don’t let them go out again without backup.
John Diggle
He was wasted on this episode he was barely used. His facial expressions were golden and his scene with Merlyn was finally in character.  WE NEED MORE DIGGLE.
Felicity Smoak
Felicity has finally become a hero in her own right. She is no longer an extension of Oliver’s plans. She had the moral high ground throughout the show. She has never been afraid to give her opinions but she showed herself to be firmly grounded to what was right and wrong.  Her sitting on her throne chair and not rising to Merlyn’s imposing figure showed that she had a spine of titanium and even in anger was thinking clearer than half the motley crew. She was ‘paying attention.’ She was in charge.
Her confrontation with Oliver showed that she was no longer going to go along with his thoughts that she would be the girlfriend on his arm with him always making all the decisions.  His death became her rite of passage. It is her life and her choice and she wants a say in how she is going to live it and it’s about time. Oliver has never had to work to keep a girlfriend.  She tried it his way it didn’t work, if he wants her then he will have to do it her way. Brilliantly written and acted by both.
Oliver Queen
Oliver’s sole purpose IMO for standing on the van, giving the speech and then being dramatic and shooting the arrow into the air and sliding away was to make good television.  Not for us the viewing audience, well maybe so, but for the news stations to televise it so that Ra’s al Ghul will hear that the Arrow is back and awaiting another fight.

I did not mention anything with Brick because I felt the story was so over the top that it was ridiculous so wasn’t worth commenting on other than this.

On the whole the show was boring I would have given it a 4/10 but when the Arrow arrived and gave the speech and then took a circuitous route to the Arrow Cave and gave his second speech and then Felicity told him exactly why he was a complete and total dumbass it became a 9/10.

Team Arrow

Stephen Amell
His acting has only gotten better since the pilot. His facial expressions and his body language have improved so much that it makes it a pleasure to watch him act.  He was missed in the previous episodes and just the few minutes that he was back in SC proved that his sidekicks can’t carry the show. I am not talking about EBR or DR they are his partners.

Emily Bett Rickards
She was glorious. Her growth as an actress has been fun to watch.  I hope that the writers continue to write her as a strong woman and a leader.

David Ramsey

Colton Haynes
He has shown that he needs to remain a sidekick.

Katie Cassidy
I don’t know how her character made it through law school. She is evil and mean.  Katie plays that role very well.
This show obviously was written to set up Arrow to become OQ/Green Arrow and FS to become Oracle or whatever name they decide to give her (please no wheelchair). The writers said that they are going to make up new characters next season I hope that they give Diggle and Felicity new secret identities.

I hope that the writers make SA, DR, EBR and CH characters stronger.  Their writing of Team Arrow has always been good but they could make it great. Camaraderie is a good trait to show and lately with the writing to prop up other characters there has been very little of this. 
I want the action and the drama and a little more light.  It’s as if I need a flashlight to watch the show anymore.
Sorry for how long this is.

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Oliver Queen

Oliver’s sole purpose IMO for standing on the van, giving the speech and then being dramatic and shooting the arrow into the air and sliding away was to make good television.  Not for us the viewing audience, well maybe so, but for the news stations to televise it so that Ra’s al Ghul will hear that the Arrow is back and awaiting another fight.


I don't think so, I think it was just supposed to be a rah-rah hero moment. Oliver purposely alerting Ra's to the fact that he's alive when he's not even walking right, can't stand to have someone hug him tightly, and doesn't even have a plan, is the stupidest thing ever. So...maybe he did do it on purpose, since he seems to be making dumb decisions left and right, haha. 

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Even if he didn't mean to send Ra's a message, he just did which now adds another layer on the stupid that I hadn't thought about.  The LoA knew he was alive but until he announced his return, they didn't know where he was.  He could have gone underground at least until he'd healed or have even a tenth of his plan in place.  If he survives it's only by the grace that Ra's extends him. 

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I mean, it wouldn't be a huge stretch of the imagination for Ra's to know Oliver would head home, so he would've been found out eventually. But it would've been really smart to lay low until he had healed up a bit just so no one was really sure. Is DJ douchebag going to be keeping an eye on Oliver too? 

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I was thinking about Laurel's line "Because I actually am paying attention"  and while I thought it made her sound bitchy, it was pointed out that it followed an earlier line by Felicity who answered "Have you been paying attention?" when Laurel asked her if she could hack the walkie talkies.  (It was classic Felicity snark, similar to the lines "It hurts you have to ask me that" and "What does it take to impress you guys?" to Oliver and Diggle earlier in the series.)


I think the problem was KC's line reading. She emphasized "because I actually am paying attention" which made it sound like she was putting the others down, rather than " because I actually am paying attention" which would have been a response to Felicity's earlier line.


He became a villain while Oliver is still on his way to becoming more than just a hero.  I was not impressed.  He has excuses heaped on more excuses why he has become what he is today. The problem with that is that the writers seem to have forgotten what they have already written. He is the one who didn’t answer his wife’s phone calls, just because he killed the wrong man doesn’t in any way mean things would have turned out differently he thought he had the right man, dumb.  I don’t buy his sorrow or his path to redemption.

I agree, I think the writers have forgotten that he didn't answer his wife's phone calls as she was dying.  This could have been an awesome psychological arc, as he projects his failings on to others and fails to regret that with all his money, he didn't get her a bodyguard.


I wish I trusted the writing on the show more to draw the lines they need to draw.  Malcolm was convinced he killed the right man and he still went BSC and tried to destroy the Glades, someone needs to point that out. (Diggle?)  But I'm still putting my chips on the "Malcolm will end up being a villain" square, and maybe he will be the one to die at the end of the season.


Felicity has finally become a hero in her own right. She is no longer an extension of Oliver’s plans. She had the moral high ground throughout the show. She has never been afraid to give her opinions but she showed herself to be firmly grounded to what was right and wrong.  Her sitting on her throne chair and not rising to Merlyn’s imposing figure showed that she had a spine of titanium and even in anger was thinking clearer than half the motley crew. She was ‘paying attention.’ She was in charge.

I used to think that they were going to make Thea the new Moira but maybe it's Felicity instead except she's not going to be so grey.


The show badly needs a new Moira. This episode, with Malcolm walking all over Thea, Roy, Laurel and Oliver, proved that.

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I was thinking about Laurel's line "Because I actually am paying attention"  and while I thought it made her sound bitchy, it was pointed out that it followed an earlier line by Felicity who answered "Have you been paying attention?" when Laurel asked her if she could hack the walkie talkies.  (It was classic Felicity snark, similar to the lines "It hurts you have to ask me that" and "What does it take to impress you guys?" to Oliver and Diggle earlier in the series.)


I think the problem was KC's line reading. She emphasized "because I actually am paying attention" which made it sound like she was putting the others down, rather than " because I actually am paying attention" which would have been a response to Felicity's earlier line.


I agree, I think the writers have forgotten that he didn't answer his wife's phone calls as she was dying.  This could have been an awesome psychological arc, as he projects his failings on to others and fails to regret that with all his money, he didn't get her a bodyguard.


I wish I trusted the writing on the show more to draw the lines they need to draw.  Malcolm was convinced he killed the right man and he still went BSC and tried to destroy the Glades, someone needs to point that out. (Diggle?)  But I'm still putting my chips on the "Malcolm will end up being a villain" square, and maybe he will be the one to die at the end of the season.


I used to think that they were going to make Thea the new Moira but maybe it's Felicity instead except she's not going to be so grey.


The show badly needs a new Moira. This episode, with Malcolm walking all over Thea, Roy, Laurel and Oliver, proved that.

If there is any Woman on this show who could be the New Moira it's Felicity. She's already A HBIC like Moira and I agree with not making Felicity a grey character. With ST gone IMO EBR is the Best Female Actress on the show. I believe ST even said that she feels Felicity kinda earned Moira's Respect!!

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That. Made. No. Sense. At. All.

Was that meant to be comedy hour on Wednesday? The plot on this show is so stupid I laughed at everything that happened. The police left the glades? Laugh. Team Arrow took care of Starling? Laugh. Diggle remaining in the foundry whilst inexperienced (albeit hilarious) Laurel Lance and Roy-lost-his-memory-Harper took to the streets? Where do I begin.

That pacing of that final scene was all wrong. I don't blame Felicity for losing her mind at Oliver, I blame the writers for not allowing the team any breathing time to accept his arrival. THAT was contrived. Oliver teaming up with Merlyn? Contrived. Thea? Is obviously still on that drug because she has memory loss concerning Malcolm. Laurel? I kept going YEAH LAUREL because what else am I supposed to do? Eh I hated that she was the one who got the "Oliver?" line. She's still nowhere near as cool as Sara but that's to be expected, but whenever she and Roy worked together it was comedy hour for me. Ted was ridiculous. Wait why is Brick so strong? Did they explain that in ep11? Is he just a really strong bloke that can take hits.

I will say I loved that scene between Malcolm and Brick, and later Oliver. For the first time I felt Malcolm was truly a grieving husband. Buuuuuuuut I still think he needs to be reported to Ra's. I have no time for that man's sob story, talk about I'll protect Tommy and ended up killing him. *massive eye roll* Even Malcolm expected Oliver to take him down. He was like whaaa? Team up to take down Ra's? Is the student takes down the teacher like a slogan they learn at Nanda Parbat school? In which case Ra's what are you doing? Prophesying your own death? Bruh. I actually don't for a second think Oliver WANTS to join Malcolm. It does seem like there's still a healthy dose of "I want to take you down but won't for reasons". And reasons being plot. Goodnight.

Adorable little Oliver though. All in all a super ridiculous piece of work. Hahahaha the residents of the Glades fighting Brick? That's how you handle things baby.

Oh oh oh Felicity's death glare at Malcolm was PRICELESS.

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I used to think that they were going to make Thea the new Moira but maybe it's Felicity instead except she's not going to be so grey.



I see nothing to suggest Felicity is or will be a new "Moira". Thea is the one who is happily working with the devil while Felicity is reluctant to do so.

Edited by Conell
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I see nothing to suggest Felicity is or will be a new "Moira". Thea is the one who is happily working with the devil while Felicity is reluctant to do so.

I see it as a split between them.  Thea is getting the shady grey stuff and Felicity the unflappable seat of power. 

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Thea has the grey part of Moira, as does Laurel but I was thinking of the Moira who not only stood up to Malcolm Merlyn but countered him by figuring out about Nanda Parbat and going to Ra's al Ghul.  Since she died, Malcolm has just run over everyone, including Thea and Oliver, as he wills.

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Thea has the grey part of Moira, as does Laurel but I was thinking of the Moira who not only stood up to Malcolm Merlyn but countered him by figuring out about Nanda Parbat and going to Ra's al Ghul. Since she died, Malcolm has just run over everyone, including Thea and Oliver, as he wills.

Agree. Also every choice Moira made wad done out of love & to protect her family, esp after the gambit. So it sorta fits felicity, but in some ways it also fits Oliver. Oliver to me reminds me of Moira. A lot of his decisions are filtered thru the eyes of love, but he sometimes doesn't think of the long term fallout consequences. I always wondered what Robert was like, maybe well see it in more flashbacks. Because the way Oliver handled some if his secrets & lies esp towards Thea was spot on Moira.

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I never thought of that. Only why do I rail on Oliver so much (really boy doesn't learn) but Moira was a boss?

Well during the 5 years Moira had to think about the decisions she made. She had to bury a husband & a son. But then she found love again, and established a relationship with her daughter that although might not be the best parenting, was a loving bond. So I guess she found her love & confidence again, began to see how she could learn from her mistakes. Even with that though, she did make some missteps thru s1+2, because she's human. Meanwhile Oliver was stuck on multiple islands, tortured, nearly killed, watch his friends die, buried his father & part time lover, was used as an assassin, whatever went down w/ Tatsu/Son/Maseo, Bratva, and thats all we know. Then he returned to complete a mission of justice & vigilantism that was his dying father's wish, who killed himself to save Oliver. So I guess you could say Oliver was a little busy, emotionally/mentally preoccupied to really work on finding his inner karma & reflect upon his life either past/present or future. So there's a little bit of a learning curve for him. I like to consider this season is perhaps the training equivalent of him slapping buckets of emotional water. Painful to endure for both OQ & audience a like, but in the end worth it.

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A woman's brain if fully mature at 30 - 35.  It takes a man till 40 - 60 for the synapses to reach the same state (from my neurophysiology course).In


In terms of brain development, Oliver is still young.  He has a tendency to look into the near future while Moira played the long game.

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I think Quentin had the funniest line of the episode, when Felicity tells him she'll send in Arsenal: "What, are you people just pulling names out of a hat now?"


And how funny when Roy's standing there, in full costume, with the voice changer even, and Lance is like: "I know it's you, Harper."


I don't know if "Arsenal" is from the comic books or a show invention, but it does sound really dumb.


Anyway, what a ho-hum comeback.    Why does this show suck so much this season?    I still don't get any frisson between Oliver and Felicity.   It seems an obligatory plot contrivance intended to please (or tease) shipping fans, nothing more.   I think that's why they keep coming up with stupid ways to subvert/delay it.  "I don't want to be a woman you love."  Vomit.   Seems to me this kind of scene does the character of Felicity a great disservice.   Diminishes her as a "bitch with Wifi."  Reduces her to pining wallflower, blubbering mess, etc.


The rallying cry from atop a van?   BTDT.


I thought Tatsu looked especially beautiful in this episode.

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312 (Uprising) - Oliver Queen's voiceover intro:
Oliver (voiceover): "My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I have come home with only one goal - to save my city. Now others have joined my crusade. To them, I'm Oliver Queen. To the rest of Starling City, I am someone else. I am something else."

312 (Uprising) - Team Arrowless continue to fight Brickwell’s men in the Glades:
Woman on TV: "The Glades have been without a police presence for a week now."
Man on TV: “Daniel Brickwell threatened every member of local government. What else was Mayor Castle supposed to do?”
Woman on TV: “This is worse than negotiating with terrorists. This –“
(Brick’s goon smashes the TV.)
Goon (to diner owner): “Tax time. Brick wants his cut. Now give me all the cash in your register… or I'll make your head look like that TV.”
Roy (entering): “I have another idea.”
Goon: “Looks like we got ourselves a real live superhero here. You that red streak I've been hearing about on TV?”
Roy: “Wrong city.”
Goon: “Either way, I bet Brick will pay us a finder's fee. Make the call.”
Laurel (entering): “Guns down!”
(Roy and Laurel take down the goons.)
Roy: “Grant must be some teacher.”
Laurel (over comms): “Diner at 10th - Clear.”
Felicity: “Diner's taken care of. Why are these people calling 911? Don't they know the police have pulled out of the Glades?”
Diggle: “Because they're desperate and scared. (Over comms) Multiple reports or looting at Western and Oxnard.”
Roy (over comms): “Got it.”
(Roy and Laurel exit diner and get on motorcycle.  Bystanders, including Sin, see them.)
Sin: “Sara?”
*  *  *
Felicity: “It's Lance.”
Diggle: “Good. Maybe the cavalry's coming.”
Felicity: “Captain Lance?”
Quentin (on phone): “You guys have been busy.”
Felicity: “Just trying to keep things together. Doesn't really feel like it's been working.”
Quentin (on phone): “How can I help?” 
Felicity: “Can you? I mean, I thought the Mayor was pretty specific about Blues staying out of the Glades.” 
Quentin (on phone): “It doesn't mean I can't help out the Hood Squad off the books.”
Felicity: “We call ourselves Team Arrow. Well, actually, that's just me, but –“
Quentin (on phone): “I just got everything we have on Brick from evidence lockup.” 
Felicity: “Okay. I'll send Arsenal over once the next brush fire's put out.”
Quentin (on phone): “Arsenal? What, are you guys just pulling names out of a hat now?”
Diggle: “Felicity, you might want to wrap it up. We just got two more calls that came in.”
Felicity: “Talk soon, Captain.”

312 (Uprising) – Felicity discovers that Brickwell killed Malcolm Merlyn’s wife, Rebecca, 21 years ago:
Roy: "If I don't suture this, it's gonna scar, Laurel."
Laurel: “I'll just add it to my ever-growing collection. My father give us anything to use to locate Brick?”
Diggle: “I don't see how. Some of this stuff goes back decades.”
Felicity: “There is plenty of evidence against Brick, but there's nothing the police can make stick.”
Laurel: “So this is what Brick has reduced us to - grasping for straws. I don't know how you guys have done this for so long.” 
Roy: “We had Oliver.”
Diggle: “What are you doing?” 
Felicity: “Grasping at straws, I'm pretty sure, but maybe there's something in Brick's M.O. that would suggest a couple doors for us to kick down. I mean, for you to kick down.” 
Laurel: “What was that?” 
Felicity: “Cross-reference with Alderman Ford's murder and the evidence your father gave us. The same gun was used in a 20-year-old shooting.” 
Roy: “The same gun? Either that's arrogance or stupidity.” 
Felicity: “In this case, definitely stupidity. The victim from 21 years ago - Rebecca Merlyn. Daniel Brickwell killed Malcolm Merlyn's wife.”

312 (Uprising) – Team Arrowless figures out how to track Brickwell:
Goon: "Let's go!  C'mon, let's go!"
Roy: "So Brick killed Malcolm's wife. What does that have to do with anything?"
Felicity: “It is just another reason for them to share bunk beds in hell - Not that I generally believe in hell, but for them, I will make an exception.”
Diggle: “Maybe we should get Merlyn to solve our Brick problem for us.”
Laurel: “That's pretty dark.”
Diggle: “Laurel, if you don't think things are dark, you haven't been paying attention.”
Felicity: “Even if we did sic Merlyn on Brick - which I am not advocating - he would have just as much trouble finding Brick as we've had. Brick's men have been busy. They're cutting down cell towers and disconnecting traffic cams and staying out of satellite line of sight, like basically every way I know how to find somebody.”
Roy: “Well, if the cell towers were down, then how was Brick's crew communicating?”
Laurel: “At the diner, his men, they were - they were using walkies. Do you think that you could - I don't know - use those signals to locate Brick?” 
Felicity: “You haven't been down here that much. If they're communicating via radio, they'll be on the FRS, somewhere between 462 and 467 megahertz. If I send out a frequency burst, I should be able to triangulate their location.”
Laurel: “I did not understand one word that you just said, but Oliver was certainly lucky to have you.”
Diggle (looking at screen): “114 Grandview Plaza.” 
Laurel: “Felicity, that's the Glades precinct.” 
Roy: “Well, it's not like the police are using it.” 
Felicity: “Great. We can add irony to the list of charges against Brick.” 
Roy: “Let's gear up.”
*  *  *
Brickwell: “So why don't you explain it to me, boys?”
Goon: “We -we cleared the register from that diner on 10th.” 
Brickwell: “No. The part where you had the red one stood in front of your shotgun and somehow he's still not dead. Now you know the deal, boys. You take me down first, you walk out alive.” (Shoots one goon and prepares to shoot second goon, then lights go out.)
Felicity: “Okay. I've cut the power.”
Diggle: “There's a ventilation shaft 40 feet north of your current position. It should drop you off in the east wing. There are only two sentries there now.”
Roy (over comms): “Got it!”
Brickwell: “If you see anyone, kill them!”
(Roy and Laurel take out several goons.)
Brickwell: “You want to get me?” (Shoots shotgun.)
Felicity (over comms): “Roy, are you there?”
Diggle (over comms): “Laurel, can you hear me?”
Brickwell (aiming at Roy and Laurel): “This is what we do when we get you in our sights!”
(Malcolm in Dark Archer disguise appears and aims arrow at Brickwell.)
Malcolm (using disguised voice): “Daniel Brickwell.”
Brickwell: “What the hell are you supposed to be?”
(Malcolm shoots arrow, injuring Brickwell, who runs off.)
Malcolm (to Roy and Laurel): “We need to talk.”

312 (Uprising) – Malcolm proposes that Team Arrowless team up with him to stop Brickwell:
Felicity: "Somebody please tell me how this is happening… again!"
Malcolm: "Danny Brickwell. It seems we have a common interest.”
Laurel: “You know that Brickwell killed your wife.”
Malcolm: “Her name was Rebecca. Since my 'death,' maintaining my usual network of associates has become – heh - shall we say, problematic, but the fact that you were able to locate Mr. Brickwell, despite the fact that he has gone to ground, demonstrates your group's capacity.”
Roy: “You followed us. We led you right to him.”
Malcolm: “And I saved your lives in the bargain. So why not continue our association?”
Felicity: “You want us to team up with you?”
Malcolm: “I guess the question before you is whether your scorn for me outweighs your need to see Mr. Brickwell dealt with.”
Laurel: “You mean killed.”
Malcolm: “You have your options. Weigh them.”

312 (Uprising) – Team Arrowless discusses whether to join with Malcolm, but ultimately votes against teaming up with him:
Felicity: "How can you even be arguing this right now?"
Laurel: “Because I am actually paying attention. Brick has the Glades under siege. He has the police running scared, he has us outnumbered and outgunned, and I am not saying let's give Malcolm a glass case of his own. All I am saying is let's use him. The same way that he wants to use us.” 
Diggle: “To point him like a loaded gun at Brick.” 
Laurel: “Exactly.” 
Felicity: “Well, A, I'm not okay with that, and, B, even if I was, there has to be a better way to go about doing it than to get in bed with Malcolm Merlyn.” 
Roy: “There isn't. Oliver is gone, and there's only so much the four of us can do. I just found this out, but the night of the siege, Malcolm saved Thea's life. He didn't have an ulterior motive, he didn't have an agenda. He just wanted to protect what he cared about. He cares about this city. He just went about it in a completely unimaginable way. So just like Thea did the night of the siege, we need him.” 
Felicity: “I can't think of a world or a universe or a plane of existence where Oliver would agree to any of this.” 
Roy: “Well, Oliver isn't here anymore, so we need to stop pretending like he is. We need to make decisions of our own. I genuinely have no idea how else we're supposed to stop Brick.”
Felicity: “And I genuinely don't know how we live with ourselves if we go about doing it this way!” 
Roy: “So how does this work? Do we vote?” 
*  *  *
Malcolm: “Has the jury reached a verdict?” 
Diggle: “It has. Guilty.” 
Malcolm: “I guess that means ‘no’ then.” 
Diggle: “You were expecting something different, Merlyn?” 
Malcolm: “That you'd have some measure of common sense? Yes.” 
Diggle: “You really thought we'd throw in with you? After what you did to Thea? To Sara? To Oliver?”
Malcolm: “To save your precious city? Yes.” 
Diggle: “Well, that's the thing. Once we let the ends justify the means, that's just the first step.”
Malcolm: “Towards what?”
Diggle: “Becoming you.”

312 (Uprising) – Laurel suggests getting help from the Glades:
Laurel: "How'd Merlyn take it?"
Diggle: "I think he just felt inconvenienced.” 
Laurel: “We made the right choice, right, by refusing Merlyn's help?”
Diggle: “I don't know if we made the right choice, Laurel, but we definitely did the right thing.”
Roy: “And how many people are gonna die tonight because of it?”
Felicity: “We made a decision, Roy.” 
Roy: “I know, and I know that I was outvoted, but that doesn't change the fact that we're outmanned.” 
Laurel: “What if it doesn't? Roy's right. We need the support out there, but Merlyn - he's not the only person in town.” 
Diggle: “Who else is there?” 
Laurel: “The town.”

312 (Uprising) – Team Arrowless, with the help of the Glades citizens, fights Brickwell and his men:
Felicity: "Feels like recess where we have to fight the school bully."
Diggle: “Looks quiet.” 
Roy: “For now. You ready? It's okay to say you're scared.” 
Laurel: “Okay. I'm scared. Is what we're doing crazy?” 
Roy: “I've learned it's better to ask that question when I'm not wearing a mask.”
Diggle: “There's never been an armed occupation in history that wasn't overthrown by force. An all-out assault on Brick. That's the only way to end this.” 
Felicity: “Then let's end this - one way or the other.” 
Laurel: “Let's go.” 
(Laurel and Roy appear to Brickwell and his men.)
Brickwell: “Ha ha ha! My two favorite trick-or-treaters. Well, look at that. Didn't anybody tell you Halloween was three months ago?”
Laurel: “Daniel Brickwell.”
Roy: “You have failed this city.”
Brickwell: “And you seem to have failed in your math. Can't you see there's a lot more of us than there is of you?”
(Glades citizens, led by Diggle, walk toward them on the street. They line up behind Roy, Laurel and Diggle, facing off against Brickwell and his men.)
Sin: “Guess again, Brick-head.”
Brickwell: “Is this little parade supposed to mean something? I'll tell you what it means. It means the population of the Glades is gonna plummet severely. Get them!”
(Fight ensues.)

312 (Uprising) – Oliver is back from the dead (again) and gives a motivational speech to the crowd:
Oliver (as the Arrow): “I've been gone. And I'm sorry. Sorry for what the city has had to endure in my absence. But you did endure it. And the evidence of that struggle is lying at my feet. You did not fail this city.  And I promise I will not fail you by leaving it again.”

312 (Uprising) – Oliver has a joyful reunion with Felicity, Diggle and Roy, but things go south when Felicity learns that he’s now working with Malcolm:
Oliver (entering the Arrowcave): "Sorry that I didn't come by sooner. I just wanted to check in on Thea.”
(Felicity runs up and hugs him.)
Oliver (softly): “It's okay. I'm okay.” 
Diggle: “Merlyn told us you were killed.”
Oliver: “I was close. I'm sorry that I didn't reach out sooner. I wasn't exactly in a… cell service area. (Shakes hands with Diggle) You kept the city together. (Shakes hands with Roy) Saved the Glades. Well done.” (Sees sword)
Diggle: “It's gift from Malcolm Merlyn. He went looking for you.”
Roy: “It's Ra's al Ghul's, right?”
Oliver: “Yep.”
Roy: “So what are we gonna do about him? I mean, if he finds out about Thea –“
Oliver: “Merlyn and I are working on that.”
Felicity: “Sorry? For a second there, it sounded like you said, ‘Merlyn.’”
Oliver: “I need to know how to defeat Ra's. Merlyn has the knowledge.”
Felicity: “Merlyn is a monster. You're in this situation, Thea is in this situation, because of him.”
Oliver: “Felicity –“
Felicity: “No. Just a few hours ago, I stood right here and I swore that there was no way that you would ever agree to work with Malcolm Merlyn, not ever. I guess I was wrong about everything. I need some air. I'm glad you're not dead.” 
(Cut to alleyway behind Verdant.)
Oliver: “Felicity –“
Felicity: “’I need some air’ really means I don't want to talk right now.”
Oliver: “I'm sorry.”
Felicity: “For what? Maybe you could be a little more specific. For letting us believe you were dead… for weeks? Or for abandoning every principle you claim to have by getting into bed with Malcolm Merlyn?”
(Oliver steps forward, and Felicity backs away.)
Felicity: “Uh-uh.”
Oliver: “That's not why you’re upset.” 
Felicity: “While you were gone for almost a month, I allowed myself to fantasize, to dream that maybe, just maybe, Merlyn was wrong, that you were alive and that you would come back and that, when you did, you would be different - that almost dying would give you a new perspective on life, that you would just do things differently.”
Oliver: “Things between us, you mean.” 
Felicity: "Before you left, the last thing you said to me… was that you loved me. Now you're back, and the first thing you tell me is that you are working with the man who turned your sister - a woman you're supposed to love - into a killer, who killed a woman you used to love. I don't want to be a woman that you love.”

Edited by tv echo
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