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Yes, that was great!


Here is this week's review from Digital Journal - some good points at the end, including "Where is scubaman?"


I was re-watching tonight and I noticed that "Buttons" is a call back Neil said it to Tom in episode 3.


Thanks for the link.


Also a nitpick I forgot about in my first post how did SInclair get a hold of pictures of the massacre? Not to mention they seemed to get there awful quickly.

Aaargh! So much going on in this episode, it definitely requires a rewatch!


The team is just going in all directions, it seems as if Tom and Alfred are the ones trying to keep it together. They really need to regroup but it's just out of hand at this point. Harry is zoning out, Neil can't seem to get away from his guilt...so heartwrenching. I actually thought Neil was dreaming the ambush at first.


Faber serving up that younger SS fella to save himself and his family...


Next week looks even more intense, based on the preview.

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Holy Fuck that was intense its actually taken me this long to really process it.


I have no fucking clue what Aurora is up to and I kind of like that. (One of the benefits of this show being as small as it is audience wise is spoilers are easier to avoid) Also the scene in the church was heartbreaking.


I have a feeling someone is going to die next week or in the next episode. Right now I hope its Harry. Basically anyone but SInclair Aurora, Neil or Miri I'm okay with that. Well and Faber needs to live too if only because they would never be able to top him as villain.


Also congrats on Torben Liebrecht for winning best supporting actor at the Canadian Screen Awards.


Tom is kinda bugging me with his attitude about Neil. I'm not sure if the actor or character but he coming of rather self righteous rather than genuinely caring about Neil. He acts like Neil needs to go back to who he was but I don't think that's really possible anymore. (You would think Tom would at least remember that Neil didn't like him very much)  I kinda feel like if Tom was truly worried about Neils mental health he would have shot Martin. As it stands it feel more like Tom wants Neil to get grip so Tom doesn't end up having to take care of any messy stuff.


I get why Miri let it happen she needed to see that Neil was who she thought he was. (I also don't think he would have allowed her to intervene anyway) Sara Garcia was amazing in this episode she deserve all the awards. That story was heartbreaking and sadly all too true.

Neil was the character I just wanted hug this week. I liked that they managed to throw in conflict between him and Miri but not really make anyone an asshole or an idiot. I like how they manage to balance him loving her fire and courage but also being concerned about how far she is willing to go. I think Neil sees better that most that Miri is grieving and angry right now but at some point she might not be and he doesn't want her to regret anything shes done the way he is.


I also would like to point out letting Martin go was only a screw up because the kid ran directly to the Gestapo. They were planning to break camp at dawn the next day. In fact its actually a bit of stretch the Martin was able to bring the Nazis back quickly enough to actually catch them. Timelines are always the only truly sloppy part of this  show.

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I agree with you that someone will die in the next episode and I am afraid we will see more than one character go this season. I just hope it is not more than one of the main characters. It sounds horrible to write this but I do think one of our favorites will be killed because Mark and Stephanie are not afraid of :going there".


I thought Sinclair would be the one to die but maybe Klaus will be saving him from Scubaman and die. He's been played by Sinclair and Krystina, he has shown to be proud of his country but not certain about the motives and tactics. Maybe some redemption?


Something in the back of my head: Aurora keep a knife on her and what is going to happen on the train when Faber recognizes her? 

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Will Fabet recognize her? I know he had sketches but did he have photos? I'm trying to remember if he knows who she is or if he just has a general description.

He has met her before, in the restaurant before she killed The Bleeder - and he knows now that that was Aurora.

Also, he had her photo from the identity card before Alfred found it and ate it.

Edited by secnarf
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WRT the summary, following Torben Liebrecht's win at the CSAs on the weekend, Hugh tweeted his congrats. Torben replied, then Hugh replied. Not to look too deeply into the exchange, here's Hugh's 2nd tweet. I believe that could be construed as a spoiler,

since they aren't seeing one another in Budapest again unless Sinclair's not dead

, so take care. Also

that might bode well for Season 3



But as I say, that might be stretching a bit on my part to make it relevant!

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That was such a tense episode! I was on edge from start to finish.

Evelyne Brochu and Torben Liebrecht were fantastic in their scenes together. I think Aurora must have been lying about the pictures, but Faber doesn't know that. She really is a fantastic agent.


I really am looking forward to a scene with Aurora and Alfred discussing what he overheard. I hope this prompts an attitude adjustment from Harry. After everything Aurora has done, after working with her for so long, he thinks that because she's German she just went off with the Nazis and betrayed them? Even if she wasn't also Jewish (which Harry ought to know), it's ridiculous.


Sinclair was also fantastic in that scene with Krystina after Klaus was killed. I was surprised (not in a bad way) at the choice of photo, though - I expected it to be the one he showed Klaus earlier.

This can't be the last we see of Scubaman.


I'm going to need to re-watch to gather my thoughts a bit more, but I loved this episode!

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I agree. This episode was so well written, as were the others, but with a subtlety that made me hold my breath a few times. Add the performance of Evelyne and Torben, and an excellent Livia, everything worked. 


I am so relieved I was wrong about Sinclair - unless we still have a surprise visit from Scubaman. He is still around!

Him holding the picture of his sons was because he promised his friend he would protect Klaus. And he knows Klaus did that for his country, something his son would probably do for Canada.


Now, I think we will have our hearts broken in the last episode, and not only because Dieppe will be a massacre, but because I don't think the writers are going to have someone - one of our favorites - killed.

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That episode was so very good. I feel like I say that after each episode but certainly the last two were really well done.


I want to throttle Harry myself, and I loved that Neil just allowed Harry to whale away on his face knowing that Harry is dealing with some shit.


The actor who plays Klaus did a fantastic job - you could see the conflict on his face. That whole storyline with Scubaman and Klaus and Sinclair was well written and well acted. The viewer could see Klaus waiver between his personal history with Sinclair and the Sinclair boys, and his loyalty to Germany. I can't fault Klaus for being loyal to his country - it's a young man's privilege to be so set in his beliefs and I found that to be genuine.


I loved Krystina being the one to save the day. Damn right, woman! I also loved the two other Hydra soldiers (?) ready to shoot as well. Her scene with Sinclair later was a lovely tie-in that showed their relationship of mutual respect.


Since Sinclair had asked Klaus about the care package I think the writers have laid the groundwork for them to realistically (and quickly) be able to trace back where it came from.


Reserving the best for last, those scenes on the train with Aurora, Sabine, and Franz were amazing. The viewers can tell the minute Franz knows he's got Aurora dead to rights, as his face relaxes and he has a mild smile on his face. Even though he is worried about Sabine, he is even more happy that he has Aurora.  MEANWHILE, because Aurora is completely competent and a BAMF, she just keeps her feet moving, keeps her head up, and negotiates her way out of the situation.


I think the comment about the photos was a bluff, but a brilliant one.

Since there was an interview with the actress who plays Sabine posted we know this is her last episode, but it would have been or

would be nice to see a follow-up scene with Franz trying to explain the Final Solution without explaining the Final Solution.

Man, Iove this little show. LOVE IT.

Edited to add the link to TVJunkie's recap: Staring down the devil

Edited by mledawn
  • Love 3

The guy who plays Klaus remind me a lot of a young Robert Sean Leonard (I am that old). Also agree that the story was very well played, from storyboard to final cut. Kristina trying to get into his mind, knowing that he was conflicted about the realities but still very much a soldier for his country, which was key for her to respond to Sinclair so unblinkingly. She know there wasn't time for negotiations and that Klaus would have blown up the place. 


I, too, loved Sinclair's army ready to take action 


This show is the best thing I have seen on TV in a long time. 

  • Love 4

I can't seem to shake that train scene. I love how Aurora uses what she has learned about Faber from his wife against him. Aurora knows he tries to be a good man, she knows he loves Sabine and tries to show her only the best of who he is. He is the type of man to have one side for his wife, his home, his family, while having another side for his work - mostly in this case because of the awful shit he has to do at work. He recognises it as awful shit. Aurora gambled  (really it was an educated guess), that Faber would not risk assaulting her or being overtly hostile in front of Sabine.


The look on Aurora's face when she believes she has misjudged him made my heart stop - but then he hands her the purse and she walks away.


Damn, the writers on this show! Killer.

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Digital Journal agreeing with me: actors, director and writers all deserve awards for that scene on the train alone. 


I think they should just create a special award for X Company (all the writers, all the episodes, all the actors, all the guests, all the director... too much? oh well, they deserve it) and settle it. I don't watch other Canadian shows but I don't think I can be satisfied with anything else after watching X Company 




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I loved this episode. Its really great that an episode with very little action is so intense and insane.


Aurora is amazing and I loved that she saved herself and didn't need the boys to show up and bail her out. She played Faber like a fiddle and it was fantastic to watch.


Kristina was awesome. I wonder if this will be the catalyst for her joining our team. I loved that Sinclair even though he was hurting still took a moment to make sure she was okay.


I want to throttle Harry myself, and I loved that Neil just allowed Harry to whale away on his face knowing that Harry is dealing with some shit


I took it more as Neil felt like he deserved after screwing up so badly with Martin in the last episode. At least until he brought up Miri. I wonder if we will get any closure there before the seasons out. I do think the writers are smart enough to avoid fridging/death by sex tropes with her I'm just not sure anyone but Aurora Alfred and Neil are %100 safe.

Although there is a set pic with Sara Garcia at the Paris safe house so hopefully that means she makes it

. Its so rare for Rom character to this kind of representation. Plus Miri has actually turned into a fairly interesting character in her own right I want to see more of her. 


.Personally I think this show is a pretty safe bet for renewal. Even if its not a ratings juggernaut (which i actually think it does okay on that score) it still gets some solid critical buzz and is very much in keeping with CBCs brand. Hell the educational and national pride angle would probably keep it on the air even it was in the ratings basement. CBC is basically Canadian PBS its not always about money with them so ratings aren't as big a factor. I suspect TPTB are still quibbling about episode count or when the show will air more than whether or not to renew at all. 


I am surprised the show hasn't been picked up out side of Canada. Its actually a lot better than some American series with similar themes (Agent Carter and Colony to name a few.) Hell as several bloggers have pointed out its one of the best things on tv anywhere.

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I watched the episode again last night, and I was just as enthralled as I was the first time. I rewound the part where Krystina shot Klaus again just to see HD's face when he made the call and how he was playing Sinclair's reaction. As many have mentioned here and online, it says a lot about the quality of the episode when a storyline like that takes the backseat in spite of it being so well executed.
Emily Thrace, you're right of course - Neil was feeling guilty as hell for that Martin thing, how could I forget that part. I am just not a Harry fan at this point; how soon he forgets the entire town of civilians that took the heat for his mistake.
Looking at TV, eh?'s list of shows that have not received a renewal, I was surprised at the group of shows awaiting a decision.

Edited by mledawn
I am just not a Harry fan at this point; how soon he forgets the entire town of civilians that took the heat for his mistake.


I actually like Forst better than Harry right at least Forst was trying to be a good friend in his own twisted Forst way.  I think that a big part of what's bugging me about Harry right now. He just doesn't seem to get that his actions have consequences. Or that he is not the only one in pain right now. Harry is actually kind of a bad combination of sensitive but not really all that empathetic. Its fairly common in highly intelligent people. I also think some of its the actor there really aren't a lot of layers there.


I also think that's why I want to see more of MIri before the show is over. I would like to see that she learned something from what happened with Martin.


In terms of the death pool I think George is a dead man walking. He's not a bad character he's just doesn't really bring anything extra to the table either. Harry might be a goner. For one I think Krystina taking over Harry's position makes the most sense and his character has been on a downhill all season. Tom I'm only not sure about because the actor has other commitments and might have decided he would rather do those. Of course Krystina could be a victim of scubaman herself. I can't help noticing the actress is still a guest star. Sinclair seems pretty safe although I wonder about Mayhew. 

Hugh Dillon has been added to the cast of Twin Peaks, as per the Deadline press release he posted on his Twitter and Facebook.


Well bumps Tom a lot higher on the deathwatch list. I I wonder if that isn't what's holding up the renewal. Most of the other actors have other commitments too. So they might be scrambling trying to accommodate this.

Edited by Emily Thrace

Well bumps Tom a lot higher on the deathwatch list. I I wonder if that isn't what's holding up the renewal. Most of the other actors have other commitments too. So they might be scrambling trying to accommodate this.

Hugh Dillon plays Sinclair.


My hope is that since filming only takes place over a couple of months, usually in the summer, the scheduling conflicts won't be too much of an issue. I'd hate to lose a character for that reason.

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While another good episode, it wasn't as good as last week's or the week before's. I think it's because the show is only an hour, and they're trying to cover so many storylines at once, I didn't get the emotion, the devastation of Dieppe. I knew it because I knew the history, the truth of it - but I felt it a little lacking in the show. Maybe after the last two episodes, I had set my standards too high, and it's an unfair expectation to have the show punch me in the stomach every week.


That's not to say there weren't moments - like when the tank turned into the field where the spies lay in wait. It was also the longest 3-point turn, with the exception of that Austin Powers movie...


I wish they would touch again on Alfred's synesthesia and how he is now coping with it. I feel like that has gone by the wayside a little bit. I did love him saying Aurora's name to her, and her loving it in return.


My highlight of the episode had to be Alfred coming out from cover, yelling, "I'M CANADIAN!" 
As Mark said last night, a line spoken by a Brit acting as a Canadian, acting as a German. Wow!

Now we wait 2 weeks for the finale (hopefully just season finale - given the money the CBC was allotted in the budget).

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Alfred was brilliant last night! I did notice him covering his ears when the shooting started but he certainly dispatched the German officer in quick order.

Is that the last time we see Miri? I felt a sense of foreboding when she walked past the bell rope after being captured.She is a very brave and determined soldier.

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Glad the main team is still intact. Sad about George and Conrad though, and hopefully Miri is going to be fine. Harry was annoying me in the beginning of the episode with how he was talking to Aurora but glad they all realize that she is a good leader.



Now we wait 2 weeks for the finale (hopefully just season finale - given the money the CBC was allotted in the budget).


I really hope so. I love this show, and have been telling everyone to watch it.

Edited by dkb
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I never would have thought than an episode about Dieppe would leave me with such a heartwarming feeling. I like it best when they're a team, so I'm glad to see everyone back together.

I am really curious as to why Alfred wouldn't say Aurora's name before, and what exactly changed for him to say it now, but I absolutely loved that he did.


I have a feeling the next episode is going to be a lot more intense than this one - despite the battle at Dieppe, this episode had a sort of calm-before-the-storm feel to it, imo. Especially the ending.

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I felt the episode was a little hurried (it could be that my connection was terrible and I was annoyed by it. I have to watch it again). I don't know a lot about Dieppe, so I don't know how much is fiction and how much is accurate and I would like to have seen more of what was happening at Camp-X. I loved the shot of Sinclair and Kristina looking through the door, their reflexion while observing the others moving around. I t was too short tough.


I agree that the synesthesia got a little forgotten. Alfred did cover his ears for a minute but how much of this is what would actually happen? Can someone simply not have the reactions after a while?


Aurora and the tank was a great scene, with all the action-movie quality  but I felt that it was also a cathartic moment for her. I LOVED Miri as a sniper, and how she used what she learned from Neil to kill the soldier.


I hope CBC renews the show. I am a little nervous that they are still silent about it, that they are not saying anything until after the last episode because of the backlash - or maybe they want to gift us. Who knows? 


I am really curious as to why Alfred wouldn't say Aurora's name before, and what exactly changed for him to say it now, but I absolutely loved that he did.


According to Mark Ellis (he tweeted this last year and someone just retweeted it)


Alfred can't say Aurora's name cos the sensory associations are so intense.The taste, the sound, the feel of it.


Aurora asks him why he never says her name in ep 1x07

  • Love 2

I felt the episode was a little hurried (it could be that my connection was terrible and I was annoyed by it. I have to watch it again). I don't know a lot about Dieppe, so I don't know how much is fiction and how much is accurate and I would like to have seen more of what was happening at Camp-X. I loved the shot of Sinclair and Kristina looking through the door, their reflexion while observing the others moving around. I t was too short tough.


I agree that the synesthesia got a little forgotten. Alfred did cover his ears for a minute but how much of this is what would actually happen? Can someone simply not have the reactions after a while?


Aurora and the tank was a great scene, with all the action-movie quality  but I felt that it was also a cathartic moment for her. I LOVED Miri as a sniper, and how she used what she learned from Neil to kill the soldier.


I hope CBC renews the show. I am a little nervous that they are still silent about it, that they are not saying anything until after the last episode because of the backlash - or maybe they want to gift us. Who knows? 


I'm hoping that the federal budget is what is holding up renewal. Or that is because CBC actually wants more than 10 episodes and they are trying to figure out how to make that work. 


I suspect some of Alfred's issues with gunshots and loud noises was because his father's suicide. Severe emotional trauma plus his synethesia overwhelming him. I think he has learned to channel it not unlike he learned to channel his pain when he was being interrogated.  Not to mention its truly amazing how quickly people can learn to do something when their life depends on. it. I also think from a motivation stand point Alfred felt he was defective and had not real value before the war so he didn't have a reason to overcome his synesthesia.


Also Miri using Neil's neck snapping technique was cool but not all that likely. Snapping someones neck like that actually requires a fair amount of force (Its actually something that been pointed out in a few different articles about tv tricks). Its something Neil wouldn't really struggle with but its a bit of a stretch(literally I'm pretty sure the actress was reaching up) for teeny little Miri. Its rare this show slips into action movie tropes.


Harry can DIAF. I loved how Neil was just over his shit. I hope Aurora remembers that next episode when Neil finds out about Miri's capture and loses his shit.


Aurora on that tank was awesome.


Miri has to be okay anything just sucks. Since Neil is the one advocating using the Fabers I suspect they end up rescuing her somehow.

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For weeks I have been telling my friends that this show is going to give me a heart attack. Seems I'm not the only one who thinks so! http://www.cbc.ca/xcompany/dispatches/students-heart-rate-spikes-while-watching-x-company


I love that someone took the time to do this, AND that CBC went and published it on their website. Canadian TV is awesome. I'd love to see the graph for the finale.

That was crazy. I need to watch again. And probably a third time for coherent thoughts.

Even after Tom went tumbling off the cliff (during the commercial break) I didn't expect him to die. Objectively it's not surprising and I was wondering if they would kill him (especially since we saw him writing the letter), but in that moment it felt totally unexpected.

I loved how they showed Kristina and Sinclair finding out, though. No words, just that not-quite-real feeling of finding out someone died.


I'm not convinced Faber turned. I can't wait for season 3!

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