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The West Wing Season One: Stuck in Neutral


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So what exactly constitutes spoilers on episodes that aired 15 years ago?


What Deputy Deputy CoS said, plus this ... we are trying to make it as close to the original experience as possible.  There are bound to be things that someone will remember from something in passing over the years.  However, this is a safe haven from us active Wingnuts.  ::giggle::


In other words, anything is fair game up until the episode they are watching.  

I would think that anyone who wants to discuss Season 1 in full can continue to use the other episode thread until they are merged, correct?


I have to say, you guys made my experience so much better by letting me post in the season threads while being respectful about what I already watched, so I think it's nice that we are doing it for April as well. :)

Aww, thanks for this! You guys are the best! FWIW, I have enough general pop culture knowledge to know some iconic moments from the show, but it would be cool if we could avoid discussion of significant plot points that would diminish the experience of a first time watch if they were spoiled. I'll keep you updated on where I am. Right now, I've only seen episode 1, and tonight I'm going to see Star Wars. But I anticipate watching several episodes over the weekend.

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3 episodes down. Clearly Charlie is going to be delightful. But is it really reasonable to think that he can have a demanding, time-intensive job for the president and still take care of his sister?

Also, Sam is just flat out stupid about this thing with Laurie. He knew her for less than one day before he found out what she does, and in that time he developed such a deep connection that he'd risk his job and a scandal for the president just so he can stay friends with her?

  • Love 2

IMO, Sam didn't have much of a connection with Laurie. Ironically, IMO, if he wasn't Deputy Communications Director and didn't have to watch who he slept with, Laurie would just be a novelty one-night stand or rare booty call. Sam got on his self-righteous high horse with Laurie and RODE IT HARD because he resented being the type of guy that would not pursue a relationship with a woman because of the political optics. That felt phony and cheap to Sam. Moreover, I think he felt like his masculinity and power-within-the-administration was assaulted by Toby and Josh and then, almost *especially* CJ yelling about who he can't sleep with. So, Sam built up his relationship as a Crusade against political expediency and the vagaries of Laurie's profession...even though it's ridiculous because Sam wasn't really fighting for anything other than his own self-image. 

  • Love 5

So did they explain why Mallory's last name wasn't McGarry? Or was it merely a plot contrivance?

I think it was a plot thing.

She was neither currently nor previously married in the course of the show, for 1 thing. I mean, after Laurie the Hooker was no longer around, she & Sam sort of flirted off & on, until he left, & even tried to go to the Chinese Ballet together, until Leo got wind of that & sabotaged it.

I don't think it was ever actually said in the show, but I think we fanwanked at "the old board" that "O'Brien" was perhaps her Mother's maiden name & she used it like President & Nancy Reagan's daughter, Patti Davis, used/uses her mother's maiden name: to distance herself from her father's/parents' notoriety--& perhaps his/their politics (especially where education-related issues during the Bartlet Administration were concerned).

Though, to be fair, Patti could've merely chosen her name as a stage/professional name, as she was an actress during the early part of her father's Administration, & a novelist/writer in the latter part of it.

And, since Mallory was a teacher & not an actress, or anything else possibly requiring a "professional" name that could differ from her birth name, there's not really a big reason why it should be different. I think she was just a "Patti Davis-esque" character Sorkin decided to create for the show.

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The post above feels like the kind of spoilers that I thought weren't going to be in this specific thread. It it's really just impossible to avoid this kind of stuff, I'll stay away until I've finished the season. But I thought this was the non-spoiler thread that would later be merged with the other Season One thread.

April, as much as I want to keep you spoiler free ... the reveal about Mallory's last name and her being Leo's daughter was in Episode 1 ... however, yes ... part of the above post was a little "spoiler-y" and I know it's late, but I will spoiler tag it, and remind the posters to try not to say anything past the episode you are on.  

  • Love 1

April, as much as I want to keep you spoiler free ... the reveal about Mallory's last name and her being Leo's daughter was in Episode 1 ... however, yes ... part of the above post was a little "spoiler-y" and I know it's late, but I will spoiler tag it, and remind the posters to try not to say anything past the episode you are on.  

Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean about Mallory's name; I caught that when it happened. I meant the other part, about certain romantic involvements. And it's not the end of the world knowing that specific thing, but I just worried it was indicative of all spoilers being fair game here. And again, it's no problem for me to stay away if spoilers are too hard. I just need to know that I should be staying away until I finish the season. Thanks!


Btw, I've watched up through episode 5. I hadn't like Josh much up until this episode, but the way he struggled with the nuclear fallout card is really bringing me around. I'm also not crazy about Mandy yet, but we'll see how that goes.

  • Love 2

Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean about Mallory's name; I caught that when it happened. I meant the other part, about certain romantic involvements. And it's not the end of the world knowing that specific thing, but I just worried it was indicative of all spoilers being fair game here. And again, it's no problem for me to stay away if spoilers are too hard. I just need to know that I should be staying away until I finish the season. Thanks!

Btw, I've watched up through episode 5. I hadn't like Josh much up until this episode, but the way he struggled with the nuclear fallout card is really bringing me around. I'm also not crazy about Mandy yet, but we'll see how that goes.

I don't think anyone was ever that crazy about Mandy. She just didn't gel with everyone else. And apologies for the stuff you thought were spoilers in my earlier post.

  • Love 2

Welcome, deaja! I tell you what, let's forget the fact that you're coming a little late to the party and embrace the fact that you showed up at all.


Yes, I'm quoting a super old post because I heard this line last night and it reminded me of this post. When you first said this, I was like, "Well, that's kinda rude. Oh well."  But now I realize you were quoting Sam to CJ. :)

I've said it before, butThe State Dinner is what hooked me to TWW. It is just as good the second time.

And, uh. Allergies or something. Surely I'm not crying.

Let me guess... The part where Jed talks on the radio to the crewman on the tender ship caught in the hurricane, with most/all of the main cast standing around him as he does it. Right?

By the way, I got my Complete Series boxed set today. Very cool.

  • Love 1

I hate Lord John Marbury, the episode and the character.

The episode - I hate that they lied to CJ because they couldn't trust her to be a professional. I hate that Josh got physical with the guy questioning them. Mandy is just a twit.

The character is super annoying. The actor annoyed me on Greys too, so maybe he just rubs me the wrong way.

Yeah, I think Lord John Marbury is funny too. I love it when he appears. The guys lying to CJ is horrible- based in sexism and unbelievably stupid since there's no point in having her in her position if they can't trust her to be discreet, especially in the interest of national security. However, I think it's an interesting story and forms a lot of CJ's S1 arc and even beyond. No matter what she does, she's always an outsider/whipping girl to a certain extent. 


I do agree that Josh getting physical with that later was ridiculous, though. That's not Josh. Whining that no one offered a cup of coffee and pointedly scratching his face because he's totally drama queening the role of HOSTILE WITNESS- nothing could be more Josh Lyman! Grabbing that lawyer and forcing him against the wall is not characteristic of Josh at all. They should have written some really smart-ass retort or clever trick so Josh put him this asshole in his place for bad-mouthing Leo but emphatically remained typical of Josh and men of his ilk. 

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I like the late, great Roger Rees in just about anything, so I find Lord John Marbury a hoot, too.


I find the dynamic of C.J. on the outside looking in interesting, even though it can be difficult to watch because she's my favorite.  It's even more interesting to me that life and art collided, as Allison Janney felt that way a bit in the beginning, and then the way C.J.'s relationship with the male senior staffers was written compounded that feeling, and, in turn, the way she felt informed her portrayal of C.J.

  • Love 3

Take This Sabbath Day is so well written. But Celestial Navigation might be my very favorite Season 1 episode. Well, other than the season finale. I just love Celestial Navigation so much.

Josh imposing discipline. Josh's self-deprecating humor. CJ's root canal and bwiefing. And of course, the secwet pwan to fight infwation.

Off topic, but a couple months ago, I had some dental work done. I was writing BizBuzz about it and told her I was having trouble talking. AND resisting the urge to talk about my secret plan to fight inflation. ;)

Carol's look as Josh left the briefing was hilarious as was Donna's "support."

I watched through episode 7, The State Dinner, before the holidays. That last scene where he's on the radio with the boat really got to me. Man, that was rough. Charlie continues to be great. I'm looking forward to seeing how his character develops.


That was the episode that hooked me on TWW.  The first few episodes I was like "Eh" and I would have stopped if my friends hadn't told me I needed to keep going. Then about episodes 4-6 I was like "Yeah, okay.  I'll keep it up."  And then "The State Dinner" was a brilliant, brilliant episode. The final scene had me in tears!

I've now finished the episode with the State of the Union. Ugh, I really don't want things to end badly for Leo. This sucks. Also, CJ getting involved with a reporter is almost as dumb as Sam and Laurie. I love CJ--why are they putting her in stupid situations? Also, I'm noticing that while I like most of the male characters (Toby is meh, but not awful.), a number of the female characters really bother me: Donna, Mandy, and Mallory. I want to chalk this up to Sorkin not knowing how to write likable women, but CJ is awesome, so he is capable.

  • Love 2

I've now finished the episode with the State of the Union. Ugh, I really don't want things to end badly for Leo. This sucks. Also, CJ getting involved with a reporter is almost as dumb as Sam and Laurie. I love CJ--why are they putting her in stupid situations? Also, I'm noticing that while I like most of the male characters (Toby is meh, but not awful.), a number of the female characters really bother me: Donna, Mandy, and Mallory. I want to chalk this up to Sorkin not knowing how to write likable women, but CJ is awesome, so he is capable.


Hard to say much ... but I am shaking my head up and down ... we are with you in spirit!

  • Love 2

I've now finished the episode with the State of the Union. Ugh, I really don't want things to end badly for Leo. This sucks. Also, CJ getting involved with a reporter is almost as dumb as Sam and Laurie. I love CJ--why are they putting her in stupid situations? Also, I'm noticing that while I like most of the male characters (Toby is meh, but not awful.), a number of the female characters really bother me: Donna, Mandy, and Mallory. I want to chalk this up to Sorkin not knowing how to write likable women, but CJ is awesome, so he is capable.

Agree with this whole post.

But especially CJ being awesome. ;)

I just finished season 1. Ready for the merge with the other thread! :)

I'll go ahead and post my thoughts on the finale here.

-I know this was 15 years ago, but did they really think it was funny to go on and on about the softball game? Why is it a joke that a man wants to watch women play sports? Ugh

-I still don't think Charlie's backstory works. If he didn't go to college because he's too busy taking care of his sister, then how is he not too busy to work super long hours for the president? Don't get me wrong--I love Charlie. I just don't think that aspect of the story works.

-I knew there would be a shooting at some point on the show, I just didn't think it would happen this soon. Also, why would they use handguns instead of rifles for this? They were some distance away, shooting down from a few stories up. I thought that was weird.

ETA: It looks like they're going to address my concerns about the gun in season 2.

Edited by April Bloodgate

I think Charlie didn't go to college, but instead took the President's aide job, because he needed to financially support his sister. His sister didn't need a full-time caretaker. She and Charlie needed a salary to supplement whatever benefits his mother left them as a police officer killed in the line of duty, which wouldn't support two children for perpetuity.  


Aw, I hear the sexism of the emphasis of WOMAN'S softball. But I thought it was funny. I think I put more of an emphasis that it's softball instead of baseball, and the fact that it's a woman's softball game just emphasizes that it's not a hot-button professional game but really a smalltime, non primetime game. 

Edited by Melancholy
  • Love 1

I think Charlie didn't go to college, but instead took the President's aide job, because he needed to financially support his sister. His sister didn't need a full-time caretaker. She and Charlie needed a salary to supplement whatever benefits his mother left them as a police officer killed in the line of duty, which wouldn't support two children for perpetuity.

Oh, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks!

  • Love 3

No, I don't find the fact that the topic is addressed again to be a spoiler. For me a spoiler would be what the result of that conversation is. For example, if you told me that in Season 3 Charlie quits to go to college, I would call that a spoiler, but not a major one. Now if someone had told me in advance that Josh gets critically shot at the end of Season 1, I'd be somewhat upset.

  • Love 2

Well, you all inspired me to begin a re-watch last night. Only got thru the first disc (for you young people out there, that's what we old folk call a "DVD." We actually have to get off the couch and put it in a dang newfangled machine!)


I don't know the last time I did a rewatch. But I definitely didn't remember that most of my favorite quotes/scenes came from the first 4 episodes!!!! You've all mentioned them here, but again - didn't know the series was so front-loaded!! Keg of glory! Muffins and bagels! Did you trip?! Back pills/firing Toby! There is literally no one in the world I don't hate right now. Well aren't you stupid! I think $5 is too expensive for pornography! Is that the same suit you wore yesterday? Yeah. You? Yeah.


superfun! I don't know that I'll be able to get thru them as quickly as the rest of you, but will keep at it. Dule Hill looked SO YOUNG!

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I'm doing a slow, leisurely rewatch and I got to "Take This Sabbath Day".  The whole character of Kenny, Joey's sign language interpreter infuriates me.  He seems like a good guy and the actor does a good job, but I can't stand how he stands either next to or slightly behind Joey, facing the person with whom she is having a conversation, forcing her to pivot her head back and forth.  I teach in a school with a hearing impaired class, and the interpreters always stand slightly behind the person  with whom the hearing impaired person is conversing so that they can maintain directional eye contact.  Joey is talking with POTUS and has to keep turning her head to see the interpreter.  grrrrrrr.

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