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Studio System has released the full cast list for the finale. But definitely no Scott, Debi or Monet in the finale (Please credit accordingly if passing this along, etc).

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Ioan is doing a twitter Q&A. Heh maybe that way Abe and Martha could meet. Ioan must've loved doing that men at 10 promo.



hulkwidows: @ioangruffudd If "Forever" could crossover with any show, which one would you want it to be? #AskForever


ioangruffudd: .@hulkwidows @Castle_ABC Would love to work with @NathanFillion again. What a man x

Edited by turnitwayup
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Thanks Nadine, disappointed about Jim, even though I assume there will be a S8 so this will not be the last one, it's a shame that dad gets ignored at an event celebrating her husband's career when everyone else (even Tory) seems to be in attendance.

Edited by verdana
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Thanks Nadine, disappointed about Jim, even though I assume there will be a S8 so this will not be the last one, it's a shame that dad gets ignored at an event celebrating her husband's career when everyone else (even Tory) seems to be in attendance.


To be fair they might still pop up in it, (highly unlikely though since none of the three are listed in the actual credits, etc). But agree with what you put above.

Edited by Nadine
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Well crap!    I had a VIP pass for this,  and will get a refund, but Crap!    Wizard world's site says he cancelled for health reasons, but my email from them cancelling my VIP pass says Nathan had a scheduling conflict.    I guess he scheduled his health issues for this weekend by mistake.    In any case, hope he feels better soon. 

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Although I'm disappointed that Scott Paulin won't be in the season finale,   my headcanon tells me that Jim is away on business and couldn't attend.    He WAS in Europe in October (which is one of the reasons they put the wedding in September).   

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Marlowe specifically said in a recent interview that the finale would not include any Grey's Anatomy type scenario so it was implied that no character would be killed.


But don't know how much creative control he would retain next season, though I hardly think anyone would think killing off Beckett would be a good idea unless Stana doesn't want to come back to the show at all and they can't think of a way out.

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Yeah whilst Marlowe is in creative control I can't see him ever doing that, I mean Caskett is based on his own relationship with Terri after all so killing Beckett off...nice love letter to your wife. If Stana didn't return they'd have to start getting creative, may be persuade her to make the odd special guest star appearance so it doesn't look so weird heh. 

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Sorry to hear that Zinger, I would be incredibly disappointed too. Here is Nathan's tweet:

@NathanFillion: So, so sorry to have to cancel Philly. I feel terrible. Doc said no fly after a minor foot surgery. Thought I could make it. Apologies!

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Thanks Flicker....I follow Nathan and got his tweet.     His foot is way more important than my VIP pass.   On the positive side, it gives me another year to lose that 40 pounds I've been meaning to lose the next time I meet him!  

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Good to hear that his heath issues don't seem to be anything major. But you really aren't supposed to fly after foot surgery? I guess I'm not really up to date on foot surgery. All I can think of is a broken toe or something.


Or bunion removal! Wasn't there a 90s sitcom where a character tells everyone she's going in for surgery and they're all really concerned and she doesn't know if she's going to make it ... and then it's revealed she's having a bunion removed? That seems so familiar to me for some reason.


Anyway, speedy recovery to Nathan. It would suck to have to schedule surgery, especially in your time off.

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Sorry to hear that Zinger, I would be incredibly disappointed too. Here is Nathan's tweet:

@NathanFillion: So, so sorry to have to cancel Philly. I feel terrible. Doc said no fly after a minor foot surgery. Thought I could make it. Apologies!

Not for nothing, but I'm racking my brain as to what post-op restrictions that would cause him not to able to fly. He gets a wheelchair to the gate with priority boarding. Worse case scenario he uses crutches. As a physician I can't think of ANY foot surgery that would affect that. Maybe he just didn't feel like traveling with the foot. I just wanted to make that point clear that flying is ok after being cleared by your surgeon in follow up.

Risk of blood clot is very low - especially since he's likely been ambulatory since the procedure. It's unlikely he was given anesthesia. They very likely just used lidocaine to numb it locally. Yes we always worry about DVT's, but with an outpatient procedure like this that shouldn't be a problem in a healthy young person. His only risk factor is high BMI.

Edited by Elysium1973
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If this is accurate and not just Amman but Marlowe and Miller are gone it may address some of Stana Katic's concerns about the stories. The two of them were always the public face of the dumbing down of the show, albeit with Fillion's support.

She says that's her issue with signing up, so...

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I don't see how any dumbing down of the show has anything to do with Nathan.  The writers are responsible for the writing on the show, not the actors.  Stana will re-sign or not for her own professional/personal reasons but I highly doubt that she's going just because Milmar won't be there.  I doubt any actor would reveal their real reasons for re-signing or not in a TV Line interview.  What she said isn't different from what Nathan has said over the years.


I just wanted to make that point clear that flying is ok after being cleared by your surgeon in follow up.



As he's said, his doctor didn't clear him to fly after his surgery and I would trust a doctor who actually knows his medical history to make an informed decision. People other than his doctor actually don't know anything about his risk of blood clots or other risks involved because they don't know his medical history or even the surgery involved.  

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I don't see how any dumbing down of the show has anything to do with Nathan.  The writers are responsible for the writing on the show, not the actors.  Stana will re-sign or not for her own professional/personal reasons but I highly doubt that she's going just because Milmar won't be there.  I doubt any actor would reveal their real reasons for re-signing or not in a TV Line interview.  What she said isn't different from what Nathan has said over the years.


Not at all. I don't think she's leaving because they're going. I think the fact that they're going makes it more likely that she's going to stay. Both they and Fillion have been strong supporters of the backpedaling of romance and sexuality between Castle and Beckett, while she's been very open since day one that she thought the show should be exploring the romantic relationship between the two of them. 

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Both actors have played the artistic integrity card when talking about their futures at various times, a lot of actors do this usually in the lead into contract negotiations. I tend to treat such declarations with a degree of skepticism especially on a show like Castle. I don't see either of them having much creative control over this show in the future whatever happens, mainly because they don't appear particularly proactive in that department. Stana whilst no doubt highly invested in her character doesn't seem the type to be making demands and rocking the boat and Fillion seems happy to go with the flow whatever direction it takes.


Hope Nathan's foot gets better soon, feel sorry for the fans who were wanting to see him but I'm sure they'll understand it can't be helped, these things can happen. 




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Not at all. I don't think she's leaving because they're going. I think the fact that they're going makes it more likely that she's going to stay. Both they and Fillion have been strong supporters of the backpedaling of romance and sexuality between Castle and Beckett, while she's been very open since day one that she thought the show should be exploring the romantic relationship between the two of them. 

Sure the actors have expressed their opinions about the show when asked in interviews, but I don't see that as meaning they exerted any real creative control over the writing of the show in the past, nor do I see that changing in the future unless they are given EP titles and perhaps not even then.  They may have had different ideas about when Caskett should have gotten together, but I've seen no evidence that TPTB took their opinions into consideration.  No question Stana has been a strong shipper of Caskett in interviews, but I haven't read anything from Nathan or even Milmar that would suggest they are "strong supporters of backpedaling of romance and sexuality between Caskett", unless you are referring to them not wanting to get Caskett together too soon.  I do think the level of sexuality onscreen isn't as high as it could be and they totally missed the ball on the touted honeymoon period post Always, but that's on the writers.  (Nathan has said since Always aired that he was wrong about people not wanting to watch after Caskett got together; he's also said multiple times that people think he's got more power on the show than he's actually got, just because he plays Castle and the show is named Castle doesn't mean he can know what's happening... like when asked about 623.)


At this point in a long running show, and on a crime procedural like Castle which has limited artistic ambitions anyway, I personally doubt that greater creative control is the issue for the actors.  They know what the show is, and what it isn't.  

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Ah. I guess you haven't read any of the reams of interviews with Fillion about "the dance" or the ones about how "we" don't want to see people in a relationship and it would kill the show if it ever happened. I'm sure a few minutes on Google would find you a few. The one where he insulted Michael Ausiello was particularly choice.

Edited by Julia
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Not at all. I don't think she's leaving because they're going. I think the fact that they're going makes it more likely that she's going to stay. Both they and Fillion have been strong supporters of the backpedaling of romance and sexuality between Castle and Beckett, while she's been very open since day one that she thought the show should be exploring the romantic relationship between the two of them.


This is the first I hear about MilMar and NF supposedly bandying together, with SK as an opposition. Usually it's the other way around, all these years people assumed that SK is great friends with AM and TM, while NF is at best a cold acquaintance.  As far as I remember there have been countless pics of MilMar with Stana, joint appearances at events, warm words about each other etc, and nothing of the sort with NF. Some thought that the developments of their characters reflected this state of affairs as well. I’ve even read assumptions that NF made MilMar leaving a condition for his staying, or that Stana is leaving because of her loyalty to them. So this suggestion is quite a surprise.


Guess it depends on one’s perception of MilMar’s overall contribution to the show’s success. If one feels that it’s ultimately more positive – after all they’re the creators! – then I noticed it is usually assumed that SK is on their side with NF more or less working against them. But apparently seeing their influence as more of a negative thing, leads to a  somewhat Manichaean conclusion about NF backing them and Stana at odds, even if there is no factual evidence accumulated in the last 7 years that could suggest it. It’s great though that the Good and Bad poles are always the same, with MilMar like a compass needle floating to and fro, according to the prevailing party line ;)

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Ah. I guess you haven't read any of the reams of interviews with Fillion about "the dance" or the ones about how "we" don't want to see people in a relationship and it would kill the show if it ever happened. I'm sure a few minutes on Google would find you a few. The one where he insulted Michael Ausiello was particularly choice.

Nathan had concerns about putting Caskett too soon and he made that pov clear in interviews in the first few seasons.  (But even if you don't put a couple together, you can still have plenty of romance and sexuality if the writers write it so so I don't see how you can conclude he "backpedaled" on any of that, not that it was his role to put it in the show in the first place.)  He also acknowledged Stana's opposing pov.  Like I said, there's nothing to indicate that the actors' own povs directly affected anything on the show.  And if you watched the Paley panel hosted before Always, he said then and at other times that he realised the dance couldn't go on forever and that the characters were going to get together at some point.   In the seasons since Always, he's also said more than once in interviews and cons that he was wrong in thinking that people would change the channel after the wanting and the yearning of WT/WT ended.  I don't know which interview you're referring to, but I highly doubt Ausiello was insulted as he has a sense of humour.  Also, as far a I recall in the last interview Nathan did with Ausiello post 623, he expressed his concerns about further delay in not giving fans the wedding they wanted and expected.

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But apparently seeing their influence as more of a negative thing, leads to a  somewhat Manichaean conclusion about NF backing them and Stana at odds, even if there is no factual evidence accumulated in the last 7 years that could suggest it.


No, years and years of the three of them repeating the same talking points ad nauseam to the press did suggest it to me, and the existence of that coverage is, actually, factual.


I have no dog in the battle over who the eeeeeevul person in this situation is. The producers and the guy who by all accounts got the show greenlit and renewed have been remarkably consistent in their strong preference against showing Caskett as a couple, or a connected couple after they got engaged and stopped spending time together. That's their right. Stana Katic has been equally consistent about wanting to show the development of their romantic relationship. That's hers. The fact that side one is generally agreed to have been a poor choice doesn't affect that in the least.

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The producers and the guy who by all accounts got the show greenlit and renewed have been remarkably consistent in their strong preference against showing Caskett as a couple, or a connected couple after they got engaged and stopped spending time together.

I've actually never heard NF expressing any preference or abhorrence of showing Caskett as a connected couple, all his fears were expressed pre-Caskett, about getting them together. I'm not sure I heard it from MilMar as well, except for Bowman's admission about darkly lit kisses as a way of "giving it to fans without actually giving it".

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This is becoming less media, more actor-motivational guessing and contract talk (SK). Take the contract stuff to the Renewal thread. As for the rest, we'll never know who thinks what unless they put it out there explicitly, i.e. work conditions/who hates or likes who.


So let's table it, because it only goes in circles and leads nowhere good, ever, going by past experiences.


Thank you.

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Looks like Nathan will live tweet the finale.



NathanFillion: Castle season 7 finale. I’d like to live tweet that, if you don’t mind. It’ll have to be East Coast, because I have plans I can’t change.


NathanFillion: I know! I know! Last time, I said this time would be West Coast. I owe West Coast two live tweets, now. I’m good for it.

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S8 speculation: it sounds like Nathan plans for there to be more episodes to live tweet for the west coast in the future. Fingers crossed?


I also read that upfronts were ... Friday (tomorrow?)? but that ABC was probably going to announce a fall lineup by next Tuesday (including renewals and any new pickups). Has anyone else read that? Or know what the timeline looks like for announcements like that? I feel like I should know but I don't.


I'm also curious as to what Nathan and Jon did for upfronts.

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Marlowe and Miller talk to US Weekly about Season 8 (vague spoilers for a storyline they might explore) and the possibility of killing Kate Beckett.


Interesting. They've always seemed to be connected at TV Line. I wonder who's spreading the story that they're gone if they aren't?

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Thanks metaphor. Okay I caved and watched, finally Beckett and the audience get the answer and what he stumbled across doesn't come as a surprise, I couldn't imagine it being anything else. The hooded figure in this long black shroud seems a bit overly melodramatic but it might play better once I see the rest of it. I'm sure he says "same symbols" were carved on her face so it must link into the current murder investigation.  That clip ties with the other one in the promo where you see young Castle getting thrown against the tree.  This story reveal can't be as bad as his vanishing in terms of dumbass happenings that's the way I'm choosing to look at this. 

Edited by verdana
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Interesting that the same sneak peek was posted by multiple outlets. Usually each one gets a unique clip.

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OK, that flashback was actually a little creepy (even if the story was quite expected because what else could Castle have witnessed?).  Also, flashback to that time in S2 when he pranked Beckett with that made up story (hm... or not entirely?) from his childhood so was half expecting a 'gotcha' moment, although not really.  The symbols were a nice, creepy touch especially if it ties with their current investigation.  The hooded figure was a little too Scream!  Although I don't suppose they could have shown the murderer's face.


And US Weekly?  Really?  I get that Castle doesn't get any attention from serious critics anymore, but surely they could have gone more upmarket than a tabloid? Although I wouldn't be surprised if US Weekly got more eyeballs than say, Entertainment Weekly. ;)  (I was a bit surprised to see US Weekly get details about Stana's marriage from her reps as well...)


“In most seasons in the past, we were aware whether or not we were coming back, and so we were able to structure really fun, engaging cliffhangers,” Marlowe explained.



So having the bride be unknowingly married and in tears at the sight of her groom's car in flames was his idea of a really fun, engaging cliffhanger?  Along with a break up that turned into a marriage proposal.  Psych! ;)  Oh Marlowe, I won't miss your interviews.  As for the rest of what he said, I'll take it to the spoiler thread though it's nothing concrete.

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Re Milmar's latest interview from the media thread: why am I not surprised that Marlowe doesn't seem inclined to let Bracken go after all this time? Gosh, if the show makes it to 10 seasons, I wouldn't be surprised if Johanna Beckett comes back from the dead. ;)


Wouldn't be surprised if Beckett's career crossroads in the finale, likely politics related, has something to do with Bracken.  Something farfetched in real life like becoming a candidate for his seat or something (wouldn't that election already have taken place?), or becoming a new political hope because she slayed a political beast.  Milmar reference the time traveller episode again so I bet Senator Beckett's on the horizon somewhere though I don't believe that that would be something she would want for herself, nor realistically feasible even in the Castle universe.

Edited by madmaverick
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In most seasons in the past, we were aware whether or not we were coming back, and so we were able to structure really fun, engaging cliffhangers,” Marlowe explained.

Huh? What was remotely enjoyable about Watershed and 6.23 in terms of how they left Castle and Beckett with those cliffhangers? Or watching Beckett getting shot? They've lost me there. Jesus what was "fun" about that.


But this season we knew there was a chance that the show might not return. And given that, we wanted to make sure that the fans had some sense of resolution and some sense of good feelings about the characters

Which makes a nice change from leaving fans feeling badly towards the characters after a finale.


We think that there’s some storytelling opportunity with Senator Bracken, who’s currently behind bars,” Marlowe says. “But we know that he has lots of friends and allies out there. A lot of that has been laid to rest, but when you make an enemy that is that formidable, they reemerge, and they reemerge stronger and in unexpected ways.

Uh oh, that sounds like they hope to resurrect Bracken again or some side kick of his as the new big bad for Beckett and Castle to do battle with, can't say I'm surprised since the Castle mythology proved such a dud and ratings flop, it makes sense they'd gravitate back to Beckett's story but I think that story is out of gas.  


So if Beckett’s safe, where will the dynamic duo be 10 years down the line?

"We see them together and enjoying life and enjoying adventures,” Miller said. “And I would be interested to find out if the time traveler was right about the things he said, if he truly was a time traveler,” she added, referencing the season 6 episode “Time Will Tell.”

They won't let this go will they? Not Bracken and not their prediction of a high flying political life for Beckett. *sigh* I hope the show ends before that point!

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Bracken is a crutch story now. Much like the callbacks they seem to have relied on this season, going back to Bracken feels like they can't come up with some better or more original, so why not revive that storyline again? No thank you. 

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Looks like Nathan will live tweet the finale.

Another live tweet.  And yet some still claim he doesn't promote the show. ;)  For his sake, I hope this finale won't invite the same (understandable) storm of negative reaction that the last finale did and he was basically the only one to stick around to respond to it.  I don't recall Milmar being on twitter.


Castle Promos @CastlePromos  ·  1 hr 1 hour ago

ICYMI: ABC's Upfronts Presentation is Tues., May 12th at 4:00PM (ET) in New York City. Nathan and Jon have filmed a promo for the event.



A promo is better than nothing, but nothing will ever top that hot, sexy, witty promo done by Nathan and Stana a few seasons ago.  Pity they never regularly got to  display that level of sexual tension on the show itself.  If only the promo writer was an actual writer on the show...  I hope the Nathan and Jon promo isn't more of Esposito being mean to Castle, in an unfunny way.  Did I miss some interview with Jon Huertas where he explained Esposito's attitude towards Castle?

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Re Milmar's latest interview from the media thread: why am I not surprised that Marlowe doesn't seem inclined to let Bracken go after all this time? Gosh, if the show makes it to 10 seasons, I wouldn't be surprised if Johanna Beckett comes back from the dead. ;)

Heh you best me to it. Don't tempt them...I can laugh right now at the very idea of it but if the show lasts until then I can see a knock on the door and surprise!


Only a few days to find out if you're right madmaverick


Here's the link to that interview.



S55. Agreed, at this point going back to it feels like an act of desperation more than anything else but then how many times have they said in interviews they'll be tackling various subjects and it's either never happened or turned out completely differently, so I'm hoping by S8 they'll have brainstormed and thought of something else.  The only thing Bracken related that would feel sensible to explore next season is his trial and then it gets put to bed although has he been found guilty off screen? I'm a bit confused about where we are on that. 

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I don't recall Milmar being on twitter


That was a smart move under the circumstances. Let Nathan suffer the shitstorm which followed. 

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Exactly.  What's wrong with coming up with a new nemesis that isn't Bracken or 3XK related?  Murder mystery series be they books or TV frequently turn to new villains after the old ones have gone past their use by date.  You would think they'd be adept at creating murderer villains on a murder mystery show.  And there's nothing wrong with leaving the big mythologies behind and concentrating on doing smaller, more intimate but no less powerful stories well.


Don't tempt them...I can laugh right now at the very idea of it but if the show lasts until then I can see a knock on the door and surprise!


Even then I wouldn't expect them to execute this story idea better than in a lot of fanfic.  To handle it with the right nuance and pathos.


Verdana, it's actually become a turn off whenever Marlowe mentions "fun" in his interviews.

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The only thing Bracken related that would feel sensible to explore next season is his trial and then it gets put to bed although has he been found guilty off screen? I'm a bit confused about where we are on that. 


Marlowe said he's sitting in jail, which I find interesting considering he probably could be out on bail before a trial. Unless he didn't get bail due to his charges? But if so, I would think he can afford it. 

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