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When he said it he was replying to a fan question about the show becoming too dark in season 8. The fan made this conclusion from the spoilers and was asking is there going to be a lot of angst and less lightheartedness. So the answer was worded according to the question, it wasn't about how he sees the show's future or its strengths. It was meant to alleviate the fan's concerns.

Ok fair enough - I guess he couldn't answer a question like that any other way without giving away too much about what's to come.

  • Love 1

I read that answer he gave this weekend and in fairness to him comedy is and has always played a big part in the show but I think a lot of fans (myself included) would chose the love story as the real engine of this show - their love and their friendship is what has sucked a lot of us in and why we have stayed!


For me the problem is the comedy aspect has really gone down hill. Castle as the bumbling court jester has no real appeal to me. The cases have become tedious & predictable. Because Beckett & Castle are the only characters they have bothered to flesh out during the course of the show I have very little interest in the secondary characters (even though I would still like to see more of Martha). So if they take away the working & private relationship between Castle & Beckett I'm damned if I can come up with a reason why I would watch this show at all.

  • Love 3
Somehow Castle fandom always tends to take NF's quotes out of context and run with it, making a big deal out of something that is usually a joke or just a part of a quote without a context.


Ha, that's a Castle fandom trope, don't you know?  Along with the idea that he never talks about Castle at cons or engages with Castle fans there. ;)


Maybe it's twitter and tumblr syndrome, but fandom often likes to take soundbites from actors and showrunners and then amplify their importance (or tailor them to fit their own preconceptions).  Especially when it's hiatus and we have little else to go on.  A big deal was often made out of stuff Marlowe said in interviews, but at the end of the day, did it really affect my viewing experience?  Not really.  I just judge the episode based on what I see, not what he or anyone said about it.  Sometimes people aren't best at phrasing things in interviews and off the cuff, and how it's interpreted may not be their original intention.  It happens.  What matters much more is the final product.


FWIW, I don't think what he said here about light-heartedness being a key element of the show is any different to what he said about the show all the way back in S1.  The comedy writing on the show may have changed and gotten less sharp over time, but well, that's on the writers to bring back the rapier wit and the back and forth banter instead of going too much for slapstick and cheap laughs.  I'd like to see the comedy improve, but same goes for their dramatic writing and COTW writing which have been just as bad and uneven in later years.  The COTW really needs to improve given that it takes up the bulk of every episode. Hopefully the new writers and showrunners have some game, especially since they decided to go big with a break up storyline.


And again, FWIW, I'm not going to attribute the break up storyline to any bts issues unless there's more concrete information to affirm that theory because I think it's unfair on these actors that I like to do so.  I like to believe these actors are professionals until it's shown that they aren't.  When you see all the breakup storylines that are being done on shows from The Muppets to many others, it's quite likely that the writers just decided to go to one of the most common obstacles and tropes of all to generate drama for the story.  Maybe they couldn't think of any story arc to do other than babies or break up, and so they went with break up.  The show is coming into its 8th season, and Caskett will have been a couple for almost as long as they weren't one, so it is a challenge for the writers to come up with new stories to keep everything interesting.  You can see them returning to Bracken & P.I.   If it were up to me, I would much prefer to find interesting, intimate stories from a happily married couple that don't have to be big or dramatic.  But I think most TV writers writing for a network procedural don't think like that.

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I have no interest in watching just Castle P.I. as the actor does nothing for me without Beckett. If the new contracts have reduced the time on set for both of them I would have hoped that at least they had them on screen at the same time, the previous level was probably understandably unsustainable, but I'm not sure how long watching Captain Beckett do her thing at the precinct and Castle P.I creeping around with his new sidekick will hold my interest.

I would hope they give them lots of scenes together too. But while I have little interest in watching them solo, I have even less interest in watching Ryan/Espo by themselves or Hayley bonding with Alexis.

  • Love 2
Of the cast, Seamus is who I think does the best at being honest and informative.

If we mean how the cast rate at talking about the show, I would agree with being the most honest and informative. Seamus manages to talk about Castle without going completely into BTS stories and joking around for lack of anything to say, or making it out to be "my craft" high art type of thing (yep, talking about the leads here).


In his interpretation Castle is still a network cop procedural but he actually finds interesting things there to talk about, in a fairly humorous way, but still informative, without needlessly talking up his character or hyping  things up too much. He found the most well-balanced tone of the entire cast (and old TPTB).


As for BTS dealings (as far as we know them), seeing Seamus's name together with the CastleTV and the word "honest" made me snicker, to tell the truth :). I wasn't a fan of how he dealt with all the negotiations drama on Twitter, that CastleTV situation seemed pretty clear and smelled bad. Yes I know he's just a secondary cast member who had all the rights to fear for his job, but one could go about it in different ways. And the way he - apparently - went about it didn't seem the most honest to me.


He's still one of my favs by the way, everyone can make a bad decision or act like a jerk once in a while. Just my reaction to the words "honest", "CastleTV" and "Seamus" close to each other ;).

Castle Deleted Scene: Who Was Rick's (Expensive) Mystery Dinner Date? at TV Line.

Remember last fall, when Castle‘s titular mystery writer became the mystery, resurfacing several months after his almost-wedding, and with partial amnesia?

Beckett & Co. promptly exhausted NYPD resources to investigate the rather personal matter of Castle’s vanishing — and with that came a cost, as revealed in the above deleted scene from the Castle: The Complete Seventh Season DVD set, hitting streets Sept. 1.


Also featured on the DVD set is the “uncut” version of Rick’s Raging Heat webmercial, the “Definition of Love” music video that Ryan and Esposito created for Castle and Beckett, bloopers and more.


I really didn't need the reminder about that kiss with Gates. 


As for the "uncut" version of that Raging Heat webcommerical the actual version was bad enough. *shudder* 

Edited by verdana

That deleted scene made it worst since it basically confirmed that the kiss was written in the script and not an ad lib by Nathan and left in for slapstick comedy that didn't work at all. So far the Definition of Love song/mv might be the only lulzy thing on the extras but they got some competition with Matt McGorry's as Asher in the douchetastic Bye Felicia mv.


Aww that's cute, but ugh at another drabby button down Castle shirt.



realssullivan: A family that plays together stays together! @NathanFillion @MollyQuinn93 @Castle_ABC #balance https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CNNVwsyUkAARN1R.jpg

Edited by turnitwayup

Fun family pic.  A playful vibe is always welcome.  There's something hilarious about their various expressions on the scooter.  Susan's posture is impeccable as always, even when she doesn't look entirely comfortable on a scooter of all things.  Great leg and heel aboard heh.  Nicely juxtaposed with the Martha chair and slippers in the background.


Balance is really key to a photo, to family relationships, to romantic relationships, to the successful juggling of various elements on a show.  Take note, Castle writers.


Next up: Nathan and Stana ATPing on that hoverboard thingy.  In your dreams. ;)


Would be surprised if Castle wasn't wearing a button down.  But at least this one looks comfy.


Will be waiting for Seamus to spill the beans on the recasting rumour so helpfully shared by that website during negotiations.  Not.


I really didn't need the reminder about that kiss with Gates


Nor did I.  But Penny really is good in that scene (not easy making a character like Gates likeable and grow on people) and I was just reminded that she did get kind of a raw deal in her exit from Castle, in that it was so abrupt without much notice, and neither the character or the actor got the farewell they deserved.  I know it's the nature of the business, but still.


Never thought it likely that Nathan would ad lib a kiss with Penny of all things, but it was crazy/stupid/hilarious how some were outrageous about his sexual harassment of Penny. ;)  I didn't think the Castle/Gates kiss was funny or necessary in itself, and have mixed feelings about how they are continuing to play the comedy in this deleted scene.  It's typical of the show.  They want the comedy, but is it really true to the character?  Gates is supposed to be by the book and from Internal Affairs.  Would she really try to get money out of Castle for an expensive dinner she had at his expense?  Is she like Ryan and Esposito now, always trying to take advantage of him just because he's rich?  'Cause that note stopped being funny several seasons ago.  Would have made more sense if she claimed money from him for her broken creepy dolls.


ETA, spoilers from TV Line"


Question: Anything new about Castle? —Rachael

Ausiello: As part of the Season 8 plan to present twentysomething Alexis as “a young woman as opposed to a child,” Rick’s daughter will find an influential new mentor, in Scotland Yard alum-turned-security specialist Hayley Shipton (played by new series regular Toks Olagundoye). “Hayley is going to help Alexis find herself,” says co-showrunner Terence Paul Winter, who sees the two sharing “a different kind of energy” than when Alexis interned for M.E. Lanie. “What we’ve shot with [Alexis and Hayley] together is magic, it really is.”



Magic?  Oh, beware the hype.


Note to writers: Alexis has been written as a young woman, finding herself (and often becoming unlikeable in the process) for the past few seasons already.  Have the writers watched the show?


Wendy, are we going to keep posting spoilers such as these from media outlets in the media thread or in the spoilers thread as we begin the season?

Edited by madmaverick

That bit about Hayley/Alexis seems like they same thing they said last week.  Or was that from another site? Either way Ausiello needs better material.


Note to writers: Alexis has been written as a young woman, finding herself (and often becoming unlikeable in the process) for the past few seasons already.  Have the writers watched the show?


I'm starting to doubt it.  But I'm kind of hoping the Alexis stuff is only going to be a small part of this season.  Marlowe was always talking about things that turned out to be one random scene, so maybe the new showrunners are the same way.  I mean Alexis barely did anything when she interned for Lanie so "a different kind of energy" from that could be anything. I have no interest in seeing Alexis find herself (again).

Question: Anything new about Castle? —Rachael

Ausiello: As part of the Season 8 plan to present twentysomething Alexis as “a young woman as opposed to a child,” Rick’s daughter will find an influential new mentor, in Scotland Yard alum-turned-security specialist Hayley Shipton (played by new series regular Toks Olagundoye). “Hayley is going to help Alexis find herself,” says co-showrunner Terence Paul Winter, who sees the two sharing “a different kind of energy” than when Alexis interned for M.E. Lanie. “What we’ve shot with [Alexis and Hayley] together is magic, it really is.”


Oh please, Alexis is going to "find herself" *eye roll*


I know where I'd like to find her. Abroad at this rate.


I'm starting to doubt it.  But I'm kind of hoping the Alexis stuff is only going to be a small part of this season.  Marlowe was always talking about things that turned out to be one random scene, so maybe the new showrunners are the same way.  I mean Alexis barely did anything when she interned for Lanie so "a different kind of energy" from that could be anything. I have no interest in seeing Alexis find herself (again).




Desperately hoping you're right because I want nothing to do with Alexis and her journey of discovery. I thought she'd already been on it. 


What the hell does a "different kind of energy" mean any way I mean who talks like this aside from TPW obviously.  

Ho hum.

*waiting patiently for spoilers that actually make me wanna watch*

It's about 4 weeks until the season starts and I am not in the least bit excited! Remember the days when the hiatus dragged on and on....

That family pic is weird....either Nathan is yet to visit the hair and makeup trailer or Castle is really struggling with life sans Beckett!!

  • Love 2

Oh please, Alexis is going to "find herself" *eye roll*

I know where I'd like to find her. Abroad at this rate.

Desperately hoping you're right because I want nothing to do with Alexis and her journey of discovery. I thought she'd already been on it.

What the hell does a "different kind of energy" mean any way I mean who talks like this aside from TPW obviously.

"Different energy" might just mean different actress...

What I mainly took away from that shot was Susan Sullivan's legs are way better looking than mine and I'm thirty years younger than her. Sigh.


Look at it this way, you still have thirty years to acquire her legs. :P  Like she said, squats are your friend and maybe dancing like a maniac in your living room helps heh.  But seriously, yowza.  No wonder Luke puts her in skirts.


I mean Alexis barely did anything when she interned for Lanie so "a different kind of energy" from that could be anything.


I know, right?  I was eye rolling at that because Alexis and Lanie barely shared any scenes together.  And I don't recall them discussing anything to do with careers.


I have no interest in seeing Alexis find herself (again).


Wasn't she off "finding herself" with Pi in Costa Rica? /snark


I'd rather see Martha give Alexis a bit of a shove and tell her to just get on with it, try things, live life.  You just naturally find yourself along the way.


Wendy, sounds like a good division!  Thanks.

Edited by madmaverick
  • Love 1

I'd rather see Martha give Alexis a bit of a shove and tell her to just get on with it, try things, live life.  You just naturally find yourself along the way.


Also, maybe I'm getting old, but I think Alexis is way to young to find herself. It's a life long process. 


They had suggested that Hayley was not exactly law abiding, so it seems odd to introduce her as a mentor for Alexis.  Especially if Castle is involved.  I would think he would be nervous about her getting brought into that world.  But then in Like Father, Like Daughter he let her go talk to a suspected killer by herself.


I would really like to see Alexis do something completely different from law enforcement/crime fighting.

  • Love 1

Poor Tamala looks like she's not getting much more to do than her usual scene each week talking about lividity over a dead body. 


Hey, if the money is good...


Ask Leslie Hendrix. She basically made a career of the same thing on the L&O franchise for a combined 20+ years, counting its spinoffs!  :-)  (She also had a sense of humor about it, playing her L&O character, Liz Rodgers [or I assume it was meant to be her], on an episode of Community, where Rodgers did an autopsy on...a potato.  :-) )


So as long as Tamala is getting a pay check and exposure, I don't think she's doing so badly here!

They want the comedy, but is it really true to the character?


That's what I have an issue with sometimes, it's like they're determined to go for the easy laugh at the expense of good characterisation and it's frustrating.


Like Father, Like Daughter he let her go talk to a suspected killer by herself.


Please don't remind me. That was a giant WTH moment, it made no sense given Castle's previously protective instincts as a father but I presume this was all part of the writers showcasing how "grown up" she had become at this stage calling the shots. 


Wendy. Yeah that suits me. 

They had suggested that Hayley was not exactly law abiding, so it seems odd to introduce her as a mentor for Alexis.  Especially if Castle is involved.  I would think he would be nervous about her getting brought into that world.  But then in Like Father, Like Daughter he let her go talk to a suspected killer by herself.


I half expect Hayley and Alexis to wind up in jail at some point for some transgression or watch Alexis single handedly taking down a dangerous suspect with Castle watching proudly on going "that's my girl!".  


I would really like to see Alexis do something completely different from law enforcement/crime fighting.


May be she can go out to Africa to work on some kind of charity project, that would give her something worthwhile to do far far away. She could occasionally return to give the family an up-date and then disappear again. 

Edited by verdana

The trouble with CastlePI is that what private investigators do is pretty boring. Commercial fraud , missing cats or husbands, divorce.... hmm actually I take that back, if the writers are imaginative and cunning there are a lot more juicy possibilities for comedy and sexytimes than with the inevitable body. Which really is something of a downer in a comedy.

I wouldn't. I actually like Castle/Alexis. (What can I say, I like the father/daughter angle.) Alexis allows Castle, IMO, to be more than Beckett's other half. So...  :-)  Minority? Majority? Who can tell. LOL.


I don't know what's majority or minority either, but I've definitely been over Alexis for awhile.  I don't think she adds anything to Castle's character anymore, I think she takes away from it. We'll see if that changes this season.

  • Love 1

I don't know what's majority or minority either, but I've definitely been over Alexis for awhile.  I don't think she adds anything to Castle's character anymore, I think she takes away from it. We'll see if that changes this season.



You're not alone on there, it's like the writers have got a blind spot where she's concerned and they've got to include her somehow irrespective of whether it works or not. I feel sorry for Molly because she'll cop hate for sure. 


The writers have blown it with Alexis and they can't turn back the clock for some of us. In any case she's at an age when she should be out of the loft by now and doing some kind of internship not chasing around playing detective with dad and suddenly bonding with Hayley, it feels forced. 

Here is the link to the AMA with Seamus at castletv.net.


I picked out a few: 

Tam said
Hey, Seamus.  I love the show and I can't wait for the next season. I've been reading a lot about how the dynamic of the show is gonna change  and I was wondering if it's gonna change too much or is it gonna be similar to how it was before.
Greetings from Mexico!

Well, I think you're going to see a very different show. I can only speak from my perspective but Ryan and Espo are more up front and are given leadership position in cases. This is something I'm glad is finally happening. I think our show is finally growing up.


I wish it would grow up at least on the humor front.  He doesn't try to deny big changes are coming but then at this stage it would look foolish trying to hide the fact. Glad to see they're finally getting some kind of promotion or increased responsibility now that Beckett is captain. 

terilou8 said

Hi Seamus,
On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you say you and Kevin are alike? And, if Castle was not back for Season 8, what was you plan or thought process as to what was next in your career? I love your portrayal of Ryan so much!

Ryan and I are like a 7 in similarity. I was steeling myself to move on if there was no Season 8 and actually looking forward to new roles. It's been fun but everything has to end sometime. Glad we get another whack at it.


rysposito said

First off, I'd like to thank you Seamus for being such a dedicated and amazing actor. But especially for taking the time to answer some of our questions.
My question is in Castle's future do you see more episodes revolving around Ryan and Esposito? Like maybe see what makes your characters work so well together and stay good friends in and out of the precinct for 10 years? And do you enjoy to film the more serious scenes between yours and Jon's character or the comical ones?
Thank you again:)

yeah, I think you will see a lot more of the scenes that bring Ryan and Esposito together. I really like the serious scenes. It's particularly fun being in peril with Jon.



It would be nice if they could return to focusing more on the boys relationship, they seemed to move away from that in the latter years and they were more like exposition monkeys delivering COTW information than close buddies working together.

Edited by verdana

Not excited about the boys being more front and centre with cases if they're just going to continue writing the COTW investigation and interrogation scenes in the way they do.  99% of the time they are exposition monkeys (good description!).  Doesn't really matter who's doing the interrogating at this point because the characters are interchangeable as written.  There's rarely any spark or banter even if it is one of the rare times of Caskett doing the interrogation.  It's usually just played straight and super serious, without generating much empathy for the suspect/victim.  I find it hard to stay engaged and just tend to zone out during those scenes interrogating suspect 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.  Slightly better if they do venture out the precinct but it's still another version of interrogation most of the time.  If they're going to be at the precinct a lot, I would like to see more fun stuff like office politics and fun bets and non shop talk.  Sorry, but the boys just aren't that interesting to me and even when they get their focus episodes they're usually a miss for me.

  • Love 4

Quite ridiculous that some people can even make drama over Susan's scooter photo.  It's just a casual bts snapshot of the actors goofing around on set.  Not meant to be an exclusion of Stana or Beckett or any kind of serious statement about the show or relationships.  Sheesh.  It's nice to get a bts shot at all because those people are there to work, but people still have to find something to complain and criticise about.  Get over yourselves.  With this kind of attitude, wonder why we don't get more bts? ;)


They had suggested that Hayley was not exactly law abiding, so it seems odd to introduce her as a mentor for Alexis.



    What I find odd is that a presumably top detective at Scotland Yard (I hardly think they're going to make her character out to be a bad detective ;)) may be characterised as not law abiding.  Most ex police in my experience have a healthy respect for the law rather than the opposite.  But I hardly think they'll make Hayley have hardened criminal instincts or anything like that.  She'll be a badass rule breaker when it suits her for the cause of justice a la Beckett.  Putting herself on the line and all that.  I'll be very surprised if the writers are capable of writing a different kind of less cliched strong female character type.


I actually like Castle/Alexis. (What can I say, I like the father/daughter angle.) Alexis allows Castle, IMO, to be more than Beckett's other half. So...  :-)  Minority? Majority? Who can tell. LOL.



Me too.  Alexis has definitely annoyed me over the years and I don't like her personality as much as I did in the early seasons, but I still think there's a definite value to her existence on the show, along with Martha.  The family side is still a draw for me on the show, more so than the boys'.  I need something non precinct to balance out the show and father/daughter/mother (+wife) dynamics all do that for me.  And Castle's identity and attributes as a father is still something I value on the show, and the whole parenting theme factors into any family plans Caskett may have for their future.  Castle/Alexis having one of their quiet, honest advice giving scenes are still some of the best scenes on the show to me.   They just have a very real, authentic feel to them emotionally.  For example, even in that AU episode where it was a different rebellious Alexis.  The writers can't seem to get the loud and melodramatic scenes where they're in conflict right though.


But for the limited abilities of the writing team, law enforcement may be the only natural way to keep Alexis involved.


The writers don't seem interested in exploring story avenues outside of the law enforcement angle much, for anybody.  Maybe they feel limited by the crime procedural structure, but it's a shame because I think there are creative ways of getting glimpses into the supporting characters' personal lives which would be more interesting than trying to insert them into COTW.

Edited by madmaverick
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realssullivan: A family that plays together stays together! @NathanFillion @MollyQuinn93 @Castle_ABC #balance https://pbs.twimg.co...wsyUkAARN1R.jpg

Thanks for bringing it here, I haven't been on Twitter for a week and would have missed that. Pretty adorable. I especially like purple slippers under the "MARTHA" chair, lol. Seems like Susan didn't take this "photoshoot" as lightly as Nathan, she made an effort and changed into heels:) Though slippers would have matched Molly's top and emphasized the family feel...


That deleted scene made it worst since it basically confirmed that the kiss was written in the script and not an ad lib by Nathan and left in for slapstick comedy that didn't work at all.


I thought it was made clear at the time of the episode, by Penny and the writer or director on Twitter. I remember when the sneak aired many were so sure that it was an adlib, that there were cries about NF "sexually harassing" PJJ.... Right. But they had to calm down pretty soon, when it was confirmed that the kiss was scripted. So it's not really a new information.

Quite ridiculous that some people can even make drama over Susan's scooter photo.  It's just a casual bts snapshot of the actors goofing around on set.  Not meant to be an exclusion of Stana or Beckett or any kind of serious statement about the show or relationships.  Sheesh. 

What puzzles me the most is, if some of those people obviously dislike the actor and the character he plays on the show, how can they NOT jump in joy regarding the spoiler news for season 8? 

I'm only bored with watching the same Caskett routines over the last years (crime scene, interrogation, murder board) and well, some irritation about character choices. So I welcome some new dynamics. But if I were into this ship, and over the time I would consider Castle to be an ass and on top of it I would really start to dislike Nathan, I would be thrilled I guess.

  • Love 1

What puzzles me the most is, if some of those people obviously dislike the actor and the character he plays on the show, how can they NOT jump in joy regarding the spoiler news for season 8? 

I'm only bored with watching the same Caskett routines over the last years (crime scene, interrogation, murder board) and well, some irritation about character choices. So I welcome some new dynamics. But if I were into this ship, and over the time I would consider Castle to be an ass and on top of it I would really start to dislike Nathan, I would be thrilled I guess.

Agree, I don't rage-hate anyone on this show but I've jumped this ship long ago, and my only worry about this possible split is that the amount of embarrassment Castle fandom usually produces is going to triple, lol.


I'm not a "believer" in this new Castle era, but I welcome the change, any change, because it can potentially be to the better. Because last couple of seasons Castle was losing me through boredom and uninspiredness, I was perking up here and there in season 7 as it felt somewhat fresher, but mostly I felt that the show is in dire need of some change and shake-up. So I'm all for breaking free from the old formula and seeing what happens. If in addition I'd have hated one of the characters/actors of said ship I guess I would have been delirious from happiness :). If the show is going to follow two lead storylines with minimal interaction I'd have thought it would be super neat for those who can't stand one or the other. Just pick an episode focused on  your fav and chew popcorn.

Edited by Gant
  • Love 1

Vani ‏@vanavacchi  2 hrs2 hours ago

With the king of the Castle!!! Thanks for being so awesome @NathanFillion #Castle #Onset @silvinafricky



Vani ‏@vanavacchi  2 hrs2 hours ago

Love these guys! Thanks for the picture! @seamusdever @Jon_Huertas #castle #onset



Is is new wardrobe time too for Seamus in s8? He looks very casually dressed there, that's not usaully how Ryan dresses unless he still had to get changed or may be they're going undercover heh. 

A part of the S7 Castle gag reel: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/v/castle-gag-reel-140000679.html


Looks like they're going for another round of Esposito and Ryan going undercover as students, and dressed for maximum comedic effect.  Personally, I didn't find it that funny the first time around but they do like to go to the same comedic wells.

Thanks for the gag reel, didn't find it that great if that's all there was to it, seemed to be composed mainly of members of the cast pulling funny faces which doesn't do much for me. Guess the best one was Nathan's quality "father-son" time at the end and Molly's reaction. 


Ah okay missed the bit where it said "part" heh.

Edited by verdana

I think there'll be more to the gag reel on the DVD.  Usually it's longer than that.  I tend to like the funny stuff from interaction rather than just funny faces so hopefully there'll be more of that to come.


A few more excerpts from Seamus' AMA at castletv.net that I found interesting:


Is it true ABC threatened not to bring you back this season?
I think it was just a renegotiation tactic. All is fair in love and contract renegotiation.


Hmm. ;)  I think both network and actors play their negotiation/PR games.


On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you say you and Kevin are alike? And, if Castle was not back for Season 8, what was you plan or thought process as to what was next in your career? I love your portrayal of Ryan so much!
Ryan and I are like a 7 in similarity. I was steeling myself to move on if there was no Season 8 and actually looking forward to new roles. It's been fun but everything has to end sometime. Glad we get another whack at it.


Not reading anything into that about the prospects for a S9, but everyone's probably prepared to move on and making plans for their post Castle futures.


What I the vibe for S8 and have you shot any scenes yet that encompass the whole precinct?


We have a groovy vibe for S8. Everyone's happy to see each other. We've shot in the precinct a lot. Probably will always be the main set for the show. I think because it's big, there are always crimes to solve, and it's already paid for.


I think the set is more drama free than the fandom. ;)


What will happen with Kate Beckett, Castle and all who work at the station?


Someday, Anais, just like all of us, they will all die. The details in between then and now are in Hawley and Winter's hands.


Lol.  Funnier if he'd just left it at the first sentence heh.

Not reading anything into that about the prospects for a S9, but everyone's probably prepared to move on and making plans for their post Castle futures.


At this stage it's very wise to be looking ahead, Castle is an ageing show and I know similar shows (like Bones) are on their 11th season but it makes sense to have something in the pipeline, especially if you're a member of the secondary cast, where you can be despatched quite easily.



This article from TVGuide is newly posted... but I feel like I've read everything in it before. 


Ryan baby, Hayley not a threat, and this:


In fact, whatever challenges the couple may face this season, the producers are keen on furthering the core duo's relationship. "It's always been about the Castle-Beckett love story. That's steeped in the DNA of the show, and that's what it will always be," Winter says. "Now, it's about exploring the next evolution of it. How do we deepen that love story? What challenges can we put their way that can put their romance at a much higher, different place?"



This article from TVGuide is newly posted... but I feel like I've read everything in it before. 


Ryan baby, Hayley not a threat, and this:


In fact, whatever challenges the couple may face this season, the producers are keen on furthering the core duo's relationship. "It's always been about the Castle-Beckett love story. That's steeped in the DNA of the show, and that's what it will always be," Winter says. "Now, it's about exploring the next evolution of it. How do we deepen that love story? What challenges can we put their way that can put their romance at a much higher, different place?"

"How do we deepen that love story?" Maybe Caskett get to have sex, he must have bought her enough dinners by now. On the other hand "exploring the next evolution of it" makes me think of the scene in Demolition Man when Sandra Bullock is demonstrating how they have sex in the 20 something century to Sylvester Stallone.

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