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S14.E11: Firestarter (Part 1)

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A-Plot. GODDAMNIT. I'm so mad at Degrassi for actually swerving me; all this time I thought Arlene was the blackmailer with Hunter being the red herring but turns out both of them are red herrings (at least, as of now). I gotta watch the previous episodes to find out how Winston knew about Degrassi Nudes and how they were connected to the cheerleaders. Shrug.


Papa Hollingsworth is a piece of work. Now I'm wondering whether or not he wanted kids or not, or just because he had political aspirations and thought a family would look nice. Finally this season portrays the Hollingsworth in a non-entertaining messy way but kinda sad and probably all too real for real political "dynasties." Dad is a power hungry patriarch who cares about the outward appearances of his family instead of the actually familial relationship and has a nasty temper. Mom swallows all of her feelings and they come out anyway through weird ways (texting boobs to Drew), Miles is emotionally neglected to the point where he acts out and he crosses the other aisle for unconditional love, Hunter doesn't fit in with anyone so he withdrew into geek media and video games. I'm not sure how Frankie came through it unscathed relatively, but she seems like she has a stronger moral center than most teens. Although she's projecting her anger at her father towards Zoe, so I suppose the well-oiled PR machine is affected her as well. Sigh.


B-Plot. This was a little funny, especially with Clare's daydream and I thought it had a good message that a teenage pregnancy isn't the end of your life, you just have to work a little harder towards your goals. Didn't like what she said to Jenna though.


C-Plot. Fluff with the Rubber Room, that group has really grown on me. And thanks Degrassi Opening Credits for spoiling the plot, but it was pretty obvious what was going to happen. Grace may not be gay, but what's Gloria (she's going to be another regular, right?) doing giving her number to girls? Hmm.


Frankie - Frankie's such an innocent, earnest kid... I felt so bad when she tried to get Zoe to take the blame because I knew Zoe would strike back like the snake she is. I'd been suspecting Winston as the blackmailer but then Arlene came in and acted a little shady, so she threw me off a bit. But yeah, I'd also like to know how Winston knew about the whole Degrassi Nudes scheme, since it seems Frankie never confided in him about the true reason she left the team. Had he been paying for the photos? Maybe he recognized Frankie's bedroom in the background and put two and two together? I don't know. I found it difficult to believe he could be a successful schemer, so I'm glad this whole thing blew up in the wrong person's face, rather than it going as planned. The end scene was very "us against the world," so dramatic, lol.


I was surprised to see the Hollingsworths so pleasant at breakfast, though I guess it was the calm before the storm. Nice touch bringing Andrea back (and I'm glad they identified her because I didn't recognize her with that new hairstyle). It's been quite some time since we last saw her... Miles seemed like such a kid, when he found out about his dad having an affair with her, and now he's barely hiding a, "kiss ass," comment, ha. Mr. Hollingsworth... wow. Making his daughter accept the blame for something she was forced into doing, just so he could save face? Well, at least now two of the kids know how much of a jerk he is.

And according to the promo, Hunter will find out, too. Wowzers!


Clare - I understand why she didn't but ooh, I wish Clare had replied to Mrs. Baker like, "and your son's in juvenile detention for assaulting a student here, so..." I'd given up on Jenna being a part of this story, so consider me surprised when they not only had her there but that they acknowledged her pregnancy. It really would be nice if they included her in Clare's story more but whatever, it's been working out just fine without her.


I really enjoyed them referencing Mr. Simpson and Spike, and how she was a teen mom in the original series. That dream sequence was ridiculous and I laughed out loud when they cut right before the kiss. Oh man, that was... something. Should we be worried that Clare fell down onto her stomach like that? I like that she was encouraged to work hard to succeed, rather than set her sights lower because she's pregnant. Her talk with her mom was good; she wants to do better for herself but also (finally) knows that she has to be realistic and not take on too much work. And weren't we just talking about Canadians going to school abroad all the time? Now Clare's mentioned going to a Canadian school, that's nice.


Zig/Tiny - A cheesy plot but an enjoyable one. I liked Zig's crack about Tiny's pointy red hair... finally got him back for the, "you don't wear sleeves," comment, haha. I'm glad Zig stood up for Zoe but she's been such a monster that I couldn't find it in me to be happy about their (very awkward) chat. She's a miserable brat.


The promos for next week were nuts, y'all.

Edited by omgsowicked
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Oh hi Jenna! Nice to see you're alive! And judgmental Clare rears her ugly head. Why did she think no one knew about her pregnancy? In almost every scene they discussed it, they were in public! Of course everyone, except Simpson, knows! It was nice of him to encourage her and reassure her, and I'm glad she's now being a bit more realistic about her situation. However, "my friends will babysit"? Say what now? Your friends who will also be college freshmen? Did they agree to that? You haven't even sorted out your baby daddy issues! I bet she hasn't even told her mom, yet.

Poor Frankie. She got screwed in every way this episode. The title should have been, "life's not fair!" But c'mon Franks; why would you believe that Zoe would go down without a fight? She definitely should have had a contingency plan in place. In fact, she shouldn't have even involved the other girls. She should have turned on her tears, brought in her dad to meet with Simpson and confessed that Zoe bullied her and the other girls into it, and was blackmailed off the team because she disagreed. All basically true, and believable. And she would have looked like the hero for stepping up, as well as getting her asshole dad's political machine behind her.

I hope they do reveal how exactly Winston found out, cause I didn't see that coming. My money was on Grace Kaiser Soze-ing the whole thing.

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This episode was the first time I genuinely liked Zig. I have high hopes for him next season. 


Am I the only person who doesn't "love to hate" Zoe? The actress seems talented and all that, but the character is just sort of comically evil. It's like when they brough in Kimberly to Melrose Place. If Zoe pulls off a wig to reveal her stitched-up skull, I'll know it's all over.

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This episode was the first time I genuinely liked Zig. I have high hopes for him next season. 


Am I the only person who doesn't "love to hate" Zoe? The actress seems talented and all that, but the character is just sort of comically evil. It's like when they brough in Kimberly to Melrose Place. If Zoe pulls off a wig to reveal her stitched-up skull, I'll know it's all over.

Yeah, Zoe seems way over the top to me too. I don't love to hate her because she's just not believeable to me when she pulls things like this, or when she was first introduced, her dynamics with Maya. It's just like, oh come on. The characters I love to hate are much less "evil"... Clare, Spinner, Maya. Zoe turns it up so high I'm just like, "do your thing then!"

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Clare - I understand why she didn't but ooh, I wish Clare had replied to Mrs. Baker like, "and your son's in juvenile detention for assaulting a student here, so..."

I wish Clare had done that. I would have had so much more respect for her and I'm sure everyone in the room would have forgiven her anyway, she's a teenager and it's true. I hate stupid Mrs. Baker!! I wish someone had said something about it if not Clare. I would have if I was in the room (unless I was Mr. Simpson) becuase that is just not cool. Talk about who's really not making kids safe. Willingly sending pictures of your uncovered body to people who are paying for them is nowhere near being a sexual predator on the "harms children" list. I think Degrassi Nudes is a horrible idea for many reasons (and I do wonder about the coercion aspect of it but the cheerleaders don't seem to think much of it) but come on lady, who do you think you're kidding. Also i don't remember Clare ever sticking up for Zoe or even caring enough to comment? She probably thinks Zoe deserved it or was asking for it anyway, ugh Clare ugh!

Edited by djmadbullets
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First of all:  thank you Degrassi Writers for mentioning Ryerson. For Journalism. I am egotistical enough to think that was all on me :D :D :D 

Mrs Becky's Mom: shut up. your son sexually assaulted  a girl, then took photos of it, and sent it all around school. 


Frankie is amazing. I didn't even see the Winston thing. 

Clare is dumb.  When exactly is graduation, if she's 16 weeks already that she wouldn't show? She needs to go away, now. 

I love the 'Rubber Room Gang'  though, Zig walking around in a wifebeater all the time, and then stripping it off like that was kind of like. "really? really?"

I don't know if there's ever been a really ... evil (and that's such a strong word - but i hope y'all know what i mean), person like Zoe before on the show. like even as 'bad girl' Paige, Holly J, Fiona were, I never knew them to constantly do things that Zoe would do and really doesn't care who she hurts. she deleted the Frankie picture but i think that is a tiny drop of water in the ocean of all the bad bad things she does. i'm very curious what they're going to do with her. 

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 I'd given up on Jenna being a part of this story, so consider me surprised when they not only had her there but that they acknowledged her pregnancy. It really would be nice if they included her in Clare's story more but whatever, it's been working out just fine without her.


I really enjoyed them referencing Mr. Simpson and Spike, and how she was a teen mom in the original series. That dream sequence was ridiculous and I laughed out loud when they cut right before the kiss. Oh man, that was... something. Should we be worried that Clare fell down onto her stomach like that? 


When Snake and Clare were talking, I was hoping that we were going to get a cameo from Spike, giving Clare some advice, and that was why the writers haven't used Jenna for that.  Oh, well...It looked like she might have broken her fall off the sofa with her elbows - fingers crossed just because miscarriages are sad, but I don't see her as a single mom, either.


"I played dumb.  But I don't know how long I can keep it up."  Was that an inside joke/writer's wink at us?  I heart me some multi-colored hair Lola, but from some of the comments she's made I'm not sure that she's the brightest member of Power Cheer.  Or maybe she's just innocent.


Grace:  "Who says I'm gay?" as she puts her arm around Maya. That wasn't exactly a no...I like Grace, too - she seems like the "epitome" of a cool chick (see what I did there? Because the show's produced by Epitome Pictures? Aaanywaaay.....). 

Edited by Lone Wolf

The antics as Zig and Tiny tried to get that girl's number were classic Degrassi ridiculousness. I really enjoyed how stupid it was. Where are the adults? Why are people just taking their shirts off? I don't know. Who cares? It was so hilarious. It was nice that he still stuck up for Zoe though.


I loved Frankie calling Winston out for meddling. Winston is the worst. Calling her the "oomphchat madam" though was the best. Oh, Degrassi. 


I like this cold, intense Zoe. I mean, I don't agree with her actions but the actress is really shaping up to be one of the star players of the new cast.


The silliness with Clare's nightmare wasn't as fun but it was cute enough. At least she's finally taking this a little more seriously. Also, I appreciated the belated shout out of Jenna's pregnancy. I guess we're not going to deal with the baby not being Drew's until next week.


Awww. I kind of love Zig and Zoe. I wish they hadn't wrecked Zoe's character so much and just let me enjoy a relationship between the two of them (which is something I find myself saying about way too many shows) but I can see why they saddled her with so many heavy plots given the fact that she's one of the better actors they've got at this point.


I like this cold, intense Zoe. I mean, I don't agree with her actions but the actress is really shaping up to be one of the star players of the new cast.

Yeah, I think the actress is good. The writing for the character is a bit caricature-like, but I think the actress elevates what she's given -- I don't know if that's because she's talented (it's hard for me to tell on these kinds of shows) or because she's charismatic (that I can usually spot on tv),  or both. She has some kind of....sparkle?

Edited by bantering
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Its May 2015 and I am finally watching the 14A finale lol. I've been watching Degrassi since 2002(US) and I guess I just cant let this show die.


I hate most of the characters now .. Clare, Tristan, Ali, Zoe and especially Myles(sp?). Im loving Frankie so far and my fave is still Imogen! But anyway about this episode, I was so happy to know Frankie did not start the fire and I wonder how far Degrassi will let Clare's pregnancy go? I want to see Clare deal with the baby but after watching Degrassi for so long I feel as though they will make her character either miscarry or have an stillbirth. 


Am I the only one who feel as though Clares current storyline is so not her? So not Clare to not use protection with BOTH guys, So not Clare to not know who her baby daddy was and so not Clare to mess up right before graduating. I feel as though the writers just dont want the Degrassi girls to win. They are always taking the girls on a detore.

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