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S06.E12: Spiral

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While Callen is undercover in the mail room of an office building to investigate an arms dealer, it is over taken by terrorists and Callen becomes a hostage. When the team arrives to help, they discover the entire building is wired with explosives.



I guess they're starting the year off with a bang.   


Lame joke aside, this topic will open at 22:58 ofter the episode airs on the East Coast.

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Did Sam have to shoot the helicopter pilot?


Well, I'm calling it: That's the third time they mentioned Callen's father/family history, I think we'll finally meet his father this season.

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I think we'll finally meet [Callen's] father this season.


Oh, please be right about this.  I think it's time to close that particular circle.


I liked this episode, though the fact that there turned out to be a cure for the bio-weapon all along renders the whole preceding action kind of pointless.  The action was great though, and every team member got to contribute.


Oh, and that doctor seemed way sketchy from the get.

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This episode reminded me so much of Die Hard.  Some examples:  bad guys getting the keys to the revolving door, Deeks using the little computer kiosk thing, and Sam & Callen using the elevator shaft.


Nitpick:  I don't understand why Sam & Callen didn't take all the guns.  How do they know how much ammo they might need?


I thought both the doctor and security guard were sketchy.  I'm glad the guard turned out to be a nice guy but I wish they would've said what happened to him.  Callen & the fake doc said he had internal bleeding so I thought he was going to die after saving the day.

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LOL.  I thought this episode had a lot of movie references.  We of course had Die Hard but you also had Mad Max with the Bane reference.  And I got an Andromeda Strain feeling when Callen got locked in the lab.  I am sure there were more but I cannot remember them right now. 


I thought it was sweet that Sam didn't want Callen to wake up in Georgia all alone but I was waiting for a girlfriend reference.  Like she wasn't allowed to be there or something.


I think this is the most people to die in one episode, right?

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I'm always so grateful that the good guys have impeccable aim and the bad guys couldn't shoot the broad side of a barn.


I actually thought for a crazy second that they were going to have Callen die in the lab. That would be a real surprise ending.


When Mall Cop and Redhead Doctor were introduced, I immediately thought that at least one of them was in on it. Once MC exonerated himself with the faux heart attack and RD was in the lab, I thought maybe not, but then Nell/Eric (they're interchangeable, aren't they?) said "Wait, there's more".


I thought it was lame that they didn't have Joelle in Georgia but I'll hand wave that one with her not able to get the time off work or something.


Sam hanging down an elevator shaft. Deeks hanging off a window ledge. Show, don't ever change!

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Callen & the fake doc said he had internal bleeding so I thought he was going to die after saving the day.

I thought he had a couple of broken ribs so I'm surprised he didn't die right there after all the moving around he did - a rib could easily have pierced a lung.


Once again the body of a dead bad guy used as a shield will stop machine gun fire from going right on through and killing Sam.  Another thing that I see all the time, the bad guy, or girl in this case,  speaks perfect American until they are revealed to be a bad guy and suddenly they speak with an accent.


I loved the Zen circle at the end.


Is the time change permanent or just for last night?


Are we seeing a lot less of Hetty? Or are she and Granger taking turns being the lead?  Seems lately we see just one or the other of them to any extent.

Edited by Trey
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I actually thought for a crazy second that they were going to have Callen die in the lab. That would be a real surprise ending.


I thought they pulled it off really well.  I thought maybe it was going to be a two parter, where the next episode is where Sam et al. raced to find the bad guy who had the cure to save Callen's life.


I really liked the security guard.  He was great, especially with his scene with Kensi.


Deeks hanging off the side of a building- seriously silly.


I thought the red headed girl was suspicious, especially when the irish accents started coming out from the terrorists.  Because in TV, all red heads = irish


The zen circle was beyond hilarious.  OM.....

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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Nitpick:  I don't understand why Sam & Callen didn't take all the guns.  How do they know how much ammo they might need?

THANK YOU! This annoys me in every show I watch (and I watch every crime procedural there is). Take the guns! You might run out of ammo! Why throw it down the elevator shaft!?  Not to mention, some were semiautomatic and maybe had a better range than their Glocks. This is something I literally yell at the TV all the time: PICK UP THE WEAPONS. Unless we are supposed to believe that all of our crime fighters are so particular about their weapons they won't use one they haven't cleaned and loaded.


Harrrumph. Jack Bauer never throws away a weapon....

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They didn't specifically say that they've read Joelle in, but after the Christmas one when she found out he's not whatever his cover was, I figured he'd at least given her a basic explanation.


Speaking of that, this has always bugged me about LA - why on earth do they have to make up ridiculous and unrealistic occupations for themselves? Can't they say they work for the federal government (which is true) but not say specifically *what* they do?

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I think this is the most people to die in one episode, right?


Don't remember the body count, but I'm pretty sure NCIS: That One Time We Went To Romania still tops everything.

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    Is the time change permanent or just for last night?

In my corner of the world (Central Time), it came on at 9:00 p.m., which is the regular slot.

So it's always been on at 10 pm Eastern time?  I've been getting it at 8 pm but I guess that's been on a Canadian station, which was a very good time for me.  Last night I got it at 7 pm which was okay but meant I had to miss Jeopardy!

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First off I was glad that other then being beat up, Security Guard Don,didn't get killed for helping. To many times someone steps up to help, that isn't on the team, and ends up paying for it. Being an ex Detroit Cop must have helped.

Deeks in OPS comparing Callen to "Die hard" was funny. Wyatt Towers is the place. "Yippe Ki ya" said Deeks.

When Callen said he was only "Jimmy from the mail-room" to Don, Dr. Karen Ward and the other lady in the hostage room,why not just say, you were in the service or your dad was a soldier/cop? That way they might have taken you more seriously. Even though they didn't question him really. I knew not to have him say he was NCIS, the same way Kensi didn't when Don questioned her later. But they didn't know if anyone was a mole. Since they were not sure how the Irish Terrorist Group knew to come here. Propaganda posters upside down. They wanted some bad men released though. But they were after some shipment I guess? Karen was after the Bio-weapon.

I thought that Dr. Karen Ward had something going on,or she would be one of the people that were going to be shot every hour and G would have to somehow save her. I didn't until near the end figure she was in on the heist, and Sam and Callen(actually Eric figured it out), would figure it out maybe to late. I was surprised that Karen would drop a vial,but she was trying to escape. Callen closing the door was a good move. Both guys really looked worried. Sam going to the roof was a smart idea. Was surprised there wasn't someone in the copter shooting at him. But he got the Pilot and Karen.

Deeks and Kensi didn't seen to be any closer then before last episode. Nice how he disabled the bombs inside.

Also Callen "saving" Karen from the Terrorists saying he sent her to find a phone. Sam came to help at the right time. Jimmy the mail guy went Postal.

I hadn't thought that Tom Blanchard was killed by the shot from leader Liam Boyle. I figured it was a knee or maybe a gut wound. But as was said later by Eric, he was cutting out the middleman. But I see on rewatch he is shot 3 times. His gf Lisa Welsley wasn't to broke up.

Deeks and Kensi sneaking in and out of the stairwells was interesting. Sam and Callen also used them. Why didn't they keep bomber guy distracted and then sneak the hostages out the stairwell? Atleast 2 or 3 at a time? Liked them and Don pushing Crom(sp?) the human bomb in the open elevator shaft.

Deeks hanging out the window to get reception was scary. I am surprised the 2 guys didn't look around the office more after finding the broken window.

I thought the workout in the gym was cute. First with Deeks punching the big bag, and Kensi doing the meditating. Deeks joking about it, and then Kensi putting him in a submission hold with her eyes closed. Then at end when Eric and Nell join in a couples meditation it was also cute.

How far is it from Nicaragua to LA? It says on Google that it is 5 hour and and 5 minutes to fly. Maybe she jumped in a F-16 but I doubt it. Hetty flew from a meeting there to get back to the Villa and help the team. Well to decide instead of Granger to send in LAPD to backup the team. But when the bombs were discovered it became difficult.

With Callen in the hospital after they found the antidote, Sam was there. Callen wants to meet his father. Where was gf Joelle Taylor? Even if Sam told Callen she was out in waiting room with Michelle, or Hetty or someone, it would have been ok.

Have Don the Security Guard in the same room as G???

Edited by webruce
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