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Small Talk: Chili's

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I don't have anything planned for this summer. I'm saving travel money for Christmas, when the family is going to Hawaii. I'll take a few days here and there to do some decluttering of the house, plus maybe some one-day road trips out of town.  Beyond that, I'm just going to work on losing weight I've regained (plus, hopefully, more) before the Hawaii trip.

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My summer plan is to spend ridiculous amounts of time with my brand new belly exposed! Tummy tuck day is Thursday! Also going to Italy for two weeks in August.

Sometime we are also trying to squeeze in a long weekend to The UP of Michigan. My dad is from there and I've never taken my kids up there. My grandpa built half of St. Ignace, and my dad worked on building the Mackinac Bridge.

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Summer plans? Anyone got some? 

I'm hoping to find out if my work is sending me to San Diego for a week in June. (Please, please, please). And we have at least one and maybe two gaming conventions to look forward too.

San Diego in JUNE? Not say, July 21-24?  LOL yeah I know, that's a pipe dream (it's Comicon for those who don't know).


I just knocked on wood, but I may not be slammed this summer. It's rare, but I sorta didn't get a project or two I thought I'd get. A vacation for the KoB? Let's hope!


My summer plan is to spend ridiculous amounts of time with my brand new belly exposed! Tummy tuck day is Thursday!

So are you getting in some last minute pizza -chocolate shake- bacon- mac&cheese binge this weekend?



eta- speaking of binges, anyone watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt this weekend?  I caught the first 2 eps last night.

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I'm actually trying to drop a couple of pounds before I go under the knife. I don't want to waste this on stuff I could have lost myself!

I just finished the whole Kimmy Schmidt season 2. Loved it. More silly than season 1, and more nonsensical, but so many more laugh-out-loud moments.

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I didn't finish Kimmy S1. I watched most of it, but...other things intervened, and I just didn't care enough about it to finish. Maybe I will at some point.


I have 2 kids going to college in the fall. I think I'll mostly be preparing for that, physically and mentally.

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Summer plans? Anyone got some?

I'm making a return trip to the US Open (after skipping last year to attend the French). My sister-in-law's family has a place on the Potomac in southern MD-- so I'll spend a week (or long weekend) there. 


*fingers crossed* I may be getting  a new job. I switched jobs back in September- but one of my dream jobs became available and I applied. They contacted me almost immediately for a phone interview, (which I take as a good sign) now I'm waiting to hear if I get an in person interview.

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I'm MichelleAK's opposite - our plans are leaving Hawai'i for vacations. First - just leaving the island, not the state, by going to the Big Island for a couple of days next weekend to meet up with my sister-in-law and her husband. Second - a combo trip for me only to Ohio to visit relatives and New York to see friends and plays. Third - Minnesota, where we lived for many years and haven't returned to since we moved here 10 years ago. A nephew and his girlfriend are also coming to stay, so we get to do some of the touristy things we don't do otherwise.

Michelle - what island(s) are you going to?

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I'm MichelleAK's opposite - our plans are leaving Hawai'i for vacations. First - just leaving the island, not the state, by going to the Big Island for a couple of days next weekend to meet up with my sister-in-law and her husband. Second - a combo trip for me only to Ohio to visit relatives and New York to see friends and plays. Third - Minnesota, where we lived for many years and haven't returned to since we moved here 10 years ago. A nephew and his girlfriend are also coming to stay, so we get to do some of the touristy things we don't do otherwise.

Michelle - what island(s) are you going to?


I think we're going to the big island, but I may be misremembering where my sister and her family went two years ago (we're all going this time, to the same area).  I need to get more specific information from her. 


I've only been to Hawaii once, and that was just to Honolulu, 20 years ago.  I'm looking forward to going back, especially during an Alaskan winter.  


Which island do you live on?

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I live in west O'ahu (the unfashionable side of the island), about 20 miles from Honolulu. The whole island is technically the City and County of Honolulu, though - none of the other towns have city councils or governing authorities, just neighborhood advisory boards. It's kind of disorienting and weird, at least at first, because we're not in Honolulu but are in Honolulu at the same time.

We've been to the Big Island, Maui, and Kaua'i a lot, so if you have any questions as you plan, feel free to ask here or via PM, and I'll be happy to give you my impressions, for whatever they're worth.

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I think we've talked about this before, but I tend to go to Kihei, Maui at least once a year. I've never been to any of the other islands.  Over time, my visits to Maui have gotten more enjoyable. We've been there enough now that I've figured out how to manage time with my in-laws and private time. Plus, As the years have passed our income has grown, so we're better able to enjoy the things Maui has to offer.  

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Longtime Chili's peeps might remember when Guts and I adopted our first dog - Dozer. It was about 7 years ago and I posted about it in the old forums. 


Today, he passed away. He came down with pneumonia Sunday evening and just wasn't strong enough to pull through. He was 12. 


Here is a picture of my first buddy. I'm pretty bereft. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do. 




I'm not ready to put it on facebook yet, so please, keep it off there. But I just wanted to share, I guess. 

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I'm so sorry, Glory. It's so painful to lose a beloved buddy. Come here and share stories about Dozer or lean on our shoulders or whatever you need to do as you mourn him.

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How is frenchie #2 (whose name I cannot recall) doing without Dozer?  I know doggie dynamics can change too.


My pup is showing signs of aging- our walks are hardly as long, which bums me out. Age, her dark coat and the heat all contribute.

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Lexi! I know that one!

Tummy tuck is over! I won't regale you with tales of pain unless you want me to, but I will tell you that getting into and out of my recliner is as hard as climbing a mountain. It does seems to be getting easier every time I do it. I'm looking forward to being able to wipe my ass again someday.

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Does that mean someone is wiping your ass for you?  How much an hour do you pay for that?  Did the doctors say anything like "okay the lipo is done but we couldn't find any abs in there"?  Like that?  Did you put any of the "extra" into the boobs? 

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No, nobody has the ass wiping gig yet, KoB? I heard you're not busy this spring, though.

No boobs. I actually did briefly consider doing a lift, because these things aren't holding themselves up, but it would have added $7500 to the bill. That buys a lot of Victoria's Secret bras.

So far, one of the worst things about this is I have to avoid funny things. Laughing is torture.

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So, I shouldn't mention the story that happened at work today? I am though.


So this afternoon one of the guys gets a work from one of his kids (15 year old) and the side of the convo I could hear was "what? What did you do? .... What did you do?" and then a pause and a few mumbles and the word bobcat. I'm at my desk thinking "oh shit, someone is in trouble!"


It turns out the full story is that the son had been given permission to have some friends around today under strict rules they stay in the house and DON'T USE THE BOBCAT! so, being teenage boys (and at least one girl) OF COURSE they went and had some fun on the bobcat, which is apparently an ATV and looks something like this:



Who wouldn't want to go riding around on the property with that, am I right?


So, for whatever reason, they're riding around near one of their dams and they get the thing bogged! Uh-Oh, Dad is not going to be pleased about this.. what can they do? The solution is obviously to go get the ute and some straps and pull it out right? right!


So off they go and come back but, being inexperienced at these matters, they didn't get the right type of straps and while trying to get the ATV unstuck one of the straps breaks and hits the son's girlfriend in the face! 


Does the son call Dad asking for help in this situation? Of course not, that is the last resort! He calls his older sister and asks her to come get them and she did and took them to the hospital where his girlfriend needed 5 stitches. THEN he called Dad after, I'm guessing, realising that he was in the shit no matter what he did at this point.


And while I'm glad nothing more serious happened I couldn't help but giggle and be happy that I don't have kids to deal with!


Also, they make you pay $7k to put your own fat back into your body? That's crazy!

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Ha, Kalliste! First, that story is hilarious.

Second, no, a boob lift would not involve putting any fat or implant in. My boobs are big enough. They just hang a couple inches lower than they did 20 years ago. A lift for me would have just meant tightening up the ligaments.

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So sad to hear about Prince. I took the afternoon off yesterday to help my mom with some errands when I heard the news. Driving around-- we stopped next to a large SUV, in which a woman was singing along very loudly with "Darling Nicky" on the radio.


Prince-- 30 years of making me want to dance, and also, making me very uncomfortable driving in a car with my mom. 

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I'm not sure my boobs ever sat perky Pixel. The curse of the large boobs.. like you said, hurray for good bras! :D


Do we know what happened in relation to Prince yet? I was pretty saddened to see a reputable news place here quoting TMZ about what had happened.. because TMZ always has the facts right and isn't a bunch of trash.

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I'm so, so sad about Prince. The worst celebrity death for me in a long time, maybe ever. I wasn't friends with them, but I used to work with his half-sister and half-brother at different times. And I saw Prince himself getting into his car once. The Minnesota connection isn't what makes it so hard, though. I don't quite know what it is, other than his obvious musical genius. He was weird as hell, but I love him.

Pixel - good for you for taking care of yourself. You'll not only feel less pain as the days go on, you'll feel much healthier and energetic as the months pass, too.

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I hope so, Babalu. Right now it's pretty miserable. I've had other surgeries and have given birth twice, and this is easily the worst pain I've ever been in. It does get better as time goes on, but I'm impatient. Everyone tells me that once I get through this part I'll never regret having done this. I'm counting on that. And it's hard when I keep reminding myself I paid someone to do this to me. I didn't have to do it! It was my own idea! Bah!!!

Kalliste-a Bobcat here is more like a small construction vehicle. You can use them for projects like digging out where'd you want to pour concrete or a hole in your yard for a pool. It sounds like they might be a little different there in Australia.

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Death chicken! Tummy tuck day 4 update: This sucks. I knew recovery would be bad, but I was in denial. This is the most helpless and weak I've ever felt in my life. It's awful. And everything I read tells me I won't be back to normal for weeks or months. Ugh! If someone told me I could trade and have the flab back and have this all go away I'd do it right now. I hope I feel differently in a week or so.

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Hang in there Pixel. I felt the same way when I had a procedure to remove a very noticeable chicken pox scar from between my eyebrows and it felt like I had a migraine for two solid weeks.  


You'll get past it-- and be happy with how you look and feel. 

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I just got more painkillers and muscle relaxers, so I'm happier. And I got my first look at the new tummy. I have the tummy of a 24 year old who has never been pregnant. That definitely makes it easier to be positive.

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It's "hearts" now instead of "likes"?  Hmm.

Not sure if @LiberryLady will come by and take a look-see at the new remodel. But she needs to know that MAY 2 and ONLY MAY 2nd is World Naked Gardening day.  Not once a week! Tomatoes don't need your nuditittyness! PS I just read my new profile. I have *no followers.*  What a gut punch. I thought for sure one of my bucket-list things would come true via PTV. Of course I want to be a cult leader. I have left-over KoolAid packets that @Setlist sent me years ago, saved up for this very thing.  And yes I'm playing around with all the new toys. Lookit this!   Maybe not. Oh that edit tool should be used by me a lot.

Edited by King of Birds
wrong day!
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7 minutes ago, King of Birds said:

It's "hearts" now instead of "likes"?  Hmm.

Not sure if LL will come by and take a look-see at the new remodel. But she needs to know that TODAY and ONLY TODAY is World Naked Gardening day.  Not once a week! Tomatoes don't need your nuditittyness!

They do if they're hot tamatas!

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I am trying to be calm as all the stuff shifts around here, but like TLKev, I react badly to changes in my interface.

I wonder what the threshold is for turning a post green.

I am trying not to be upset by the hearts instead of thumbs up. I mean, why should it matter to me either way? But it does! A heart is such a big statement. "LOVE!" vs "Right on!" or "Yep!"

Also having to adjust my typing because I keep hitting the enter too many times and getting too many extra paragraph breaks. I'm old school I guess, from when the typewriter needed to be told so many things so many times....

But nothing that's happening here is bothering me as much as the recent Thunderbird update. I wrote Mozilla a really nasty letter because of changes they made to my email. The only reason I don't switch to something else is that I hate all the other options even more... same reason I stay with Firefox for the web.

In other news, I learned that not getting enough sleep is enough to induce type 2 diabetes. Which probably explains my current predicament. I am the worst sleeper ever. I have been trying to force myself to sleep more, but it's like my body hates it. I feel like I finally understand little kids who scream wildly when told it's naptime. I lie in bed with the lights off and my body curses me and shrieks about how bored it is and how it doesn't want to sleep. I try to speak soothingly to myself: "relax, you'll feel better if you rest..." in hopes it will eventually work.

I used to meditate a lot, in a formal and disciplined way. I loved it, and it was good for me in lots of ways. But even then I was a crappy sleeper.

I am trying to be calm as all the stuff shifts around here, but like TLKev, I react badly to changes in my interface.

I wonder what the threshold is for turning a post green.

I am trying not to be upset by the hearts instead of thumbs up. I mean, why should it matter to me either way? But it does! A heart is such a big statement. "LOVE!" vs "Right on!" or "Yep!"

Also having to adjust my typing because I keep hitting the enter too many times and getting too many extra paragraph breaks. I'm old school I guess, from when the typewriter needed to be told so many things so many times....

But nothing that's happening here is bothering me as much as the recent Thunderbird update. I wrote Mozilla a really nasty letter because of changes they made to my email. The only reason I don't switch to something else is that I hate all the other options even more... same reason I stay with Firefox for the web.

In other news, I learned that not getting enough sleep is enough to induce type 2 diabetes. Which probably explains my current predicament. I am the worst sleeper ever. I have been trying to force myself to sleep more, but it's like my body hates it. I feel like I finally understand little kids who scream wildly when told it's naptime. I lie in bed with the lights off and my body curses me and shrieks about how bored it is and how it doesn't want to sleep. I try to speak soothingly to myself: "relax, you'll feel better if you rest..." in hopes it will eventually work.

I used to meditate a lot, in a formal and disciplined way. I loved it, and it was good for me in lots of ways. But even then I was a crappy sleeper.

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It is indeed quite a change. I haven't quite gotten used to the change in 'my shows' and how the hell do I sort that by most recently posted in.

I'll see what I can find out for you about popularity @possibilities

I do love that the mentions are back :)

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and I hope 'popularity green' actually becomes a color-- so I can paint my nails with it!

It's also an adjustment to see that instead of notifications that people have liked my posts-- they're giving me a reputation. But what kind of reputation? 

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3 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

But what kind of reputation? 

The DC men's bathrooms all say @sacrebleu will "do things" but I think you mean online, here.  What do you think a rep means - "Sacrebleu does a nice quote cut n paste"? It's all about the hearts now. (plus, I got a follower yesterday! Kool-Aid stock may be on the upswing soon! Invest now!)

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I had the hardest time finding this place today. I don't see any green posts either. 

I am slightly more human today, for those wondering.  My drains come out tomorrow, which should go a long way toward making me feel like I am back to the living.  I did try to put on jeans yesterday-can't even begin to zip them, despite being down 10 lbs. Apparently swelling is going to relegate me to yoga pants for a few weeks .  Good thing my job is business casual!

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It is a bit hard to navigate at the moment. I'm really missing the 'my shows' how it used to be. I know the team are working on getting that back up and running!

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Yeah, 7 likes on possibilities post, and it's not even a hint o-green. @sacrebleu will be painting 'clear' on her toes. But also: ONLY 7 likes? Is this what we're down to here? Are people not coming back after the update?

@Pixel only down 10 lbs? Damn if I did that procedure and went through all the pain, I'd want more knocked off the ole mid-section.

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I saw a post that had 15 likes and it wasn't green either. But it might have been from before the update, and I don;t know if the greening is retroactive.

I would not want to suffer as much or spend as much as you did, Pixel, for only 10lbs. Maybe I'm just a cheap, squeamish slob. Or does it amount to more after the recovery? Are you having swelling from the surgery that subsides as things heal? It seems unfair that you'd be in this much pain for so little gain (loss). Don't they promise us that suffering leads to redemption? Justice for Pixel!! 

We need to do some PR work, to attract people back to Chili's. Free polls! Smack talk! Gluten-free recipes! Jetpack News! Unicorns! Commiseration! But I have a feeling most have emigrated to Facebook, which is the F word as far as I'm concerned.

Did we talk about self-driving cars here? I am fascinated by the promises that they may soon actually become ordinary.




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