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Small Talk: Chili's

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Kalliste- So you punch in some time clock? That idea is just so odd to me.

Technically I do but not in the sense of a physical sign in sheet or anything. I get paid a 36.75hr week which only varies if I happen to work/get paid overtime. Given I rarely work overtime that isn't really going to happen :P 

What we do have in the public service is what's called a flex sheet. It used to just be a spreadsheet for me but now it's built into the payroll system we use. So basically every day I enter in the time I got to work, when I took lunch, when I got back from lunch and when I finished. It calculates the time worked and if I am over my 7hrs 21mins it gives me 'flex time' which is essentially just time in lieu (which, after a quick google I'm finding might not be a common term in the US. Let me know!) and allows me to take time off at a rate of 1:1 at another date if I wanted. I can start work anytime between 7am and 10am as long as I work the 7hrs 21mins and in most cases I don't need approval for it from my boss. Just turn up whenever.


As an example, today I started at 9:05 (yup, exact) and I was going to finish at 17:05 but I donated blood today and felt a bit woozy in the afternoon so I left at 16:30 instead so I could get a bus that required less walking on my part. And as such I had some of my flex deducted.


Hey.. there's something fishy about that list of holidays. Why do Aussie's celebrate the Queen's birthday in June, September and October? I applaud the extra days off, but come on! Or does royalty age kind of like dog-years? For every year we age, they age three?

I wish we got all 3 instances of it off but alas, we do not :P wikipedia tells me it used to be in June to take advantage of the good weather (northern hemisphere centric) but given it's in winter every year (at least for me) I have no idea why it's in the middle of June :P

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Ugh, winter decided to show up today.  18F and snowing.  Fortunately, it's supposed to start warming up again tomorrow, and I don't have to be anywhere early today.


I'm really getting antsy for spring to really get here.  I want to get my bicycle out and start riding, and be able to walk somewhere other than on the treadmill.  

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Guess we've all reached a nadir in chatting!  I've even been stumped on an appropriate poll or quiz to do. (Unless you want to take one about the worst things to put in a salad. If you're so inclined, let me know!)


Belated congrats on your anniversary Kalliste.

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I've been too cranky to chat without a topic to rein me in. If I just start talking, it turns too ranty too fast and even I don't want to hear it anymore.


ETA: I would take a poll on salads.

Edited by possibilities
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Thanks :) We got home about an hr ago.


Last night was this series of misfortunate events (but not as bad as the books). We were staying in a room that fronted onto a pretty busy street so it was quite loud but the sound of the air con did a good job of covering it.. until it died at 11:30 just as we were going to bed and reception were basically no help at all.


So we attempted to sleep through the street noise and then the guys in the room next door decided it was cool just to come in and out of their room which had music on, talking loudly, at least once every 30mins until 5am, at which point I got the shits and called reception asking them to fix it. Fortunately, at 5:30am the very perky (for 5:30am) Monica answered the call and told them to shut the hell up (not exactly in those words) and when I mentioned the AC had flaked she got that fixed too (if only she had been on at 11:30) and offered us a late checkout! Way to go Monica!


So we finally get some sleep, get up for the buffet breakfast, get back to bed at 10am and are just about to go back to sleep when we hear this singing which starts getting louder and then it hit me, it's Good Friday and we're staying in a place that is opposite a church. There was a procession which I'm guessing was "The way of the cross' walk (which i didn't know was a thing until this morning) that happened to stop at this church on its way. They had closed the road for it and there were at least 100 people as part of the walk.


Fortunately they moved on after about 10mins and we were able to salvage some of our late checkout.


Now I'm home and it's very quiet here.


re: ingredients in a salad, it's probably an unpopular choice but I chose cucumber.. I also wanted to choose onion, 

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The poll wouldn't take my vote!  Anyway, it was tough to decide between broccoli and red onion, but I would vote onion, because I can easily pick broccoli out if necessary. Depending on how it's cut, it is harder to remove the onion.


After our snow dump last weekend, it's been in the high 40s all week, so the snow is pretty much gone. Also, it's now light until after 8:30pm, so it's again starting to feel like spring. We may get some snow showers overnight (mixed with rain), but nothing that will last.

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The poll wouldn't take my vote!  Anyway, it was tough to decide between broccoli and red onion, but I would vote onion, because I can easily pick broccoli out if necessary. Depending on how it's cut, it is harder to remove the onion.


After our snow dump last weekend, it's been in the high 40s all week, so the snow is pretty much gone. Also, it's now light until after 8:30pm, so it's again starting to feel like spring. We may get some snow showers overnight (mixed with rain), but nothing that will last.

I covered you on the broccoli front, Michelle. I don't think broccoli should be in anything unless it's heavily disguised by cheese and/or sauce.

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*whispers* broccoli is my favourite vegetable... well maybe after potato *whispers* I love how broccoli absorbs other flavours like in a stirfry, mmm.


There is a place I sometimes go to that has a chicken and steamed vegetables (carrot, cauliflower, broccoli) salad and it was quite unusual to eat as the vegetables were cold. I got used to it though and now buy it fairly regularly.

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You don't need to whisper, Kalliste - I wish I liked broccoli, but I just don't. You did remind me though, that I don't mind it in stir-fries because the sauces cut down on the strong taste.

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What's really bugging me is that kwiksurvey's results are totally out of whack. Not sure why. It says 15 of us have voted but only shows 8 votes. (is that how it shows for everyone?)


If you can't trust a site to give info on these random but important polls...  jumping jee willikers! 


Speaking of polls, I got an automated voice poll questionnaire Sunday. After not hanging up, decided to see what they were asking for- twas presidential and some CA senatorial races. I said I was undecided about everything but said I could never vote for Trump nor Cruz. Honesty = best policy.   ALSO- since I've never lived in a caucus state, what in the hell goes on there?  Michelle?

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I actually went to our Democratic caucus last Saturday (as I mildly ranted about on FB).  Setting aside my issue with caucuses as opposed to primaries, it was kind of chaotic, at least at the beginning. There just wasn't enough room for everyone in the initial registration area. However, once I braved the initial crush, and got to my district break out area, it was fine.  We voted, chose delegates, and were out by 1pm.  I still would rather have a primary; fairer to those who can't spend 5 hours, or those who really don't want to sit through a pep rally for 45 minutes before voting.


KoB, the way we did it, you signed in, registered for your state house district, met as a district, and voted for which candidate you wanted. Then, the percentages were figured out (since delegates were allotted based on what percentage of votes the candidate got in each district. A candidate had to have at least 15 percent of the total to get any delegates.) Our district is allowed 12 delegates to the state convention (which is where the 20 national delegates will be chosen).  My district broke 8 for Bernie, 4 for Hillary.  After the division was figured out, each "side" picked the actual delegates who would represent them at the state convention in May.


The fire marshall showed up; they were expecting around 2,800 people, and 5,000 showed up.  And it was like that around the state.


I'm glad I did it, but I doubt I will again. And I'm skeptical as to whether all those bright-eyed Bernie supporters are in it for the long haul. By that, I mean I doubt even a small percentage will vote at the mid-terms in 2 years, which is when Democrats really need to turn out, but don't.

Edited by MichelleAK
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I hope you're wrong, Michelle. Bernie does keep saying he can't do it alone, so if he were by some surprise twist to win, I think he will keep beating that drum and encouraging his supporters to stay engaged. However, I don't think the masses of newly registered voters who are enthused about Bernie will be as enthused about any of the other people currently running, so it may well be that they don't stay active if he doesn't.


I don't really think we can blame people for being cynical at this point, whoever they prefer. I think most of us have been disappointed by each other, politicians, and the process in general at various points in our lives. I am a die hard fanatical voter (never miss an election of any kind, and obsess about what I'm going to do about any candidate or issue that is on the ballot) but I often find myself feeling disgusted and voting with only the most minimal of enthusiasm many a time, depending on who's running or what stupidness is currently being debated.


I think high turnout is great, though, and I wish we had more of it and that it would last. I guess we'll have to wait and see if it happens, though, and I totally get why you would doubt it will.

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The whole US election systems is so confusing. Given that voting is voluntary I feel like politicians like to keep it confusing so that only the fanatical will come out and vote (in theory, increasing their chances of being voted in).


Over here an election is called and a date is provided. We get a bunch of propaganda up until that date (there is a black out period just before the election where they have to stop bombarding us with 'vote for me' crap) and then we go to our nearest school or voting place. We provide them with our name and address, confirm we have not voted at any other polling place that day and get given 2 pieces of paper with instructions on how to vote (there are also people outside the polling area with 'how to vote' paper for their particular candidate). You cross or number the boxes and then place your pieces of paper in a box thing and you leave.


They start getting tallied pretty early and that night we have a new prime minister. Easy.

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We provide them with our name and address, confirm we have not voted at any other polling place that day and get given 2 pieces of paper with instructions on how to vote (there are also people outside the polling area with 'how to vote' paper for their particular candidate). You cross or number the boxes and then place your pieces of paper in a box thing and you leave.

FWIW, the actual voting process in all the places I've lived is pretty much the same. I walk in, give my address and name, they give me a ballot, I mark the names/items I want to vote for, I slide my ballot into the machine/box, and I leave. And when it comes to elections other than President*, the way voting correlates to a result is simple. People vote, the votes are counted, majority wins. It's the Presidential election that gets all weird with the complicated primary process and the whole electoral college system. Our whole state structure really mucks with things there.


*I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than I am can point to other positions that have similarly complicated election processes, but I can't think of any.



What's really bugging me is that kwiksurvey's results are totally out of whack. Not sure why. It says 15 of us have voted but only shows 8 votes. (is that how it shows for everyone?)

When I first voted it acted like it registered my vote (in that the screen changed and it showed results) but the results didn't show any actual votes. When I voted again later it actually showed results. So yeah, I think it's wonky.


FWIW, I voted for grapes mostly because I think it's the only thing on the list that I haven't already had and enjoyed in a salad (unless we're counting fruit salad, which I'm not). Eggs? Well, I like Cobb salad, which has eggs. Broccoli? I love those Broccoli salads that typically have some bacon and I think nuts and stuff. Beets? I *love* beet salads. (I love beets in general. They're like candy! Earthy candy!) Onions, cucumbers, feta, etc. Those are all very standard (and welcome) salad ingredients, as far as I'm concerned.

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I voted for (against) olives because I think they're awful and terrible and weird. YMMV. For the people who think that eggs are horrible in a salad, do you mean sliced up hard-boiled eggs, the raw egg yolks in a Caesar salad, or both? I like both of those, but I'm just curious which people don't like.

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Yep, just busy.


For the polls, maybe there's a bug where it counts when you come into the poll and counts again when you enter your answer. Have you reported it to someone? Do you want to make a new poll to see if you can replicate the problem? Quick poll topic...favorite color. Make sure "Blue! No! Aaah!" is one of the answers.

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I would like "unicorn colours" added as an option. I watched a tutorial on Youtube the other day which actually referred to 'unicorn colours' as a thing. What the hell are unicorn colours?

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Just as your icon shows...and my icon, I guess.


Unicorns are supposed to be white, I think, but perhaps when you get closer the white is really a shimmery iridescent purple/pink. :)

lol, I totally forgot my icon was a unicorn :P

What can I say?  I listen to the people.


What Color is a Unicorn Color?


You get SIX (6) votes!  I give and give and give to you people - take advantage!

I used 1 of my 6 votes and it worked ok this time :)

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...everything I clicked came up with the same "welcome back" graphic, but no content.... How long has it been like that? Does this mean they are scrubbing the archives and rebooting? Did Barnes comment, or just give the link? A quick search on duckduckgo didn't show up any news stories about it.

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Yeah, I'm a little confused about what that means? Is TWOP gonna be a thing again? 


I've been pretty absent from here the past few weeks. I adopted a rescue pup. An adorable shar pei/lab mix. He contracted heartworms in the shelter and he's been on exercise restriction, which has been pretty frustrating for us both. He has so much energy he couldn't burn up. I've been giving him smart toys that are supposed to challenge him mentally-- but he's still a little crazy (although otherwise  an amazing pup). Starting next Monday-- I can take him on real walks and to the dog park-- so I'm sure we'll both be happier.

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...everything I clicked came up with the same "welcome back" graphic, but no content.... How long has it been like that? Does this mean they are scrubbing the archives and rebooting? Did Barnes comment, or just give the link? A quick search on duckduckgo didn't show up any news stories about it.

No idea yet, no hard info, no replies, no stories. Sorry to drop in with the "hey what?" with nothing to back it up.


Getting a puppy and then to NOT take him on walks! That's nuts. But good on you for adopting the pup! Happy #NationalPetDay to all of those with furry and non-furry pets!

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I saw that, too (maybe from following mgiant on Twitter?) and am slightly curious but nothing more. I wasn't an early user of TWoP (started well after the MBTV era), but I still felt it wasn't the "real" TWoP after Dave, Tara, and Sarah left. I do appreciate the TWoP archives, though, for recaps - recently finished watching Friday Night Lights and currently halfway through Breaking Bad, and the recaps have enhanced my viewing a lot.

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I really enjoyed Jacob's recaps. I'd read them even for shows I didn't watch, because even though he could get a bit esoteric (and make me feel like I needed a PhD to figure out what he meant), I found some really cool things in his writing.  Jacob's gone now, but if they started doing those kinds of recaps again I'd definitely be back as a reader at that site.  There were times I'd miss an episode and the recaps at TWoP were so good that I'd feel like I saw the episode.


I like the recaps here, but they're a very truncated type of recap.

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Most of my friends hated Jacob's recaps. I guess I didn't watch anything he recapped, although I do remember reading one, and it was such a mess that I actually sent a message to the moderator/administrator saying something like, "Are you kidding? How did this get posted?" I don't think I was the only one because he later apologized and said he wrote it under the influence. (There were pretty tight turnaround times for recaps, the recaps were long, and I'm not sure they got screeners then, so I kind of understand the pressure.)

Then, toward the end, Jacob started recapping Homeland and Desperate Housewives, and I thought his recaps for those two shows were brilliant (mostly - there was still the odd paragraph or two here and there where he'd go all weirdly existential). His recaps (and sheer stubbornness) were probably the only reason I stuck with DH until the end.

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I really enjoyed the recaps at twop too, I can't remember remember who wrote the ones I read. My favourite ones were definitely LOST because the recap and other forum members would find things I hadn't even thought of! It was really great for that type of show.

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Babalu, for all of Jacob's weird existential moments, I found more that was absolutely brilliant. But I agree, he could go off the rails. Or maybe it was just above my head. I don't know. Either way, I have found him eminently quotable.

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I loved Al Lowe's (Allison Lowe Huff) Deadwood recaps. In fact, before TWoP went away, I downloaded the whole batch of them, to read during rewatches.  


I generally liked Jacob's; he could be brilliant and he could be just way too much. I always read his recaps for American Idol. I think his best one for AI was for the "Idol Gives Back" inaugural show during Season 5; he just really took the piss out of the whole concept. The show was sponsored by Exxon, and he just took them apart for their hypocrisy.

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Ah banks, so dodgy.


Recently my home loan went from fixed interest to variable. Once it went to variable I checked the interest rate and noticed it was pretty high in comparison to other rates around at the moment. I contacted my bank asking why that was and they let me know that without any restrictions I could lower it so then I had even more questions. Why was it so easy just to lower the interest?


It turns out the amount it went to is what the variable rate would have been at the time I started the loan and rather than set it to the new, lower, interest rate they leave it there. I have to assume if interest rates had gone up they'd be pretty quick to change it to a higher rate.

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Summer plans? Anyone got some? 


Guts and I just finished our spring clean of the yard. It was 80 here today and gorgeous. All I have left to do is pick up some new mulch and some hanging baskets for my porch. But the flowers will need to wait a couple more weeks, methinks. 


We also pulled the Trans Am out of storage. Woo! We're having a bit of aesthetic work done and updating the sound system but we're looking forward to many long drives and antique car shows this summer. 


I'm hoping to find out if my work is sending me to San Diego for a week in June. (Please, please, please). And we have at least one and maybe two gaming conventions to look forward too. 


What's on your docket this summer? 

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