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Small Talk: Chili's

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I wasn't too keen on the first episode or 2 of Penny Dreadful but it did grow on me, and kob there is more than Victorian boob, lots of female nudity including a possessed/hallucination solo sex scene which was quite odd but she was completely naked and humping the air essentially.


I also don't feel like I have to defend my love of That 70's Show.. to me it is good until about season 6 when the original cast starts leaving (and Donna dyes her hair blonde) but I'm at the end of season 5 so.. for now it's ok :D


My bf is watching Mr. Robot too.. he says he likes it because, for the most part, it is also technically accurate unlike most hacking style shows. His friend who is a highly paranoid IT Security guy says the main character reminds him of himself and he likes that.. so if a guy who is like the main character thinks it is good it probably means it is decent for that genre.


I as yet have not watched any of it.

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Well, Mr. Robot has Christian Slater which I am a sucker for. But I do quite like it. It's very gritty for a show about hacking and there are lots of interesting plot points all swirling around the main character. USA must have been pretty sure of themselves, because it was picked up for a second season after only 1 episode. 

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Now I'm wondering how many lurkers we have that read our conversations but rarely join in. How many of you are there? It sort of makes me feel like we're in a reality show and apparently KoB and his jetpack obsession is the highlight of the show :P


I wonder if the lurkers wish they could vote me out.

Poor Kalliste! Looking for validation and didn't get it! (At least in my quick skimming, I didn't see it.) If anyone wants you out, they can stay lurkers.


My favorite is also a screen name: TooLateKev  I think about that many times during the week for some reason. If someone does something I might think, I won't let it annoy me and then immediately I think TooLateKev.


The weird thing is, I think it in Jim's voice but visualize a woman sending her kids to college when I think about it.

"Stay away from my mom." "Too late, Kev." Great line.


Edited: because "validation" and "verification" are two different things. I knew as I typed "verification" earlier that it didn't seem right. English. I'm getting gooder at it.

Edited by Too Late Kev
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I know what you're thinking. I DO!  Really.  "It's been almost a month since a King of Birds poll! What happened?"


Well, I've been very very very busy. But to compensate for that... not one but TWO polls!!!1!! in one post. Crazy huh?


What movie will you go see in July?


What was a favorite summer thing to do as a kid?


Bonus thing I tried to do.


ps this last thing, when I click on it to check it, the last page is an ad, and not what I wanted to pop up. Ignore it.

Edited by King of Birds
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Did I mention my internet was out all last night?? What is the world coming to! I went out for dessert because of it, take that internet!!


I won't be seeing any movies, I can't recall the last time I went to see a movie. I probably said the same thing on the last movies poll.


Voted pina colada's for the second poll because I didn't do many of those things.. we did a lot of bike riding when I was a kid.


I answered all but the first question in your survey. We dont' have any of the game shows you mentioned though.

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I'm in shock!

I took my very pregnant younger sister out to dinner last night. (poor thing, we couldn't sit at a booth because she couldn't squeeze in)

We were leaving at about the same time as two older gentlemen, one of whom commented on my sister's pregnancy.. and then...


Asked me if 'grandma' was excited.

OUCH. Okay, I just turned 40 last year,  and there is no way in hell I could be mistaken for my sister's mom (or so I thought). This one is gonna stick with me for a while, and I'm not typically someone who freaks out about age.

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The only movie I'm interested in seeing is The Minions. I love those weirdos.


Like Kalliste, I spent most of my kid summers riding bikes with friends and just generally running around.  So I picked the "zipping out to the zarlacc's pit" response as being the closest.


Ouch, sacreblue!  I used to be mistaken for my nephew's mom, but never his grandmother!  Although I was once asked "how far along are you" by a drunken man--when I was 12!  I was wearing an empire-style top, but still--12!

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What kind of bullshit poll is this? I plan on seeing Ant-Man and Vacation! If only because when Ed Helms starts singing Seal and the kid puts the bag around his brother's head I freaking lose it. LOSE IT!


Also, how do you not sing along to Seal? It's un-American is what it is! 

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What kind of bullshit poll is this?

How. Dare. You.  It's the same kind of bullshit poll as always!  (eta: I swear I made it so you could vote more than once, I'll go fix that)


MichelleAK- it's a SARLAAC pit. Psssh.


I didn't do many of those things <snip>  We don't have any of the game shows you mentioned though.

Le sigh. Ya know, if I have to come up with the EXACT thing you did as a kid, the poll would be endless. It's a good variety! Jeez.  Also: You don't even get an Oz version of Jeopardy? Huh! I thought that show would travel internationally.


I'm laughing at all the voting in the bonus poll.

Edited by King of Birds
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MichelleAK- it's a SARLAAC pit. Psssh.


You mean SARLACC, right?  Hah!   In yo' face! 


I knew what it was, at least; just forgot how to spell it, and couldn't be arsed to open a new window to check.

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I hate it went you can't be arsed to open a new window.


{Rubber - glue- bounces off me, sticks on you!]


So, can you see the results after you take the quiz? If not, I can update you on the answers so far. Let me know.


If I lived near sacrebleu, I'd have to do the MASH thing, to keep up the random jabs about BEING 40. You remember when BJ did the whole thing with Winchester's pants, substituting his pants to make him think he was losing weight? Yeah, we need someone in the DC area to keep up the "random strangers saying inappropriate things" abuse.


ps- what in the hell kind of name is BJ? Even in the fifties? I mean, call him Bob, fer chrissakes.


ps2- wasn't it about this time of the year that the Tubey Awards would happen?

Edited by King of Birds
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Asked me if 'grandma' was excited. OUCH.

OUCH indeed. That elderly gent probably had glaucoma and couldn't see how youthful you really are. Something similar happened to me at work this week when I had to ask someone to give me her grandfather's first name for security purposes. She said "Happy," so I asked, "Like the Pharrell song?" and she was shocked that someone of my advanced years had heard of Pharrell. I know I suffer from age dysmorphia, but she wasn't much younger than me, and who hasn't heard that song a million times, anyway?

Yay, my first polls! I went to the pool every day as a kid, not the beach. My answer was catching fireflies because I had kind of an idyllic childhood in an idyllic small town. Until adolescence, when everything went to hell, of course.

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I have no idea what sarlacc is :P


And kob, wheel of fortune would have worked :D



ps- what in the hell kind of name is BJ? Even in the fifties? I mean, call him Bob, fer chrissakes.



my first boyfriend (so in the early 2000's not the 50's :P) had a friend whose nickname was BJ... I forget his other name, he was a bit of a dick though so maybe it was fitting.


Also, I couldn't find a way to show results on the survey.

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I recall his friend Hawkeye called him "Beej" and I think everyone else used his rank or his last name. I guess that's saying something.


I can't see the results of poll #3. Did you use a different service to construct it? I've always been able to see the results before, and can still see them on the first two of this batch of 3.


I notice fireworks was not a choice for summer fun.


My friend, who used a wheelchair, would often be thought to be the mother of her husband, when the two of them went places together. They were the same age, but apparently the general public could not imagine that a man would marry someone who used a chair, so typically would decide she must be his mother, and say things that indicated this assumption. She's gone now (died a few years ago) and the hubby and I have become friends. He often talks about how he would get very angry and say "THAT'S MY WIFE" whenever this would happen. It's hard to say who was more insulted by the error, him or her.


How come "Quick Reply" doesn't always work? I hate having to reload the page to get through the "use full editor" procedure, which usually strips out all my paragraph breaks.

Edited by possibilities
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So, apparently the weather thinks that 6 is a maximum for Sunday. SIX! (42F) That isn't a maximum :'( They're even forecasting snow.. SNOW! And lots of rain tomorrow.. good weekend to hide inside.

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I'd have to do the MASH thing, to keep up the random jabs about BEING 40.

"Starting next week... he gets taller.


I do remember that MASH episode, so... old.


I'm curious, Kalliste if the seasons are the reverse of the northern hemisphere, is the school year different? Are kids out of school during the summer (our winter). I can't help but think it would be awesome to be out of school the entire month leading up to Christmas.

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I don't think I remember those episodes, I watched a lot of mash reruns as a teenager but don't remember much other than thinking Hawkeye and Trapper were hot and being sad when Trapper was replaced by Hunnicutt


Our school years are completely different. In total you get about 12 weeks of holidays.The summer holidays are 6 weeks long and usually start a few days/week before Christmas and finish late January.


There is roughly 8 - 10 weeks to a term and 2 weeks holidays in between them.


It's currently the end of the 1st week of holidays after term 2 right now. As a DINK, school holidays are great because so many people take them off and it's easy to get to work and home because the traffic is so much lighter. Alas, all those people appear to hang out at the mall.. I went to buy lunch today at 1:45 and there were people everywhere! I was pretty surprised, I thought they would have dispersed by that time.


My bf and I usually wait til school is back and then take leave :D

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And kob, wheel of fortune would have worked :D

Wheel of Blech. Whoop de doo about WoF. 


possibilities et al: Bonus was a QUIZ, not a poll.  So it's from the same site but obvs structured differently.


What game show would you go on? 15 votes so far

Jeopardy! - 6

H'wood Game Night - 4

@Midnight - 4

Celebrity Name Game - 1


Banish thread? I made it so you could click on all of them. Banish Kardashians has 12 of the 32 clicks, to lead. View and RH tied for second with 6 each.


Where would you go visit first?

Australia- 8

England/Ireland- 5

Disney W&L - 2

and one person wants to go to the moon!


Which eternal question would you want answered?

Hello? Is it me you're looking for? - 5

What if the hokey pokey IS what it's all about? - 4

How can you mend a broken heart?- 3

Should I stay or should I go now? - 3

How can you stop the rain from falling down?- 1

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Has anyone seen the recent Batman Vs Superman trailer? Can someone explain to me what it is about, other than batman vs superman :P


If you haven't seen it:


Lots of hype but not a lot of substance is my thoughts.


Now, THIS is what I call a good trailer, Netflix are claiming it's fan made and not official. Others are claiming Netflix is full of BS and it's a marketing ploy and is official. What are your thoughts? I'm hoping for the latter because it's sort of beautiful.



If it does turn out to be just fan made then whoever made it should be working for Batman Vs Superman and make them a decent trailer :P

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I'll take a shot at this.


Batman vs Superman. About :50 in there is a graphic, that reads "from director Zach Snyder."  So you're looking at a movie that's going to feature style over substance (300, Sucker Punch, Watchmen.) The subtitle is "Dawn of of Justice."  Now, you may not be a comic geek, but Superman and Batman are both in The Justice League. Comics and cartoons and graphic novels, etc (even Wonder Woman shows up in the trailer too). AND there will be a sequel to this movie, dontcha know. Basically there may be lots of fightin' and wet streets and smoke and more fightin' and destruction, and more fightin' - I will bet you ANY amount of money that

unlike when Superman defeats General Zod in "Man of Steel" that makes people make signs saying "Superman is an Illegal Alien!"

and my spoilerish guess:

they come to terms of some sort. And form a league. For Justice!


And, that's not a fan made trailer for Lemony. Where would a fan get that much detailed footage? If we find out it's made by a fan worth a couple of million, I'll reconsider.

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I feel a bit sorry for the new Wonder Woman. Seems like she's not the most popular of choices for the role. While I do know some things about DC characters I'm not a reader of the comics, I'm not much of a DC fan. I did, however, at one point read a Wonder Woman series. I can't even remember the name now though, it was just quite beautiful to look at and I like the art more than the story :P


I thought MoS was pretty average and I don't particularly like the Christopher Nolan Batman movies (especially Christian Bale's batman - I know, unpopular opinion) and my BF put me through watching all 10 seasons of Smallville but I'm still not a fan of Superman.. I also can't see how Batman would beat Superman... Batman = human with some tech and cash. Superman = superpowered alien from another planet who is nearly invincible.. you know, unless Batman can manufacture some kyptonite (maybe he does).


And I think you're probably right KOB, they probably bond in the end.. also, did anyone else get the feeling from it that it was an origin story for Batman? Or maybe Batman getting back into the suit. I didn't get the feeling that it was something Bruce Wayne was doing until that point.


While I don't know anything about the Series of Unfortunate Events series (although I worked in a childrens book store for more than a year and probably should have read them when they could have been free) if it looks anything like that trailer does, I'm on board :)

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Kalliste, you have my sympathies about the weather.


I always think "lemony snickets" sounds like a fabulous dessert, and it makes me disinclined to watch or read any of the actual stuff, because it's not exactly very edible-looking.

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I know a little about Lemony. Not a lot, not enough to know if Jim Carrey is right? I think he is kind of brilliant, but has gotten lost lately in himself. So is he good for this part?

I have no idea either, I believe the movie didn't get a very good reception? Something about poor timing and that tv is a better format for it. Netflix is yet to cast so I wonder who they will decide is right for the role.


Lol possibilities, it makes me think of a lemon cheesecakey, snickers like dessert... maybe a chocolate peanut base and drizzled with caramel. I feel like the lemonness would ruin it though :P

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I have all the unfortunate events books but haven't read them. I'm not sure whether any of my kids have either; I picked them up at one point because they seemed like something one of the kids might like at some point.


I'm not at all interested in the Batman vs. Superman movie, based both on that trailer and what King of Birds said about the types of movies it would be like. I did like Man of Steel well enough, but this seems much darker and sort of awful. And I agree, Kalliste, that it looks like an origin story for Batman. By the way, Christian Bale is my least favorite Batman and my least favorite John Connor.

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While walking the dog this morning I flipped thru my twitter feed on the phone. I saw all this...




Fillmore is about 45+ miles away, closer to LiberryLady than me. And those are very very small earthquakes, that you wouldn't feel- like a big truck going by your house. I read an article that said the amount of these EQ reports is due to better monitoring.


Nonetheless, I won't make a poll, but do you think LL and I should start packing, ikea furniture be damned?

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I had picked Australia because it: is a place where tourists can go, has pleasant weather sometimes (both of those are untrue for Antarctica), is a place I may not otherwise ever go (cost, time, no family there).


Earthquakes, as I've said before, frighten me. I've been out to California a few times and when I come home, it's always with a sigh of relief that my timing wasn't so atrocious to be visiting when the Big One (or one of any significance at all) hit. That said, King of Birds...does what you linked to show more than a usual amount of small quakes? Is there anything specific that's different that makes you go, "Hmmm?"


Your question is probably rhetorical, right? Because you presumably know way more about when to turn tail and run than we would. What's your earthquake-preparedness level? Do you have a bug out bag? A long term kit? A plan? East coast coward wants to know.

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What's your earthquake-preparedness level?



Earthquake veteran here.  (Which is probably why they don't freak me out much; once you go through several and don't get hurt one bit it's easier not to worry about them.)  My earthquake-preparedness is probably par for the course:  I have a shelf of emergency food, water in the garage, and a box of a li'l of everything in the car trunk.  I also have a crank radio/light, in case the power stays out a long time.  (After the Northridge quake, it took all day for the power to come back, and I was about twenty miles from the epicenter.) Also probably par for the course, I go waaay too long between checking my earthquake supplies to see if they're up to date.  And I have earthquake insurance for my house, bolt tall shelves to the walls, and don't hang heavy pictures over beds.


Something to remember about California is that the building codes are really strict.  When you see pictures from other countries where the houses are flattened by a 5.0?  That wouldn't happen here.  It would take a reaaaally strong quake to knock down buildings, and one story wood frames (which is what most people live in) would just flex and stay standing.  They'd be damaged, but they wouldn't fall down.

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I've always been kind of nervous about California, but today I'm freaking out about the major, major, major earthquake likely in the Pacific Northwest reported in The New Yorker, especially because I have a brother in Seattle. (I haven't actually read the article yet, just the headline, but it's scary!)

I remember the Riverside earthquake and also the 1989 Bay Area one. My other brother lived in northern Marin County and was at Candlestick Park when it hit.

There was an earthquake on the Big Island about a month after I moved here in 2006, and power was out on O'ahu for a day. Most of our emergency preparedness is for tsunamis and hurricanes, though. Like you, LiberryLady, we have food, water, etc., handy, but once opened our emergency cooler to find mold because we hadn't restocked in so long. The Big Island got hit by the Japanese tsunami a few years go, and our favorite resort was destroyed, but that was the only casualty - no fatalities here, thank goodness.

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Yipes! What hurricanes were those? Katrina and whatever the next one was? (I should know since I got stranded for 3 days, but I seem to be repressing the memory.)

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The future is here, but it’s a future where the jetpack is still little more than a toy.



Only 27 seconds of flight? I'd rather make googly eyes at Jenna Fischer for 27 seconds.


ETA: Hey, who's gonna pick up Go Set A Watchman today/ this week? When I was at lunch I read that it's "flying off bookshelves."

Edited by King of Birds
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ETA: Hey, who's gonna pick up Go Set A Watchman today/ this week? When I was at lunch I read that it's "flying off bookshelves."


Confession time--I have never read To Kill a Mockingbird.  Nor have I seen the movie.  So I won't be buying GSAW.

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I'm actually more afraid of an earthquake hitting here in MA because we do NOT have the building codes to protect us from crumbling structures. I remember reading that once every hundred years or so we do get middling sized earthquakes here, and that is when I began to fear earthquakes. We can't ban fracking fast enough for my comfort, but even without human-created escalating factors, apparently we're not as safe as I used to think we were from ye olde tumblers.


It's like tornadoes. We never had them here, never worried about them. In my entire life I thought that was just something they deal with in the Midwest. But we've had several right here in western MA in the past few years, and now I feel like it's not just hurricanes and blizzards and ice storms I have to worry about, it's also the stuff you don't get warning about and which the codes do not provide and buffer for. My friend from Illinois says they had a shelter and a warning system for tornadoes there, and here, none of the houses do.


I hope I'm not ruining anyone's day. I have sort of decided to just accept that I could die at any moment, but I think probably it won't happen and I don't mean to be The Dark Cloud Of Chilis.


I loved To Kill A Mockingbird-- it was one of the few things we read in high school that I didn't find intolerably boring. I'm nervous about reading GSAW. I saw part of a thing on PBS that implied that Atticus is

an ugly racist

in this one, and I'm not sure I want to suffer through the

  crushing disappointment

if it's true. How many role models and heroes do I have, that I can risk it? If anyone does read it, please post a review.


RE jetpack flight limitations: 27 seconds indeed! We need to fix this problem. I refuse to give up the dream.

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I'm with you on GSAW, possibilities. I will be avoiding it, at least initially, for fear of tarnishing my view of Atticus. I mean sure, he's a fictional character, but...he's just such a good one.


We read TKAM for school in 8th grade. All through middle school I was one of the kids who basically never read the books that were assigned, but with that one, when we were given the first reading assignment--probably only a few chapters--I just read the whole book. And then I reread it twice while we were studying it. I do think it's probably a book that's easiest to connect with as a young person, but for people who haven't read it or seen the movie, I'd at least recommend watching the movie. Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch is just fantastic. 

Edited by smrou
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I'm with you on GSAW, possibilities. I will be avoiding it, at least initially, for fear of tarnishing my view of Atticus. I mean sure, he's a fictional character, but...he's just such a good one.


I'll join you all on this as well.  Plus the reviews I was reading today were less than positive, so I may just skip it entirely.



Y'all complaining about no power for one day? Try two weeks here during two hurricanes.


I was living in Houston when Hurricane Ike came through in 2009.  We didn't lose power for two weeks, but it was a couple of days before it was back at my place and about a full week (I think) for my parents.


And on another note, a Watercooler-esque story for the day -- I got an email from a recruiter on LinkedIn, someone I do not know, telling me about this "amazing" opportunity she thinks I'd be perfect for... my old job!  The one I left in April to start a new one at a different company.  Also note I have that job listed as past experience on LinkedIn, so clearly this recruiter didn't look too closely (if at all) at my profile.  Gave me a laugh about the whole thing!

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Confession time--I have never read To Kill a Mockingbird.  Nor have I seen the movie.  So I won't be buying GSAW.

Are you Nell? From the movie, "Nell"?  Seriously, you may be the first person I know to not have read the book.  I mean, the entire of Chicago supposedly read TKAM a few years ago- or it was a big push to do so.


Going back to the earthquake chitchat. I don't recall power outage issues during Northridge. I do recall lots of broken glass/ windows and some fires due to gas line breaks. And a big thing was poorly constructed fireplaces on the sides (or inside) of houses collapsed. Just recently, in the last two months, a house up the street from me was in escrow to close and the inspection showed the fireplace was bad, and the deal fell through.  Now, those neighbors moved out and hired someone to fix the house (unsure if it's to fix it, and sell themselves, or they sold the house to some company to flip.)


(Now I'm whispering here, one of the reasons we're all happy these people are moving, is the woman of the house would RINSE DOWN THE DRIVEWAY. Someone told me "she likes it looking shiny."  A year or so ago, it was daily, then just a few times a week, and thankfully stopped. We're in such a drought I think neighbors were reporting the stupidity.) 

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Are you Nell? From the movie, "Nell"?  Seriously, you may be the first person I know to not have read the book.  I mean, the entire of Chicago supposedly read TKAM a few years ago- or it was a big push to do so.



LOL, no, I just never got it as assigned reading in middle or high school, and I never really had an interest in reading it later (I didn't even hear about it until late in high school).  I'm trying to remember what we had for required reading in middle school, and to be honest, I can't remember a single thing I may have been assigned to read until high school. I did do a lot of recreational reading, but it was mainly Cherry Ames/Sue Barton novels, the Black Stallion series, Little House series, and Star Trek (TOS) novelizations or behind the scenes books (David Gerrold wrote a couple of these). I was seriously into Star Trek (in reruns; this was 1973-76). 


Maybe I'll check it out from the library and take it on my cruise in a few weeks.  As long as it's better than Catcher in the Rye, which I read because it was an "everyone should read this!" book, and which I loathed.

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I have mixed feelings about GSAW-- I mean, my understanding is that it was considered inferior material to TKAM at the time. (and a great example of why authors should have a strong editor). Harper Lee initially submitted the story, the editor said, the flashback stuff would make a better book, so she expanded it and it became Mockingbird


As for those who haven't seen the movie...go. Do it.  It's fantastic. 

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Confession: People who say they "don't like" reading make me really sad. Like, I physically feel pain for them that they don't understand how great a book can read. 


A friend recently told me that she has only read 2 books since college. TWO. And we've been out of college for nearly 15 years. How is that possible? I don't... it makes NO SENSE. 

Edited by Glory
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