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Small Talk: Chili's

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If it's anything like some of the stuff I've come across the format on the DVR will be different than what you could use on a computer and probably with less compression. But I could be wrong.


BF and I went to a 1hr couples massage today. He has never had a massage before and was pretty anxious about it. In the end he enjoyed it more than me, which is good because now that I've had 3 massages I think I can 100% say I don't like them. He said he came out of it so sleepy, I feel like I was tense the whole time, I felt like I was fighting with her rather than allowing myself to relax. At least I can say I've tried and know for sure.

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I saw the first episode of Backstrom, but couldn't get into it. I've seen Rainn in other stuff (like "Super", which I really liked) but just had a hard time not seeing him as Dwight. "Why is Dwight so angry?"

It's still a bummer when shows get cancelled after one season, since I feel like season 2 of every show is always far superior. Like, the cast and the writers feel more comfortable and manage to work out the kinks.

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I am trying to figure out how to transfer stuff from my DVR to a hard disk elsewhere

If you do find out, or if someone here can share-- I'd love to know. I'm still bummed at the stuff I lost when I upgraded from regular DVR to Tivo. Mostly sports stuff (okay, its tennis matches, what else would you expect? ).  


Anyone have fun holiday weekend plans? If I only see one movie this weekend should it be Avengers or Mad Max? thoughts?

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I've seen Avengers twice, so my vote would be Avengers.


I'm leaving for Disney on Sunday and won't be back on until June 2. Woo-hoo!! We're taking the kids out of school for Star Wars weekend, baby! Maybe we'll meet some Jawas.

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Mostly sports stuff (okay, its tennis matches, what else would you expect?)

Ha! BTW since I don't see you posting here as much, happy gay-cation in advance sacrebleu.  BTW when I "liked" frenchtoast's post, it was for the "meeting Jawas" but I rec Mad Max over Avengers.  I'm just not that much of an Avengers fan.


I work with some technologically advanced people, I'll see if any of them know this DVR offload saving thing, and I'll share. Whoops, I mean, I'll sell it to you (Man can't just steal tomatoes and survive on etsy sales now, can he?)

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I haven't been posting too much as I've been having computer problems. Its been frustrating because I've had so many thoughts about iZombie and GoT that I had no outlet for!

I thought I picked up some virus or malware researching the trip... finally got everything cleaned up. It turned out that my computer had competing anti-virus software that was causing all my slowdowns. My computer is just 3 months old, and apparently came with some stuff loaded on it that I was unaware of-- but it didnt like the antivirus software I loaded on.


phew! no weird french viruses.


We leave on Friday for Paris (really hoping Rafa can make it to the fourth round-- we've got tickets for next Sunday and Monday). But this will be the third of the four slams I've gotten to (with only the Australian left to fulfill my life goal). (I mean, I have other life goals-- more meaningful ones, really. but all four slams is definitely up there).

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phew! no weird french viruses.



I started watching OITNB. God help me. It actually is kind of annoying (S1, the screwdriver crap, I was so annoyed at how stupid Piper was) and even just 4 or 5 eps in, it doesn't really feel like a comedy. Sure there are funny bits. But it has that "middle of the road" thing, is why I couldn't get into Weeds or Nurse Jackie at all. The whole "at least there's boobs" thing is dead-end with all the lesbian stuff.  I may just have to dig in to Turn instead.

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I love OITNB and can't wait for the new season. I agree that it's not exactly a comedy though there is a good bit of humor, but I don't see that as a problem (except when it comes to award categories--but that doesn't influence my enjoyment). 


If the women's prison framework interests you but you don't want to continue with OITNB, may I recommend Wentworth? It's an Australian show and it's not a comedy by any means so it's totally different. It's in its third season right now and has been renewed for a fourth and the first two seasons are on Netflix.

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I mostly tuned into OITNB since a bunch of people here and IRL are into it and like it. (This is like Mad Men, so many friends love(d) it so I did give a half-hearted attempt when it was in in S3 to watch/ catch up. To no avail.)


Also, with Americans, Better Call Saul, Archer, IASIP, Bob's Burgers, Last Man on Earth, Walking Dead and Letterman (sob) all done, Orphan Black is the only first run show on right now that I'm watching.  Well, that and the daily struggles of the Red Sox.


So I perused netflix last night and gave OITNB a shot. Frankly this may be like Community and Arrested Development for me, two shows I sorta kinda watched, and they were funny in parts but I just wasn't a fan / into it / thought it was the best thing evah.  Etc. You know, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Or, as B.J. Novak once remarked :  I will watch The Wire, when I watch The Wire.  So, I'm giving OITNB its shot.

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I really like OITNB a lot, but I understand how you feel. I just never could get into Mad Men, or Breaking Bad, no matter how many people I knew loved them. And even though I loved Arrested Development, I was just meh on the Netflix revival of it.


Totally different topic - I'm 47, and have never felt confident enough to wear a bikini. I spent most of my life at least 20 lbs overweight, and when I was younger I was way more self conscious. Now, I'm about 15 lbs overweight and have stretch marks on my belly, but dammit, I've just bought a bikini. I struggled for a while with the idea because I think the general consensus in America is that women over 40 shouldn't wear bikinis, but I decided I don't give a shit. For the first time in my life, I'm going to have a tan tummy.I hope the neighbors enjoy it.  

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Kalliste- Being an Aussie, I imagine you've either been to this place or desperately want to visit soon. 


You have guest rooms etc? Sacrebleu obvs needs to visit Down Under to fulfill her bucket, and I intend to visit there ... at some point. I'll make sure not to track mud in on the floors after traversing the outback.


ETA: follow up. Not sure what kind of provider DVR- PVR etc you have, but I talked with a friend this weekend who poofed the idea that you can save your recorded shows from DVR. He followed up and sent me this link today. I guess DishTV it's possible but I didn't go down that road much since I don't have them. Bummer!

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Damn! I wonder what all those ports are for on the back of the DirecTV DVR, then? I thought for sure it meant I could cable content to an external device. Phooey. That forum is several years old, part of me still wants to believe it's possible with whatever the newer model boxes are, but I suppose I'm now in the bargaining stage of grief. Damn. Thanks for looking in to it, though.


In other news: Yay, Pixel! Live your life and be happy!


"The lesbian thing" being a drawback for OITNB? I haven't watched, but it's one of the main things I've heard about the show that makes me want to see it. I just have too many things in my queue, not to mention the siren song of things other than watching TV, which I am trying to chisel off my bottomless To Do list.


I have also heard favorable reviews of Mad Max, though I have not seen it. People like the Avengers, too, though. You might have to see both. I am wanting to see Melissa McCarthy's movie, which is not even out yet. I know she plays basically the same character in every film, but I have not gotten tired of it yet. I fully predict her career to tank soon, though, if she doesn't try something new. Though, maybe not. I guess there are other people banking the same tropes time after time. SO maybe she can play this same character til she drops. But personally I think I only have one or two more viewings of it in me.


There's been little on TV right now that I want to see, either. I watch iZombie and Orphan Black. But some other stuff is starting up again soon, that I am looking forward to. In the meanwhile, I binged on "Grace and Frankie" and am reading a book-- I was relieved that I am still capable of it....

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Lol, kob I've actually never watched any of the Mad Max movies. The most recent is the only one I've even watched a trailer for and only after I heard about the reviews for it.


As for spare rooms.. well, that depends on your definition. I have a room that stores my junk and another that has workout equipment in it :P


I thought I'd share this all with you. This guy normally does a cooking youtube channel and he's just plain silly. He tried the new Vegemite Cadbury chocolate (I don't even...) and well, this is what he thought of it.


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"The lesbian thing" being a drawback for OITNB? I haven't watched, but it's one of the main things I've heard about the show that makes me want to see it.

I consider it a major plus, personally, but to each his/her own I guess.

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As for spare rooms.. well, that depends on your definition. I have a room that stores my junk and another that has workout equipment in it :P

Well, you're no hoarder, right? You can clean up and accept your bizarre online friends over. Hell, if we have to fly 16-20 hours to just land in Oz, you can't clean up your room? We'll give you plenty of notice.


I should clarify about my "lesbian thing." I'm fine with the "realistic portrayal" of the women's prison.  But, my statement was about "all the bewbs" really, because that's how someone (LL? Setlist?) said I'd be into the show. ALL the nuditity. That ain't working for me.  I should say that I have watched two more eps and am up to S1/E9.

I do wonder now how the husband's NYT article is gonna be an issue with their relationship. Also, I am waiting for the shoe to drop on how/who Red kills or whatever to get in prison, that's one long arc still unresolved.

  I figure I'll at least finish S1 at this point.

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I haven't watched any of it so I'm not sure how much boob there is. Is it like GoT with lots of violence and nudity for no particular reason other than to have violencce and nudity?

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I don't feel like there's really that much boob in OINTB. Maybe there was more in season 1, but there's not really that much.  But maybe that says more about me than it does the show. :)

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No, I agree. I don't think of OITNB as having much nudity. I could be misremembering, I suppose, since it's been almost a year since watching season two and almost two years since watching season one.

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Well, I figured we needed more votes to have a real tribunal so I just binge-watched the first OITNB season plus the first 4 eps of S2. My opinion is that most of the boob is not very provocative (just locker room shots as people get in and out of showers, where the locker room is dingy and the ladies showering are acting more tired and hassled than anything else) and thus whatever the quantity, it is not particularly high caliber viewing for funzies.


There are a lot more moments than any show I've personally watched (other than The L Word), where women are making out or otherwise going to town on each other but even then, everyone is so stressed out that it's not all that erotic, in my personal opinion. I am not the sort who gets off on the possibility that some guard will show up and stop the proceedings and send me to solitary confinement for a month. Some of the sex scenes are more humorous than arousing, in my opinion (one liners like

"show, don't tell" when someone starts loudly proclaiming that she's coming, or the time when a new inmate is blabbing compulsively every annoying thought running through her head until someone literally sits on her face to shut her up



I have not seen GoT, so I can't give a direct comparison.


I like the show, though, for non-sexy reasons. I don't mind at all that it's not making prison life seem like a sexyfuntime. And thanks to Chili's for finally getting me to prioritize watching it! I had heard how it was awesome but there were always too many other things to watch, I never got around to it til now.


RE KoB's spoiler, yes, good question!

The fact that you are smart enough to ask it makes you smarter than good ol' Larry who wrote it. I forget what episode they give you the answer, but yeah-- let's just say there is fallout.




Is there something like old school vcr's out now? A newer thingy that would record what you have on the dvr? To a cd?

I don't know! There should be! I feel daunted by the whole "satellite TV encrypts stuff" issue. I am feeling rather overwhelmed and frustrated by everything computer or general electronics related these days. I used to be fairly good at this stuff but it's gotten ahead of me now. I am currently using two different laptops-- on is 10 years old and dying but I like it (an old XP machine) and the other is a newer version that technically works but I hate the new operating system and half my old software won't run on it. And I'm just kind of juggling instead of making a total switchover because it's so annoying to learn how the new stuff works. So... there may be some magic to hook up to my tv and/or the DirecTV DVR to accomplish my goals but I am turning into a bit of a damsel about the whole thing and it probably isn't going to get resolved unless someone comes around and rescues me by setting it up while I watch in awe.


So when does the chartered jet from Chili's take off? Kalliste, you should start packing up your knick knacks now, so when we arrive on your doorstep there is nothing breakable for us cloddy Americans to accidentally knock over as we stampede through the front door and rush to choose bunks in your former exercise and junk rooms, which are now turned into dorms.

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Did my first "real" bike ride today.  Only 5 miles, but I had just been tooling around the neighborhood while I got used to riding again.  I'll probably go out again tomorrow, for a longer ride.  It's been beautiful the last couple of days (I took a walk along the coastal trail after work last night), and is supposed to be just as nice tomorrow, before the weather turns cloudy on Monday.  It's 70F right now at 5:30, and should be even warmer tomorrow. (That's hot for the end of May in Anchorage!)

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I voted for the Jawa's World thing, since I'm pretty sure that's not a real movie, and the others don't interest me at all.  (Who requested another Madame Bovary adaptation?)


Didn't ride today; instead, walked along the coastal trail again.  It was so pretty out, and I wanted to sightsee a bit, which I can't do on a bike.  The week ahead is supposed to get cloudy/rainy and colder, so it was nice to have these few days of sun.

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I haven't, either, Kalliste! I'm stuck on dial up again because for some reason the stupid unreliable building-wide faster connection we finally got here isn't working right now, but after I get back on line at more than 49kbps, I'm going to look them up to find out how many are real and how many are ringers.



Congrats on the biking and hiking and the spring weather, Michelle! I haven't done a damn thing outdoors yet this season and may not garden at all this year, but even from indoors I am enjoying the spring weather-- we're only getting April showers now that it's June, but better late than never!

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I didn't even look at the whole list. I saw Spy and picked it. Then I noticed Inside Out and picked that one as well. I didn't even look at the rest of the list. 


Now I've gone back and looked, though, and I was aware of all but two (Love and Mercy and Madame Bovary). I'm not sure I would have heard of Me and Earl and the Dying Girl if there hadn't been a trailer for it before Pitch Perfect 2. Also, now that I've looked it up I see that Love and Mercy is the Brian Wilson movie, which I did know about but didn't know the title. 

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I only put Madame Bovary on the list cause its the nearest thing to a chick flick. One of my friends took his wife to see "Far From the Madding Crowd" to counter-balance Mad Max.


Oh, and I love the Beach Boys- Cusack-Dano-Banks etc so I look forward to Love and Mercy.

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I was out this afternoon driving - errands. I do not have my car set up for tiunes from the phone, no Sirius, no XM etc. I was listening to some FM radio, and then AM news. I mean, news on the ACTUAL hard news station, not 3 minutes between songs or talk radio.


The second lead story was about fucking Bruce Jenner. And Vanity Faire. I wanted actual HARD NEWS. Jenner = 2nd story. I will reconsider that station from now on.

I flipped that fucking dial so fast. So then it's onto sports radio, some idiot counting down SPORTS stories for the day.  Jenner was ... I don't know what number because I friggin' turned the radio off.


I wanted NEWS. Local, national, whatever. Traffic reports even. I don't consider some asshole who gets a million followers ACTUAL NEWS.  It is NOT news. It's celebrity masturbation. And I wish our goddamn culture would get over it.


I wish bodily harm upon all Jenner - Kardashians from now until the end of time.

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I wonder why I hadn't heard about so many of them? I thought I was glued to the regular channels for movie ads but i guess not.


As I've already said upthread, I want to see Spy. But now that I know about it, I think I'd also like to see Me and Earl and the Dying Girl because: Connie Britton.


I'm on day 3 with dial up. I had forgotten just how horrible it is. We had problems like this in March, all month long, and the ISP kept passing the buck to the building manager while the building manager claimed it was the fault of the ISP. Fun times! I want to own my own house so much.


RE Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner, normally I would agree, but her story is being considered a very big deal by some in the trans and trans allies community because of the mainstream appeal of Bruce, and how much attention the transition to Caitlyn has gotten in the not-usually-allies part of the population. People are thinking it's making a difference in understanding and acceptance, and if that's true, I think it's good and will help a lot of people. But I feel you on the general degradation of news and how hard it is to find anything resembling USEFUL INFORMATION instead of "infotainment" sometimes.


I may have to read another book. I am thinking about trying one chapter a day out of Howard Zinn's "A People's history of the United States" because my aide read it recently and brought it over offering to lend it to me. It's almost 700 pages long, but because she read it, I would have someone to discuss it with, which always makes anything more fun. There are 26 chapters, so I could maybe pace myself at one a day and maybe by the time I finish, there will be good TV again and my internet connection will also be working and I can go back to sucking at the boob tube instead of getting my story and data hits the old fashioned way.


I'm almost afraid of the answer, but what's FOMO?

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Who is Bruce Jenner, I didn't know anything about him (her now I am guessing) before the Caitlyn thing and today I had a bunch of stuff on twitter about being awesome because she chose Caitlyn without a K.. what does that even mean? Am I missing something I should be caring about? What does C/K have to do with anything?


ETA: Ohh.. Kadashians, now KOBs comment makes sense... that's how much I've paid attention to them :P I also didn't know anything about Bruce Jenner until about 2mins ago.


Where 'real' news is concerned I hear ya. This is probably the most popular news website in Australia, putting the fact that it's run by Fairfax Media aside, the 'top' stories generally are never real news and some celebrity/fad bullshit.


Also, Possibilities.. I didn't even know dial up existed anymore. I was copying some files from my laptop to the NAS by wifi yesterday and was getting mega shitty because it was doing it at about 350KB/s.. not good enough! Especially being that it wasn't the internet just an internal network.. anyway I had to fix it straight away to stop from going crazy.. so I feel your dial up pain considering I was getting like 70x faster and so annoyed.

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No Kardashians in Australia? Sign me up. 


I do support Caitlyn during her transition and I think she looks fabulous. I'm so happy she can finally be here self. However, I still don't care about her ex-wife or her family. Go away, Kardashians. (Khloe can stay). 

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I think we do, maybe not quite to the extent you do over there though. I believe it's only on our pay tv service though and if it's also on 'normal' free to air tv I haven't really watched that in years either so I'm blissfully unaware :D

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RE Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner, normally I would agree, but her story is being considered a very big deal by some in the trans and trans allies community because of the mainstream appeal of Bruce, and how much attention the transition to Caitlyn has gotten in the not-usually-allies part of the population. People are thinking it's making a difference in understanding and acceptance, and if that's true, I think it's good and will help a lot of people.

Yeah, I agree with this. Just yesterday alone so many of my friends on Facebook were sharing links that are very useful/informative for people who don't already know much about what it means to be trans and, for example, how to talk about various issues that transgender people have to deal with. So while I've never had any interest in the Jenners/Kardashians personally, I do think Caitlyn's transition has been an overall positive for the trans community. And for that reason I'm not bothered by news stations talking about it.


Though I, too, would be annoyed if it was the only story I could find even switching stations. 




Who is Bruce Jenner, I didn't know anything about him (her now I am guessing) before the Caitlyn thing and today I had a bunch of stuff on twitter about being awesome because she chose Caitlyn without a K.. what does that even mean? Am I missing something I should be caring about? What does C/K have to do with anything?

ETA: Ohh.. Kadashians, now KOBs comment makes sense... that's how much I've paid attention to them :P I also didn't know anything about Bruce Jenner until about 2mins ago.

In fairness, Bruce Jenner was famous before anyone knew the name Kardashian. Famous among a different set, I guess, but famous nonetheless. Bruce was an Olympic gold medalist in the decathlon and, for a time, was a very big deal in the US because of that (it's no surprise this fame would not have spread beyond the US). 

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So while I've never had any interest in the Jenners/Kardashians personally, I do think Caitlyn's transition has been an overall positive for the trans community. And for that reason I'm not bothered by news stations talking about it.


In fairness, Bruce Jenner was famous before anyone knew the name Kardashian. Famous among a different set, I guess, but famous nonetheless. Bruce was an Olympic gold medalist in the decathlon and, for a time, was a very big deal in the US because of that (it's no surprise this fame would not have spread beyond the US). 


I wouldn't mind even the very serious stations talking about it, as long as they were talking about it seriously and bringing forth some of the difficulties transgender people face. But if the serious stations just did the, "Oh, doesn't she look great!" and "The girls tweeted support!" thing like the other stations are doing, that would be pretty silly.


Bruce Jenner was the decathlon winner in 1976. I watched every minute of that Olympics that I could; I was in high school and I didn't have much else I was doing that summer. His decathlon win was huge in the US, and of course, he was on the Wheaties box. As "World's Greatest Athlete" decathlon winner, he was the iconic example of male fitness at that time. (Which I realize, is pretty much what smrou said...)

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I just don't care about anything having to do with the entirety of the "story."  In quotes because this is something overblown and I hate everything about this so much. I feel like Michael Scott talking about Toby F'in Flenderson.


FOMO is fear of missing out. I wish I could be missing out of this non-news story. I'm gonna stop talking about it since it's everywhere else and I need a place to visit where the conversation is NOT about the second most important story yesterday that I can't escape even today.

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I just realized that maybe my thinking Bruce Jenner was well-known is not only because of being in the USA, but also because of my age. I mean, 1976 was a while ago... and I'm not even usually a follower of sports of any kind. But he was SUCH A BIG DEAL... 39 years ago....


FOMO... maybe I'll start saying "no fomo" the way some phobes say "no homo."


Kalliste, if I get started on my rant about how rural communities in the USA can't get fast internet, I will wind up high-jacking the forum in ways no one wants, I'm sure. But the short answer is that out here in the boonies we can't get fiber or cable or even DSL. The only way to get anything faster than dial up is via satellite or radio (?) signal, and neither one works if the weather is too... something or other... or if a tree gets in the way or the terrain is too hilly or... someone sneezes in another timezone and it causes a ripple in the continuity of &%$#)*&&!. And even on good days, when it's working, it's still usually slower than 1 MBPS. I can usually hope for 1/3 to 1/2 that much, and occasionally when it gets up to 1 MBPS I feel like I hit the jackpot. People around there whose homes are in really good locations, with a very strong signal, can get 1.5 MBPS or even, if they pay 3 times as much AND have a great location, 3 MBPS (but that service is metered, so you can't use it to watch movies and stuff because you will use up your allotment and then they choke your service back down to cold molasses or else charge you megabucks for overages). I have lived in this exact location for 8 years and ever since I got here I have been being told by various entities that "fiber will get to your neighborhood" within 6 months, then 2 years (from when I arrived), and now they are saying 2 to 4 years (from NOW). There is a group called "Wired West" which is attempting to form a rural co-operative for all the towns in the region which don't have service, and then each town has to approve a bond to pay for their portion of the infrastructure, and it takes FOR FUCKING EVER because believe it or not it's been being organized by VOLUNTEERS, and they have to do stuff like drive around mapping every single electricity pole because the electric company claims not to have a map of that which they can share, even though the law says they have to let other utilities use the same poles (i.e. you can use the pole but they can't tell you where the poles are because allegedly they don't keep records of where they installed those poles). Basically you can't make money serving a sparsely populated area, so everything is kind of DIY. Once it happens, though, we will have superfast service for less money (even with the cost of paying off the bond factored in) than we currently pay for superslow service, so it's a happy ending. Last night, my town's Town Meeting voted UNANIMOUSLY to pass the bond. Can you imagine that? I have never heard of any other vote EVER that was UNANIMOUS for anything we ever voted on.


End rant. Don't wind me up. My connection may be slow but my frustration is wide.


I do love it here, though. I could move to some metropolis with 100 MPBS if I wanted to and clearly I have not wanted to. So everything's a trade off. We get moose on Main St sometimes. Someone was walking her goats along the roadside last summer, to keep the weeds down. And it's quiet, which I love.


So.... change of subject. How's the neighborhood tortoise, KoB? Does your dog still go nuts when you walk by?

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I just don't care about anything having to do with the entirety of the "story."  In quotes because this is something overblown and I hate everything about this so much. I feel like Michael Scott talking about Toby F'in Flenderson.


Is this about Jenner? Because I totally get that. I'm sick of hearing about her/him.  I have no issue with transgender. Everyone should be who they are. Having said that, I just find Jenner weird.  Not because she's trans, but because of the whole Kardashian thing, the famewhoring thing, and the way she has jumped on the media circus and allowed herself to become the focus of the world's attention. It just smacks of inauthenticity.  And also when I've seen him (pre-transition) in interviews or in clips on The Soup, he's just odd. I know I'm confusing my pronouns. Should he just have always been she?  I'll call her whatever she wants, I just am so confused.


In direct contrast, I fricking love Laverne Cox and think she's gorgeous.

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So.... change of subject. How's the neighborhood tortoise, KoB? Does your dog still go nuts when you walk by?

It's funny, when we first started seeing the tortoises in the front yard, the neighbor said it was to give them a different area from their usual space in the back. Well, I haven't seen them out front in months. At least... 8-9 months. Every now and then my dog will stop and sniff around - sometimes I see tortoise poop, but that's about it. Dog doesn't go nuts anymore around there anymore.


If anything, I've noticed that my "pup" has lost a step. Walks are shorter since last fall - less intense. As I don't know her real age from the rescue, my guess is she's 11-ish. We still do two walks a day, sometimes a short third. Twice a week I try to stop at a city park with her.  A big bummer is that there was a nice park across the street from the studio where The Tonight Show used to be in Burbank (Johnny Carson park) and it's been closed. A dog walker told me they are "re-designing" the park- but it may take two years to complete. We liked that park, no idea what will change.

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Oh.. well, in 1976 I was -7 so, that might explain that :P


So, I have a blog where I review restaurants and I started it in February and have been trying to build that. A lot of my views/traffic comes from Urbanspoon.. like A LOT. Anyway, Urbanspoon (now Zomato) change their website design and it's very bias towards reviews on their site and photos on their site and blogs are pushed to the side. It used to be that blog review and posts on their site were all together. Now blogs are in a separate tab and apparently no one ever looks at that because they only look at the 'popular' (deemed by who I don't know) reviews on their site. And since the change I've had 0 views from there :(

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Two votes for the Jawa movie! And none for Entourage (now playing in a theater near you) nor for Ted 2.  You're quite the discerning crowd.


I did a poll in the "MeTV Cozi" thread, and of course I had a Jawa voting option. NO VOTES over there. Its a tough world outside of Chilis.


eta: the reconfigure to the left side. Eh, I'll get used to it, but it's odd.

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I thought my browser get wonked up. I knew there was a redesign coming, but still-- this looks lopsided to me.


I hope your dog is just in a funk and will pep up again soon, KoB. It's hard when they get old. Tortoises can live 100 years or more-- in some ways I'd like to never have to bury another pet, but on the other hand, I'd worry myself sick about what would happen to them if I died first. Parrot owners, too-- those birds can live to be 70 years old! Ugh. Mortality.


Kalliste-- I always wonder if there's a really good formula for getting noticed on the internet. It's such a big place, it seems like it would be easy to get overlooked and that a lot of it is luck to be "discovered." I hope your previous readers find you once they figure out the system they used to use has changed.


I have now randomly seen ads for all the movies in the poll which I had not known about before. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention before.

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I knew once they showed that model thing, that the dog would do something to it. [7/10 if I'm voting, cute but little substance.] That video has little in common with the relationship between me and my pup.


And Kalliste, you didn't "kill the topic" you were just the Death Chicken. No shame in that. I've done it plenty.

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They used the same font as the "Boyhood" movie. Has anyone seen "Boyhood" and can you comment on the parallels to "Puppyhood"?


That video has little in common with the relationship between me and my pup.

You should make a movie of your own, which does.


There can probably never be too many cute animals videos... or non-cute human-animal bonding videos, for that matter.

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Also that little video features a song called "Lazy Ass", which I feel could be my theme song. So it has that going for it, too. "My lazy ass. My lazy ass. Think I'll sit for a bit on my lazy ass. On my lazy ass."

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