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Small Talk: Chili's

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Good luck, Glory!


People really don't wear watches much anymore do they?

I do, and I forgot to put mine on today and it's annoying the crap out of me that I don't have it.  As a teacher I have a very schedule-oriented workday, so not being able to instantly see how much time I have left in class is irritating.  There's a clock in the room, but it faces the students (as do I, usually) so it's not convenient to look at and I'm used to looking at my watch. 


I didn't watch x-files.

Time to correct that.  It's on Netflix!  

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I voted for the puppy job, but I strongly object to the anti-cat sentiment. Clearly, you have never experienced the full feline love treatment....

I once took care of a neighbor's cat after the Northridge earthquake (BTW, we just passed the 21st anniversary of that on Saturday) and it was not a snuggly cat, it mostly liked it outdoors and did get into fights with possums. But it seemed to like me okay - I had the litterbox and the food, and this, after all.


Dogs  >>>  cats


And if I did pick my own winning tickets, eventually, wouldn't I say, "Why get dressed up and go on TV all the time when I already have enough money?"

Kev Kev Kev.  Can't you tell when I run out of the 'how many jobs can I think of, without including Jawas?'  and jeez, Powerball is up to like, $210 million. Hell, I'll hire someone to rub my dog's belly if I can win the $210m, free and clear, just my winning ticket and no one else.

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It's over! It went well, I think. I didn't feel blindsided by anything. So that's good.


Now comes the waiting. Probably should know something within two weeks. Ugh. Waiting. 


I would like watch X-files but 10 seasons is so daunting. Maybe this summer.

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Now comes the waiting. Probably should know something within two weeks. Ugh. Waiting.

That is the worst. I usually think I've done really well in interviews, and am always a little stunned when I don't get a job. But then, I'm always a little surprised when I don't win Powerball, so maybe I'm just a little bit delusional.

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Yeah - that winner is 5 minutes from me. My mom called me in a panic. "DID YOU CHECK YOUR TICKET." Slow your roll, mom. It wasn't me. 


I did not skip. 


I only have one of the interviewers e-mails. Can I ask him to forward on to the other? 

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I only have one of the interviewers e-mails. Can I ask him to forward on to the other?


Maybe call someone (the front desk, an HR contact) and ask for the other one?  They'll probably give it to you if you say you had an interview and want to send a thank you.  Or maybe just send it to the one if that's all you've got, and mention in how much you enjoyed speaking with both of them.

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A snowstorm is expected, but I have two kids taking the SAT tomorrow so I'll be driving no matter what. My other kid's school called this AM and I had to go pick him up because he had a fever. I hope it passes quickly and I don't have a sick kid all weekend!  So, yeah, it's gonna be FUN! ;)

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Well - my interview questions were the death chicken. I'm sorry everyone!!


Anyone have anything fun going on this weekend? Bueller? 


I'm leaving early from work to have a doll "meet-up."  I normally wouldn't do that, but one of my friends is coming from out of town, and I haven't seen her for about a year and a half.  It's actually a good day to do it, since my boss is out, and we have no deadlines today. I'm also meeting a couple of friends for dinner tomorrow night. 


We finally got snow (and will get more today and tonight).  Just in time, too, since it's also finally going to get really cold this weekend after the snow goes through (below zero on my side of town), and we can use the ground cover.

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Exciting* weekend update: One area high school canceled their SATs for tomorrow, so now I'll have to keep an eye out to see if the same happens where my kids will be going. It would be both good news & bad news. Good because it means no driving tomorrow and the kids haven't so much as cracked a vocab list, but bad because then we'll just have to reschedule, which is difficult.


* exciting = kind of boring, really

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I had to look it up...it's Australia Day on Monday. Kalliste, what kinds of things do people do on Australia Day? Since it's the summer there, I'm imagining things like our 4th of July -- picnics, concerts, fireworks...?

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Yeah.. well I stay at home and rejoice a Monday off :D There are a few organised events around that have fireworks. For the most part fireworks are illegal though so you don't see as many around as you used to.


Other than that, usually lunch/afternoon bbqs and lots of drinking, and then being hungover when you need to go back to work :P

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A Monday off is a wonderful thing! :)


Due to the snow here, my kids' SAT tests were postponed, so we're going nowhere this weekend and the car is parked at the end of the driveway so I can get out on Monday even if we don't get the whole driveway shoveled.

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Fun stuff...   I had a marathon brunch with some friends yesterday. Including a guy who recently called off his wedding (yesterday would have been his wedding day) so we toasted it as the "Dodged a Bullet Brunch" since none of us were particularly hopeful about that relationship. 


Now they're predicting a whopping 2-4 inches of snow overnight so I expect all the snow-wimps are out buying milk and toilet paper. 

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They're predicting 18 - 24 inches of snow here, starting Monday evening and going through Tuesday or early Wednesday. So...it'll be 1 or 2 snow days for the kids, which is fine, but a hell of a lot of cleaning up snow, which is not.

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Boston suburbs. The whole eastern half of the state and all of Connecticut, it looks like, is supposed to be clobbered. The rest of MA should get significant snow, also.


ETA: Although now I'm looking at snowfall predictions through Tuesday at noon that make it look like the western half of MA is going to be worse. Time will tell!

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I'm in western Mass and the National Weather Service is currently freaking out with messages like this one:


I'll be shocked if we don't have phone and electricity outages. I am well-stocked with supplies, so I'll be fine, but I'm having really pathetic thoughts like: "Oh no! So much good tv will be missed if there's no electricity Mon and Tues nights!" Also, you know, all the other stuff everyone was planning to do, like appointments and errands and such.... They're saying another "snow event" on Thursday, too, so it's basically the whole week is shot. But that's winter in New England. Can't be too self-pitying when we choose to live here. And I know Michelle's in Alaska, so anything I might be thinking about winter is probably laughable to her. And at least we have the light coming back lately, which I'm really enjoying.

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We also haven't had much snow at all this year, so we're kind of due. I don't worry about supplies if the power goes out, I worry about keeping warm. :( A long-term power outage would mean going to a family member's house or a hotel, which wouldn't be very convenient. Luckily, we don't usually lose power. Some communities seem to lose it all the time and for long periods.

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Yeah, staying warm is a problem. A lot of people here heat with wood, but I have oil heat, and the furnace dosn't work when the electricity goes off. To stay warm during outages, I use these "heat packs" that wilderness campers use-- I get them in bulk "Heatmax Hot Hands and Body Warmers"-- it feels like having ah eating pad inside your clothing, plus I wear a down vest, wool hat, and lots of clothes. It's hard for me to go somewhere else, for lots of reasons. In one prolonged outage, the house got so cold that a lot of my houseplants died, though, which was heartbreaking. I am hoping it won't last that long, though. If it's 24 hours or less, I won't have to worry about the contents of my refrigerator, either. Often the roads aren't passable here during storms (they plow, but it takes a while to get to everywhere), so if you want to evacuate, you have to do it before the storm even starts. It's a huge hassle, because it means really leaving the area, since all your local friends are in the same situation you are.

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I'll be shocked if we don't have phone and electricity outages. I am well-stocked with supplies, so I'll be fine, but I'm having really pathetic thoughts like: "Oh no! So much good tv will be missed if there's no electricity Mon and Tues nights!" Also, you know, all the other stuff everyone was planning to do, like appointments and errands and such.... They're saying another "snow event" on Thursday, too, so it's basically the whole week is shot. But that's winter in New England. Can't be too self-pitying when we choose to live here. And I know Michelle's in Alaska, so anything I might be thinking about winter is probably laughable to her. And at least we have the light coming back lately, which I'm really enjoying.


Actually, we rarely get really heavy snow here. We may get 6-9 inches at a time (TWSS!), but it's usually light (since it's so dry here in the winter), so it very rarely causes power problems.  For example, we just got about 6 inches here in town, but it was really light and fluffy, with no power outages. Even the one time we got 30 inches in a day, it still didn't knock the power out. If the power goes out, it's usually because someone hit a pole, or a raven landed on a transformer and got fried.  I definitely wouldn't want the kind of snow they get in the northeast, which can knock down trees and power/phone lines.

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Huh. Maybe I will start feeling sorry for myself a little! I guess it's trees falling on the lines, or wind knocking stuff out here, as well as the heaviness of the snow. We also get problems with lightning hitting transformers, but that's more in spring and summer than winter.


No cooking when there's no power, though I do have a camp stove that can be used outside with a little gas cylinder, if it goes on too long. I eat stuff like jerky, protein bars, dried fruit, canned fish, stuff like that.


In the past 8 years, we've had two extended outages-- one lasted 7 days and one lasted 5 days.


I did evacuate after the first 3 days of the 7 day one. I had hypothermia by that time and it was pretty bad. I did not see the situation coming and did not have supplies that time. But the house was below freezing, so no food spoiled.


The 5 day outage was after a freak storm one October where we had 2 feet of snow overnight. I packed my refrig with snow and it stayed cold enough. A well-insulated freezer will stay cold for a day or two, usually, and if you can get ice to put in there after that, it will keep longer.


Most of the outages we have here are a day or less, sometimes 2 or 3, but it's how often they happen that makes it nerve-wracking. I'm afraid to start a load of laundry or put anything on to cook, or get intot he shower, lest it all go dead halfway through. So even when the power stays on, it still feels like a disruption of routine when we have storms.


I have a lot of rechargeable batteries to run a headlamp and flashlights so I can see at night, and a crank radio (plus batteries) to get news. Books to read, some knitting, maybe a jigsaw puzzle to do? I miss being able to use the phone, computer, and tv freely (batteries only go so far). I have a cell phone but sometimes the towers go down also, so I just use the cell phone to call National Grid and ask them for an ETA on when the electricity will come back, and save the battery for if something really bad starts happening (which luckily has never been needed). I also have people who will check on me as soon as the roads are passable, since I can't drive and get out on my own.


It sounds worse than it is. I figure I have enough food, water in jars, heatpacks, and light for at least a week, probably two. It's not fun, but it's not terrifying. The worst part is really the boredom. Plus, if it's really cold, then you have to drain the pipes so the plumbing doesn't freeze-- and that means pooping in a bucket which is the worst. Really not a fan of the poop bucket. Shudder.


I guess it's like camping, but way more luxurious, because I have my bed and it's dry and not windy indoors.


But usually it's only a few hours or a day or half a day. This time, because they're calling it "possibly historic" I don't know.


The thing is, it's so beautiful here, and quiet, and the air is terrific, and I don't really want to move. So I am sort of used to the hassle of "life being interrupted by weather-related shenanigans" and I always forget that it seems so strange to other people.


In the 1980s I lived in a far more remote area, and we didn't have outages like this, despite being surrounded by trees and other similar geography and weather. So in my heart, I believe that it's all a choice the utility companies make-- to not maintain the grid because it's cheaper to have an outage than to do the routine maintenance. It has gotten a little better in the past two years because there were SO MANY outages, even when there was no notable weather going on, that finally the Dept of Public Utilities started fining the companies for not doing maintenance and not keeping spare parts or staff around during storms. It still happens more than anywhere else I've lived, but not quite as much and usually not for quite as long.

Edited by possibilities
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Ah, a "classic Nor'easter." When I hear the words comparing a storm to the "Blizzard of '78" you know it'll be a doozy. Kev, frenchtoast, possibilities - keep well, keep warm. Remember- layers!  Same goes for the other people on the east coast in D.C, NYC etc, hope life doesn't get too nutty.


Kalliste - preparing for snow is like being ready for fires. Except you don't flee snow, you just have to shovel your way out. And clear your sidewalks or else someone might slip and oh crap you don't want that to happen.

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In terms of food spoiling, if we lose power, we don't open the fridge/freezer much, and when we do, we pull everything we need out in one fell swoop. Then we put it back in all at once, too, when we're done with everything. That helps some. I'll probably get some ice tomorrow morning so things we use a lot (like milk, cheese, etc.) could go into a cooler with the ice and save us from having to open the fridge.


And losing power really does seem to happen in some towns/areas more than others. We've only lost power overnight once, when someone hit a pole down the street. It was in June, so it wasn't a big deal for cold. Other than that, it's only been a few times in more than 20 years, and never for a really long time. I don't worry quite as much as possibilities seems to about losing power. However, in a storm I never delay having a hot shower ("Oh, I'll have my shower in a few hours") because you just don't know if you'll have hot water later.


ETA: And you know, as we were discussing a while back, some areas have earthquakes, some have tornadoes and hurricanes, some are prone to floods, and some have droughts, right? Some people even live near volcanoes. I guess no place is perfect.

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Jetpack in the newspaper alert! This is a good one.

Ha ha! Very amusing.


And losing power really does seem to happen in some towns/areas more than others.

It's true. I think in rural areas it happens more than in cities. But even in the larger towns in this part of the state, it happens fairly often. I once had 3 outages in a 2 week period. But it almost never happened when I lived in the city. There are pros and cons to any location!


I really want to make a chocolate cake before the storm hits, but I don't think it will happen. I just like the idea of hunkering down with party food, though, instead of only utilitarian camping type rations.


In other news, when will we hear about Glory's job?

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I was just about to say that we're all operating on the assumption that there will be no school tomorrow but the superintendent hasn't made the call yet, but I literally just two minutes ago got the phone call saying school's canceled tomorrow. Wednesday's unknown, but I'm taking the day of Wednesday anyway for other reasons, so I'm in the annoying position of having to make up sub plans for a day of school that might not happen.  And if it does, there might be a delay.  Which means I have to make my plans flexible enough to work for a few different possible schedules.  That's not so bad, but it's moderately annoying.


I do hope I don't lose power.  I've lost power a handful of times in my current house, but thankfully never for very long.  My parents have lost power for I think three days at the most (maybe four).  Refrigeration isn't a big problem in the winter--my parents usually just bring perishables out to the garage rather than load up the fridge or freezer with snow and ice.  That's a bigger issue when power is lost due to summer/fall storms.  But in winter heat is a definite issue.  I have a wood stove that will keep my living room livable, but that's about it.  Luckily my parents live 20 minutes away, so as long as one of our houses has power we can camp out there. 

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In other news, when will we hear about Glory's job?

I'd love to know, too. So if you hear anything....


They asked for my references last week. I've not heard anything since then. But it's a gov't job so slow movement is to be expected. Bah. 

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OMG people. The day started all nice here, a little overcast, I ran to lunch to get a little bite b/c then I went grocery shopping. And I go to the door after paying and it's RAINING. Here! In SoCal. I didn't have a coat! Because ya know... SoCal, January it's like, 60-something degrees (17c for Kalliste) who needs a coat - I had a light long sleeve shirt on. Well, I got WET running to the car. I had to RUN to my car! Three bags, people! Jeez. And I didn't know this while shopping so I'm home now and NO COMFORT FOOD. Jalapeno fried beans and bread & butter pickles don't count like that right? Now, as I type I see that it STOPPED RAINING. Oh the indignity. Who asked for this weather?       Yeah, you all have fun in MA.


ETA: fun! for kids! of all ages!

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How many inches will fall in NE?  (where Chilians can measure- so this depends on Kev, possibilities, smrou, frenchtoast etc having a ruler or something and a camera)


We're a doom-and-gloom bunch, everybody has voted for 18"+ of snow!

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Some predictions have my area at 20 - 30" so I voted for 20"+. Seems like a possibility.


Mr. Kev, by the way, has been away on business and he took an earlier flight so he could get home to us. His flight came in a few hours before Logan closed. So...yeah. I'm pretty glad I don't have to deal with a major amount of snow alone. The kids are a plus and a minus -- they do a decent job (better than me) with the limited shoveling we do when their dad's not here, but I'd hate to be the sole grownup if we lose power or have another difficult issue. So, phew!


ETA: King of Birds, I'm sorry for your rain incident. However, if you truly rule over the winged ones, couldn't you have them fly over you and shelter you from the rain? I feel like you've exaggerated your power...maybe even fabricated it completely.

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How many inches will fall in NE?  (where Chilians can measure- so this depends on Kev, possibilities, smrou, frenchtoast etc having a ruler or something and a camera)

I did a little measuring in my driveway at about 9:30 AM as I started my first round of snowblowing.  I checked a few different places and the lowest was 16" and highest was 20".  With all the wind causing drifting it's hard to know just how many inches had fallen.


It's still snowing, though, so when I go out later to clear the driveway once again I'll do another measurement, I guess.  I do have photos if evidence is needed.

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We'll measure when things are over in one of the spots we cleared before the storm started. There's plenty of snow out there, certainly.


Of the two schools my kids attend, one is already closed for tomorrow, and luckily, it's the one I have to drive to -- there's no bus. So I don't have to leave home until Thursday morning (barring a power outage), giving plenty of time to dig out.

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This is what it looked like a few hours ago.7IeCw6ol.jpg 

I hope the kids have school tomorrow because I am definitely going to have to work. The owners very reluctantly closed today with the caveat that if it was ok we should come in. Which, the forecast did live up to expectations here so I did not come in and am taking a true snow day. About to engage in Battleship with crostini.

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Just got the call: another snow day tomorrow. 

Yeah, I posted too soon. Another snow day tomorrow. And, hopefully a delivery, so Mr. Toast will have to work from home. The wind has quieted down for me, so I'm hoping we keep power.

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It seems there haven't been a lot of outages.  I looked at the NSTAR outage map and it's pretty empty.  Course we haven't heard from possibilities, so she may be without power.  Hope she's doing well.  

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Just so you know, it's super cold here! Like.. 14C/57F.. you know, colder than KOB said it was yesterday in SoCal :P Granted, it's only 7am, although it is cold for this time of year.. better than it being mega hot though.

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We got about 20" of snow. Not our most ever, but certainly significant enough. It's thankfully light snow, easily manageable for the snow-blower, so our driveway is clear. Not clear down to asphalt, but clear enough we should be able to get a car out.


Also, all my kids have a snow day tomorrow. Yay! We'll let the roads get better and better before venturing out much.

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It was much ado about little, here. I refuse to dignify it by measuring, because it doesn't deserve the attention. Eyeballing it, we got less than a foot.


I heard it was much worse just east of here, and also south a ways, but for some reason the worst of it simply didn't land here. It's still very windy and very cold, so it's powdery and blowing like mad, but they lifted the travel ban around here at noon, and we haven't had outages either.


Nantucket is apparently a mess, with an entire power plant offline. But here in NW MA it's OK.


I didn't post sooner because I have a killer headache and I was trying to sleep it off, since all the day's plans were canceled anyway. I think sometimes the barometric pressure fluctuations do me in.

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