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Small Talk: Chili's

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I've considered getting a black christmas tree and covering it in silver decorations but mostly because I think it'd look cool :P


My boyfriend and I generally only exchange gifts on birthdays. For christmas we might get each other something small, mostly chocolate or booze but his family goes overboard (last night we were talking about painting our house and the amount of money they spend on stuff for us for christmas they could instead pay to do that) with gifts so generally not.


Valentines Day is like a joke to us, the first year together I said I didn't want anything, repeatedly. I didn't get him anything and then he bought me flowers and I felt like a jerk. The second year I knew he'd get me something so I also got him something.. in fact we both got each other the same thing but different colours ('chocolate bouquet of flowers') and then last year I got him something and he didn't get me anything because I told him I didn't have anything for him... and now, in my mind, we're even :P Until next year when he gets me something I don't get him anything and the cycle continues.


Interesting party KoB... given the prizes does that mean there was a genital theme in general or it was just coincidence that the guy that dressed up as penis and balls got a dildo?

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It seems like seasonal decoration is more of an American (and maybe Canadian?) thing. I was thinking about it yesterday (while in the shower of all places) and in my limited experience it does seem as though I mostly have American friends that do it.

The shower is a great place for thinking!

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I like people to remember my birthday but I called a "gift truce" years ago-- it's just too much pressure, and people wind up giving each other ridiculous things just so they have something to give. It also gets into a thing where you have to worry about your budget vs theirs, and that's not really a good measure of how seriously the other person takes you, and could just as easily be about whether they are out of work or had a lot of other bills, or if they have 5 friends with a birthday the same month as yours, vs whether you're the only person on the rotation at that moment. I just think the gift-pressure is not a good measure of the love value, so I like birthdays being remembered but I don't want to deal with gifts anymore.


I've had some people be very tuned in and they gave great gifts, and sometimes I know just what someone else wants. But then one of my dearest friends is just so hard to get the right gift for, because she has everything she could ever want, makes about 10 times what I live on in a year, and even if I try to do something thoughtful or handmade, it just always feels like I'm trying too hard and have to prove something, even though I truly love her.


I also really don't care about stuff like Valentine's Day etc at all, and never did, but I understand why it might be good thing to have those built-in milestones to mark if you have busy lives and need to work special celebrations into the schedule somehow. The basic idea of expressing affection and paying attention to the people you love and the relationships you have with them (whether it's birthdays, anniversaries, Valentines, or whatever) seems to me like a good principle, and if you have trouble doing it on your own, having the calendar remind you seems like a useful thing.


I think if I had kids, I'd feel differently about this stuff. I think that the dates are opportunities for education and awareness with kids. You tell them the stories, you develop the habits. I think that kind of structure is important for imparting values. I am glad about the holidays my family celebrated when I was growing up, and that certain days had specific meanings, because I think a lot of skills and information got relayed to me in that process. Things like sending thank you notes, and knowing cultural history, and also feeling like part of a larger human collective activity (millions of people doing the same thing at the same time for a positive reason), are important for kids to experience.


I'm sorry about the job, K. Hoping something just as good or better comes along....

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I like people to remember my birthday but I called a "gift truce" years ago-- it's just too much pressure, and people wind up giving each other ridiculous things just so they have something to give.

I basically figured that once I became an adult I wouldn't get gifts from friends anymore and only occasionally from parents or siblings if they happened to see something or think of something to give me. And that's pretty much how it's been. But now I have a group of friends that does give gifts and it can be a little awkward. Like, one of my friends had a birthday dinner last month and I'd spent enough time with this group to know that people would be bringing gifts, so I brought something. But a couple of the people who came hadn't celebrated any birthdays with the group before so they hadn't brought anything other than a card and then felt bad about it. And it's not like the one who was celebrating his birthday cared at all--he swore up and down that he didn't have an expectation of gifts and I think that was the truth--but it still was a little uncomfortable.


I just think the gift-pressure is not a good measure of the love value, so I like birthdays being remembered but I don't want to deal with gifts anymore.

That's how I feel. I don't usually do big group celebrations for my birthday just because organizing one is kind of a pain (this year my friends kept emailing/texting asking when we were going to celebrate and I just kept having to let them down because I was too busy) but I think if I did I'd specify that I don't want any gifts. Or actually, I'd probably ask for people to bring something to contribute to the celebration to serve as a gift. That way the folks who feel like they just need to give a gift would still have something to bring with them. But for me it's just the acknowledgement of the occasion that makes me happy. It's nice to know people care. Beyond that...eh. 

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Kalliste- Was this a position within the same company?  I recall you mentioning segueing from one job to another.


Anyone have the Farmers Almanac for this year? When's it supposed to hit the east coast?  Should I be good to travel for Xmas this year?

Edited by King of Birds
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Kalliste- Was this a position within the same company?  I recall you mentioning segueing from one job to another.


Anyone have the Farmers Almanac for this year? When's it supposed to hit the east coast?  Should I be good to travel for Xmas this year?

Isn't that thing online by now?

Sorry about the job, Kalliste. That sucks.

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Possibilites, it's like you're me :D I hate the gift tug o war that happens. I'm actually going out tonight for my Mum's birthday and I always feel like I'm expected to spend a certain amount on her and the gift HAS to be wrapped and there MUST be a card but ideally I wish she wouldn't get me anything and I wouldn't get her anything and it would be fine.


The awkwardness is painful sometimes, the first christmas I spent with my boyfriends parents he said we didn't need to get anything but I bought something small anyway and I'm so glad I did because they bought us so. much. stuff. I was so uncomfortable with it all and wish they also wouldn't buy me anything.


The job was a different department KoB, I did recently move into a new role but mostly because my old team no longer exists. I'm on a contract until June so trying to get something permanent. Fortunately, the current role I'm in is looking for people so I'm applying for it but, while the money is roughly the same, the job itself and the location are no where near as good. That's life I suppose.


I also have no idea what Farmers Almanac is :P

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I will never, ever shop on Thanksgiving. And the only time you'll see shopping on Black Friday is late in the evening to maybe get out of the house, but...nope, not going to do that either. I hate that stores are open on that day. HAAAATE. (Though I would be profoundly grateful for a grocery store to be open should I run out of something.)


We thought my mom, who is a cashier at WalMart (and making $15/hr, but she's been there 10+ years) would have to work on Thanksgiving. Apparently, the labor laws in MA mean that WalMart will not be open on Thanksgiving. But, hubby had already planned to take the kids to NY for TG and we would celebrate on Sunday. So, depending on what is happening with my brother's surgery, mom and I will be eating lobster, shrimp and other snacks while watching football and movies on Thanksgiving. Sounds good to me!! And then on Sunday the big family meal.

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Some people have great wifi names, a few of my favourite are "I'm pretty fly for a wifi" and "Tell my wifi love her". At the last place I lived we had one in the area called "ASIO Listening Post" - ASIO being the "Australian Security Intelligence Organisation"

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I'm thinking it might be 'cool wifi name' rather than actual surveillance van. You weren't driving in Herndon, VA by any chance were you? I know someone who named their network "FBI Surveillance Van" as a joke. I would hope that our government would be a bit more stealthy-- but after I found out that federal workers were wasting tax dollars spending hours of the working day watching porn on  government computers, I underestimate no one's stupidity! 


 In other news, I'm getting a dog! My building changed its policy and allowed dogs this year, I was planning to get one this past summer, but my dad's hospital stay put it on hold. I was spending a lot of time at the hospital or helping my mom out, so I didn't think I could handle a dog.  I'm meeting two puppies this weekend! (lab/feist mixes from a local rescue organization). 


(that's right, a post that includes references to porn and puppies-- I'm hitting nearly every demographic. Chocolate! Harry Potter! Baseball!)

Edited by sacrebleu
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Some people have great wifi names, a few of my favourite are "I'm pretty fly for a wifi" and "Tell my wifi love her". At the last place I lived we had one in the area called "ASIO Listening Post" - ASIO being the "Australian Security Intelligence Organisation"


My home wifi is named The Office-appropriate "That's What She SSID".

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I never thought about people naming their wifi dumb names since I am not cool but I guess that would be a thing. 

LOL! I'm cracking up that you thought it really WAS the FBI wifi!  When you go back and check out names, look for "O'Brien" - I think the FBI would use that as a wifi name, for shiggles.


ETA: another FBI name: Nina Sergeevna  (who will recognize this name?)


Congrats to sacrebleu! Puppies! I wonder what kind of lobbyist lives in your building and persuaded the policy change. (I mean, that's what I assume based on where you live.)


Did you Nor'easters check out the Almanac links from possibilities up there?


DECEMBER 2015: temperature 24° (4° below avg.); precipitation 4" (1" above avg.); Dec 1-3: Snowstorm; Dec 4-9: Snow south, sunny north; cold; Dec 10-14: Snowstorm, then snow showers, cold; Dec 15-17: Snow, cold; Dec 18-24: Snow showers, cold; Dec 25-31: Snowstorm, then rain and snow showers, mild.

Yikes!  Hm, what travel days do I pick...

Edited by King of Birds
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lol sorry to burst the bubble.. 


I do like 'Thats what she SSID' too :)


And YAY for puppies! I want one so much, damn you vet ranch and your adorable videos! But I doubt I'd be able to responsibly look after it.


Segueing to children so.. a guy at work is on 'higher duties' which means (I'm not sure if this is a universal term) he's working in a role higher than he's employed so he gets paid at the higher rate. Anyway that is about to run out and I'm not sure he's getting it renewed at that rate. Someone at work mentioned how they feel sorry for him because he has a baby coming in January... the guys normal rate is around $65k so it's not like he's going to starve or anything. 


So my question is, is it bad that I have no sympathy for him and feel like it's his own fault for not trying to get a permanent role at the higher rate and that it was his own choice to get married, buy a house and get pregnant (well his wife) all in the same year? I just feel like he should have seen it coming and has no one to blame but himself.

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I think the issue is the larger decades long problem of wages/salaries have stagnated, employees are working longer hours, not taking vacation and getting paid less. So it's not so much that I feel bad for one guy in one situation. I feel bad for all the people that have been working hard and get less. At this point, what is the incentive to work hard? Especially when a cut in employees wages go to fund a golden parachute. But hey, at least you have a job. But that inspirational story of "If you work hard, you too can be "succeed" " Yeah, that's only for those that have rigged the game.

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That's a tough position to be in. I did that sort of thing at the start of my career, you want to show the higher ups that you can take on more responsibilities. Then, as time goes on you start to feel resentful (at least I did) because you're performing 'higher duties' without actually getting promoted. Although I did get a pay bump on shifts where I was doing the higher pay grade work, but after a point you say, I've proven I can do the job, so promote me. When they didn't, I found a job elsewhere. (The guy with a wife and baby on the way might not feel like he's in a position to make demands or switch jobs).

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I have no sympathy for him and feel like it's his own fault for not trying to get a permanent role at the higher rate and that it was his own choice ... etc

I forget if I missed where you discussed what it is you do, but was it even *possible* for this guy to get this "role at the higher rate"? Are most of your jobs on a set deadline? You've talked about positions and such; perhaps it's more delineated for you/ your company. When I worked "above my paygrade" years ago it was because people above me left the company; there were calls to be made and taken, and the finger of destiny landed upon me. I got some compensation but not enough, and none in title or benefits. It hastened my departure.


So perhaps with what you know, you can be unsympathetic, but for me I see this as- was the "higher rate" role even available or offered to him, or was he able to pitch himself in the role?  Yes, your job and potential and position would affect the choice of house/ family, but it seems he and his wife wanted to get started on the basics of what they want.


With that said, here is my favorite story link of the day!


A woman who identifies herself as a Pastafarian, a follower of a religion that teaches that a flying “spaghetti monster” could have created the universe, has succeeded in her bid to wear a colander on her head in her driver’s license photo. [she] claims the spaghetti strainer is a sign of her devotion to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


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In relation to my workplace, I work for a government department in the Australian Public Service. The hiring is a bit weird and there is a lot of secondment to other positions, especially this year as there was a hiring freeze in place for the majority of it (which has been lifted about 2 months ago) so for this person in particular his boss got promoted and he was seconded to his bosses role. I'm not sure why it wasn't a permanent role, perhaps they were unsure if he could do it or not.


I was hired as a non-ongoing employee to help him out because they were unable to hire permanently and needed someone with more experience than he had. In my interview he was described as 'green' for a management position. So we were all told we'd get permanent positions once the freeze had been lifted but then my department was consolidated with another one and an outsourced provider took over our role so there were no permanent positions for any of us.


I took the initiative to try and get a new role (which I did) and my contract was extended for 6 months while they went through advertising the permanent positions (which I will hopefully get) meanwhile he sat around and did not a lot of anything and expected someone would just give him a position, now his higher duties are coming to an end (I'm not really sure he will go back to, given the original one no longer exists) and he has had to start looking for a role at the level he wants to be on.


The plus side of working in a government department here is that you are paid for pretty much everything you do and the rates are very good. If you're seconded to a role that is meant at a higher level than you're employed at, you get paid at that higher level for the time you're doing the job.


I guess my viewpoint of the situation is tainted because this guy has been a major pain in my arse since I started. We were both meant to be doing the same role (but for different teams) but he just has no idea what he's doing and won't take any feedback on board. Fortunately, I've moved to a new role where I don't have to see him every day :P


FT and sacrebleu, I can understand what you're saying but fortunately it's not really true of the public service here. We get 20 paid leave days a year and 18 paid sick days (it's crazy!) as well as flexible working hours (I can work Monday to Friday and start anywhere from 7am to 10am as long as I do the required hours a day) as well as penalty rates for everything outside of the norm and you're paid fairly for the job you do. I was doing basically the same job at my previous workplace and this job was a 20% pay increase for me.


The situation is not nearly the same in the private sector though.


ETA: that was a lot longer than I intended :P 


TL:DR - the guy is a douche and maybe that reflects my opinion of him and I'm paid fairly for the work I do :P

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I had to double-check that the Pastafarian article wasn't from The Onion, and then I checked that the date wasn't April 1st. Ridiculous.


KoB, I see the December weather forecast you quoted, with the "s-word" mentioned frequently. No, thank you. We don't want it, send it back.

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One of our local radio stations has already gone all Christmas carols all the time. I like Christmas music, but at the very least, they could wait until Thanksgiving week.


One of our local stations has, too.  It's too early for me to listen to Christmas music.  


However, white lights are going up all over town, and it's nice to see them now that it's getting dark so early (and light so late in the morning). Just white lights, no multi-colored or actual Christmas decorations yet. All the trees in the town square are lit, as are trees along the parking garage next to my office building.  Adds some nice extra lighting on the walk from the garage to my office.

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It was 68 degrees today so I put out my Christmas lights outside. Yay Christmas!!!

I saw your FB post about this and thought "Oh I don't want to abuse her where all her family and friends can see."  But HERE?


THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING, GLORY!  I swear I admonished you last year because you put them up on Thanksgiving (or something like that). But you're not alone- when I walked the dog last night I saw that a house up the street did the same thing- AND turned on the lights. And there are still 2 houses on the block with orange lights up from H'ween/ for Thanksgiving.  They will switch lights soon as well, unless the winds blow everything away.

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A friend of mine is taking a class for her business degree, and they are studying advertising. One of her assignments is to analyze three ads which actually convinced her to buy something. It's hard! We're such skeptics.... I'm wondering if you all can come up with some ads you liked and which changed your mind about something, or at least convinced you to try it. The only ones I can think of are promos for various TV shows and movies, which I then decided to watch. But she needs stuff from more than one industry. Ideas? It can be a commercial you aw on TV or an ad in a magazine or on a website. Really any medium will do.


In an unrelated coincidence, last night during a bout of particularly rough insomnia, I watched an infomercial for a laser light device that is supposed to replace string lights for decorating houses (could be Xmas, but they also talked about other holidays, like Halloween and July 4). The talk about house decorating made me wonder if any of you all had seen one of these in action. I looked up a review after, and found one on YouTube that compared the one I'd seen and another one that cost three times as much. The reviewer convinced me that the more expensive one was better, but I still couldn't tell if either one would really look good. So I just wondered if any Chili-ites had seen one in the real world. They were even promoting it for indoor use (create atmosphere at parties). I keep wondering if it would cause every cat, dog, and human in the room to go blind from looking at lasers. Aren't they supposed to be dangerous to the eye? But the ad did get me wondering. Hanging lights is a pain in the ass. I only do it on Halloween, to light a path and set an atmosphere for Trick or Treaters, but if I could plug in one lamp and get the same effect (without blinding anyone), I'd be all for it.

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Does a promo on a Facebook page count as an ad?  I just bought the "Bob's Burgers" pinball table for Zen Pinball after seeing it promoted on the Bob's Burgers FB page.  


As for more straightforward ads, I have bought things like mascara or nail polish after seeing ads for them in magazines.  Plus various new food items on TV ads.  Can't think of anything specific off the top of my head, though.


I've seen the laserlight devices being promoted on shopping channels, but haven't seen one in "real life."  Around here, I'd be worried someone would steal it out of the front yard. 

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Does it count if it's a restaurant. I received a flyer/menu and decided to visit a place because of it. I'm not sure if that is considered traditional advertising but I guess it could be?

https://store.google.com/product/nexus_5xmakes me want the new nexus but... I wanted it before I saw that :P


I have to admit I've never bought Kantong but the jingle always makes me want to :P


And then there is the Chicken Tonight ads.. I know back in the day my parents probably bought this because of the ad. Blargh, all those dinners of Chicken Cacciatore Chicken Tonight


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Wait!  "I feel like Chicken Tonight, like Chicken tonight!" I couldn't recall what those commercials were for (I would have guessed it was some sort of Purdue thing) but I can still remember that jingle and people dancing the chicken dance. (this is the first time I've heard it with an Aussie accent).


Your friend could use the Prince spaghetti campaign. "Wednesday is Prince spaghetti day" really worked on my parents. I know we ate pasta most Wednesdays growing up-- I'm pretty sure it was because of the ads. 


Personally,  The New York Times runs advertorials (pretty much an ad disguised as an article) one featured Patricia Clarkson talking about her beauty routine (what she eats, what products and makeup she uses) I actually tried Dermalogica because she mentioned it. Because Patricia Clarkson is awesome, and if its good enough for her... (plus she's got 15 years on me and looks amazing.)    

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That's a good point about someone might steal the laser light device. I don't *think* that would happen here, but I'm not sure. There have been thefts, but I think it's mostly either metal objects (which the thieves can sell for scrap) or break-ins that target pricey stuff, and the laser lights might be plastic. On the other hand, the lights would be very EASY to steal, so that weighs in favor of it happening.


I think any ad counts, so restaurants qualify. She just has to be able to view the ad herself AND it has to convince her. She chose one car ad that made her consider a kind of car she was not previously interested in, and I think she's also using one movie ad that got her to want to see a particular movie. I think she's still looking for a third to be won over by.


She's a tough customer!!

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I saw this yesterday and I'm definitely trying one!

milkshakes-shakes-your-world.jpgmmm double choc.


I didn't actually realise that Chicken Tonight was a thing elsewhere until I looked up the ad yesterday. I remember at school we used to always  make fun of that "can we have Chicken Tonight, Tomorrow" line. I feel sorry for that kid :P

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Thanks for all the ad ideas! I remember the Jif vs Skippy wars from when I was a kid. I never liked any kind of peanut butter, so I stayed out of it, but it was a raging debate all around me!


My friend emailed to say she's got all the ads she needs now. I asked her what she settled on, but haven't heard back. I will see her again on Friday and will ask her then. She brought up her problem with me 4 days in a row, and when I saw her on Monday she was still having a hard time figuring out what to do. So I consider her finishing the assignment to be a victory for us all.


I still think it's cool how half of the world is having summer while the other half is having winter.

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Hope her assignment goes well!


I donated blood today and, as expected, they had issues with my veins so I had to get stabbed twice. On the plus side they did get a bag out of me in 5mins 10sec when a worthy vein finally presented itself. I was hoping to hit less than 5mins but oh well.


And in the end I got a mega delicious cookie and I wish I had taken 5 more if I'd known they were so good. As well as an assortment of other snacks. They claim it takes 640 calories to replenish the donation which is crazy because I doubt I had even eaten that many calories by the time of my appointment (10:45)


And it was too hot. I have a rash coming up on my neck which I am guessing is heat related and endlessly annoying.

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One of my Boston friends and his wife take off this weekend, taking off to The OC- yup, just down to Anaheim to visit in-laws for Thanksgiving (Logan straight to John Wayne Airport! Go figure)  Must be nice to avoid flying the day before T-Day, huh?  AND, they're bringing nieces/ nephews to Disneyland. Paydirt vacation!  (outside of visiting in-laws...)


The weekend before Thanksgiving...  this means that grocery store runs will be a-plenty.  Perhaps you've already stocked up, or will be heading out looking out for the right turkey. Some of us may be hitting the streets/ treadmills, etc to get some cardio in before the big day... which bring us to A NEW POLL!  What dessert will you partake in on Thanksgiving?

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"None because we don't do Thanksgiving here" :P But I actually chose "something with chocolate" I don't actually know what day Thanksgiving is but there's always a chance I'll be eating something with chocolate

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I'm not particularly fond of pumpkin pie (though with mounds of whipped cream it's ok) and pecan pie makes my teeth hurt thinking about it, so I've always gravitated toward the apple crisp. This year, we're doing Thanksgiving on Sunday since we had planned on my mom working on TG and hubby is going to to NY to see his family for TG. As it turns out, she's not working, so mom and I (and brother probably) will be hanging out on Thursday but without the big meal--probably just a real relaxing day. On Sunday we'll do the grand get together with all the fixins'. Having said that, I'm not making pumpkin pie--I'll make something pumpkiny just not pie. I saw a recipe for individual pumpkin cheesecake cups and that might be the winner. And some apple crisp and it's all good. But the mashed potatoes are all for me.

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We'll have pumpkin pie and I'm making this!  So technically not pie, but it's my dad's favorite. We'll also have a third dessert (don't judge!) A devil dog cake, for those of you who have Safeways nearby. That's my BIL's favorite, and his birthday is next week. 

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Ooh, I'm totally going to make that caramel apple upside-down cake. I have two gallon-sized freezer bags stuffed to the gills with peeled and sliced apples that I really need to use before they dry out. I'm going to make some pies and crisps over the next month, but I love upside-down cake and that sounds good.

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I made an upside down cake for my ex (before we were exes), thinking it would be a fun and extra-yummy thing to do for her birthday cake one year. She looked me in the eye and said: "I can't eat this." I was so disappointed! But I got to eat the entire cake myself, so it wasn't all bad.


Follow up on ads my friend used in her paper:


She took a way higher road than any of us! I was all: "movies!" And how about "food!" She thanked me for the input, said it was thought provoking, but went with the following. I didn't know she could include "public service" and issue-type ads, so some of these are highly opinionated, selling an idea more than a product (beware of controversy!). Also, it turns out she needed 4, not 3, in total:

1. Scroll down for the video with "Tube Man": http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/ad-day-james-franco-jaleel-white-star-droga5s-wonderfully-weird-scion-spots-166885

2. Scroll to "Live for Once" video: http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/72andsunny-wins-seventh-generation-breaks-scathing-ad-about-carefree-millennials-168197

3. I'm not sure which one on this page she went with: http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/grey-crafts-hard-hitting-ads-gun-control-across-two-different-campaigns-148621

4. She chose the third video down on the page ("Not Allowed"): http://groceriesnotguns.com/?source=prno_gng-receipt-upl&utm_source=pr_n_&utm_medium=_s&utm_campaign=gng-receipt-upl


Bold choices, whether you agree or disagree. She said it was really hard to choose, and she went with ones it was most easy to analyze and say why they worked for her.


She also sent me this, which I loved, even though she didn't choose it. But I'm a sap:



And then also this fake commercial, "Nature Rx," which I thought was funny. Interestingly, the ad YouTube showed me before the Nature, Rx ad loaded, actually kind of worked on me, too (an adapter for a wall outlet, that gives it a USB port for charging various USB devices):


OK, end of commercial break. Back to FOOD!! MOVIES!! and of course TV!! (And jetpacks, of course)


ETA: I didn't know the Nature, RX ad would embed. I meant to only provide the link. Sorry for intrusive visuals!!

Edited by possibilities
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She is looking at cars, and the ad convinced her to consider a Scion, but she hasn't actually bought anything yet. I think the assignment was that the ad had to convince you, and I thought that meant you had to buy the product, but I guess they only had to be influenced enough to take a concrete action. So, deciding to look into Scions when she hadn't had them on her list counted? I think the water bottle one was for a company that sells re-useable bottles, so I'm guessing she bought one instead of using the disposable ones. Maybe the others changed her mind or caused her to write a letter or send a receipt (for the Kroger campaign) or something like that?


I was surprised by what she picked, but she told me about so many ads she looked at, and what they did and didn't say and how she was noticing trends in the kind of things she found more or less effective in influencing her opinions, it's clear she sifted through a lot of choices. Some ads apparently used a lot of "facts" and others used humor or "feel good" images, some were easy to remember the ad but not what it was promoting, some were irritating, etc. I found myself really looking at and not fast forwarding as many ads this week, because I was trying to reflect on what she was saying to me, and to look for ads that might work for her-- and it turns out that none of the ones she chose are ones I had even seen before!


She doesn't have a TV, so she was looking at ads people told her about, and ones she could find in AdWeek online. It was funny to me that she had not seen the Geico ads about 15%... to me that ad is so over-exposed, but to her it looked fresh.

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I'm not particularly fond of pumpkin pie (though with mounds of whipped cream it's ok) and pecan pie makes my teeth hurt thinking about it, so I've always gravitated toward the apple crisp.


Traditional pecan pie is too much for even my epic sweet tooth, so I make these bars for Thanksgiving, instead. (I couldn't find the recipe online to link it; it was originally in the LA Times.)  (And pumpkin pie tastes too "vegetable-y" to qualify as a dessert, for me.)


Pecan Caramel Squares

1 cup flour

2 Tb. brown sugar

¼ tsp. salt

½ cup butter (cold)

1 ½ chopped pecans (I use the Trader Joe’s dry-roasted pecans)

½ cup coconut

1 ½ cup brown sugar

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

2 Tb. flour

½ cup mini chocolate chips (optional)

1.  Cut together the first four ingredients in a food processor or with a pastry knife until grainy.  (Mixture will be dry-ish.)  Line an 8” square pan with foil, spray or butter pan, and press dough into pan.  Bake at 325 degrees for 15 minutes.

2.  Mix together rest of ingredients with wooden spoon or your food processor on “pulse.”  Spread over bottom layer.  Bake at 325 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes, until brown and firm.

3.  Chill in fridge or freezer, and lift out with foil to cut.

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½ cup butter (cold)


1.  Cut together the first four ingredients in a food processor or with a pastry knife until grainy.  (Mixture will be dry-ish.)  Line an 8” square pan with foil, spray or butter pan, and press dough into pan.  Bake at 325 degrees for 15 minutes.

Half cup butter cold?  And cut them and GRIND in a food processor? Hard cold butter?


I'm in the right mind to just go "I Unfriend you" LL.  You be talking crazy.


Yes, That IS a lot of chocolate and pizza, stewedsquash!

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