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Small Talk: Chili's

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Forget the poll, when there are stories like this!


File this one under: Because it was there...?

Three tries.

No interview with the girlfriend. I mean, don't you want to hear her thoughts on this?

114 steps? They kinda gloss this over. How'd he get it up?

And yes, even another TWSS moment!  "I've seen bigger ones, but this is about as big as you can carry," he said.

Lastly, this was reported, this is news.



ETA: (you know it's bad when KoB edits in more...)

I've let you all know how I feel about "fall" - and well, today it's officially FALL even though it's 92* here today.

So here's a comic about what leaves think about while falling.

Edited by King of Birds
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I had to Google Petoskey Stone, but that's pretty cool.  I admire his perseverance!


Fall up here is just a brief intermission between summer and winter.  Although I have to admit, it has been beautiful this week, even if it has been hitting the freezing point at night.

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I love rocks, but I had never heard of a petosky stone, either. I do have a (much smaller than that) rock with fossils in it, that I found when I was a kid. I like to look at it. The foundation of the house I live in is stone, also, and there are a lot of rock walls around the yard. I never get tired of looking at them, seeing the variations in color and texture and markings.

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I love Petosky stones! My dad is from St Ignace, Michigan. We would drive through Petosky on our way to and from there every summer. I don't know if the stones are named for the cityor the other way around, but Petosky is just a gorgeous lakeside city. The gift shops there always sell the stones. They look a little like a tortoiseshell pattern.

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How can you be one month into spring, if it was just our first day of fall?  Don't these equinox dates all match up?

our seasons are by month:

First day of Spring - 1st Sept

First day of Summer - 1st Dec

First day of Autumn - 1 Mar

Firsday of Winter - 1 June

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It sounds like that's going by meteorological season dates rather than astronomical. So rather than going by the position of the Earth relative to the sun, it groups the seasons in three months. 

It appears that way :) I didn't know it had a name, I'm not sure we were ever taught that growing up... or maybe I just slept through it, I did that for a lot of science classes :P


I didn't even know about places going by the astronomical dates until the internet. I remember knowing about them (they're on a calendar after all) but didn't realise their relevance to seasons.

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To be honest, I won't go out, but I will see stuff once it gets to Netflix. And I thought I had a long list of movies I'm eager to see, but only one was on The Poll! When is Grandma (with Lily Tomlin) coming out? That's the one I'm most excited about, but I am not sure it's been released yet.


What I really want is to see Lily Tomlin and Melissa McCarthy as co-stars in something.

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I was all jazzed to see "The Martian" but I have several African American friends who are refusing to see it after the idiotic 'Damonsplaining' incident on Project Greenlight. 


Now I feel like I can only ask white people to go see it, which feels a little weird. 


I'm also hoping to see "Sleeping with Other People" and possibly "Legend"

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I will go see none of them :P

Where's the dis-like button? Here I am, trying to get people to chat about movies and stuff and you're all neener-neener.  Bad Kalliste!

Will definitely see The Martian, the book was great too and I highly recommend it!  Hopefully the movie will be just as good.

Yeah that Martian trailer is all amaze-balls, amiright?

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I just read on fivethirtyeight.com that "in 2014, 42 percent of tickets were sold to people 24 and younger." I guess those of us who wait for other ways to see things are not quite as out of the mainstream as it might seem.

source: http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/movies-are-about-to-get-good-again/?ex_cid=newsletter-the-week-in-data


I used to LOVE going to the movies, and seeing things on a big screen. Now it just seems like a hassle.


I want to see the Malala film. Is it really getting wide release in theaters? If so, I think that's great. It just seems like the kind of thing you'd only get to see at an art house or similarly nerdy venue.


Damon's recent gaffes blew my mind. How could he be so stupid? I guess he really does live in a bubble, but jeez, man, at least think a little, or have the smarts to edit tape before broadcast, and apologize behind the scenes so your idiocy doesn't get big publicity. But apparently he is surrounded by people who are as oblivious as he is, or who want him to be humiliated. Either way, bad news.


Are all the movies in the poll being advertized on TV? This happened last time we had a movie poll; I had not heard of half of them, despite having my eyes glued to the tube. After, I researched the ones I hadn't heard of but wondered why I'd missed the ads.

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I usually don't see ads on TV except while watching sports and I don't think I've seen any TV ads for any of those movies. I learn about upcoming movies through a combination of word-of-mouth, podcasts, and internet (tumblr, this board, and facebook, mostly). 


That's probably why I only really knew about 6 of the movies listed. 

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And, I avoided the horror movies - thinking I might do another list later in the month for those people who like Halloween stuff.



You know I love "Halloween stuff," but I am a big ole baby when it comes to scary movies.  Don't like a lot of jump scares, don't like gore, and waaaay don't like torture porn.  I'm trying to even remember the last scary movie I watched -- maybe Signs?


Oh, and I want to see Meet the Patels.  It opened this month, but not wide yet.  I've read really good things about it.

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I don't enjoy horror, either, but sometimes I like things that mock horror. I thought Shaun of the Dead was hilarious. I also watch iZombie. I think for me, Halloween is about taking things that are usually considered scary, and showing there's a way to not find them scary. That's why it needs sugar, and why I think it's actually a good exercise for kids to celebrate. I realize that now it's often just a costume party (I see more princesses than ghosts at Trick or Treat time). But I like it for the more "turn it on its head" aspect.


I think I'm not going to "do" trick or treat this  year, though. I always make a big deal and decorate a lot and stock up on tons of candy for the roaming kids. But I'm really tired this year and the thought of doing all that feels beyond me. I am thinking about just skipping it for the first time since I've lived here in a "high density trick or treat neighborhood."


What podcasts do you like for movie recs, smrou?

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Oh I don't listen to any particular movie podcasts, but on shows like Pop Culture Happy Hour or Slate Culture Gabfest or Pop Rocket movies do get discussed from time to time. For example, on the latest episode of PCHH Linda Holmes and Bob Mondello gave their run-down of things they enjoyed at the Toronto International Film Fest. Oh, and of course movies are discussed on Doug Loves Movies, but usually only after they're out (when Doug introduces his guests he always asks them what movies they've seen lately). 

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Oh, Bob Mondello! Years back, when I was living in NY and working in NJ, it was a hour each way commute and I listened to NPR, so heard his reviews. I wrote to Mr. Mondello once because some clearly not comprehending listener complained about movie reviewer bias (after he had done a small piece on it and explained how it is individual and you have to take that into account). And he wrote me back. I was quite chuffed.

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You know I love "Halloween stuff," but I am a big ole baby when it comes to scary movies.  Don't like a lot of jump scares, don't like gore, and waaaay don't like torture porn.  I'm trying to even remember the last scary movie I watched -- maybe Signs?


Oh, and I want to see Meet the Patels.  It opened this month, but not wide yet.  I've read really good things about it.


I''m the same way with Halloween and horror.  Love Halloween stuff, but don't like modern horror movies.  I can't watch the gory ones, and torture porn is just--I don't understand the attraction.  


I did choose one horror movie from Ikar's list, Crimson Peak. It has Tom Hiddleston, and is directed by Guillermo del Toro, so I'm hoping it's a few steps up from the standard horror fare.

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I went back to look at the poll options again so I could look up the movies I hadn't heard of, and now I really want to see "Addicted to Fresno".


Then I realized the poll asked which ones you'd go see, rather than which are you excited about seeing; I am generally a lot more agreeable to watching something if a friend wants to see it, than I would be if left to my own preferences. That ups the number considerably. I'd be willing to see most of them, maybe all of them. But I'm only motivated to see a few.


I would probably see Freehold if it was playing somewhere accessible, out of solidarity if nothing else. I think it would be painful, but I want to film to be successful. But I seriously doubt it will be shown anywhere within 50 miles of here, so I'm off the hook.


Meet the Patels gets added to my list, now that I've heard of it. I seem to be way out of the loop these days, even though I feel like I'm consuming far too much media already.


I'm kind of relieved that most of the new TV shows don't interest me at all this season. I don't want to have to work at prioritizing any more than I have to....


Anyone want to talk books?


I'm currently reading "Pastrix" which is by/about a woman who became an Evangelical Lutheran pastor despite her affinity for tattoos, swearing, and other forbidden people and things. Apparently she has not given up any of those people or things, either. Despite this, she got ordained and runs her own congregation in Denver. She says: "I am actually a conservative theologian, so my Bishop trusts me." However, he did make her promise to stop flashing her breasts at truckers. If you like ink, she's gorgeous: www.NadiaBolzWeber.com .

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Lol KoB, sorry :P my input to the conversation was I'll watch none :D I can't remember I went to see a movie somewhere that wasn't on my couch. And even then I can't remember the last movie I saw... actually I think it was Clueless on my laptop :P Now you see why I don't talk movies


I think I'm not going to "do" trick or treat this  year, though. I always make a big deal and decorate a lot and stock up on tons of candy for the roaming kids. But I'm really tired this year and the thought of doing all that feels beyond me. I am thinking about just skipping it for the first time since I've lived here in a "high density trick or treat neighborhood."

Halloween is starting to grow here as a 'thing' when 5 years ago no one even cared about it. I feel like it's more a marketing con by shops to get more sales. I have no interest in halloween or giving candy to kids, last year we may have put a lock on our gate to avoid any potential visitors. 


I've never really understood the obsession with Halloween in the US. Why do people like it so much?


Anyone want to talk books?


I'm currently reading "Pastrix" which is by/about a woman who became an Evangelical Lutheran pastor despite her affinity for tattoos, swearing, and other forbidden people and things. Apparently she has not given up any of those people or things, either. Despite this, she got ordained and runs her own congregation in Denver. She says: "I am actually a conservative theologian, so my Bishop trusts me." However, he did make her promise to stop flashing her breasts at truckers. If you like ink, she's gorgeous: www.NadiaBolzWeber.com .

That sounds interesting! I might have a look into it, I seem to struggle with non fiction though. I recently finished The Magic of Reality by Richard Dawkins which I think is targeted at early teens and above and it took me more than a month to read (even though the text was fairly big and only took up half the page) where I just started Artichoke's Heart (which is also targeted at teenagers, yes my main genre to read is YA - but not supernatural YA.. thanks for ruining a genre Stephanie Meyer) by Susanne Supplee and in 2 days I've read half of it.


Artichoke's Heart is about a 15yr old girl who is an overweight girl in what appears to be a really mean school. At her age I weighed the same as she did (190lbs) and I was never teased about my weight, in fact I don't think I ever have been (except by a jerk ex boyfriend, but you know.. jerk) .. They all tease her for being fat, her Mum (who is diagnosed with Cancer in the book) and her aunt also hassle her constantly about losing weight, they even bought her a treadmill for Christmas (thanks Santa!). It also deals with her binge eating. Overall I'm enjoying it but just find it really odd that this girl is harrassed so much just for being overweight.

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I've never really understood the obsession with Halloween in the US. Why do people like it so much?

Candy. And dressing up in costumes. And candy. Also, when I was younger we had something called Gate Night, which was the night before Halloween and kids would go out and egg and tp houses and each other. Actually, in my neighborhood it was more each other.


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Halloween is starting to grow here as a 'thing' when 5 years ago no one even cared about it. I feel like it's more a marketing con by shops to get more sales.

I swear it was NOT a big thing here- there would always be someone in a neighborhood like LiberryLady, who'd do a whole big get up- but it was just mostly about costumes and candy.  Or, candy and costumes.  And then some of those obsessives started their own shops/ stores, made stuff cheaper and easier to find, and boom, it exploded. It does NOT mean all of us enjoy it.


I say the same things about Christmas/ holiday lighting and property "expression." We'd do our Christmas tree, and then maybe some lights on some small plants in the front of our house.  Then my guess is the cheap Chinese lights etc hit the market and all of a sudden it wasn't just about lighting the tree, but the WHOLE HOUSE.  Perhaps National Lampoon Christmas Vacation had something to do with it.


I just think it's all gone overboard.

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I agree with frenchtoast. For kids, it's all about getting candy and dressing up as your favorite superhero, movie character, etc. For parents, it's all about how excited your kid gets about getting candy, how much fun they have figuring out their costume (sometimes many months in advance), and seeing all the fun costumes & excited kids coming to the door.


I've never spent a bunch of money on Halloween decorations or bothered with carving the perfect pumpkin (it's a messy process which I don't enjoy), but my husband has rigged up lighting effects and spooky music, all with stuff he has around the house, that trick-or-treaters have enjoyed. This year, Halloween is timed perfectly on a Saturday -- you have all day to rig up lighting or trim bushes overhanging your sidewalk, you don't have to worry much about kids missing their bedtimes or eating candy later than usual, and there's no school (or work for most people) the next day.

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Anyone want to talk books?

Ooh! Well, I've been doing a lot of reading the past few months (one of the up sides of my dad being in the hospital???)

I read The Girl on the Train, I really didn't like the narrator at first, but I stuck with it (because, many many hours in the hospital) and I ended up enjoying it. 


If anyone enjoys sports (non-fiction), The Sports Gene is fascinating, if occasionally a little too science geeky, it essentially examines what role genetics versus work/practice may play in determining what makes an elite athlete.


The good news is, it looks like my dad is in the clear. He took a fall two months ago, hit his head, and suffered a traumatic brain injury. It impacted his balance, so he'll be walking with a walker from now on, and we had to move him into an assisted living facility.  


Word of advice to anyone with aging/elderly parents- look into long term care insurance. My dad has always been a planner so he's in pretty good shape financially, and he has good insurance but the cost of a good facility without insurance is absolutely crazy. (we're talking 8-10 grand a month).

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What even is Pumpkin Spice?


Short answer:  it's cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, and allspice, all mixed together and used as the traditional flavoring for pumpkin pie.  Longer answer:  it's the harbinger of fall!  When I see pumpkin spice lattes/cookies/muffins etc. advertised, it means the weather is going to cool, the days are getting shorter, and Halloween is right around the corner.  All of which makes me go, "Yaaaay!"


Pumpkins and pumpkin pie are a part of the US's mythology, as pumpkins are indigenous to North America, and the pilgrims supposedly (they probably didn't) had pumpkin pie at the first Thanksgiving with the native Wampanoag folks. These days, pumpkin pie is a fixture at both Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.

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I'm surprised that LiberryLady didn't come back and edit in her news. She got an offer she couldn't refuse.  It's a bucket list type of dream job. Yup, selling dirty mags and dildos down at the corner porn shop!  Give it up for LL! Wooo!!!


Books! I am re-reading parts of The Martian on my kindle (read it last summer). I'm totally gonna go see that movie. I finished up the new Jack Reacher (Make Me) and Kinsey Millhone (X) books. Whilst recharging my kindle (seriously, I hadn't picked it up in months) I saw that I'd only read half of the BJ Novak book "One More Thing" so I've been reading that in blips. Any of you pick up the 2nd Mindy book?  It made me realize that I never picked up the Amy Poehler book. (I think someone read it and gave me a bad review so I mentally put it in the back burner.)  I did pick up Go Set a Watchman but haven't started it.  A friend rec'd me All The Light We Cannot See, anyone pick that up?


I have been so super busy that I do things like - "hey, I haven't bought ANY music in a over a year" so I picked up a few itunes cards just so I can try to figure out if there's anything cool I could find and listen to.

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I have read All The Light We Cannot See.  I liked it, but I didn't think it was as amazing as the critics did.  Still, it was an interesting and worthwhile read.


I'm currently reading Wives and Daughters, by Elizabeth Gaskell (1864-66).  I downloaded a bunch of free public domain books from iTunes, and thought I'd start with this one.  It's a fun read. It's quite long, like a lot of the serialized novels from the mid- to late-1800s.


Oh, and it's snowing.  It's not sticking (yet; it probably will overnight), and will melt over the next few days when it warms back up, but still--ugh.

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I'm surprised that LiberryLady didn't come back and edit in her news. She got an offer she couldn't refuse.  It's a bucket list type of dream job. Yup, selling dirty mags and dildos down at the corner porn shop!


Yes, it's exactly like that... except the part where it's NOTHING like that.


Yes, after 6 grueling weeks as a PE teacher, I got hired as a part-time "push-in" teacher.  I will be in the classroom!  Yay! 


This PE job?  I've been doing it while we've been having hot, hot, hot weather -- and there's no gym.  I always say I don't like the heat, but I can take it, but this has been brutal.  Plus, y'know, I didn't work my tail off the last year and a half for my credential to tweet a whistle.  (Though I do like the whistle.  The whistle is bossy fun.)

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Yes, it's exactly like that... except the part where it's NOTHING like that.

 Well. You- uh, you, well um, you said you got a new job.  We've ALL known the PT job at the corner porn store was the  ... OH. That must've just been some erotic fiction you wrote for  uh (google) More Than That.


(Though I do like the whistle.  The whistle is bossy fun.)

I'll have to get one for the LiberryLord, to even out the power struggles in Simi Valley.


Does anyone else find that they are reading less or not enjoying it as much on a Kindle? My son bought me one for Christmas five years ago and since then, I won't tell him but I miss books.

No offense, but - this is my Mom three years ago. We got her a Kindle, even an email so she could "email the grandkids" - and she lasted about a month. "Oh I need to hold the book" is the refrain. I was telling her about some short story that I read on the kindle- a fav author. I said "YOU can read it TOO!  We  bought you the kindle! Go online, just to read the e-book only stuff!"  It's like a brick wall.

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Well, we don't want to leave Pixel's nook as the Death Chicken!


MichelleAK- did you get snow, and it all melted?

StewedSquash- thank you for letting me know about Evil Skippy at Work. Not quite "LOL" but somewhat humorous. It's tough when it depends on who writes him about what.

Glory- I hope to see Martian in 3d tomorrow afternoon. We'll have to discuss.

LiberryLady- will you get to keep your whistle? Do you need to put it down on the principal's desk, like you're turning in your badge (like a cop turning in his gun on TV?)  I sure hope you get to keep it. Who wants your cooties? The replacement PE teacher will want a new one, right?


BTW - very disappointing this week. I got the apple cider donuts. Donuts should be eaten fresh, not transported in plastic bags cross-country. I think I may need to fly back next fall and pick some up myself.

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King of Birds, we did get snow, about 3 inches on my side of town.  It's pretty much melted, although there was still quite a bit left in my backyard last night. It's all gone from the front yard (full southern exposure, so the sun took care of it).  Now we are back to cloudy/rainy and in the mid-40s.  I'll be in Seattle next weekend, and hoping the weather is at least semi-decent.


Anyone else ready to decorate for Halloween?  I'm getting my stuff out tomorrow, and redressing my dolls for the season.  I don't decorate outside; just my living room.  I'll probably bring a few things to the office, too.

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While I do like the image of me solemnly taking my whistle from my neck and laying it on the principal's desk, it's actually MY whistle, purchased last year for a lifeguard "community helpers" lesson. So it goes with me. Plus? One of my responsibilities with my new job? Teach the kindegarteners PE. Oy.

KOB, don't the local Dunkin Donuts sell apple cider donuts? Since it's true that donuts need to be fresh to be enjoyed, it's worth a look around.

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I love my kindle! I have three. An e-ink, a 7 inch fire and a 9 inch fire. I'm going to give the little fire to my mom, but I use the big fire everyday to read on and surf the web.

I use the e-ink one for traveling since it can be I the sun without glare issues.

I read about 40 books a year, according to goodreads, so it's been a worthwhile investment.

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