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Small Talk: Chili's

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basically no attention span for animated shows

That's exactly how it's been for me, too, smrou, with Steven Universe being the surprising exception.


What got me to try it was that someone described it to me like this: "the worldbuilding is really good, and then it slowly dawns on you that you’re watching a cartoon about a group of polyamorous lesbian space rocks raising a child together."


Here are some articles that get into more detail about what makes it good:






The episodes are short-- my DVR clocks them at 15 minutes each, but the way they air is 11 minutes of uninterrupted show, then a bunch of commercials. They're showing 4 a day right now on the Cartoon Network, and I get through the bunch of them pretty quickly. I think they are also available on line, and I'm not sure how those are formatted or bundled.

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hmm interesting. A lot of people are talking about it but I couldn't work out what it was about. A lot of people that seem to watch Gravity Falls (which I love) watch it so I have considered trying it out.

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What was in the suspicious package at Kalliste's work place?


Sometimes I think Chili's slows down just due to "life." I know a poster who is recovering from surgery, I know some people travel - say to New Jersey or the beach or a cruise - in the summer. Some people are taking care of sick family members in the hospital. And some people are just busy busy with work. We're all not just off "double clicking the mouse."

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I don't have anything exciting going on right now; just getting ready for my trip (3 more days!), and enjoying the sunshine and warm weather. By the time I get back, the weather will definitely be sliding into fall, and the days will be a normal length again.

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By the time I get back, the weather will definitely be sliding into fall, and the days will be a normal length again.


Jealous!  I'm looking at 100+ degree days for the next couple of weeks.

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We're all not just off "double clicking the mouse."

it's called multitasking, KOB. No reason you can't do both. My goofy work friends got me a vibrator (as a gag gift)that plugs into a USB port on my laptop. It remains unused, taunting me. Edited by Pixel
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I think I'd enjoy the long summer daylight, but I know I'd have problems with the extended darkness in winter. I have enough trouble in Massachusetts, I can't imagine the long Alaska darkness.


Yeah, the darkness bothers me more than the cold.  During December and January, it's completely dark when I go to work, and completely dark when I leave work (at 4:45 pm).  If it's sunny on the weekend that helps, but that much darkness gets oppressive after awhile.

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Have you always lived in Alaska, Michelle? When I lived in Minnesota, I was also going to and leaving work in the dark, and it did get depressing and claustrophobic. But the cold bothered me plenty, as well as the lack of sunlight! Now that I live much closer to the equator, I miss the long summer evenings, and I sometimes have difficulty remembering what season it even is. I've only been to Alaska briefly, but you do live in one of the most spectacular places on the planet.

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Have you always lived in Alaska, Michelle? When I lived in Minnesota, I was also going to and leaving work in the dark, and it did get depressing and claustrophobic. But the cold bothered me plenty, as well as the lack of sunlight! Now that I live much closer to the equator, I miss the long summer evenings, and I sometimes have difficulty remembering what season it even is. I've only been to Alaska briefly, but you do live in one of the most spectacular places on the planet.


Not always, but since I was 10 years old, so over 40 years.  I'm originally from Washington state.  


The cold does bother me some, especially after I get older.  But not as much as it being dark so much of the time. Fortunately, I'm in Anchorage, so it isn't as dark as long as it is farther north. Even on the shortest day, there is about 6 hours of light.

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I've posted previously how I turned a certain age earlier this summer. And, yes, I am going gray etc. Went out to grab lunch yesterday and walked up to the counter to pay, the bill was around $11. And the cashier says "that'll be 9 dollars,blah blah" and handed me back more change than I thought I'd get. So I lean up and say "wasn't it $11? This is too much back" and she says "OH WE'RE GIVING YOU THE SENIOR DISCOUNT."  (I'm unsure if my jaw dropped at this point) Then I say "What age do you start giving that?" And she says, "like 55?"


I may never return to that restaurant again. Jesus, how bad did I look when I went to lunch yesterday huh?


ps- dammit Kalliste, I make you a poll about your event and you need us to ASK what happened? Get to it! Was it a jack-in-the-box that popped up?


ps2- Have fun on your cruise MichelleAK!!

Edited by King of Birds
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Cashiers are in a damned if you do, damned if you don't position. I worked the cash register at at place with a senior discount, and we were told not to give it to anyone unless they ask for it. But then, I would get yelled at by one angry senior after another for "not giving me my discount!" (they ALWAYS failed to ask for it). But if you asked, or offered without them bringing it up, people were always pissed off about that, too.

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I've posted previously how I turned a certain age earlier this summer. And, yes, I am going gray etc. Went out to grab lunch yesterday and walked up to the counter to pay, the bill was around $11. And the cashier says "that'll be 9 dollars,blah blah" and handed me back more change than I thought I'd get. So I lean up and say "wasn't it $11? This is too much back" and she says "OH WE'RE GIVING YOU THE SENIOR DISCOUNT."  (I'm unsure if my jaw dropped at this point) Then I say "What age do you start giving that?" And she says, "like 55?"


I may never return to that restaurant again. Jesus, how bad did I look when I went to lunch yesterday huh?


ps- dammit Kalliste, I make you a poll about your event and you need us to ASK what happened? Get to it! Was it a jack-in-the-box that popped up?


ps2- Have fun on your cruise MichelleAK!!

I wish I could get seniors discount! My bus rides would be so much cheaper.


Ps. I wish it had been a jack in the box, that would have been hilarious! 


So, the suspicious item (which we also receive an email about how to deal with suspicious items at work the very next day) was... *drumroll* a set of 6 glasses!


Wooo............................ *unenthused clap* and as such, the poll suggestions were much more interesting.


Also re: cashiers, it's the same with asking for ID when you're buying alcohol. I went to help carry alcohol once for a work event but I wasn't involved in purchasing and didn't take my wallet and... at the age of 25 I was asked for ID and they wouldn't budge so we left them to unpack it and I went and got my ID and we went somewhere else... who then didn't ask.

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I may never return to that restaurant again. Jesus, how bad did I look when I went to lunch yesterday huh?

Ouch. I do feel your pain, having been mistaken for my pregnant sister's mother while out to eat not too long ago. I now believe that diner lighting must be particularly unkind.


I'm torn about whether to come up with a new Hateball team name or stick with Valerian Steelers. 

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One day, I was asked if I was pregnant by three separate people. I went home and cried and then ate an entire box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Not my finest moment. Also, that did not help my "not pregnant" case. 

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Bon Voyage Michelle!


Hey, an update you probably were not expecting! The fornicatin' turtles were back out this morning when I was out with the pup. Except- it's like the tables were turned. When I first reported, and had photo proof of the horny reptiles, it was the male one on top (nudging your memory - it was a very doggie-style photo, remember?) This morning, the male was out in the yard munching on grass, and then the female rounded the corner, and BEE-LINED for the guy. I mean, in turtle-ese, she put it in 10th gear. Speed demon, burned rubber over to the male. And then was all cougar-style on the guy. By this point both of them were only about 10 ft away from the dog, and they were behind their fence enclosure, but she was pulling me so I started away.  I didn't want to see the female tortoise try some crazy position, ya know?

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So I watched this MTV thing called White People


Overall it was decent and it was strange to see the thought process of people that weren't exposed to a multi racial environment.


At one point they're in a place that used to be predominantly Italian and a slowly the population of Chinese has been increasing in the area and they're talking to a father of an Italian family and he's talking about how the Chinese keep to themselves and can't speak english and don't go outside etc.


And then he's asked about whether he was born there or immigrated and he came over with his family when he was 5 and didn't speak english either and talked about how hard it was being this Italian kid that didn't speak english in an area where everyone spoke english and didn't seem to even consider that the first generation Chinese that had moved into the area were experiencing the same issues and he could probably try and help them out. It was frustrating to listen to.

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I've been trying to decide whether to watch it. If I do, I'm going to watch the movie, which I've never seen, first. Do you recommend it? There are certainly a lot of appealing actors.

I have one episode of Orange Is the New Black left, and the shitstorm of a season of True Detective just ended, so Wet Hot may be just the right thing to fill in the gap until the fall season starts. In a week or two, though I'll be pretty much away from TV for a week, because I'll be on vacation in New York and can't wait. I'm visiting friends (many met via TWoP/TARcon) and seeing Hamilton, Fun Home, and Rotten Broadway.

Edited by Babalu
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I'm kind of 'meh' on Wet Hot American Summer, the movie and the netflix series. They're ... okay. I feel like with the cast it should be fantastic, but it seems like the whole is less than the sum of its parts. (IMO)


I also dislike that Kristen Wiig is in it. I have a strong aversion toward her. I didn't like her on SNL and I really don't understand all the praise heaped on her. I've always thought every one of her skits were one joke bits (pulling weird faces) that stretched on far too long. I'm more than a little pissed that she's in the Ghostbusters reboot- which I'll skip because I really don't enjoy watching her at all.

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I'm kind of 'meh' on Wet Hot American Summer, the movie and the netflix series.

Yes, this is how I feel too after watching all of it. It's like, some funny comedians you like in other things, but they're in something that just doesn't quite click. IMHO.


Sacrebleu, you need to get over your Wiig issues. She's not all that, and yes she was overblown on SNL but she's not terrible. It's not even a big part she has in WHAS.  And Babalu I guess I'd recommend it. There's enough "fun" about it that drew me to watch.  There is a funny bit with Liz Banks that I liked-  I'm no "hate-watcher" so it's not like that, for me.

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I really like the Wet Hot American Summer movie and I have watched all of the new series. I rewatched the movie first and then I watched all of the series in one go, and I honestly think that was a mistake because I think it was just too much of it to take in at once so by the end I was kind of tiring of it. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I'd split it up and watched one or two episodes a day, probably. I did enjoy it, but just didn't love it the way I'd hoped. 

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I also dislike that Kristen Wiig is in it. I have a strong aversion toward her. I didn't like her on SNL and I really don't understand all the praise heaped on her. I've always thought every one of her skits were one joke bits (pulling weird faces) that stretched on far too long. I'm more than a little pissed that she's in the Ghostbusters reboot- which I'll skip because I really don't enjoy watching her at all.

AGREED. I can only tolerate Kristen in dramatic roles. Like, I didn't mind her in "The Skeleton Twins" (but I think having Bill Hader in the cast somewhat made the film.)


I'm also meh on WHAS. I watched maybe 4 episodes of the show, and thought the movie was just okay. I think that when the movie came out, I was truly disappointed, since I loved The State and loved Janeane Garofalo, and expected something a little more polished. There were plenty of funny bits, but as a whole, the concept never really came together for me. 

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Boy oh boy do I want to go to Minnesota RIGHT NOW.  But look at #2 on the list. I ... don't think I can handle #2 or 3.

Wait a second...you don't think you can handle milk?!


There are certain things that I consider absolute essentials at the Minnesota State Fair, and the milk and fried cheese curds are among those. I don't know if I've ever had a cookie there, actually. My dessert of choice is the mini donuts. 

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Boy oh boy do I want to go to Minnesota RIGHT NOW.  But look at #2 on the list. I ... don't think I can handle #2 or 3.

cheese curds totally need rebranding. Curds is a terrible name for something soooooooo gooooooooood.



Should I skip it?

If you liked the movie-- I'm sure you'll like the series. Don't let my Wiig issues (hmmmmm Hateball name?) discourage you.

Edited by sacrebleu
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Wiig issues!!! Yes! LOL.


Wait a second...you don't think you can handle milk?!


My dessert of choice is the mini donuts. 

All you can drink milk?  No. That's just too much.  And, to quote Homer, Mmmm, donuts!


Seriously, I'm a Vikings fan, I like lakes, I grew up around snow and cold, there's a bunch of Scandinavians - so that means blondes, right? Minnesota state fair, here I come!  Except for CURDS.

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I could drink a lot of milk, if it was chocolate milk. I can't imagine drinking lots and lots of regular milk though.. and I don't think I could try a cheese curd just because of the name.


Unrelated, I turn 32 tomorrow.. it's like my 30's are real now. On the plus side the last week has been non stop cake.

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Wait a second...you don't think you can handle milk?!


There are certain things that I consider absolute essentials at the Minnesota State Fair, and the milk and fried cheese curds are among those. I don't know if I've ever had a cookie there, actually. My dessert of choice is the mini donuts.

I love both Sweet Martha's Cookies *and* the Tom Thumb Donuts. Why choose? Then a ride on the Slingshot: http://hotshotthrillrides.com. (I actually did this one year. My excuse was that I'd just finished chemo and radiation and hadn't had any fun or spent any money in months, so I was trying to pack all the thrills I'd missed into 39 seconds.) if/when I go back to Minnesota, it has to be during State Fair time!

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All you can drink milk?  No. That's just too much.
You don't actually have to drink all you can. You can just have a cup.



Heh. This is the Minnesota State Fair, bitches. It's not drink all you feel like... It's DRINK ALL YOU CAAAAAAAAAN.

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Ya know, as much as I like making foods for myself to eat/ enjoy ... there are times where I just wish someone would just come up with an idea or plan instead of me every day. Right? I recall my Mom saying the same thing (she was a stay-at-home-Mom when I grew up). Of course, between me and my sisters, that idea could get all warped. My sisters would be all "we just want a salad" and I'd give them some Ron Swanson-esque look like "REALLY?"


Anyhow it's like 90* inside my house. I tempted the weather Gods earlier today (I never learn, LL) and karma is a bitch.  A small hole in the wall teriyaki chicken place opened up a short distance away, and I go there a few times a week now. I fear I'll turn into teriyaki chicken with brown rice. You ARE what you eat, right? I really wouldn't mind a nice slab of lasagna or something. mmm.

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I may have secured myself a new job/role at work! My current job is winding down because an outsourcer took the job so I started asking around and everyone wanted me (which is unusual because normally the bosses hate me by the end) but because I'm 'non ongoing' they can't hire me but one team came up with a solution to that so hopefully my boss signs off on it.

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Good luck, Kalliste!


I've gotten really bad in the last three weeks about cooking anything. We're eating out a lot or relying on frozen pizzas and that's no good. This weekend I'm going to get it together. Scout's honor. 

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Ellie... fried Sriracha balls? No thank you! Have you ever tried that?  That list of "winners" is quite a list. I don't think I'd try many of those.


Whereas, the chicken fried loaded potato sounds gooooooood.


Follow up: because you demanded to know: I did NOT have teriyaki chicken w brown rice last night.

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In talking to a neighbor tonight on the evening/ dusk walk, it got up to about 102* here, but a few of the other dog walkers said it's supposed to hit 107* around here on Saturday.


And then this one guy said, "yeah, (his dog) was really bothered with the heat. But the cats? Its like it didn't bother them." 


I said "That's why they're cats."



So we're dealing with the drought here. I am not sure how LiberryLady did with cutting back 25% (that's what they were asking people to cut back on water use) but I did okay I think. And we're all hoping for lots of rain, right?  Well, not so fast, says the LA Times.


“This definitely has the potential of being the Godzilla El Niño,” said Bill Patzert, a climatologist with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in La Cañada Flintridge.


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what is this, talking to neighbours? :P


I watched the first episode of Orange is the New Black tonight. It took a whole of 15 seconds to show boobs (is that some kind of record?) so I now understand the boobs discussion of a few weeks ago.. I am also still finishing my That 70's Show re-watch and can't help but think I have now seen the boobs that Kelso never got to see.

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Ellie... fried Sriracha balls? No thank you! Have you ever tried that?  That list of "winners" is quite a list. I don't think I'd try many of those.


No, haven't tried the sriracha balls, but I've had others on the list, like fried butter!

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