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Small Talk: Chili's

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Ellie, how was your first week on the new job?


Pretty good!  Although it had it ups and downs of dullness, the first day I was on HR and IT overload and feeling so-so about the whole thing.  Its improved since then, and so far I'm liking all the folks I'll be working with.  I'm looking forward to doing some actual work, instead of just staring at training powerpoints.

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My 'favourite' street harassment was when a car pulled up to the red and out the window said "hey there lady in red (I was wearing a red shirt), won't you give me head tonight" and I laughed.


Glory, are you intending on keeping the phoenix? 

Kalliste, FTFY on your fav street harassment. I've never been to Oz, but...


Glory, you have to keep the phoenix! Also, where is it shipping from? 2 weeks?

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I guess because I grew up near Chicago and spent so much time there I never gave much thought to street harassment. It was just something that happened. I never felt threatened by it, or even offended, and it never even occurred to me until much later in life that I should never have had to put up with it. I was quite sassy about it - one guy asked me for a blow job and I smiled and said, "Why, I'd love to, but you have to have a dick for me to be able to do that. Sorry!".  Otherwise, I pretty much just ignored it or harrassed them back. It was like a game.  


Now that I'm 47, I don't get that so much. I also don't spend a ton of time in the city anymore just because it's expensive and I never have time, but I still love Chicago. I'd still love to get a condo there once the kids grow up and move out, except that my job is 60 miles south of the city and I don't relish the commute.


Not to bring anyone down, but it there's anyone here who remembers Actinolite from TWOP and isn't friends with her on FB, she passed away this weekend after an approximately 2 year fight with lung cancer. She was a really cool woman, and I just wanted you to know in case you remembered her.  

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Yes, it's very sad about Actinolite. I'm glad Pixel posted about it. I thought of doing so but I was bummed. Also, it makes me think of people I knew from twop and another forum I used to frequent before twop, and the whole thing that happens with "Gee I wonder what happened with..."  That thing.  Not sure if it just is me on that or what.



ps Just saw this morning that Sophia Vergara got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. And nothing personal - she seems fine- but it proves once again that so little of the WoF is about talent or a place in history and it's more about something they do for promotion. (For her new movie with Reese Witherspoon)

Edited by King of Birds
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I'm glad it was mentioned too. She'll be missed. The whole thing is just so sad.

And KOB, I do the same sometimes! Old TWoP folk occasionally enter my mind. It's why I try not to get too comfortable just being a lurker -- I don't want to be on the "Whatever happened to them?" list, or lose touch.

I didn't say this earlier, but nice car, Glory!

Pretty sure the Witherspoon/Vergara movie BOMBED. I didn't see it, but the plot reminded me a little of "The Heat", which I thought was a pretty funny film.

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It's as if Canberra was in its own hell hole of weather. It's like a yo-yo between Sydney and Melbourne. But as it's summer here, it's winter there. You HAD to expect some cold right?  Remember- TooLateKev, possibilities, frenchtoast, smrou dealt with about 8 feet of snow fairly recently.


Setlist, few people would think of this when deciding what movie to go see, but Hot Pursuit may not be the best option, but it is a movie starring two women, directed by a woman. And this news about the ACLU burst forth yesterday. So if you're gonna turn your brain off to see Avengers, why not do the same for Hot Pursuit?


Oh, and that reminds me, I went and saw Ex Machina, and that's a pretty cool movie.

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I want to see Ex Machina, as well. We're going to see Pitch Perfect 2 this weekend and Guts is going to see Mad Max. 


Hot Pursuit is getting scathing reviews, though. Like, terrible terrible reviews. I have no desire to see it - even if it would help feminism along. 

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I got my tickets for Pitch Perfect 2 a week ago! I'm set to go this Saturday. This will be the first movie I've seen in theatres in over a year, I'm pretty sure, and I'm going with a group of 8 friends and we (and a few other people as well) will be watching the first one at one of my friend's house beforehand (with singing along, of course). I think it should be a fun mostly-girls night.


I have no desire to see it - even if it would help feminism along.

See Spy instead (next month). Melissa McCarthy, Allison Janney, and Miranda Hart. I am so psyched for this movie.


I went and saw Ex Machina, and that's a pretty cool movie.

I've heard great things about it and it sounds interesting to me. 

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It's in Texas right now. So, hopefully two weeks or so.


In Dallas, by any chance?  I saw a car like that parked on the road near my home the other morning. 

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It's as if Canberra was in its own hell hole of weather. It's like a yo-yo between Sydney and Melbourne. But as it's summer here, it's winter there. You HAD to expect some cold right?  Remember- TooLateKev, possibilities, frenchtoast, smrou dealt with about 8 feet of snow fairly recently.


Coldest ever! ... since midnight.


And yes, it's never going to be 8 feet of snow here so I should feel happy :P

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I went and saw Ex Machina, and that's a pretty cool movie.

That's totally on my list of 'go see' movies. 


Hey guys! Two weeks from tomorrow I leave for Paris! I'm getting ridiculously excited. The French Open, Moulin Rouge, Versailles. It's gonna be great.

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Moulin Rouge? Can't you just see that on netflix or sumtin? ;-)


I'm seeing Mad Max this afternoon!  Woo!  How'd you aca people like PP2? Even though it's not my cuppa tea, Liz Banks is just a great cool person and so I want it to do well.

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I don't know if it's my type of movie, but it has Flula in it so... maybe.


The first one I saw parts of but it was christmas day and I was somewhat intoxicated and well.. I 'watched' it from the toilet bowl.

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I liked PP2. It was even sillier than the first one but still very fun. My favorite thing (other than the music--I'm really there for the music) was every interaction between Anna Kendrick and the lead woman of the German group. 


Liz Banks is just a great cool person and so I want it to do well.

In addition to all the producing and directing (no big deal), her role in the film is a total highlight in my opinion, as it was in the first. 

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In Dallas, by any chance?  I saw a car like that parked on the road near my home the other morning. 

I just saw this. It's in Magnolia, TX. And on it's way to us as we speak!


70.4 million dollars for the Barden Bellas! Woo hoo! That's an insane haul for a no-budget musical. I'm happy it made that much!

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Mad Max was pretty great too. It was odd though, I was in an unruly crowd, in the mood for Max, and they booed the Jurassic World and Tomorrowland trailers. I did go to an old-school one-screen theater in LA so perhaps they didn't like the newfangled CGI stuff from those previews.


I turn a certain age this year, and I had my physical this morning. That means there was some unpleasantness. AND the Dr wants me to get a colonoscopy. Some of my slightly older friends have warned me about this. Any of you have some good, pg-rated stories about the prep for this glorious procedure? Pixel?

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Any of you have some good, pg-rated stories about the prep for this glorious procedure?


Just eat really light on the day before you have to go without food. So 2 days before the procedure. It makes the following day much more tolerable. Make sure you can put your TV on loud enough to hear from both the living room and the restroom, because you won't stop moving between the two. All I remember is wishing there was a website for what people do during that day to keep their mind off their emptying digestive system. Something like reddit, but just made up of the most pleasantly distracting content.


Also, totally weigh yourself before and after. It is the silver lining.


ETA: I forgot to remain a lurker on this board! Hi folks, I'm Boogie, and I have digestive issues ;-)

Edited by BoogieBurns
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. It was odd though, I was in an unruly crowd, in the mood for Max, and they booed the Jurassic World and Tomorrowland trailers.

Speaking of trailers, at Pitch Perfect 2 there was a trailer for a totally scary-looking movie, The Gift. I did not sign on for that! The trailer scared the hell out of me and a couple of the other people I was with and I didn't expect to see something like that before a silly comedy. (Granted, I am a total wimp about even slightly scary movies, but still...)

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All I remember is wishing there was a website for what people do during that day to keep their mind off their emptying digestive system

There is nothing that will distract you from the fact that every 10 minutes you are shitting out Niagara Falls at terminal velocity. What's even worse is trying to drink the crap you have to drink to clear your colon. It's like margarita with a bag of salt and a gallon of spit mixed together. I have had this awesome pleasure every two years for the past 8 years. In fact, I'm due again this year.

Whatever you do, do not go against the cleanse rules. Nothing pisses off a GI doc more than encountering a colon that's still full of shit.

Also, I don't want to freak you out, but I wake up in the middle of it every time.

Edited by Pixel
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Speaking of trailers, at Pitch Perfect 2 there was a trailer for a totally scary-looking movie, The Gift. I did not sign on for that! The trailer scared the hell out of me and a couple of the other people I was with and I didn't expect to see something like that before a silly comedy. (Granted, I am a total wimp about even slightly scary movies, but still...)

We had a scary trailer too! I hid behind my (giant) bucket of popcorn until hubby told me it was safe. What the hell theaters? 

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I've had 2 colonoscopies, 1 month apart. Gosh, what fun! Best time ever! :(


The first time, I followed the rules to the letter, but apparently still didn't clear out well enough, so I had a different process a month later which was effective enough that the doctor could work, but still not totally clean. I like BoogieBurns' advice about eating lightly two days before the colonoscopy. Maybe that would have helped.


The first time the prep solution was a prescription, cost some ridiculous amount like $50, and involved powder in a plastic gallon container that you add water to. The second time, I bought two bottles of something OTC and they cost about a buck each. I also took Mirilax for 7 days before the procedure. You stir the Mirilax into a drink -- I don't remember if it was once or twice a day -- and it helps to slowly get things going, so to speak. Not that I thought I had any problem with things going, but they said to do it, so I did it.


Next time I need one (which thankfully is still a ways off), I'm going to ask if I can just go with the 7 days of Mirilax and the $2 prep solution from the get-go.


Preparing for a colonoscopy, unless things have changed, seemed to be about a 5-day thing with eating low-fiber foods for that entire time, plus there are vitamins/supplements that if you normally take them, you shouldn't, etc. I wrote it all down on the calendar to not mess it up.


Like Pixel, I woke up during the middle of one of my colonoscopies, but it really wasn't a big deal and then I was back out.


Welcome to the fun, King of Birds!


ETA: I think the 2nd time, I drank 2 bottles of Magnesium Citrate. This was the doctor's order, since the first one didn't work. I didn't just decide on my own to go for that. But if you're interested in a less expensive approach to prep, investigate a bit so you can talk with your doctor about this as an option. It just seems crazy that we're all shelling out big bucks for this damned prescription powder in a big plastic bottle.

Edited by Too Late Kev
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Preparing for a colonoscopy, unless things have changed, seemed to be about a 5-day thing with eating low-fiber foods for that entire time, plus there are vitamins/supplements that if you normally take them, you shouldn't, etc. I wrote it all down on the calendar to not mess it up.

I've never had to do any of this. I've just started the prep the day before at the designated time, and never had a problem getting clear. I ate a totally normal diet up until prep time started, which was usually around noon the day prior. Then it's just prep margaritas and clear liquids (not red, though) until midnight.

The stuff works fast. I'm usually clear by about 4 hours after finishing it. The prep is by far the worst part of the experience. After crapping your tonsils out, the procedure itself is a piece of cake, even if you do wake up during it. All in all it's an annoying but not painful or awful experience. Except that the prep sometimes makes me puke.

Edited by Pixel
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Is The Gift the new Jason Bateman movie? Because I also was scared. I saw him and stopped to watch the commercial. Then thought no no no Jason doesn't do scary! He's the fun guy. The most handsome actor of all time. Not scary territory.

Yeah, the Jason Bateman movie. Totally scary (at least in the trailer). 

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A colonoscopy is a preventative and diagnostic procedure where you're heavily sedated and your colon is examined by placing a small, maneuverable camera (I think) into the colon. It can also snip polyps for biopsy. Like a mammogram, it's recommended for adults after a certain age to screen for colon cancer, though it's used when needed. Like a surgery, there are preparations the patient must do in advance of the procedure. Pixel will have a better and more accurate description, no doubt.

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Also, I don't want to freak you out, but I wake up in the middle of it every time.

Okay, so it's like "Cartman Gets An Anal Probe."  Gotcha.


Anyone else crack up how The Gift trailer is intertwined with colonoscopy discussion?

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Anyone else crack up how The Gift trailer is intertwined with colonoscopy discussion?




Actually, I just assumed that "The Gift" was about an eeeevil proctologist. Now THAT would be a horrfyng movie.

Edited by sacrebleu
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Like a mammogram, it's recommended for adults after a certain age to screen for colon cancer, though it's used when needed.


I'm only 29, and had to get one because of some severe (unknown at the time) food allergies. Also had an endoscopy at the same time which is just a tube through my throat in addition to my colon. The weirdest part was that the tech guy who was watching the screens as I was being put under anesthesia was super cute. Then I remembered he was about to see my butt hole. So, no love match.


King of Birds, I never vote in the polls. I always miss them

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French Toast did a fine job of explaining it. Colon cancer is something like 99% preventable with regular colonoscopies. Since my dad died of colon cancer when I was 24, I have to get them every two-three years so I won't die of colon cancer too.

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King of Birds, I never vote in the polls. I always miss them

WHAT?!??!  Well, since you've been lurking and responding lately, let me tell ya something. Once again, I pissed off a client of mine today, I said something like "why can't we just push the deadline, no one over there ever makes a decision and doesn't want to just change it again tomorrow. Why waste time tonight?"


So I started thinking (and you know how terrible that can be) "What can KoB do in my next line of work?"


eta: What can Kob do in HIS next line of work. Dammit, how'd I get so bad at gramma?

Edited by King of Birds
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I chose the Jawa option.  Zeroed right in on that choice and only voted once.


Because you have to have a theme. You can't just wear 2015 clothes. People will laugh.

I'm glad you didn't let the dog near the laptop this time, stewedsquash. 


Won't people laugh at Glory (and Guts) no matter what?  Oh dammit I was mean to Glory again, gosh darnitall.

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eta: What can Kob do in HIS next line of work. Dammit, how'd I get so bad at gramma?

"If you think my gramma's bad, wait till you see my grampa!"


I hope LiberryLady has an extra room ready, because "stay with LL" is winning by a mile. Besides taking over her etsy shop, you can load the little library box out front.

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What's going on here? Nothing like a reply from LL at 535am.  I'M COMING TO STEAL YOUR TOMATOES, is what's going on!  Mua-hahahaha!


Very upset that no one voted along with me to be Jenna Fischer's pool boy.


I got very verklempt watching the last Letterman last night. I think it'll be worse in about a month, when I look at my DVR which has about 2 months of saved Letterman shows and I'll have like, 7% space left on the DVR and start going "okay what shows do I delete?" "Which shows get the blue 'never delete unless nuclear apocalypse' button?"

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I am trying to figure out how to transfer stuff from my DVR to a hard disk elsewhere, so I can delete stuff I've been saving for years now. DirecTV keeps trying to get me to return my DVR for a newer model, but there's stuff I want to save, so I keep telling them NO. I feel like this should be do-able. But I need to wait for a day when I have super-functional brains, and not my usual mashed potatoes in the cranium.


LL, what have YOU been doing?

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I like to leave stuff on the TIVO for long periods of time. My husband does not. He is constantly deleting stuff I was saving. I have all 10 episodes of the Librarians on there (I swear I'm going to watch it!) and 3 episodes of the recently cancelled Backstrom. But I'll definitely watch the last few Backstroms. I really liked that show. Rainn Wilson was pretty great. 

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