Pete Martell March 9, 2015 Share March 9, 2015 Today's episode will be, so I may as well blather out my review of last week while it's still somewhat fresh. The show has so many different stories going on. While I don't really love most of them, most are decent, and are building along at a solid pace. I'm glad to get various plots that use a large chunk of the cast, especially since I don't think the "big" stories on the show are all that exciting at the moment (with exceptions, like a few of the post-Katie episodes). So, ranking from the stories I felt strongest to weakest... - Andy's grieving. I'm not much of an Andy fan, never have been, but I think Kelvin Fletcher is in his best range in this type of plot. Little scenes like Andy crumpling up Sarah's drawing without even realizing it, thus pushing her away, pack a big punch. I also like that we are seeing there is no "right" way to get him to move on, no matter how much some of his family is insistent on trying to control his grief. The scenes with Bernice and Tracy were extremely unpleasant, and clearly not just Andy trying to get a leg over, regardless of some how fans spun it. I just hope the story won't become entirely about "saving" Andy from Tracy. - Diary of a Maurel Housewife. This is one of those stories that works in a slow buildup, and Charlotte Bellamy is a very good actress who can play all the beats. Getting people to lie for her, not wanting to drink but not being able to stop herself, being so happy about a potential new job only for Marlon to fall asleep during her presentation, further showing the distance between them. I like that this is not based on some big melodrama where she sees him cheating or whatever - he's being nice, by Marlon standards, but there's so much going on and she feels worthless and has nowhere to go but down. I also love seeing Ashley so friendly with his ex-wives. Ashley is a good man with a kind heart - we need more of those on soaps. - Alicia aftermath. I would have put this at the top if not for the OTT, horrific way Chrissie was written on Monday's episode, and the decision to close the investigation so early. I think these writing choices sent a bad message to rape victims and the Chrissie material felt like cheap, poorly acted theatrics. Everything outside of this was very strong, especially Leyla convincing Alicia to wear her regular clothes and not be ashamed, and Alicia trying and failing to have sex with David. Natalie Anderson, Roxy Shaidi, Matthew Wolfenden, and the boy who plays Jacob were all on top form throughout the week. I'm so glad 98% of the village supports Alicia and that David also supports her, instead of this being a question mark just for a few screamy teary scenes. I wish Collinson had done this in that awful domestic violence story with Tyrone on Corrie. - Val's HIV. I could have done without the days of coughing and the life or death hospital scenes. It was all just a bit overdone, although Chris Chittell (Eric) was much better than I'd expected in the hospital scenes. I thought Friday's episode was much more true to Val and to her family, and I think the message of the story (trying to deal with your HIV instead of ignoring it) is necessary. Paul's visit was believable and added to the story (and I'm so glad to have finally gotten to see him with Bernice onscreen), and I really liked the connection between Finn and the nurse, Darren. Joe Gill is hit or miss in dramatic scenes but he had some moments here, like talking to Darren about Val being his mother figure. And the scene where she teased him for pulling while she was on her deathbed was perfect. - Tracy and Kerry. It gets a bit tiring to see Tracy exist solely as some slapper the entire village hates or tolerates and she moves from set to set being sour. I hope this isn't going to continue to be her only purpose, especially now that she's with Andy. As much as some of the scenes with Kerry and Tracy felt repetitive, Kerry had some hilarious lines (my favorite was the one where she confronted Dan about eating with Tracy, reminding him that they'd hooked up over a pot noodle - when he said they hadn't, she just said, "Oh. Must have been someone else then" and awkwardly changed the subject). - Pearl pissing her money away. This is the second time she's lost all her money through silly schemes or through addictions, so I can't say it's OOC, but it's not all that interesting to watch. I like Pearl, and Meg Johnson, but I prefer her as a comic supporting character. Link to comment
TeeVee329 March 9, 2015 Share March 9, 2015 (edited) I loved both Lisa and Kerry ("You alright? Son been doing any rapes today?") cutting right through Chrissie's bullshit. I think the show made a huge mistake with Chrissie, she's been such a cypher, she's mostly viewed as the obstacle for Robert/Aaron, and now she's on a team by herself against all the characters the audience actually likes. I swear, that kid playing Jacob is growing like a weed. Edited March 9, 2015 by TeeVee329 1 Link to comment
TeeVee329 March 11, 2015 Share March 11, 2015 (edited) I liked the little story today of Brenda being upset about Nikhil having a girlfriend and I thought Leyla using Terry to illustrate that moving on doesn't mean you don't love the person you lost was a nice touch. "Your family all around you. Mine too, albeit in the graveyard." Oh Jimmy! Edited March 11, 2015 by TeeVee329 1 Link to comment
Pete Martell March 11, 2015 Share March 11, 2015 I really appreciated the casual use of history throughout the episode, like when Bob told Brenda that he never forgets Dawn. Soaps tend to only be mentioned for history when they forget it, but they should be praised when they remember it. I'm enjoying Laurel's story more than I probably should, but Monday's episode had some great scenes, especially the deep shame on her face when Bernice said she was relieved to realize Laurel wasn't a perfect mother. Link to comment
TeeVee329 March 11, 2015 Share March 11, 2015 (edited) And it was actually some smart, subtle set-up for Carly Hope blowing into their lives today. There's Brenda, who had one adopted child she loved with all her heart who she lost too young. And there's Bob, who was lamenting one daughter's death while so disconnected from his other daughter, one of his many children, that he didn't even recognize her phone number. I don't know anything about Gemma Atkinson (I guess she's a big deal in the UK?), but I liked Carly straight off when she told stupid Tracy to get stuffed. Edited March 12, 2015 by TeeVee329 Link to comment
Amello March 12, 2015 Share March 12, 2015 She was very popular on Hollyoaks, playing Lisa Hunter, enough so that they gave her and her character's boyfriend a spin-off, Hollyoaks: In the City. That didn't last long, however. The actress playing Harriet played her mother on Hollyoaks. Link to comment
TeeVee329 March 12, 2015 Share March 12, 2015 The actress playing Harriet played her mother on Hollyoaks. Interesting. A U.S. soap wouldn't be able to resist a "You remind me of my mum!" scene, but that doesn't seem to be "Emmerdale"'s style. So Bob's kids are - Dawn and Jamie (who share a mother), Carly and Josh (who share a mother. And Josh was played by Marc Silcock, right?), and Cathy and Heath. Am I forgetting any? Link to comment
Amello March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 (edited) You are right about Silcock playing Josh. To add to the Harriet/Carly thing, Jamie (Alex Carter) was Carly's brother/Harriet's son on Hollyoaks as well. Anyway, you forgot Roxy. She was conceived in between Dawn/Jamie and Carly/Josh. He had married an American exotic dancer, divorcing 24 hours later. Unlike the first two pairs of children, he never knew Roxy existed until Viv (the mother of Cathy/Heath) tracked her down. Edited March 13, 2015 by Amello Link to comment
Pete Martell March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 The show is really bending over backwards to make us pity Chrissie and Lachlan, to the point of having Lawrence tell Robert what if Chrissie turns against you (AKA don't forget that Robert and Katie is as bad as Lachlan sexually assaulting and harassing three women), and having Alicia convince Chas that she has no right to judge because of Aaron (essentially saying Aaron is just like a rapist, and that Chas would shout vile abuse at his rape victims in the street). Alicia is the victim here, not Chrissie or Lachlan. And making Alicia hurt herself emotionally for Chrissie's pity parties just makes me dislike Chrissie even more. Link to comment
atlanticslide March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 I really, 100% disagree that the show is trying to make us pity Lachlan. Chrissie? Yes, definitely, we're supposed to feel sorry for her (even though she accused an assault victim of being a pedophile), but Lachlan has not been portrayed as sympathetic, at all. I don't think the Lawrence/Robert exchange was about comparing their offenses but a clunky way to remind the audience that Robert's a shady character who has a secret that's going to come out and rock Chrissie's world soon enough. Alicia didn't chastise Chas about Aaron, she chastised Bernice and then Chas chastised herself. And all of the Alicia/Chrissie stuff seems to me that it's about needing to dial back the isolation of the White family and give Chrissie some connections in the village. The show went a bit overboard with ostracizing the family so quickly after their debut that I think now they're trying to pull back and make Chrissie more likable again, especially as they shift back into the Robert/Aaron affair storyline. Link to comment
Gulftastic March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 I like Chrissie. I hope this whole mess doesn't lead to her being driven away from the Village. Her and Alicia could be good friends. Link to comment
backhometome March 26, 2015 Share March 26, 2015 Bring Robert/Aaron back and I'm back to watching. Those scenes today were so good. Their chemistry alone is really great. Especially when they were on the stairs and Robert was leaning down talking to Aaron. I do think Robert cares about Aaron and I think his ILY was as genuine as he can be. Do I think it had some element to manipulation? yes. But I do think he has feelings for him and doesn't know what it means. Oh, and give me all the Ross/Robert scenes. Those 2 are hilarious. 1 Link to comment
Pete Martell March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 Nothing all that thrilling here, but Emmerdale's Youtube account has started posting deleted scenes. It's a neat idea, and yay for this happening with a soap I actually WANT to watch (looking at you GH). Hopefully more will be out in future. Link to comment
Pete Martell March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 Alicia didn't chastise Chas about Aaron, she chastised Bernice and then Chas chastised herself. I said she convinced Chas. She didn't chastise her, she just said they shouldn't judge Chrissie. That led into Chas' bit about not judging a parent by their child, which is what annoyed me, both because Aaron was never Lachlan, even at his worst, and Chas was never Chrissie. Chas defended Aaron but not blindly. I don't know what they're doing with Lachlan, but I do feel like they want viewers to have some sympathy for him. The writing for him tends to be all over the place though - the way he and Lawrence were moping around Home Farm, I would have thought Chrissie had grounded him for breaking a lamp. I get the idea of not writing a rapist as pure evil, and instead trying to show his lack of connection to society and emotion, but it's a very thin line and I hope they don't go too far in any one direction (like correlating Aaron/Robert and Lachlan too much, or having Alicia hurt herself having to defend mother and son). I don't mind Chrissie, but it's going to be tough for me to get past what she said to Alicia. I think the writing failed there. Link to comment
atlanticslide March 29, 2015 Share March 29, 2015 I get the idea of not writing a rapist as pure evil, and instead trying to show his lack of connection to society and emotion, but it's a very thin line and I hope they don't go too far in any one direction (like correlating Aaron/Robert and Lachlan too much, or having Alicia hurt herself having to defend mother and son). I just don't really see where they're writing Lachlan as in any way sympathetic. Like you said, he's moping around like what he's done is no big deal, and meanwhile we're seeing how Alicia is suffering, how David is suffering, how Chrissie is suffering, how the village is shunning the family. None of that makes Lachlan look sympathetic. The fact that he hasn't shown an ounce of remorse makes him look pretty unsympathetic. I'm not seeing any connected between what he's done and what Robert is doing. I actually think that if they really didn't want to make Lachlan sympathetic and/or redeemable, they should have made him delusional and really believe that he was in a relationship with Alicia and think that their first kiss happened the way he described. Then at least they could send him off to get psychiatric help, maybe. As it is, I'm not seeing anything redeemable about the character and now signs that the show wants us to see him that way. Link to comment
Pete Martell March 29, 2015 Share March 29, 2015 I just don't really see where they're writing Lachlan as in any way sympathetic. Like you said, he's moping around like what he's done is no big deal, and meanwhile we're seeing how Alicia is suffering, how David is suffering, how Chrissie is suffering, how the village is shunning the family. None of that makes Lachlan look sympathetic. The fact that he hasn't shown an ounce of remorse makes him look pretty unsympathetic. I'm not seeing any connected between what he's done and what Robert is doing. I actually think that if they really didn't want to make Lachlan sympathetic and/or redeemable, they should have made him delusional and really believe that he was in a relationship with Alicia and think that their first kiss happened the way he described. Then at least they could send him off to get psychiatric help, maybe. As it is, I'm not seeing anything redeemable about the character and now signs that the show wants us to see him that way. I actually thought they were saying he thought his relationship with Alicia was real. That's how he came across to me before and in the few days after the attack. He only started to lie when pressed for details and when confronted with the truth. Scenes like Lachlan pouting and Chrissie consoling him and telling him they'll get through it are what I mean by sympathetic. That and David kidnapping him and him crying and being scared. I feel like that clumsy scene with Lawrence asking Robert if he'd want Chrissie to be there for him when he faced criminal charges was some attempt to compare the two stories. As a result of that I've seen some fans saying that this is some attempt to "show" that Robert should have to face the justice Lachlan is facing, which, if that's what the show is trying to say, it doesn't work for me, because, while the story has been strong in other areas (mainly Alicia and her family and their reactions), I haven't felt any particular urgency on the show's part about Lachlan or his actions. He sexually assaulted and/or harassed three different women and the focus ends up being on Chrissie feeling isolated in the pub. Link to comment
Pete Martell March 31, 2015 Share March 31, 2015 (edited) Val's behavior toward Finn and Darren has been disgusting. Smashing up that car made me angry. She's lucky she doesn't get charged with a hate crime. This is a more extreme version of typical Val - selfish, insecure, hurtful and malicious to the people in her life because of said insecurities. But Finn is not one of her children, or Diane, who always felt obligated to tolerate her or forgive her because she's their mother or their sister - she's just Val. Finn should not forgive or forget this for a long time. If I were him, I'd never speak to her again. I understood why Darren was more doubtful of Finn today, with the phone being near his car, but it's still disappointing that instead of seeing their relationship, we just see Darren being persecuted and taking it out on Finn. This story, whatever noble goal it may have, just essentially tells HIV-positive people not to date HIV-negative people, and makes Val seem unhinged due to having HIV. I really, really, really think the show needs another HIV positive character besides Val if Darren leaves soon. If they are going to do "issue" stories about HIV, it can't just be on her. She's too toxic, and it sends out a terrible message to the public. I'm not all that thrilled with Ross' behavior here either - he's been consistently unsupportive. I hope Finn isn't going to just let this slide.They obviously wanted to make sure Finn had NO support here, other than Victoria, but this story really needed Pete (I never thought I'd be typing that). Edited March 31, 2015 by Pete Martell Link to comment
Pete Martell April 1, 2015 Share April 1, 2015 Today was one of the first days I thought they got the story with Finn and Val right. Finn was appropriately hostile and dismissive toward Ross and Emma after their attitude, it made sense for him to blame Emma, and it made sense for him to be simultaneously sickened, hurt, and furious with Val. I hope he won’t forget this for a long time. This isn’t the type of material I think most suits Joe Gill, but it was a strong performance from him (and I’m glad they let his hair be more natural). I still don’t think anything justifies Val’s behavior, but I’m glad we got to hear her explanation, and we got to see Eric (the person who knows her best) be so disgusted as well. He pointed out what had to be pointed out - that she was hurting her supposed cause, that she was a hypocrite, that she had no right to act this way. I love that Finn is adorkable and awkward and all the rest, but I hope this episode is a start of him becoming tougher, because he’s been so alone throughout this with Darren, even when he was accused of vandalizing a car and for all his family knew, being arrested, that it has to leave a mark. Link to comment
Chas411 April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 I've always despised Laurel since her affair with Marlon but this drinking storyline has her at her lowest. I understand it's an addiction/disease. Perhaps if they'd chosen a more likeable character Id have more sympathy. Also I wonder if her resentment of April is going to take a darker turn. Especially since the hospital incident.. I already miss Nicola. I'll out all my money on it that Bernice and Jimmy will have a one night stand before she makes her return from Dubai. Link to comment
TeeVee329 April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 I've fallen behind, has Laurel hit rock bottom yet? Link to comment
LNDNgirl April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 I'm really enjoying the storyline with Laurel. I like the character, so maybe that's why I really feel for her. Charlotte Bellamy has done a great job portraying Laurel's descent into her alcoholism, and with all that she's been through since getting with Marlon it's believable. I'm interested to see how this storyline progresses, as well as the one with Robert and Aaron. Everything else I'm kind of ...meh. Link to comment
Chas411 April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 Everytime I think Laurel can't hit a new low - making April lie about finding her drink and having to go to hospital, peeing herself, making out that Kerrie spiked her drink - she does - telling Marlon that April started asking about Daniel and that's why she was acting weirdly. I've a feeling that there's more to come and I'm wondering just how low she'll sink before everyone stops coddling her. Vanessa sure has a thing for the younger men. I wonder how long her and Adam's secret will keep. It was nearly worth it for the funny Adam/Aaron scenes we got with them trying to ruin her phone. Link to comment
Pete Martell April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 I don't know what they're doing with Ashley and Laurel. The bit where she ran her hand down his face made me wonder. I still think they have chemistry, but I don't think they should go back. Not after the way she treated him.I just hope this story isn't already peaking, because I'm starting to really get into it. Her scenes lashing out at people, shoving Marlon, and being so truly lost with Ashley, Ashley pitying her as she cut her hand and was so drunk she didn't even realize what had happened - amazing stuff. Amazing amazing work from Charlotte Bellamy. I am loving her performances. I know a lot of fans will always hate Laurel, but at least appreciate the actress. Danny Miller and Ryan Hawley have so much chemistry, not just in passion, but in tenderness and small intimate moments. I never thought I'd see Aaron rubbing noses with a boyfriend. Yet here he is. And it works. I know that the relationship will be over when the secret comes out, so we get these endless breakups instead, but I wish the show had given them the chance to be a proper couple. Pearl was so rude to Eric after he bought her out of her house. It was as if whoever wrote that episode was writing for Eric circa 2005, not 2015. He's not a saint even now but he's mellowed far too much to warrant that behavior from her. Link to comment
Pete Martell April 9, 2015 Share April 9, 2015 On the positive side of today’s scenes: - There was far more caring, loving Robert than I’d expected. Don’t try to tell me that he’s just manipulating Aaron or only wants him for sex. It’s become far more. It’s also obvious to me that if he pulls away it’s not down to being fickle, and it’s not what he wants to do. - Lucy and Ryan were both very good. It’s always better to see Chas with bite than whining and pouting, and Robert was genuinely panicked and desperate throughout the episode. - The location work was wonderful, especially the faraway shot after Robert put his coat on Aaron. - I didn’t mind the Bob/Carly scenes as much as many did. I thought they were an interesting contrast to Aaron and Chas, and I actually think this is a case where less was more with Aaron/Robert/Chas. - I'm still invested in Laurel's story, and having so much of it be about lack of trust along with her drinking problem makes sense. On the negative side: - I still don’t believe Robert would kill Chas. Whoever directed this episode pared it down as much as they could to try to make us see that it was pure rage and in the heat of the moment - and that is in character for Robert - but it is still just rushed. And I still have no idea whether they are doing these things to make us see Robert as a villain or beyond redemption, given that he has many other moments of caring. It just feels like a stunt and along with Danny’s new interview, makes me continue to believe they have no real idea where this story is going. - Chas’ character is really being sacrificed to add to drama. She’d never do all that smirking while trying to find her missing son, and she’d certainly never say all those “You’d better give Chrissie one last kiss goodbye,” theatrics while her son is unconscious and being taken away in an ambulance. She would be far more concerned than she was today. It was baffling. This isn’t real life but you can still write characters true to their nature. Otherwise we lose our connection to them, and to the show. - My eyes went back in my head when Finn was talking about being tired of Darren texting him so much. He and Darren have only been back together a few days and already it's moved on to Finn wanting to break up. What is WITH the writing in this story? It's just terrible. I've rarely seen a soap relationship that takes place 98% offcamera. Link to comment
Gulftastic April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 I desperately need to see Lochlan getting his head kicked in. What an evil little git. 1 Link to comment
Pete Martell April 15, 2015 Share April 15, 2015 I desperately need to see Lochlan getting his head kicked in. What an evil little git. At least then he'd have a reason to wear the cap. Link to comment
LNDNgirl April 15, 2015 Share April 15, 2015 Ugh. How much do I dislike Rachel? Didn't like her during her first stint, and really dislike her now. So because she had a one night stand with jai and had his child, she deserves to be hired by him, be a supervisor and get paid more than the others who've worked there for ages? Even though he already pays her child support? And then to top it off, she lies and tries to set up Belle, who she knows has recently suffered some serious mental health issues, and make Belle doubt herself? What a bitch. Link to comment
Gulftastic April 15, 2015 Share April 15, 2015 Didn't mind Rachel in her first stint. I liked her and Sam together. As far as I can see, they've brought her back and changed her to being horrible specifically so they can write her out again without her being the 'wronged party', and with us all thinking it's right that she leave. This is speculation on my part. 1 Link to comment
Pete Martell April 17, 2015 Share April 17, 2015 Paula Tilbrook (Betty) is retiring, and will return for a few episodes in May for Betty's exit story. Link to comment
Pete Martell April 17, 2015 Share April 17, 2015 Didn't mind Rachel in her first stint. I liked her and Sam together. As far as I can see, they've brought her back and changed her to being horrible specifically so they can write her out again without her being the 'wronged party', and with us all thinking it's right that she leave. This is speculation on my part. I totally agree. With that said, yesterday was the first time I thought the show believably explained why she's acting the way she is. Most of the time they just have her scowling through heavy eye makeup. Link to comment
Pete Martell April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 Link to comment
Pete Martell April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 (edited) Seeing that article about characters being killed this summer...that often means little (in 2006 there was a show home explosion, caused by Saint Cain, that killed three “characters,” but the only one with a real history on the show was Dawn Woods, Bob’s daughter), but even if more die this time around, I can’t see anyone like Chas or Robert dying. Chas because the show has put her in such a central role and Lucy Pargeter seems content to be with the show. Robert because the Katie secret hasn’t been revealed and I can’t see it being revealed this summer. So, of the characters I could believably see dying, and choosing to believe the rumors that the Spencers will be leaving this month before this occurs, my guesses for possible deaths are: Tracy, Lawrence (these two are my strongest bets, especially Lawrence, who has gone from a grey character to a truly vile man) Kirin, Rakesh (although I hope I am wrong about Rakesh) Pete or James (I’m leaning toward Pete because he has no real storyline, his death would keep a guilt-ridden Debbie from Ross for a while, and if Emma is responsible for whatever happens, then it would lead to where I think her story will end - Ross ultimately murdering her) Rishi or Megan (I keep forgetting Megan is even still on the show...and wouldn't Jai inherit her fortune?) Harriet (not something I want to see, but she has no real ties to the show beyond Ashley, and viewers would be sad to see her go) For major deaths, I can see as possibilities: Bernice (although again this is not something I want to see - I’d even take the inevitable affair story with Jimmy to avoid this) Leyla (again not what I want to see - and it would just make poor Alicia even more of a shell) Adam (again not what I want, but it would add a different angle to Vanessa’s pregnancy story, like maybe Moira suing for custody when she learns the truth) Doug (I could see a scenario where he and Laurel are trapped, he’s injured, and Laurel is too drunk to help him) Edited April 19, 2015 by Pete Martell 2 Link to comment
Gulftastic April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 (edited) I love your idea of Laurel being too drunk to save her Dad. Although I'd be even happier to swap Marlon for Doug, just to be rid of him. Edited April 19, 2015 by Gulftastic 1 Link to comment
Pete Martell April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 I love your idea of Laurel being too drunk to save her Dad. Although I'd be even happier to swap Marlon for Doug, just to be rid of him. I'd rather it be Marlon too, but I think for all the "Dingles might die!!!" stuff, the show likely won't kill off any Dingles unless the actors want to leave the show. As talented as I think James Hooten is, I think it's time for Sam to go, and his death would likely be the one that would be easiest to write (the only question is what would happen to poor Samson), but I can't see that happening either. A US soap, Another World, had a harrowing story about 20 years ago where an alcoholic woman was at a cabin with her adopted daughter (who'd always refused to listen to the people who'd insisted her mother had a serious drinking problem). The daughter was several months pregnant. She started having pains and her mother was too drunk to even be able to make a simple phone call. They were eventually found, but she lost her baby (I think they then said she would have lost it anyway, just so viewers wouldn't be too disgusted, I guess), and it was the final, horrible wakeup call. That type of story is something I think Charlotte Bellamy could play the hell out of. Link to comment
Chas411 April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 Aaron is quickly becoming so unlikeable throughout this Robert/Aaron affair. Hes so pathetic I can't believe how Robert is playing him and he's always falling for it. James came off more likeable in the whole Emma/Chas mess then I thought he would. I quite like him and I thought Aaron bottling him from behind was a pathetic and cowardly move ever. I'm glad James called him on his behaviour before he did it though. Everything he said was correct. I realised I haven't seen or heard a mention of Vanessa or her or Adams one night stand so I guarantee her next scenes will go hand in hand with a pregnant test (not spoiled just seems the obvious soapy route). I really like Ross and can now finally tolerate Pete so I'm dreading, dreading the inevitable love triangle that's so obviously coming with Debbie. I Hate love triangles. I never route for the ~starcrossed couple or whatever and really don't want to watch the brothers and family all fall apart because of it. Once with the Sugdens was enough. Link to comment
Pete Martell April 20, 2015 Share April 20, 2015 (edited) Aaron is quickly becoming so unlikeable throughout this Robert/Aaron affair. Hes so pathetic I can't believe how Robert is playing him and he's always falling for it. James came off more likeable in the whole Emma/Chas mess then I thought he would. I quite like him and I thought Aaron bottling him from behind was a pathetic and cowardly move ever. I'm glad James called him on his behaviour before he did it though. Everything he said was correct. I'd have had more use for James' comments if they hadn't come across like lashing out at Aaron because he didn't have the guts to say those things to Chas. He's never been close to Aaron, he was actually quite nasty to Aaron over that stupidity with the car that was scrapped, and he only started wanting to get involved when he became jealous of Paddy. Instead of just ignoring Aaron and leaving, he took it out on him. I was also annoyed when he hissed at Emma that she was "poison." He's the one that had sex with Emma. He knew how unstable she was. That's the reason he kicked her out in the first place. He's the one that had the chance to tell Chas first. I feel like they had him choose not to press charges against Aaron, while Emma called the cops, to tell us he was "good" and she was "bad." What bothers me with Aaron is that he does things or things happen to him but it doesn't develop. It's all drama. That he smashed a bottle over someone's head, in a full pub, and is just going to go back to his daily routine - even for a soap that's something that is a big stretch. I think they need to move this character forward before they burn him out. At the very least his family should be concerned about how much he's checked out mentally. He didn't even care about being arrested. I don't think the affair is doing this to him, or that Robert is somehow manipulating him at this point. He has longstanding mental issues that aren't being addressed. The show hints at them through the self-harm, but they never take the time to deal with them. I just hope it doesn't burn the character out. Where was Adam in any of this? You'd think that with his father and with Aaron both being involved, he'd have some type of role in it. Edited April 20, 2015 by Pete Martell Link to comment
Chas411 April 21, 2015 Share April 21, 2015 I think Emma's actions in general tell us she's bad. She's been shown to manipulate lots of characters. I think James just didn't want any further trouble for Chas which is why he didn't press charges. Belle is finally becoming enjoyable to watch again. I hope she doesn't go off on one when she finds out that Lisa is paying for her. Link to comment
atlanticslide April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 What bothers me with Aaron is that he does things or things happen to him but it doesn't develop. It's all drama. That he smashed a bottle over someone's head, in a full pub, and is just going to go back to his daily routine - even for a soap that's something that is a big stretch. I think they need to move this character forward before they burn him out. At the very least his family should be concerned about how much he's checked out mentally. He didn't even care about being arrested. I don't think the affair is doing this to him, or that Robert is somehow manipulating him at this point. He has longstanding mental issues that aren't being addressed. The show hints at them through the self-harm, but they never take the time to deal with them. I just hope it doesn't burn the character out. Yeah, I love Aaron but I'm getting a little tired of the constant circle of this affair. It's gotten very stale and neither character seems to be going anywhere. Everything that's happened with Aaron recently - hitting James with the bottle, getting injured and landing in the hospital, running as a new way to self-harm - all feel like they've been events that aren't really about Aaron, but I can't even figure out who or what they're about other than moments of drama. It doesn't feel like we're building towards anything either with the affair or with Aaron as a character, which is disappointing. I think Emma's actions in general tell us she's bad. She's been shown to manipulate lots of characters. I think James just didn't want any further trouble for Chas which is why he didn't press charges. I agree. James is certainly not blameless in this situation and I really hope Chas doesn't take him back (although it seems like they're already hinting at that) but Emma has been sneaky and manipulative from day 1 on the show. I also agree with whoever upthread said that James doesn't really have the right to lash out at Aaron. He may have been right in some of what he said, but by coincidence more than anything. He doesn't know Aaron, has no relationship with him, and his hurt feelings at being left out of the loop with regards to Aaron are completely about him being jealous of Paddy and have nothing to do with Aaron at all. Link to comment
TeeVee329 April 27, 2015 Share April 27, 2015 Vanessa getting pregnant after her one-night stand with Adam is such a boring retread of Rachel getting pregnant after her one-night stand with Jai. I know it's a soap staple, but in this case, it really feels been there, didn't we just see that? Link to comment
Pete Martell April 27, 2015 Share April 27, 2015 I was on a break from the show at that time, but the retread doesn't bother me that much, mostly because I think it will be good family drama for Adam and Moira, at least if they write it properly. Link to comment
Gulftastic April 27, 2015 Share April 27, 2015 I can't do with Adam in nearly any plot. His shouty acting gets on my last nerve. Link to comment
atlanticslide April 28, 2015 Share April 28, 2015 Vanessa getting pregnant after her one-night stand with Adam is such a boring retread of Rachel getting pregnant after her one-night stand with Jai. I know it's a soap staple, but in this case, it really feels been there, didn't we just see that? Yup. We just saw that on every soap ever, pretty much every year, at least. I could not possibly care less about accidental pregnancy storylines anymore. I have no idea why soap writers are still so married to this trope. It's so beyond tired and played out. Link to comment
Pete Martell April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Very good interview with Samantha Giles (Bernice). 1 Link to comment
Pete Martell April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 (edited) British Soap Awards shortlist. ED nominations: Best Show Best Actress (Natalie Anderson) Best Actor (Michael Parr) (those are half-public, half-panel votes) Panel nominations Villain of the YearRyan Hawley (Robert Sugden, Emmerdale) Best Comedy PerformanceLaura Norton (Kerry Wyatt, Emmerdale) Best NewcomerRyan Hawley (Robert Sugden, Emmerdale) Best StorylineDonna's Demise (Emmerdale) Best Single EpisodeAndy goes to the brink (Emmerdale) Best Dramatic PerformanceNatalie Anderson (Alicia Metcalfe, Emmerdale) Best On-Screen PartnershipVerity Rushworth and Michael Parr (Donna Windsor and Ross Barton, Emmerdale) Best Young PerformanceAmelia Flanagan (April Windsor, Emmerdale) Scene of the YearDonna's goodbye (Emmerdale) Edited April 30, 2015 by Pete Martell Link to comment
Pete Martell May 3, 2015 Share May 3, 2015 Some of the cast at a ball for Danny Miller's charity. Link to comment
LNDNgirl May 3, 2015 Share May 3, 2015 I'm really enjoying this Laurel storyline. Charlotte Bellamy has been doing a fantastic job portraying Laurel, especially during the drunk scenes. I had to watch Thursday and Friday's episodes again, because I was that impressed by her acting, her facial expressions, her body movement. You would think all that she's experienced ( April mistakenly drinking her drink, lying about April questioning her about her dead son, breaking into the pavillion just to get alcohol, almost choking to death on her own vomit) would be enough to face up to the fact that she does have a drinking problem, and a very serious one, but from what I've seen there's still more to come with her. I think I started viewing just before Laurel and Marlon got together, so I don't really have an issue with them together like many seem to have. I think they work well together. *shrug* Link to comment
LNDNgirl May 3, 2015 Share May 3, 2015 choosing to believe the rumors that the Spencers will be leaving this month before this occur Well I guess the current storyline with Sean confirms thier leaving. Any info as to whether the leave is permanent? Wont' miss Ali, but would like for Ruby and Dan to stay. Link to comment
Amello May 3, 2015 Share May 3, 2015 (edited) Well I guess the current storyline with Sean confirms thier leaving. Any info as to whether the leave is permanent? Wont' miss Ali, but would like for Ruby and Dan to stay. In a recent interview with Kate Oates, the series producer, she said Ali and Ruby will return eventually. Edited May 3, 2015 by Amello Link to comment
Pete Martell May 3, 2015 Share May 3, 2015 Well I guess the current storyline with Sean confirms thier leaving. Any info as to whether the leave is permanent? Wont' miss Ali, but would like for Ruby and Dan to stay. Dan is staying and will be taking care of Amelia. Like Amello said, Oates says they'll be back. I do wonder, but we'll see. I really would like to see Ruby come back - she's a decent enough supporting player and adds some warmth and wry humor. Ali...not so much. Link to comment
atlanticslide May 3, 2015 Share May 3, 2015 Dan is staying and will be taking care of Amelia. Like Amello said, Oates says they'll be back. I do wonder, but we'll see. I really would like to see Ruby come back - she's a decent enough supporting player and adds some warmth and wry humor. Ali...not so much. Oh, that's good. I like Amelia and I can take or leave Dan, but I love Kerri so Dan can stay. Ruby I can similarly take or leave, but I really dislike Ali. I'd be happy if they took Sam and Rachel with them on their way out of town. Link to comment
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