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The rest - if they weren't there I wouldn't care, if they are I'm not put off (well, I could live with little to no Alexis)


This show is Castle and Beckett - no Castle, no show, no Beckett, no show.   They are like coffee and chocolate, they go together, they belong together.  It's why this season isn't really hitting the mark with so many fans.....it's balance has been thrown off by various factors affecting the storytelling and it's sooooooo disappointing.  For me it's like removing the engine of a car....a car isn't gonna go very far if you take out its engine.  Castle and Beckett being together, working together is the engine of this show and has been for 7 seasons.  Taking it away from fans after 7 seasons is mindblowing in epic proportions.  Does anyone here really think this is still just about storytelling?? 


If they can't find a way to make the show without both of them being together they really should quit while they are ever so slightly still ahead.....

  • Love 4

This show is, IMO, best when it's FUN and entertaining. I don't need them to try to be edgy and dramatic and hit the reset button in a lame attempt to shake things up. I would have been immensely happy with a Hart to Hart type of thing---a bantering but solidly together couple who solve crimes and deal with external conflicts in lieu of serious relationship angst along the way. I never wanted this show to try to push any envelopes or be darker and more dramatic---I just wanted it to do what it used to do so well. This "new direction" isn't making things interesting to me, just aggravating for all the reasons you guys have articulated so well in other threads.


Sorry to do this but borrowing from your profile name, amen, sister friend! Could not have said better myself. Where did this show go? When and more importantly, can it ever come back from this mess?



And while I hold the related UO of thinking that I COULD enjoy Rick Castle even without Beckett, depending on the writing and other characters he was paired with, in my UO Beckett needs Castle around to be remotely likable and entertaining to me at this point. Otherwise she's just a joyless, dour, strangely narcissistic, generic comic book "badass" who's preternaturally amazing at everything in the world other than having an actual personality and who sucks the energy from most of her scenes. For me, Beckett needs Castle to lighten her up, tap into her more soft and human side, and change that glower into a smile. Castle obviously has MANY flaws---arguably far more than the dully 'perfect' Beckett often does---but at least I can still enjoy him as a character in scenes with people other than Beckett. In fact, I may as well amp up the unpopularity and admit that at this point I might find him MORE enjoyable when in scenes with people other than Beckett. As much as I've loved their pairing at times, I'm now struggling to remember why I want them to be together. I'd almost rather Castle be single again or eventually paired with, say, an endearingly geeky woman or just someone who brings more joy and humor to the show.

These new season and "reset" leave me struggling with both of them. Both have changed over the seasons but at this point they seem like puppets or caricatures of their former selves.

I too have enjoyed some of Castle's scenes without Beckett this season, while I have not found much to like about Beckett and her story. And I am firmly in the Castle and Beckett should be together camp. I like both of them and their story (with many of the usual exceptions most people here have) over the 7 seasons.

For me, this show has always been about the magic of the 2 of them working and being together. Not sure that I could enjoy a Beckett-less Castle, despite the mess they've made of them as characters and as a couple. If I get to that point, I have a feeling I won't be able to enjoy the show overall any more.

Wish Beckett could be as you said, the "endearingly geeky woman or just someone who brings more joy and humor to the show." for Castle (and for herself too!). I've seen flashes of that in the past, but this obsessed, cookie cutter supercop is hard to root for, hard to watch and making me sad.

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I think the Show Runners and writers have painted the character into such a corner I don't think she will ever be credible in a relationship with Castle or anyone.  I wait for her next lie, oh yea no more secrets, so she is living it and the lunacy of any man who would take that much crap from any woman is totally ridiculous.

Yeah sorry to say it but the showrunners are getting very close to making this a toxic relationship to me, it was bad enough him losing his balls in the Watershed finale and going cap in hand to marry her in the most miserable proposal of all time but this is much worse. I can't imagine any guy putting up with this to the extent Castle is doing and the way they're portraying their relationship it wouldn't matter what she did he would accept it and take her back and she knows it. That makes the relationship unbalanced and not remotely healthy or romantic. 


I honestly don't know how they can make it right again. If this was real life their marriage would be doomed. I still ship them right now because I've been following this couple for 7 years and I'm not willing to give up on them yet but my resolve is being sorely tested with every passing episode. If this carries on I'll be willing Castle to ditch her and hit the dating scene so that I can get back to seeing the guy who was so full of life, fun and confidence again.


I've coming to sad conclusion that both of them might be better off working together as friends and dating other people and in Beckett's case have casual relationships where her selfishness and crusade for justice doesn't impinge on the other person too much, she's someone I could never see holding down a stable relationship given her constant spate of emotional upheavals and issues. I never thought I'd be saying this in a million years after Always aired but thanks to the missteps in the writing here I am.

Edited by verdana
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And while I hold the related UO of thinking that I COULD enjoy Rick Castle even without Beckett, depending on the writing and other characters he was paired with, in my UO Beckett needs Castle around to be remotely likable and entertaining to me at this point. Otherwise she's just a joyless, dour, strangely narcissistic, generic comic book "badass" who's preternaturally amazing at everything in the world other than having an actual personality and who sucks the energy from most of her scenes. For me, Beckett needs Castle to lighten her up, tap into her more soft and human side, and change that glower into a smile. Castle obviously has MANY flaws---arguably far more than the dully 'perfect' Beckett often does---but at least I can still enjoy him as a character in scenes with people other than Beckett. In fact, I may as well amp up the unpopularity and admit that at this point I might find him MORE enjoyable when in scenes with people other than Beckett. 

I need him with Beckett because that's where the magic is (although it's fading sadly) always has been for me but over time both have been squashed and changed not as a result of organic storytelling but due to the whims of the writers who have twisted them into characters that I hardly recognize at times from their S1 versions.


I loved the earlier seasons Beckett rather than the generic supermodel baddass cop they served up from about S4 onwards but it's Beckett that has driven the story which brought them together and it's Beckett that has been the saving grace for me at times over the last few seasons to offset bumbling, goofy, clueless, sexless Castle which irritates me no end. However, as for now Castle and the boys seem a far more appealing prospect to watch than Robot!Beckett and her spooky lone vengeance quest. If there's any enjoyment to be had it's with them, may be things will change as the season rolls on and I'll go back to liking Beckett again but unfortunately Obsessed!Beckett is my least favourite incarnation of the character and the reason why I went off her in S4. 

Edited by verdana
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Yeah sorry to say it but the showrunners are getting very close to making this a toxic relationship to me, it was bad enough him losing his balls in the Watershed finale and going cap in hand to marry her in the most miserable proposal of all time but this is much worse. I can't imagine any guy putting up with this to the extent Castle is doing and the way they're portraying their relationship it wouldn't matter what she did he would accept it and take her back and she knows it. That makes the relationship unbalanced and not remotely healthy or romantic. 


I've coming to sad conclusion that both of them might be better off working together as friends and dating other people and in Beckett's case have casual relationships where her selfishness and crusade for justice doesn't impinge on the other person too much, she's someone I could never see holding down a stable relationship given her constant spate of emotional upheavals and issues. I never thought I'd be saying this in a million years after Always aired but thanks to the missteps in the writing here I am.


Toxic relationship is a good way to describe it.


I've said for years that if writers don't know how to write this couple they should break them up. Still think so. I would not be sad to lose this toxicity from a show that I might otherwise enjoy. It's strange how with some TV couples, the UST is tolerable. With this one, it isn't. Maybe the problem is the emotional stuntedness of their interactions. If the two separate, writers need to spend some quality time on developing the secondary relationships, not just hand-waving motorcycle boy or ex-wife or whatever. I think it would work. I also wonder if they're working on manipulating the audience into coming to terms with this idea on their own. 


Breaking them up permanently would also resolve BTS issues.  "Wig" could play an even more prominent role ;-)

Edited by TVWithPity
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This show still lives or dies on Castle and Beckett's interactions the rest is window dressing but yeah if they don't know how to write them together (and it seems they've as good as admitted they don't in interviews) then where do they go especially if the show gets another season or two? May be the time has come to admit defeat rather than cause any more damage. Sigh. There's no point in them giving me a "happily ever after" as end game if the couple are so badly damaged by that point I have to suspend disbelief to make their union remotely palatable, the journey is so important it's not just about the outcome. 


It says something about the chronic lack of character development over 7 years but I couldn't care less if any of the secondary cast were written out the show and that shouldn't be the case.  What I know about Lanie and co I could write on the back of a cigarette packet and have room to spare. 


They're obviously having a stab at rectifying that but it's going to be an uphill task not made any easier by this latest story arc that weighs everything down and negates their efforts. 

Edited by verdana
  • Love 3


I've coming to sad conclusion that both of them might be better off working together as friends and dating other people and in Beckett's case have casual relationships where her selfishness and crusade for justice doesn't impinge on the other person too much, she's someone I could never see holding down a stable relationship given her constant spate of emotional upheavals and issues.

Agree they need to date other people, but I personally would like to see Kate date only one man, perhaps this new lawyer coming in.  They will butt heads with their jobs but they can also have a sexual attraction they give in to, make them fighters and lovers, no marriage.  I would also add I want to see the whole relationship on screen, not just hear about it.


Castle can go back to playing with different girls.  

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But I don't think he was happy playing the field. Hence going back to Gina.


I don't think Beckett was happy with her previous, less serious relationships either.  So, I guess my unpopular opinion is that I still think Castle and Beckett are ultimately good for each other and should get back together.  I think what Beckett's choice to leave was awful and she needs to make up for it. But just the fact that she's doing it so recklessly alone shows she's better off with him.

  • Love 5

I think SK is phoning in her scenes this year. Dont find her acting as powerful as it once was. Maybe because Im mad at the character. Lol. Just saying...

I don't think she's that good of an actress. She's okay, but all three guys and PJJ are better than her. Tho I admit I'm basing my opinion only on this show, since I've never seen her elsewhere.

This one is VERY unpopular, so please be gentle, but I actually would prefer for Beckett to no longer be on the show than to have her on in this capacity.

I think you have a really good point. That character has been degraded since the second season was coming to a close, all in the service of a mechanical separation the actress has always spoken out against. I wish she hadn't come back, but it's hard to judge her for it. She should make the money. She's been making the effort all along.

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I feel Nathan Fillion is a average comedian with limited dramatic range.  I suspect the actor had his opportunity at the big screen with 'Saving Private Ryan' and his limited range did him in, just look at his scene with Tom Hanks, the caliber of acting between the two was night and day.  I would guess this is where his chance at a big movie career ended.  Give him level emotion to play he's fine, ask him to push the envelope emotionally he starts a controlled skid.  Now ask him to really push the envelope emotionally and the wheels fall off.  He mostly plays himself as an actor, and not just as Castle.


Give Stana and Nathan the same (well written) emotional scene (where you have to push the envelope), and she will out perform him everytime IMO.  She also plays a great straightman to Fillions Castle. 


Nothing against the man, don't know him.  Didn't know of him or Stana prior to watching Castle.  Checked out a few things he (and Stana) did before Castle out of curiosity.  As a dramatic actor, not strong, not at all.  I suspect he knows this as well.  Gets by with his comedy IMO.

  • Love 2

I see it differently re NF. Yes, Castle is similar to Mal, but a good comedic actor does not need to be a good comedian. They can be (John Ritter, Roseanne, Tim Allen).

But the work NF has done in later dramatic episodes is a much higher quality than S2-3. And like I mentioned, I haven't seen SK in anything else.

Besides Beckett's angst, all SK does w/the character is smile or roll her eyes. NF uses expressions and body language (ala John Ritter).

  • Love 1


Yes, Castle is similar to Mal, but a good comedic actor does not need to be a good comedian.

Not just Mal.  His character in the Percy Jackson movie was basically Castle, same with his character in Much Ado, he was playing a bumbling Castle.  I agree you don't need to be a good comedian to be a good comedic actor.  I said Nathan Fillion is your average comedian, has nothing to do with his acting ability.


But the work NF has done in later dramatic episodes is a much higher quality than S2-3.

I wasn't even thinking about his older episodes, I was talking about his work in the last few seasons.  Hard to describe, but he looks like he's trying to emote.  There is an under current during his emoting that screams "I'm really trying to emote here, see me emoting?".  Doesn't feel real.



Besides Beckett's angst, all SK does w/the character is smile or roll her eyes. NF uses expressions and body language

Respectfully disagree.  Stana Katic is one of the best actresses out there for her expressive acting, that is one of her huge strengths, not to mention the scenes when she is asked to show some emotion, Cops & Robbers, Still, Probable Cause, Driven just to name a few off the top of my head.  Every character on the show that reacts to the clown Castle, gives the same reactions over and over again, eye rolls, shake of head, a smile.  As far as Nathan Fillions expressions and body language, it's hit and miss.  Sometimes he's good, other times he's just standing there looking bored? he's just expressionless and it can take me out of the scene, very frustrating and disappointing. 


Anyway agree to disagree.  I said my piece.

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Ok Getting off the SK NF,  How many PCA Nominations do you think Castle, Nathan, Stana and or other Cast Members will get in the opening Voting Rounds of Peoples Choice Awards??.  I am guessing that the show does not get to the next round, possibly Stana , possibly Nathan, but that will be it.  Other will take the win this year just my Unpopular Opinion

If this is the last season for Castle, I agree with Nathan Fillion's comments about wanting the character of Castle to go out in a blaze of bullets.

I didn't realize he had said that. I'll add it to his insightful opinions about the character... Like not wanting him to get together with Beckett, like liking him to to be the beaten underdog... and his obvious love of the slapstick. Looks as though all his dreams for the show are coming true this year.

  • Love 2


If anybody is going to get killed on this show, it should be Beckett. How many people have directly or indirectly died from her digging into her mother's case? 10? 20?


I'd be ok with that, I like flawed characters and if her flaws bring her down, would be great drama to end things. 


Just wanted to add, if you're going to put blood on Becketts hands, include Castle for some of that body count.  He is the reason she went into her initial rabbit hole back in season one.  Castle couldn't let sleeping dogs lie, she even warned him.



Only if Martha goes with him, ala 'Cops & Robbers'. Don't want to put her through that.


Martha and Alexis would have each other.  Don't want poor Alexis to lose her grandmother as well.

I'd be ok with that, I like flawed characters and if her flaws bring her down, would be great drama to end things. 


Just wanted to add, if you're going to put blood on Becketts hands, include Castle for some of that body count.  He is the reason she went into her initial rabbit hole back in season one.  Castle couldn't let sleeping dogs lie, she even warned him.

Lol I know you hate Castle, but her little rabbit hole analogy happened way before Castle was around. She's responsible for her own actions also.

Lol I know you hate Castle, but her little rabbit hole analogy happened way before Castle was around. She's responsible for her own actions also.

Well everyone's responsible for their own actions. So Bracken and his hit men are really the one responsible for the deaths, even if they only did it to stop Beckett from learning the truth.

But the body count did really jump with the introduction of Locksat. You have the five people Beckett used to work with, the three assassins she killed when Vikram showed up, that woman assassin who shot up the precinct, and Alison Hyde. And was there another assassin or two that Rita killed? No wonder Beckett's having a breakdown. I wish they'd show that rather than show her investigating with no explanation of why.

Well everyone's responsible for their own actions. So Bracken and his hit men are really the one responsible for the deaths, even if they only did it to stop Beckett from learning the truth.


Only the writers are responsible for the ludicrous way these characters are behaving. I will say it seems to me that they have intentionally cast Beckett in the wrong. They had her promise Castle "no more secrets" & then immediately had her keeping secrets. They have given her several outs on pursuing the case & had her turn down each one. They have really worked hard at making her the villain. I have serious doubts that they will put the same effort into her redemption. At least they are attempting to half ass ground her story in previous behavior. If anything Castle's actions are even more nonsensical & harder to relate to. He just comes across as a complete fool. They should use the storyline from this season as a cautionary tale for future writers.

Edited by oberon55

Only the writers are responsible for the ludicrous way these characters are behaving. I will say it seems to me that they have intentionally cast Beckett in the wrong. 


Oh, I completely agree that Beckett is in the wrong for how she's acting with Castle. I don't see how anyone could argue otherwise at this point. But that's different than saying she's to blame for the deaths of everyone Locksat has killed. That's on Locksat him/herself and the people who pull the trigger.

Only the writers are responsible for the ludicrous way these characters are behaving. 


I think that bears repeating. Because people watching are reacting as if what we're seeing onscreen is human beings with a history and some form of volition and internal consistency doing all of these things, while I've been convinced since the start of season three that everything we're seeing is some not-very-talented children writing AU fic about their paper dolls.


I know, let's do a crossover with Firefly! What if Kate is a politician and Castle is a PI? Alexis has a really hot boyfriend and pwns her dad! Laney/Esposito rarepair with background Castle. Kate pushes whump!Castle away so she can find herself, Castle disappears on the eve of his wedding to whump-Beckett, the extra-popular Kate goes down the rabbit hole because mom story... 


They don't write people. They write situations and limp dialogue. There is no throughline.


So, while I may have my theories about who in the cast thought this was a good idea behind the scenes, I don't see how anyone but the writers were to blame. Ironically, in the end, Marlowe succeeded. It's just like Bones. People who can't be bothered to write a TV show got far more seasons than they deserve out of the popularity of their leads and whatever chemistry they can't manage to leach out of the situation.


tl;dr: Preach, because all of this is totally on the writers, who are less deft at playing with their paper dolls than they really ought to be, being as someone pays them a lot of money to do it.

Edited by Julia
My unpopular opinion is that, despite the angst, thus far I like this season more than last season.


Thank heavens.  I was beginning to think I was all by my lonesome on my private island.  Or, I'd have to take over this thread with my liking of this season heh.


I will say, despite my issues with the contrived separation and they are significant, I am enjoying the episodes more this season than many a forgettable one in recent seasons past.


Maybe because we've had arcs where characters have been basically thrown down under the bus and rendered unlikeable for plot machinations, I'm more willing to handwave Beckett's behavior till the designated time of the resolution.  Yes, her behavior and the separation doesn't bear scrutiny AT ALL, but it is what it is... maybe I just don't take it all too seriously.


I get the opinion of those who want Castle to be angry and raging and demanding answers from Beckett (definitely the last, but again, thanks to TV machinations, have to be delayed till appropriate time ;)), but I think I would still rather see a patient, loving Castle over a repeat of the cold, angry one from the douchebag arc, especially over the course of half a season.  There would definitely be no joy in that.  When Castle has the joy sucked out of him completely, so does the show.  He needs to find the silver lining in all this, and so do the viewers.  He wants to keep trying, keep hoping in his marriage, and I respect him for that.  Getting angry is easy, trying to fix it is hard.  All that said, yes, I do need to see far more effort from Beckett preferably now, but definitely when the time comes.  Beckett needs to be held accountable for why she believed her way was the best way, when it's clearly not, even when done out of love.


If this is the last season for Castle, I agree with Nathan Fillion's comments about wanting the character of Castle to go out in a blaze of bullets.



He was joking about not wanting anyone else to play the role of Castle.  The fault isn't with him if people have completely no sense of humour and take everything said in an interview or on twitter literally.


My other UO is that I'm tired of people attributing the separation storyline to the actors' perceived bts issues based on zero evidence.  Didn't Nathan himself say that he thought the writers were high when they came to him with it?  Put it on the writers who are responsible for the writing if you must, but unless there's evidence to say that the actors as producers dictated this storyline then enough of that conspiracy already.  They're still working together well in scenes we see them sharing together in every episode.  In other words, they're doing their jobs so I think it's unfair to keep blaming them for whatever.  I feel there's more drama in the fandom on any given day than there is on set. ;)

Edited by madmaverick
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I get the opinion of those who want Castle to be angry and raging and demanding answers from Beckett (definitely the last, but again, thanks to TV machinations, have to be delayed till appropriate time ;)), but I think I would still rather see a patient, loving Castle over a repeat of the cold, angry one from the douchebag arc, especially over the course of half a season.  There would definitely be no joy in that.  When Castle has the joy sucked out of him completely, so does the show.  He needs to find the silver lining in all this, and so do the viewers.  He wants to keep trying, keep hoping in his marriage, and I respect him for that.  Getting angry is easy, trying to fix it is hard.  All that said, yes, I do need to see far more effort from Beckett preferably now, but definitely when the time comes.  Beckett needs to be held accountable for why she believed her way was the best way, when it's clearly not, even when done out of love.

This isn't just you, but it amazes me how Castle can be called a douchebag for a logical/emotional response (trying to move on) once finding out she lied, but a Beckett outburst is treated completely different to people. When has Beckett ever sufficiently apologized or made 'amends' for anything relating to Castle/their relationship?


Madmaverick, you say this "Beckett needs to be held accountable for why she believed her way was the best way, when it's clearly not, even when done out of love" but what do you think will actually be shown? I mean I agree with you 100%, she needs to be accountable, there needs to be actions done by her to fix things, but I've never seen her be accountable for her actions when it comes to the relationship side of things. The show does the angst, it does the lies, but the only resolution is a 'I just want you' or a 'no more secrets' type scene which is proven to be meaningless down the road.


At least Castle angry, or demanding answers, is him trying to make her accountable. At least show some scenes where there is a chance for her to come to him for once. I just don't like the idea that Castle can sit there day in and day out, not know why she left, and think he did something wrong. It's ridiculous.


The sad thing is I bet we don't even see anything from Beckett in regards to 'fixing' the trust. Castle will just open his arms to her (because god forbid he ever do anything but that) and people will be happy.


It's just sad, Castle is the joke of the show. He shows anything but blind faith in her, and he gets called a douchebag. It's unreal.

I don't think it's about keeping score either, but I do think Beckett is taking advantage of Castle though. She's essentially asking him to wait indefinitely for her to come back to him. She's given him no adequate reason, no timeline for her return. She is taking advantage of his personality/his love and showing him no respect at all. The whole 'marriage isn't easy' mantra doesn't excuse the selfishness either. I know you're not implying that, but I'll be pretty annoyed if there is another Always type reunion or a simple promise of 'i'll never do it again' without any exploration into WHY she won't do it again.


My whole concern is that they'll shoehorn a reunion that isn't worthy of the contrived angst they are currently putting us through. A 'reunion' isn't even enough, but it's all we will get.

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