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Unspoiled Speculation: Flash of Genius


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I think Elseworlds was considered the "launch" for Batwoman, so I doubt those characters are coming to The Flash  for that reason. I could see some mini-crossovers, though.

8 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Given that the multi-verse aspect of the Red Death and the speculation that all the earths will be merged in next season's final crisis, maybe if the Red Death happens, it happens early in the season, but that seems a lot with Team Flash working to stop Barry's disappearance.

Yeah, it would be a lot going on in the first part of the season; that's why I think they should introduce him after the crossover. And then they wouldn't have to stretch out the story so long.

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[I was sure that there was a thread for general, multi-season show discussion; what happened to it?]

6 hours ago, BeautifulFlower said:

I feel like I'm just watching this season out of obligation at this point.

It started out so promising, but then went back to downhill. They literally look they were taking our complaints into consideration.

The first 5 episodes. We actually had the team split up. Everybody wasn't just standing around in SL. There was only one minor set back with introducing a new SL set (no one asked for this).

5x06 came and it was terrible. However, it went downhill starting with 5x07. They went to doing what people complained about in season 4.

I feel like maybe Helbing checked out around the middle of the season.

Things always tend to lose steam after the winter hiatus, but there's usually a few really interesting, strong episodes before the finale. This year, the only semi-good one was "Memorabilia". "Cause and XS" had a good concept but a so-so execution. The twist with the new Cicada was good, but doesn't quite make up for the months we spent with the lesser Cicada.

They still have 5 episodes to turn out something great; and I hope they do, but I'm not counting on it.

On 4/14/2019 at 1:23 AM, Trini said:

They still have 5 episodes to turn out something great; and I hope they do, but I'm not counting on it.

Well, "Godspeed" was a good origin story for Nora, and the season finale delivered on emotional repercussions of the West-Allen Family story of the season, but the Cicada storyline had so many holes.


Season 6:

I feel that since setting up the Crisis crossover will take up a significant amount of narrative space (I assume), this would be a good time to go back a 'villain-of-the-week' format for the first part of the season. They could wait to introduce the 'big bad' until after the crossover (mid-season); or maybe the Crisis actually creates the 'big bad'.

The show just really needs to get away from the trope they've created: "Team loses to villain for 23 straight episodes".

Anyway, the main things I'm looking forward to in Season 6 is the new showrunner, and Barry & Iris FINALLY discussing his eventual disappearance.

On 5/30/2019 at 1:42 AM, Trini said:

Anyway, the main things I'm looking forward to in Season 6 is the new showrunner, and Barry & Iris FINALLY discussing his eventual disappearance.

*harsh sigh*


I think Wallace's idea of having the 'graphic novel #1 & 2' and a different villain for each part of the season was a good idea, but there's still a problem with prioritizing and balancing plots over the course of the (half-) season.

So far into season 6, there have been good individual episodes and plots, but the writers haven't had a good balance of storylines overall leading up to the Crisis crossover. I think they should have had a consistent B-plot with Barry and his family (Iris + Joe) dealing with his impending death, even if they wanted to to have A-plots focused on other characters. It was glaringly inconsistent that in 6.07 they show that one of Barry's greatest fears is leaving his family/not having a family, but then they barely showed him with his family in the previous episodes.

They definitely should have prioritized Iris, and how she was dealing with Barry's death instead of saving it most of it for the last two episodes before it happens. THey had the time to do all this, but I think their priorities are skewed.

I kind of want them to go back to a 'villain-of-the-week' format since serialized storytelling is apparently really hard for these writers/showrunners.

Not sure how recent this is, or exactly how far along she is, but Danielle Panabaker is showing a lot, and I don't know how they are going to hide her pregnancy... baggy clothes only hide so much.



... They can't have her hidden behind desks and consoles the whole time, right? It's probably a given that we'll be seeing a lot less of the new Killer Frost costume, especially near the end of the season.

They have to have some type of story/subplot to temporarily write out Caitlin/KF; whatever it is I'm thinking it might end up being something mostly self-contained like her story with her father/Icicle in Season 4.

Some shows just do go with a version of the Jedi Mind Trick "viewers you can't see that obvious pregnancy bump!"

She might end up being very minimal or missing a few eps at the end of the season if she's due in the Spring. A self contained arc where they leave for the artic to continue research and explore their powers together would work well. DP could pre film a few scenes to be inserted into episodes if they want. 

If she's entirely off screen it shouldn't matter what with the Sue and Eva McCulloch and Iris stories coming up not to mention other big speculation.

It might also depend on how Crisis changes things. 

Edited by Featherhat
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6 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Some shows just do go with a version of the Jedi Mind Trick "viewers you can't see that obvious pregnancy bump!"

LOL! That's what Supergirl did this season with Andrea Brooks.

6 hours ago, Featherhat said:

It might also depend on how Crisis changes things. 

Yeah, I'm curious to see what Wallace decides to change; I know he's going to do something significant.

I liking the villain set up so far this season, in that it's different than what the show has done before.  First, that Black Hole has not been the focus for the whole season - the 'half-season' format is better for the main villain arcs. We don't have to see the team lose to one dude for 20 episodes.

Second, Black Hole isn't just one person -- threats are coming from several connected people. Just stopping one person won't necessarily stop them as an organization; so Team Flash can win some fights, but the arc can continue.

Also, Mirror Master might be a another villain coming up; so there may actually be two threats to defeat on different fronts. It's interesting so far, and I like that this back half isn't as predictable as other seasons.

Edited by Trini
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I think my main problem with the Mirrorverse arc is that Iris being kidnapped and replaced is very much an urgent situation, but the narrative isn't treating it like one. Also that they wanted to make it a half- season-long arc, so then they stall (Barry not even knowing until halfway through; filler plots with other less urgent situations) which is frustrating for me as a viewer.

Not to mention that our hero Barry has been put through so many deadly and stressful situations this season (more so than usual) and has has rarely been happy.

And of course Black Hole was the villain that Iris was set to take down but that arc was stalled also.

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This article points out an easter egg in the premiere; Chester was reading a book by Meena Dhawan, a new-ish speedster that was introduced a few years ago in the Flash comics.

Based on the comics, she could go either way as a hero or villain. I hope it's not villain, though, since they're already doing Godspeed, and Reverse Flash could come back at any time.

In any case, I don't think there's enough information to say that the show is bringing her in. It could just be an easter egg - for now.

Edited by Trini

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