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Spencer Reid: Gorgeous Gray Matter

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I know it's probably not fair, but I judge celebrities' real life personalities by how they react to the puppets on El Hormiguero. Almost anyone can get through an interview with a human successfully, but not so many when they're dealing with hyperactive, naughty purple ants. Even more so when everything is in translation. People who take themselves very seriously or think themselves something special crash and burn.


I bet Gubler had no problems with the ants, in fact they probably got on great. He seems like he doesn't have any difficulty finding the silly side of life, which is lovely. I have to track this interview down.


Oh wow. The cuteness is almost too much to bear. http://www.azteca7.com/videos/elhormigueromx/216950/pichas-y-cachas-pusieron-en-apuros-a-matthew-gray-gubler

Edited by Lebanna
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And his drawings of the ants were really good - he caught their personalities perfectly!


I watched the whole show on that site and he did it all pretty much perfectly, being sweet to the audience, joining in with all the goofy dances and daft experiments - he really got into the happy spirit of the thing. I don't think he could have done better, honestly.

Edited by Lebanna
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Thanks for the link, Lebanna. Is there a link for the entire episode somewhere? Matthew seemed to be having fun. It was a bit tough to hear because of the voiceover and the people doing the voices of the puppets kept talking over as well. I wish I knew what they were asking him. I think at one point they were talking about chocolate and maybe cats... I don't know.


I've been so obsessed with plumbing lately that when I saw that last picture I noticed the plumbing vent on the wall that is painted red. Looks like its 3-inch PVC. I hope whatever fixture its tied to is not high because it looks like it goes horizontal less than six inches below the flood level of a normal height sink. (In order to meet code, there can't be any horizontal runs of a plumbing vent until it is at least six inches above the flood level of the highest fixture it services).


Cute lightsabers too.

The whole episode is here http://www.azteca7.com/capitulos/elhormigueromx/216956/matthew-gray-gubler--programa-del-17-de-julio . At one point he even does a little card trick.


Yes, at the beginning the ants are asking him to work out who stole the last chocolate, being a famous crime fighter and all. No cats (gatos), but you may be thinking of how they get distracted a lot by how handsome (guapo) he is, which we can probably all agree with. 

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Oh! They were saying guapo! I thought they were saying gato! LOL. Did anyone else see the short video where the girl put her finger in what we used to call "chinese handcuffs/fingercuffs"? Matthew apologized for nearly ripping her finger off and then said something like "you're mine forever" and tied the other end to his pants. LOL.


He also has a video where he claimed he used his own semen for the "ectogasm" in Suburban Gothic. Then he went into the audience and got his Mom to tell a joke.


Here are a couple of videos people found and linked to me:



His mom was a good sport, but apparently Matthew really embarrassed the other guy's Mom. So the other guy had to get the "ecotogasm" smeared on his face by Ray Wise.

zannej, I dispute your momma's boy assessment of Reid. Momma's boys (and I've known a few) have to have Momma take care of them, they cling to their baby-boy status. Reid had to take care of her from preadolescence, even when she was too sick to recognize what was happening to him, and her episodes couldn't have been very pretty. He also had to put her in an institution, which I just don't think a momma's boy could do, or if he did, he wouldn't survive sane long. JMO, I know we have different takes on things, it's all good...

I don't think Reid's as much of a mama's boy as he might appear to be either. Just the fact that he had to basically become Diana's caregiver at such a young age preempts him having to cut the apron strings, if only to keep him from accidentally burning the house down or something. And this is the summary of an excellent fanfic called 'Foxtrot Whiskey Bravo', which is set in the first season and told from Elle's point of view.


Reid’s self-sufficient in his own way, and while his social awkwardness can be a source of amusement, Elle knows that he can use his intellect to ruthlessly cow someone into submission. Like now. She’s at his mercy, because of all the slings and arrows she can shoot at him, his genius is his shield and his sword.


For the few(?) but faithful Reid/Elle shippers, it's a great read, and I strongly recommend it even if you don't ship them.

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I know its not a documentary, but in the past they debated where to have wounds on characters because they actually cared about the scars that would be visible. Elle had a scar on her chest. They changed the location of Garcia's gunshot wound so they wouldn't need to give her a scar. Hotch's scars are under his shirt. Reid's scar was high up enough on his neck that it would be visible unless he had a scarf.


I know its not a big deal, but there are some showrunners and producers who take pride in attention to detail and getting things right. It's very clear that the current people don't really take things so seriously and aren't as concerned with the quality. They don't care about getting the details right and that makes for sloppy writing and producing. No wonder Messer can't remember details from one episode to the next. The fans seem to care more about things than the writers and producers-- and that is not a good thing. The producers should really care and want to make things the best they can, but these people are content with half-assed effort. It's just one small symptom of a much larger problem.


I don't agree that they don't care about the show, zannej, and I believe it's oversimplifying and a really broad statement to say that they don't care. I daresay I can't imagine them "not caring" about their livelihood, about the show that is their career and bread and butter. Everyone I've ever spoken with directly, in regards to the show cares... a lot. Except maybe Ian.


I do wish for this important season ten that they show us some well-crafted episodes, and tell us some exciting and insightful stories about and with our team. 

Edited by Willowy
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Its not that I think they don't care at all, I think that they don't care about some of the right things-- such as attention to detail. They sort of slack on that department. I think the problem is that they just don't seem to think its important-- well, at least some of them. I know the one director for Zugzwang actually cared if he was calling out plot holes and trying to get things to make sense.


But that is a discussion for another thread since I started veering off topic.


I am wondering how things will be handled with Reid this season. I don't want them to have him be completely angsty all the time, but I'd like to see him having some more empathy with victims and maybe finding one that he can open up to just a little to let them know that he knows what its like and that they aren't alone. I'm also hoping that they won't have the new character know everything about him already and that maybe someone will need to pull her aside and give her a quick note about something he went through and why certain things might be touchy with him. I don't want him to behave unprofessionally or anything. On the flip side, I don't want them to completely gloss over it and solve it with a pasta party.


I want to see Reid interacting with more of the team members and maybe having a good conversation with Hotch.

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I think the problem is that they just don't seem to think its important-- well, at least some of them. I know the one director for Zugzwang actually cared if he was calling out plot holes and trying to get things to make sense.


But that is a discussion for another thread since I started veering off topic.


I am wondering how things will be handled with Reid this season. I don't want them to have him be completely angsty all the time, but I'd like to see him having some more empathy with victims and maybe finding one that he can open up to just a little to let them know that he knows what its like and that they aren't alone. I'm also hoping that they won't have the new character know everything about him already and that maybe someone will need to pull her aside and give her a quick note about something he went through and why certain things might be touchy with him. I don't want him to behave unprofessionally or anything. On the flip side, I don't want them to completely gloss over it and solve it with a pasta party.


I want to see Reid interacting with more of the team members and maybe having a good conversation with Hotch.

To your off-topic comment, just a brief one of my own: A director trying to make sure plot holes don't occur cannot substitute for the writers who put the plot holes there. It's a thankless task for a director to try to cobble something together that doesn't hold water.


That said, I concur with your wish list for Reid. I hope he gets the attention he deserves on a consistent basis this season, and has a progressive, consistent, emerging sense of maturity and strength. And he finds a non-spy, non-stalked girlfriend. I don't care for badassery, just capability, strength. I don't need him to sulk or be pissy, just stand up for himself if someone like JJ flips him off as she does (until she needs him). I want to see him briefly away from the BAU, pursuing his happy, new life.

  • Love 4

Someone upthread mentioned that they would like Reid to meet a single mom, maybe one with an exceptional child, and for some reason I cannot get that out of my head. I think it's a splendid idea. I can see it now, he meets her because she's a friend of one of the victims, and he goes to her house to question her about the victim. She's understandably upset, and the interview isn't going well until her little girl comes in the room. She brightly and immediately answers one of the questions that Reid had asked the mother, and Reid quickly asks a follow-up. The little girl smiles at him, then at her mother, and as her mom nods, she answers his questions. She maybe starts talking about something similar that happened to a favorite character in a book, one that Reid has read too, and they bond over Harry Potter and Dr. Who and maybe the little brainy child has read some Fitzgerald, or something.


The next day, the mom remembers something else and calls Reid. He comes by again and she notices how easily he relates to her daughter, and asks him about it. He tells her the bare minimum about himself and she deduces he's a genius, warming to his kind and gentle, completely non-pompous attitude. Things progress. 


Whatever the details, this would be a very organic and believable way for Reid to meet an appropriate and fitting woman, and to move past his rut of grief. Man, I'd love to see a woman make him smile again. 

  • Love 3

That said, I concur with your wish list for Reid. I hope he gets the attention he deserves on a consistent basis this season, and has a progressive, consistent, emerging sense of maturity and strength. And he finds a non-spy, non-stalked girlfriend. I don't care for badassery, just capability, strength. I don't need him to sulk or be pissy, just stand up for himself if someone like JJ flips him off as she does (until she needs him). I want to see him briefly away from the BAU, pursuing his happy, new life.

"Paging Elle Greenaway..."

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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If I thought they could hire good child actors I would think it might be interesting for Reid to hook up with a single mother. But they hired the kid who plays Jack (albeit at an age where acting wasn't all that important at first) and the girl who played Ellie Spicer... Plus I'd worry they would make things cheesy.


I would like to see Reid bonding with a small child briefly-- maybe a precocious kid that wants to climb on his lap and read to him. I'd also like to see him react to bad parenting that he can't ignore. But then again, I think I'd prefer it if they keep kids to a minimum on the show.


Maybe they can have Reid talking to an elderly person in a nursing home or sitting with an elderly woman and talking to her and being attentive. I'd love it if they could get Betty White on the program. For some reason I could see an old lady patting him on the cheek and telling him he's a "nice boy".

  • Love 2

Well, zannej, being called a nice boy by an old lady might make Reid feel good for a bit. I agree trying to introduce Reid's future family might be tritely handled and stupid. Some genius kid that wasn't his? How would that attract him to a woman with whom he might fall in love? It might happen, but, with Reid, that would take so long, he has all these scenarios in his head, and, well....

Bottom line, if the series ends at the end of 10, I want Reid to have met a wonderful woman, smart, independent, appreciative of him and all he brings, and I just want it to be left open. Even if it doesn't end at 10, I want him to meet someone like that, and to have him pursue her on his own. And not to have it be a big thing on the show.

Edited by normasm
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I asked Dayne Johnson (one of the makeup artists) if Reid would have a scar on his neck. This was the reply:

"No. We shouldn't see it. He has an amazing plastic surgeon". I'm not really surprised. They just don't care enough about realism and details.

They've never shown us any scars from the Reaper's attack on Hotch, either.

Someone upthread mentioned that they would like Reid to meet a single mom, maybe one with an exceptional child, and for some reason I cannot get that out of my head. I think it's a splendid idea. I can see it now, he meets her because she's a friend of one of the victims, and he goes to her house to question her about the victim. She's understandably upset, and the interview isn't going well until her little girl comes in the room. She brightly and immediately answers one of the questions that Reid had asked the mother, and Reid quickly asks a follow-up. The little girl smiles at him, then at her mother, and as her mom nods, she answers his questions. She maybe starts talking about something similar that happened to a favorite character in a book, one that Reid has read too, and they bond over Harry Potter and Dr. Who and maybe the little brainy child has read some Fitzgerald, or something.


The next day, the mom remembers something else and calls Reid. He comes by again and she notices how easily he relates to her daughter, and asks him about it. He tells her the bare minimum about himself and she deduces he's a genius, warming to his kind and gentle, completely non-pompous attitude. Things progress. 


Whatever the details, this would be a very organic and believable way for Reid to meet an appropriate and fitting woman, and to move past his rut of grief. Man, I'd love to see a woman make him smile again. 

Yes! He does relate well to children. And it doesn't have to be an instantaneous romance, either. It could just be someone he sees on occasion and let it progress naturally the way a real relationship would. Trust has to be earned.

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Ok here is a scenario I think would be kind of cute. Suppose Kate's niece is an extremely intelligent young girl, who happens to be a bit of a nerd herself.When she meets Dr. Spencer Reid she can relate to him almost immediately.And what if she actually developed this huge crush on him. How would Reid handle it. Although the likely scenario is, that if the girl ever did meet Reid,she'd probably just roll her eyes(ala JJ) and come to the conclusion that he must be from another planet.

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I actually think it would be cute if someone's teenage niece had a crush on Reid. Doesn't one of Joe's daughters have a crush on Matthew? It would be interesting to see Reid asking Rossi or Garcia for advice because a 13 or 14 year old girl sends him love letters.


I'd also like to see Reid bonding with a group of nerd students from Caltech or MIT or some other school.

  • Love 1

I have huge reservations about the idea of a teenage girl crushing on Reid for a couple reasons.


1. I'd rather that Reid's limited screen time be used to show him pursuing an adult, mature relationship, and not being comic fodder at the hands of a horny, teenage girl.


Which brings me to my second reservation...


2.  Horny teenage girls.


I think any storyline of this nature would bring up uncomfortable allusions to Matthew's real life (at least for me). A good chunk of Matthew and Reid fans are horny, underage girls. They already bombard Matthew's social media with endless pleas for him to follow them, date them, screw them, impregnate them, marry them. Some of them are proud of the fact that Matthew is twice their age, or old enough to be their father, and they still want him anyway. They like to mention that they will be 18 soon enough, or they aren't bothered by the age difference. Any storyline would likely give way too much inspiration for these fangirls, who would undoubtedly increase their sexual harassment of Matthew in real life. For me personally, it would just be ooky to watch, even if it was played for laughs. 

Edited by ForeverAlone
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LOL. ForeverAlone actually sent me the link originally.


As for the teenage girl crush, I would want to see Reid really uncomfortable with it and make it clear there was no chance of it being reciprocated. It would just be something awkward for him. It wouldn't have to be a huge deal or anything-- but yeah, its mostly for fanfiction. 


I think the writers have a hard time viewing Reid as an adult, so giving him a real adult relationship is probably not going to happen unless they get new writers/showrunners.


Also, 0laura0 posted some gifs of Matthew with Hunter from a role in The Last of the Great Romantics. He played Hunter's father.




  • Love 1

I have huge reservations about the idea of a teenage girl crushing on Reid for a couple reasons.


1. I'd rather that Reid's limited screen time be used to show him pursuing an adult, mature relationship, and not being comic fodder at the hands of a horny, teenage girl.


Which brings me to my second reservation...


2.  Horny teenage girls.


I think any storyline of this nature would bring up uncomfortable allusions to Matthew's real life (at least for me). A good chunk of Matthew and Reid fans are horny, underage girls. They already bombard Matthew's social media with endless pleas for him to follow them, date them, screw them, impregnate them, marry them. Some of them are proud of the fact that Matthew is twice their age, or old enough to be their father, and they still want him anyway. They like to mention that they will be 18 soon enough, or they aren't bothered by the age difference. Any storyline would likely give way too much inspiration for these fangirls, who would undoubtedly increase their sexual harassment of Matthew in real life. For me personally, it would just be ooky to watch, even if it was played for laughs. 

Trust me, the fangirls already have more than enough encouragement/inspiration. Reid's usually the one getting paired up with original characters in fanfic as it is, and they're so obviously (IMO) self-inserts that it's ridic. I don't raise my eyebrows at much when it comes to fanfiction, because Lord knows I've got my own hardcore ships, but I do wonder at those.

  • Love 2

LOL. I need to find my cane. I had to use it for almost 2 years after I busted my ankle. On that note, I sort of want to see Reid's cane sitting somewhere in his apartment.


I sort of wonder if one of the reasons the writers treat Reid like a child is because of how they view Matthew. Sure he's responsible and reliable but I think sometimes he acts like a big kid. I wonder if seeing him with Hunter changes their perspective at all. He seems to be rather nurturing and parental with him. I remember some fans snapped some photos of Matthew out with Tim Dahl-- I think they were in a mall-- and Matthew was carrying Hunter. There have been several out-in-public situations where Matthew was the one holding and carrying Hunter. There were also some old photos from someone's private Facebook where Matthew was teaching a little girl (probably a cousin) how to play with some toy guitar.


He has a natural ease with children that I wish they would use more on the show.

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