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Spencer Reid: Gorgeous Gray Matter

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I was applying that analogy to your sentiment that JJ didn't have flaws because you haven't seen any consequences to them.  I think, in the interim, we might have actually agreed that they exist, but have not yet taken their toll.  I disagree with those who think they've been totally without cost to her.


Re this - A & E just finished showing Elephant's Memory, which happens shortly after 3rd Life, the episode where the hitman or whoever he was is in the witness protection program when his daughter and her friend are kidnapped, and he ends up killing one of the UnSubs in front of Reid. Spencer had been trying to talk the guy down, to convince him not to do it, only he shot and killed the guy anyway. By the time Elephant's Memory happens, Reid is still affected by this, to the point that he speaks about it at his NA meeting.


His sympathy for Owen Savage is such that he not only borderline sides with the kid when the team is giving the profile, he ends up putting himself in the line of fire to keep the others from taking the shot to bring Owen down. He does the right thing for the wrong reasons, saves Owen's life because he over-identifies with him and because he doesn't want to see someone else die right in front of him. To keep something he can prevent if he tries hard enough off of his conscience.


But actions and behavior have consequences. Not just for Owen, who at best ended up in a psych hospital and at worst in prison, but for Reid. Hotch tells him in no uncertain terms that while he's the smartest kid in class, he isn't the only kid in class, and that if he ever risks his life and the lives of others while on the job again, he will be.


I think that's all viewers are asking for with JJ, for her to be called on her actions and behavior now and then, and I don't think that's unreasonable. If even Reid needed to be told not to ever do something again, then I don't see why JJ should be exempt.

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Right, and if the writers HAD had that conversation with JJ in "The Forever People" instead of that overwrought final scene, I think it would have been better for most viewers. It would have shown some sort of character growth for JJ, shown that she is not this perfect superninja who can just tackle PTSD on her own. So the fact that they chose to have that final scene in "The Forever People" rather than some sort of reckoning for JJ that forced her to face her recklessness, her emotional meltdown and get help, that tells me the writers either don't want to go down that route for JJ, or they want to write her in such a way that is supposed to say she doesn't NEED anyone's help, that she can just yell "NO", slam a file down, walk away, and be all right. There is nothing in any of the writing that would lead viewers to believe she struggled with any emotional after effects before "The Forever People" or after it, and she certainly never faced any consequences for her conduct on the job. 

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I caught the very end of that rerun on A&E this morning.  This time, they cut that final conversation between Hotch and Reid in half, completely deleting Reid's explanation about why he'd done what he'd done.  Whoever is in charge of editing over there needs a transfer.


I don't think we've seen any consistency in Hotch proactively intervening with his staff.  He's good at rendering the stare, but doesn't always take it beyond that.  Even with Reid.  He indicated, several times, that he knew or suspected Reid had a problem with drugs, yet the only vaguely confrontational thing that came before Elephant's Memory was when he forced Reid to accept Emily's help during one case.

There are other examples of times he has intervened but, to my eye, they were most often because of something going on with him, internally.  For example, he confronted Morgan about insubordination that one time, when he (Hotch) was under scrutiny and about to step aside; he was honest with Morgan about how he perceived his leadership skills at the end of 'Mayhem', but only because Morgan pushed him on it.  He confronted Emily about possibly leaking information to the congresswoman in 'Sex, Birth and Death', because he was already in a tug-of-war with said congresswoman. 


I remember him proactively asking JJ if she was all right, just the one time.  And Emily, when she came back to the team.  I just don't think it's his forte, and I'm not surprised he didn't have JJ in counseling before her insubordination in 'The Forever People'.  And, yes, I'm 100% convinced it happened then.

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petty but I wish they'd find a hairstyle and leave it. They try for the "Guy who doesn't care" look - but often it looks messy but tortured into shape too. I understand that floppy hair is NOT the director's friend - Continuity is very much a thing - But it can lead to over-sprayed and moussed unmoving mass. I think he looked cuter with short hair (Unpopular opinion, I know) 

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petty but I wish they'd find a hairstyle and leave it. They try for the "Guy who doesn't care" look - but often it looks messy but tortured into shape too. I understand that floppy hair is NOT the director's friend - Continuity is very much a thing - But it can lead to over-sprayed and moussed unmoving mass. I think he looked cuter with short hair (Unpopular opinion, I know) 

It is not as unpopular as you think. I too prefer the short hair. I don't know if you saw any pictures of MGG at the closing ceremony for Monte Carlo,but he looked positively dreamy. It reminded me of season 6 which is probably one of my favorite seasons where Reid's hair is concerned.

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Seasons 4 and 5 are my ultimate favorite Reid hair, although S6 is up there. I even liked the LAB cut because, well, I think he's pretty beautiful no matter what -- I love that he doesn't mind looking somewhat ridiculous for a laugh.

But as attractive as MGG is, he wouldn't be as attractive to me if he weren't pretty obviously a very nice person, and wouldn't find Spencer Reid as attractive as I do if the character weren't so darn perfect (IMHO).

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I saw that, Dog, and the voices for everyone were hilarious, especially Hotch. It sounded to me like JT dubbed her own voice, it was that close. And JJ sounding like a sweet little girl without that vocal fry at the end of every sentence!

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Nice interview, even with the semi-boyband hair. :-P



...and that is what I hate: snickering at Reid. The writers gave us a tragic backstory of a young man who had suffered at the hands of others, through bullying, etc., and now we are supposed to laugh at him? Pisses me off.


For me, a little good-natured teasing is perfectly acceptable, and given the grim nature of the BAU's work some leavening of things is also okay.  But its that its usually Reid who is the one being picked on/made fun of/teased/whatever that bothers me. Given his history, that he was a "prodigy attending a Las Vegas high school", whatever story Morgan could tell about getting his butt kicked likely pales in comparison. Just the fact that Spencer knew what a nine year old girl kicked like paints a picture that makes me really uncomfortable. That the writers would choose to make him the target of this sort of "teasing" makes me even more uncomfortable.


Even if I give them the benefit of the doubt, accept that its all supposed to be in good fun, I doubt they'd make another character the focus of such treatment. <i>Particularly</i> not JJ, as I highly doubt that Messer would allow her Golden Girl to be the object of even good-natured ridicule. If it really isn't indicative of anything, fine, but the fact that its fairly constant seems like there must be some point to it, or else why bother?

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I think there is a difference between sharing jokes and light (or even hard) teasing, and to be the one the others laugh about. When those 'teasing sessions' happen Reid rarely smiles, which is an indication that he either do not understand e situation, or he does not find a motive to laugh. Hence, the 'joke' is not funny. At all.

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Yeah, the one time Reid actually made fun of Morgan was the stuck elevator incident, and really, it was a bit of very mild teasing, and - he didn't make the elevator fail in order to goad a reaction. 

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I hope he doesn't dance too crazy. That's how he ended up on crutches last time. ;-)





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I saw a candid pic of him in that wallpapered room wearing that helmet. I'm thinking he tried it on and then wouldn't take it off and it became a "thing" and thus the Europe series was born...

He does that -- tries on people's stuff. Seems to always want to try on people's glasses and there is a recent pic of him in London with a man on the sidewalk and he is trying on the man's jacket covered with the British flag. And his glasses.

He is hilarious. I wonder if he has an "off" button? I think I'm busy but I could never keep up with that.

Edited by Droogie
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Speaking of  Reid we should probably not expect very much of him in the season premiere,because I heard Matthew wasn't needed on the set for 5 of the 8 days they used to shoot an episode.So apparently he used that time to go to Lake Tahoe and visit with his family.

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Sky Living have just tweeted a series of AskGubernation clips. Sadly I have failed in copying a link but you must go on Twitter and find them to hear Matthew's impression of a British accent!

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I see CBS have confirmed that Reid has a doctorate in psychology to add to Mathematics, Chemistry and Engineering. I've been wanting to know how many more degrees he has now and this confirms one at least.


2. With a background in psychoanalysis

With a doctorate in psychology, Dr. Spencer Reid uses his medical background to analyze the killers’ motivations and the relationships between killers and victims. His emotional intelligence aids him in diffusing dangerous situations, and his genius-level memory helps him recall details of evidence and crime scenes which he uses to put cases together.

Edited by Old Dog
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Huh? Reid doesn't have a medical background. He has never been to medical school. I rarely trust the information and trivia CBS posts about Criminal Minds, because there have been way too many errors. Reid even pursuing a doctorate in psychology has never even been referenced on the show as canon. It was mentioned that he had a BA in psychology, but never have they talked about him getting another PhD. While it would make sense for Reid to pursue one considering his career field (and should have pursued one years ago), I don't recall the show ever talking about that specifically.

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Huh? Reid doesn't have a medical background. He has never been to medical school. I rarely trust the information and trivia CBS posts about Criminal Minds, because there have been way too many errors. Reid even pursuing a doctorate in psychology has never even been referenced on the show as canon. It was mentioned that he had a BA in psychology, but never have they talked about him getting another PhD. While it would make sense for Reid to pursue one considering his career field (and should have pursued one years ago), I don't recall the show ever talking about that specifically.

I don't trust them either! But after having the BA in psychology it seems logical that he carried on with it. After 10 years I expected him to have collected a few more degrees so I'm happy to take this. I remember in Big Sea he did a lot of work on the bones that made me sit back and wonder when he got the knowledge for it so maybe he has been accumulating medical knowledge as well as all the languages. I just would like to know instead of getting the odd bolt from the blue - like finding out he can get by in Yoruba!!

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He might be a doctor of Psychology, a psychologist, but he is not a psychiatrist, who is a medical doctor. If I recall correctly, psychoanalysis is something only psychiatrists are qualified to do. Now he might be a psychologist with a specialty in criminal behavior (it makes sense as you pointed out, Old Dog), but we would have known if he were going to medical school, because he would have to quit his job at the BAU to do the clinical work. The people in charge of publicity at CBS SM are frequently wrong.

Edited by normasm
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Wouldn't surprise me at all if he'd gone on to degrees in anthropology and philosophy.  Or does he already have one in philosophy?  After a while, I can't remember what I made up and what is canon.

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He might be a doctor of Psychology, a psychologist, but he is not a psychiatrist, who is a medical doctor. If I recall correctly, psychoanalysis is something only psychiatrists are qualified to do. Now he might be a psychologist with a specialty in criminal behavior (it makes sense as you pointed out, Old Dog), but we would have known if he were going to medical school, because he would have to quit his job at the BAU to do the clinical work. The people in charge of publicity at CBS SM are frequently wrong.

Psychologists are allowed to do psychoanalysis and other kinds of "talk therapy", but only psychiatrists can prescribe medications. At least, that is how it works in Ontario, where I live - there could very well be different laws elsewhere.

Something that surprised me is that registered social workers are also allowed to do talk therapy (including psychoanalysis).


I don't think Reid has any formal medical training, but he likely has extensive textbook medical knowledge.

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Does anyone get the feeling that won't end well? I hope she doesn't die.

I'm so cautiously thrilled about it -- I just hope it is significant and done well and isn't a bookend to one singular episode and that's it for any decent Reid for the whole season.

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I said this elsewhere, but i'm lazy  and busy, but I wanted to say


I think it would be realistic if she loses ground from the place she was in canon (I don't see that Grand Canyon trip as canon, but fodder). The last time we saw Diana, she had gone off her meds to help Spencer understand what happened to Riley Jenkins. She was pretty strong.

Diana is likely about 60 years old, and has been in constant treatment for at least 14-15 years. Older patients simply do not get better. But perhaps there's a less sad way they can do this, because some fans have been very vocal about Spencer not going to the Sad Place anymore. Perhaps he will meet someone and later in the year he goes to see his Mom to tell her. Or perhaps he will finally move her close to where he is, and just visit her a few times during the season, as a mini-arc. Just so long as it's not Diana is leaving the hospital because she is cured!! or equally gross, that she's getting back together with Sperm Donor.

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If there was one Reid scene (unrelated to any cases) you wish you un-see which would you pick?

I think I'd get rid of the scene where he's trying to be scary at Garcia's house. I cringe just thinking about it. Sometimes I lie awake at night feeling second-hand embarrassment for some of the things Reid has done instead of thinking about the things I've done. 


hahahahaha I get that, I hate it when they made me feel ashamed of watching a show or a character I love.

an un-see scene...  the ones I remember right now are: 

-the comic-con or something like that with Garcia, the affair between Rossi and Strauss was the last nail in the coffin :S


- the scene you have explained, I have some issues with the one at the end of that episode too, with Rossi's choice after three dead dear women...


-the deal of Prentiss resurrection, I was ok with him being mad at JJ but I dislike both characters there. Moreover, why didn't they leave him alone? to me was one of that situations you are mad even if you know that was the right choice and after a while you let things go. I going to include here the cooking pasta scene too :(


- the scene with Garcia and a croissant, KV was so histrionic (like most of the times lately)


- when they put him in a situation where he is a fool so JJ looks cool and smarter, come on!!!


and something we should have seen and we didn't, Reid and Hotch bonding after Maeve, because it feels right and logic and it is imposible it didn't happen, not even once 

Edited by smoker
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-the deal of Prentiss resurrection, I was ok with him being mad at JJ but I dislike both characters there. Moreover, why didn't they leave him alone? to me was one of that situations you are mad even if you know that was the right choice and after a while you let things go. I going to include here the cooking pasta scene too :(


Perhaps not amazingly, I respectfully disagree. :-)


If the right choice was for Hotch and JJ to keep the secret about Prentiss being alive, then the next logical step is that the right choice would be for them to let Reid go back to Dilaudid as a coping mechanism. Let's ignore how asinine it is that JJ was playing online games with Emily. If protecting Prentiss was their first priority, then Spencer's sobriety was second tier. That's just how it is. Fair enough to say that its his own responsibility to stay clean, but had Emily not "died", he'd have had no reason to even consider picking up a needle again, IMO. Friends don't do shit like that to each other, and if they do, they damned well do more than just give some mealy-mouthed "But you didn't..." in response. Or at least let you have more than five minutes to process.

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Perhaps not amazingly, I respectfully disagree. :-)


If the right choice was for Hotch and JJ to keep the secret about Prentiss being alive, then the next logical step is that the right choice would be for them to let Reid go back to Dilaudid as a coping mechanism. Let's ignore how asinine it is that JJ was playing online games with Emily. If protecting Prentiss was their first priority, then Spencer's sobriety was second tier. That's just how it is. Fair enough to say that its his own responsibility to stay clean, but had Emily not "died", he'd have had no reason to even consider picking up a needle again, IMO. Friends don't do shit like that to each other, and if they do, they damned well do more than just give some mealy-mouthed "But you didn't..." in response. Or at least let you have more than five minutes to process.

I think "but you didn't" is a very realistic response when faced with a situation like that. I completely agree that it's not an adequate response, but I can easily see that being someone's knee-jerk response to finding out that their friend nearly relapsed because of something that they did.


Of course, I don't think it was even necessary to keep it from the rest of the team, especially after the funeral. Having four extra people who know (Morgan, Garcia, Reid and Rossi), all of whom can keep their mouths shut, will not ruin everything. Do we even know what (if anything) Emily's mother was told?


I think Reid had every right to be pissed, but his behaviour still struck me as childish and I cringe at all of those scenes.

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I think "but you didn't" is a very realistic response when faced with a situation like that. I completely agree that it's not an adequate response, but I can easily see that being someone's knee-jerk response to finding out that their friend nearly relapsed because of something that they did.


Of course, I don't think it was even necessary to keep it from the rest of the team, especially after the funeral. Having four extra people who know (Morgan, Garcia, Reid and Rossi), all of whom can keep their mouths shut, will not ruin everything. Do we even know what (if anything) Emily's mother was told?


I think Reid had every right to be pissed, but his behaviour still struck me as childish and I cringe at all of those scenes.

I pretty much agree with what you've said here, except that I didn't see him as behaving childishly. After working together all that time and being close friends, JJ knew that Reid lashes out when he is hurting and/or backed into a corner -- she needed to give him his space and approach him privately. To me, she seemed to be pushing for absolution so she would feel better about perpetuating the ruse, regardless of Reid's feelings.

He was acting pissy with her, true. Reid does facts and logic; emotions confuse him, and when faced with a huge lie (for whatever reason), from someone he trusted implicitly, over something he cared out deeply, he needed time to process that. To expect him to just snap out of it was absurd. I probably initially would be every bit as angry over something like that, and would've probably been far less gracious than he was. And I would've told everyone where to stick their pasta party.

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Perhaps not amazingly, I respectfully disagree. :-)


If the right choice was for Hotch and JJ to keep the secret about Prentiss being alive, then the next logical step is that the right choice would be for them to let Reid go back to Dilaudid as a coping mechanism. Let's ignore how asinine it is that JJ was playing online games with Emily. If protecting Prentiss was their first priority, then Spencer's sobriety was second tier. That's just how it is. Fair enough to say that its his own responsibility to stay clean, but had Emily not "died", he'd have had no reason to even consider picking up a needle again, IMO. Friends don't do shit like that to each other, and if they do, they damned well do more than just give some mealy-mouthed "But you didn't..." in response. Or at least let you have more than five minutes to process.



and I do respect that :0)


This took me longer than I thought, sorry for any grammar mistake.


However, personally, I don't think Hotch's tactical decision must be tied up to anybody's addiction. One thing is the job and life or death matters and another one is knowing that decision is going to cause pain to people who are your friends out of the job, so I'm going to borrow your words and say Reid's grief (or anyone else) was not a priority. It would be impossible working in an enviorement where you can't do anything when extreme measures are needed because maybe someone (friend or not) is not capable of coping. 


If Reid was visiting JJ for 6 weeks, JJ was a supportive friend, at least for that time. It was when Emily came back when her attitude was insufferable. As you have said, Reid has to be responsible for himself but maybe they should have watching him closer. But JJ's childish behabior was out of line, I mean, she was acting like the cool kid in the cool super secrecy team (Hotch, Emily and herself)  and everybody should be kissing her ass instead of giving her the cold shoulder. The insinuation of JJ being better profiler than Reid because he didn't catch he was being fooled is a slap in the face, Reid's face, in "every team member not involved in faking a death" faces's,  in fans' faces!!!


A point which I do agree with you, it's the irresponsiblility of JJ and Emily, playing games like nothing was happening.


And something that bothers me is if Hotch was having some kind of sessions with the team to control their grief why he didn't see that coming,  and if Reid was worse after those sessions were finished why JJ didn't tell him Reid was taking things that bad.


Another issue is how they gave Emily new identities and money just like that, I found most believable Emily surviving on her own than JJ having power to make all that happen without anyone noticing.



I pretty much agree with what you've said here, except that I didn't see him as behaving childishly. After working together all that time and being close friends, JJ knew that Reid lashes out when he is hurting and/or backed into a corner -- she needed to give him his space and approach him privately. To me, she seemed to be pushing for absolution so she would feel better about perpetuating the ruse, regardless of Reid's feelings.

He was acting pissy with her, true. Reid does facts and logic; emotions confuse him, and when faced with a huge lie (for whatever reason), from someone he trusted implicitly, over something he cared out deeply, he needed time to process that. To expect him to just snap out of it was absurd. I probably initially would be every bit as angry over something like that, and would've probably been far less gracious than he was. And I would've told everyone where to stick their pasta party.


I think he was childish when he said to JJ he was thinking about using again, he probably thought about it, sure it wasn't the first time or the last one, he is an addict, but It felt like something you say only to make the other person feel guilty. 


the key of her behabior, feeling better for herself.


Absolutely agree, about Reid being angry and the need of time to process, that was my thought exactly! sorry if my arguments are messy sometimes.

The pasta party is one of the worst scenes ever, and I would add a finger to that suggestion.

Edited by smoker
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