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Small Talk: Behavioral Gabbing Unit

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A lot of "unintended" rewatching of season 12 this weekend. 

I'll explain, there are 3 people watching CM in my house, my two sons and I. In fact I started watching the show because they were watching and I became curious about it.

My eldest son was watching "Alpha Male" yesterday, while I was doing something on my laptop, and listening to music at the same time.  I looked to the TV screen from time to time, and it was a really interesting "experiment". I couldn't hear the dialogue so it was only facial expressions. If I liked MGG before, I like him even more now !! The amount of feeling he can convey with just his eyes!!

My youngest son hasn't seen any new episodes for a while, because he has been very busy with exams. So yesterday he started to watch again, "Profiling 202",  "Seek and Destroy" (by the way,he told me it's the name of a song by Metallica, I learned something new!!) and today it was..."Surface Tension". I have watched it a few times by now, but it always gets me. There is a particular scene which gets even harder to see each time, today I actually "jumped" and covered my mouth.(You've guessed it, it's the slap)  And my son didn't say "come on , mum, it's just TV" . 

Edited by senin
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I know, Senin, I did the same (watched a few of the s.12 episodes) and when it came to that scene, even though I've seen it several times, I jumped this time, and the end where Reid ties the scarf to his mom's wrist just made me weep.

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Mods, feel free to move this to a different thread if it is in the wrong spot. I *think* this is the off-topic thread.

Going back to the discussion in S12 thread, I think it's a mixture of life and its choices AND that some people are just bad people. 

For example, I personally know a man who was raised by two loving parents, had every opportunity under the sun.

He's now in prison. 

He molested and raped several young girls. I have no problems saying that I hate him and I hate few people. He's a bad person. His life or circumstances didn't cause it, he willingly chose to do the monstrous things he did. 

On the other hand, I know a young man who made  horrible choices due to not being raised and knowing his family didn't love him. Long story short, he ended up getting shot last year, nearly died, but circumstances changed and my sister and her husband took him in ( they knew him before all of this happened and tried to get him help to no avail) and he's a changed young man. 

Edited by autumnmountains
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17 minutes ago, autumnmountains said:

Mods, feel free to move this to a different thread if it is in the wrong spot. I *think* this is the off-topic thread.

Going back to the discussion in S12 thread, I think it's a mixture of life and its choices AND that some people are just bad people. 

For example, I personally know a man who was raised by two loving parents, had every opportunity under the sun.

He's now in prison. 

He molested and raped several young girls. I have no problems saying that I hate him and I hate few people. He's a bad person. His life or circumstances didn't cause it, he willingly chose to do the monstrous things he did. 

On the other hand, I know a young man who bad horrible choices due to not being raised and knowing his family didn't love him. Long story short, he ended up getting shot last year, nearly died, but circumstances changed and my sister and her husband took him in ( they knew him before all of this happened and tried to get him help to no avail) and he's a changed young man. 

Yes, this is what I mean. There is too much evidence of people with no traumatic history doing bad things for it to always be 100%due to upbringing. 

I have a cousin who we recently found out was in jail. She was raised in a pretty bad home ( my aunt is a nut.) Her mom abandoned her, money issues, drug issues, she ended up marrying a man who turned to drug dealing. We found out she was arrested  for drug dealing/ theft (including from our own grandfather) and a bunch of other things. She abandoned her daughter with her dad ( daughter's dad) to go deal. She didn't tell the father anything, the father couldn't find her and put out a missing persons report. She is now out of jail. She has always been very nice growing up and has always been a good person. She was not malicious and mean like her mom and sister (heh). I still view her as a good person who simply fell of the rails and I wish the best for her. I do think that if she would have had a better home growing up she would never be where she is now. 

But I also have 100% confidence that we are not going to find out she has a secret torture chamber in her basement that she has been using to torture and kill people with these past few years. 

To me, there is a world's a difference.

Edited by Haleysgalaxy
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Also, to give more background on the aunt. She ran away from home as a teenager ( and she was from a good home), abandoned her kids when they were young teens, is a pathological liar, an alcoholic, their house foreclosed bc she lied about money, swings from job to job, drugs, etc. She is also a generally awful person.

One of the weirdest things about her though is her favorite domestic hobby. She heads out into the Wyoming wilderness where she lives and searches for fossilized animal penises. She then puts them in a display case that she is very proud of. 

Edited by Haleysgalaxy
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If any of you are playing the Trivia Challenge, please double-check your responses. I'm seeing a lot of people getting just one answer incorrect, and that's enough to take them out of the running. It's not the same question for each person, but it's heartbreaking to see this perfect submission and then OOPS! Just one wrong answer ruins it all.

Submissions and corrections can still be submitted until April 6, 11:59 pm central time.

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3 hours ago, JMO said:

I came across a decent summary article on something we discussed in one of the threads:


Thanks for sharing. I was thinking about what you said about toxic stress in childhood and how it affects the developing child. You mentioned the shortage of food and/or the absence of the guarentee of food being a possible cause. However, food has only been a guarentee in very recent times. For most of human history food scarcity and no guarentees about food were the norm. Did every single child of the past grow up with developmental problems? Obviously not, so I'm sure there has to be more going on. I wonder if it's relative?

It's also interesting to note the childrearing techniques of the past. From what I've read, most of us would consider the childrearing techniques before very modern times to be abusive. Also, "childhood" didn't exist. Children were treated as mini adults and it was even commonplace to avoid bonding with your child due to high childhood mortality. Basically, what I'm saying is is that the basic standard of childrearing has been significantly raised and things that we now consider abusive wouldn't  have been considered abusive in the past. We as humans obviously haven't  changed since then, so it's interesting to see how what we consider to be a bad upbringing can have negative effects on children, even though a rough childhood was the norm just until a few decades ago. Of course I don't think we should go back to the norms of the past, but I do find it intereting,

Just food for thought. 

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9 hours ago, Haleysgalaxy said:

Thanks for sharing. I was thinking about what you said about toxic stress in childhood and how it affects the developing child. You mentioned the shortage of food and/or the absence of the guarentee of food being a possible cause. However, food has only been a guarentee in very recent times. For most of human history food scarcity and no guarentees about food were the norm. Did every single child of the past grow up with developmental problems? Obviously not, so I'm sure there has to be more going on. I wonder if it's relative?

It's also interesting to note the childrearing techniques of the past. From what I've read, most of us would consider the childrearing techniques before very modern times to be abusive. Also, "childhood" didn't exist. Children were treated as mini adults and it was even commonplace to avoid bonding with your child due to high childhood mortality. Basically, what I'm saying is is that the basic standard of childrearing has been significantly raised and things that we now consider abusive wouldn't  have been considered abusive in the past. We as humans obviously haven't  changed since then, so it's interesting to see how what we consider to be a bad upbringing can have negative effects on children, even though a rough childhood was the norm just until a few decades ago. Of course I don't think we should go back to the norms of the past, but I do find it intereting,

Just food for thought. 

I suspect it is relative.  By its current definition, the 'toxic' part of toxic stress involves both the stressor and the absence of a supportive environment.  So, ironically, the more people in the same boat, and the more the stress is out in the open and shared, the less toxic it is, at least in terms of this concept.  (Of course, you would still be malnourished.)  

Similarly with child-rearing.  There is research that looks at the psychological and emotion effects of corporal punishment.  If you are the only kid you know who is receiving it, and it is used for every infraction, big or small, it has a much more drastically negative effect on self-esteem than if every kid you know gets it, or if your parent reserves it for big, or scary, offenses.  But it hurts equally, and it can get out of control in either circumstance, although that is more likely to happen with a parent whose only tool is corporal (because when they get really mad, or scared, all they can do, is to do it harder and longer.)

That's the current state of things.  But nothing's to say there won't be more unfolding, or rebutted.  Maybe we'll find out the the spike in obesity over the last decade or two has more to do with genetic changes caused by the food insecurity of the past, than what we're eating in the present.  There goes every diet on the planet!

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Venting a little bit... Some friends of mine are having problems with an unsub neighbor. The worthless sack of shit neighbor has been poisoning their dogs. He doesn't have pets but he started putting out bowls of dog food in his yard-- but they were mixed with antifreeze. Both of my friend's dogs got sick-- one of them is nursing puppies and the puppies are starting to look sick-- but the vet said the mother should be ok. But the other dog might not pull through. She's at the vet's on an IV drip. She's just the sweetest little doggie. People who do things like that... just... Ugh! I'm not a violent person, but I really really want to just get a 2x4 with some nails in it and beat the living shit out that guy. Is it wrong that I wish someone would slip some antifreeze in his drinks? Not enough to kill him, but enough to make him sick and feel just what those dogs are going through. I hope he goes to jail and gets the shit kicked out of him.

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Hello again, fellow CM fans!

I'm back!

Anyhoo, I'm working on a story; Anastasie is the title. Here's the plot:

Anastasie du Guertin-Guerrier became an orphan when she was a young girl, leaving her at the hands of her stepmother, Lady Melanie DeVilleaston and her two daughters, Embelinde and Lucienne. Many years has passed and Anastasie has grown into a spirited and strong-willed woman, but has been treated as a servant in her own home, although she tries her hardest to take charge of her life conditions.
The adventurous Crown Prince Gabriel of Zandaria wants to find his own bride after he is being forced into an arranged marriage by his father, King Richard, in order for him to take on more responsibilities and help him run the country. Lady DeVilleaston is determined to have Embelinde as his bride.
It is not long before destiny sets Anastasie and Gabriel to finally meet. But can their love can truly last when they both come across the challenges they face?

What do you think?

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On 4/25/2017 at 5:57 PM, Fashionista7 said:

Hello again, fellow CM fans!

I'm back!

Anyhoo, I'm working on a story; Anastasie is the title. Here's the plot:

Anastasie du Guertin-Guerrier became an orphan when she was a young girl, leaving her at the hands of her stepmother, Lady Melanie DeVilleaston and her two daughters, Embelinde and Lucienne. Many years has passed and Anastasie has grown into a spirited and strong-willed woman, but has been treated as a servant in her own home, although she tries her hardest to take charge of her life conditions.
The adventurous Crown Prince Gabriel of Zandaria wants to find his own bride after he is being forced into an arranged marriage by his father, King Richard, in order for him to take on more responsibilities and help him run the country. Lady DeVilleaston is determined to have Embelinde as his bride.
It is not long before destiny sets Anastasie and Gabriel to finally meet. But can their love can truly last when they both come across the challenges they face?

What do you think?

It's a modern-day version of Cinderella with a little bit of old school.

I want Anastasie and Gabriel's relationship to be almost like Maeve and Reid's relationship--but without what happened in the end.

I think they--Reid and Maeve--met through correspondence, I believe? I'd go back, but they're a little too painful.

Edited by Fashionista7
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On 4/25/2017 at 0:39 AM, zannej said:

Venting a little bit... Some friends of mine are having problems with an unsub neighbor. The worthless sack of shit neighbor has been poisoning their dogs. He doesn't have pets but he started putting out bowls of dog food in his yard-- but they were mixed with antifreeze. Both of my friend's dogs got sick-- one of them is nursing puppies and the puppies are starting to look sick-- but the vet said the mother should be ok. But the other dog might not pull through. She's at the vet's on an IV drip. She's just the sweetest little doggie. People who do things like that... just... Ugh! I'm not a violent person, but I really really want to just get a 2x4 with some nails in it and beat the living shit out that guy. Is it wrong that I wish someone would slip some antifreeze in his drinks? Not enough to kill him, but enough to make him sick and feel just what those dogs are going through. I hope he goes to jail and gets the shit kicked out of him.


We had a neighbor like this when I was a kid and we had a special name for him that I won't repeat here.  We even caught him trying to poison our dogs after he already killed our neighbor's dog.  My dad nearly took an aluminum baseball bat to him.

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1 hour ago, R3volver said:

We had a neighbor like this when I was a kid and we had a special name for him that I won't repeat here.  We even caught him trying to poison our dogs after he already killed our neighbor's dog.  My dad nearly took an aluminum baseball bat to him.

Your dad should've done it.

On ‎4‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 1:39 AM, zannej said:

Venting a little bit... Some friends of mine are having problems with an unsub neighbor. The worthless sack of shit neighbor has been poisoning their dogs. He doesn't have pets but he started putting out bowls of dog food in his yard-- but they were mixed with antifreeze. Both of my friend's dogs got sick-- one of them is nursing puppies and the puppies are starting to look sick-- but the vet said the mother should be ok. But the other dog might not pull through. She's at the vet's on an IV drip. She's just the sweetest little doggie. People who do things like that... just... Ugh! I'm not a violent person, but I really really want to just get a 2x4 with some nails in it and beat the living shit out that guy. Is it wrong that I wish someone would slip some antifreeze in his drinks? Not enough to kill him, but enough to make him sick and feel just what those dogs are going through. I hope he goes to jail and gets the shit kicked out of him.

Are you sesqui from the other forum? I heard the story. Someone needs to do to him what Hotch did to Foyet. I hope they can arrest him.

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On 4/27/2017 at 0:51 PM, Hotchgirl18 said:

Your dad should've done it.

Are you sesqui from the other forum? I heard the story. Someone needs to do to him what Hotch did to Foyet. I hope they can arrest him.


I really think there should be more serious consequences for poisoning animals. It should be a felony-- especially when it is done so maliciously.

I forgot to mention that the dog who had young puppies started having seizures while the vet was closed and there is no emergency vet service in the area. She seized and convulsed for 10 hours before finally dying. It was a horrible miserable death. No animal should ever have to suffer through that.

The dog that had been on an IV drip lived a few days longer but then started hemorrhaging out her eyes and vomiting large amounts of blood so she had to be put to sleep. If there had been an available vet, the other one would have been put to sleep too. There used to be about a dozen dogs in the neighborhood and they are gone. There were also cats and kittens and they are gone too. And that son-of-a-bitch is still walking free.

Edited by zannej
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1 hour ago, zannej said:


I really think there should be more serious consequences for poisoning animals. It should be a felony-- especially when it is done so maliciously.

I forgot to mention that the dog who had young puppies started having seizures while the vet was closed and there is no emergency vet service in the area. She seized and convulsed for 10 hours before finally dying. It was a horrible miserable death. No animal should ever have to suffer through that.

The dog that had been on an IV drip lived a few days longer but then started hemorrhaging out her eyes and vomiting large amounts of blood so she had to be put to sleep. If there had been an available vet, the other one would have been put to sleep too. There used to be about a dozen dogs in the neighborhood and they are gone. There were also cats and kittens and they are gone too. And that son-of-a-bitch is still walking free.

There needs to be stricter animal abuse laws. Why is this guy doing this? Go listen to the song  "A Country Boy Can Survive" by Hank Williams JR. Perfectly describes how I feel about it. 

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Hey all, my site was bombarded by a malicious intruder today, so someone tried to hack me.

If you're sent an email from criminalmindsfans.com, eject it and empty your recycle bin immediately. I've sent no emails. 

We know who it is, I have their URL, and I've spent half this day switching to a more secure server. Wordpress legal is on it, as well.

Nice try, bitch. Thanks for trying to ruin all the fun.

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Pretty common thing on all these sorts of sites.  They are pretty hard to secure. I'd say its nothing more than automated web bots spamming random sites.

I wouldnt much rely on having a particular url either.  I had a business site, which had pretty good security in place, hacked. Url was via a proxy site, so that proved useless in trying to track culprit down.  As it happened, it was just as I described.  Not targetted at me, rather just my site got caught up in it, or rather my web server/iSP service did.

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Appreciate that, thank you. This wasn't a proxy site, and I do realize they can change their IP address, but it's being investigated due to certain identifiers. I'll know more in about a day. Pain in the ass. Why don't people just live their lives and leave the rest of us alone?

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7 hours ago, Hotchgirl18 said:

Some people just don't get it. My stupid people tolerance is dwindling. 


I'm surrounded by stupid people! And I don't do stupid very well.

I hear you on that. I used to be much more patient with people. Now I'm at the point where my tolerance for people in general is dwindling. That's why I spend so much more time with my cats. LOL. It's a really good thing I live out in the woods away from other people. I don't want to see or hear any neighbors.

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7 hours ago, zannej said:

I hear you on that. I used to be much more patient with people. Now I'm at the point where my tolerance for people in general is dwindling. That's why I spend so much more time with my cats. LOL. It's a really good thing I live out in the woods away from other people. I don't want to see or hear any neighbors.

Can't wait to go home and be with my dog. I have no patience for stupid and I'm 19. 

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Long time lurker, first time poster..Anyhow, there's 2 stories that I'm looking for, one is no longer on FF.net & I'm hoping some kind soul may have it saved as a document & would be willing to e-mail it to me, the title is "The Girl Who Lived", apparently the author, ilovetvalot has deleted her profile on FF (either that or she changed her username)

The other story was a Hotch/Prentiss pairing. I can't remember the name, but the gist of it was Emily was babysitting for J.J & Will while they went on a date & J.J & Will were in a crash & Hotch & Emily ended up becoming the guardians to the children..Anyone know the name and/or the username of who wrote it


Thank You bunches


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Hey all! I've got a friend in a pickle and I'm trying to help her out with something. Send prayers or good vibes or whatever! 

Also, I assume y'all heard about BB!! This calls for a celebration!! :) 

Also, don't get your hopes up, but I might start watching again. Might. 

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15 minutes ago, NWFan2014 said:

Long time lurker, first time poster..Anyhow, there's 2 stories that I'm looking for, one is no longer on FF.net & I'm hoping some kind soul may have it saved as a document & would be willing to e-mail it to me, the title is "The Girl Who Lived", apparently the author, ilovetvalot has deleted her profile on FF (either that or she changed her username)

The other story was a Hotch/Prentiss pairing. I can't remember the name, but the gist of it was Emily was babysitting for J.J & Will while they went on a date & J.J & Will were in a crash & Hotch & Emily ended up becoming the guardians to the children..Anyone know the name and/or the username of who wrote it


Thank You bunches


The first story sounds familiar. The second one doesn't. 

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"The Girl Who Lived" was a JJ centric story about an Un-Sub from her past (back when J.J & her little sister were children they were both abducted & her little sister was killed) starts killing again...Gideon came back to the unit as he was there along with Rossi back before Gideon was Unit Chief...It was also a cross-over story with NCIS eventually coming in to help the BAU catch the Un-Sub...The second story, focused on Hotch & Emily raising JJ & Will's kids after they are killed in a car crash, JJ & Will set it up in their will that should something happen to them that whoever were to take guardianship could not still be working at the BAU (in this story, Hotch & Emily are no longer with the BAU)


Like I said, I know who wrote the first story but her profile on FF.net is gone & I don't know how else to go about getting the file :(


hope that rings some bells :)


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1 minute ago, NWFan2014 said:

"The Girl Who Lived" was a JJ centric story about an Un-Sub from her past (back when J.J & her little sister were children they were both abducted & her little sister was killed) starts killing again...Gideon came back to the unit as he was there along with Rossi back before Gideon was Unit Chief...It was also a cross-over story with NCIS eventually coming in to help the BAU catch the Un-Sub...The second story, focused on Hotch & Emily raising JJ & Will's kids after they are killed in a car crash, JJ & Will set it up in their will that should something happen to them that whoever were to take guardianship could not still be working at the BAU (in this story, Hotch & Emily are no longer with the BAU)


Like I said, I know who wrote the first story but her profile on FF.net is gone & I don't know how else to go about getting the file :(


hope that rings some bells :)


Can't say I've read it. Have you read "Unsub Unseen?"

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My heart is sad. How people can target children like this is beyond me. There is so much evil in the world. I think everyone here in the UK is in shock. It looks like it was a suicide bomber - I hope he spends eternity in the deepest depths of Hell.

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9 hours ago, Old Dog said:

My heart is sad. How people can target children like this is beyond me. There is so much evil in the world. I think everyone here in the UK is in shock. It looks like it was a suicide bomber - I hope he spends eternity in the deepest depths of Hell.

They think it is and they have a suspect lurking around at the scene. 

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I've looked and I can't find it anywhere. (probably not looking hard enough...)

anybody know if Anderson has a first name that's ever been mentioned on the show? He's an ancillary character in the fanfic I'm writing and I just don't know his name.

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5 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

I've looked and I can't find it anywhere. (probably not looking hard enough...)

anybody know if Anderson has a first name that's ever been mentioned on the show? He's an ancillary character in the fanfic I'm writing and I just don't know his name.

I'm pretty sure he's Grant Anderson. Yep - definitely Grant.

Edited by Old Dog
double checked - memory not what it was!
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Some people have posted that his name was mentioned and it was Grant. Perhaps it was in an episode I didn't see but once and didn't notice them saying a first name.

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