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Small Talk: Behavioral Gabbing Unit

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I got X-cessive Wanderer or something for my real name. LOL.


On a side note, I saw that Mark Hamill tweeted about Harrison Ford's plane crash and said he wants all of Harrison's future flights to be on green screen. There was also a joke tweet about a plane crash on Penmar Golf Corse with a Solo pilot. 

Edited by zannej
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I didn't watch the last two CM episodes. I have them recorded, but I feel no interest in watching them at all.

With the last one I only got to the shot in which the entire team was walking in the prison corridors, and both JJ and Kate had dialogues while the male cast was walking behind them silently. I just switch the tv off after that.

I am truly disappointed with the show right now.

The only thing that makes me regret not to watch them is that it also means I have to stop visiting this forum as well.

That makes me more sad than abandoning the show itself.

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I didn't watch the last two CM episodes. I have them recorded, but I feel no interest in watching them at all.

With the last one I only got to the shot in which the entire team was walking in the prison corridors, and both JJ and Kate had dialogues while the male cast was walking behind them silently. I just switch the tv off after that.

I am truly disappointed with the show right now.

The only thing that makes me regret not to watch them is that it also means I have to stop visiting this forum as well.

That makes me more sad than abandoning the show itself.

I've missed you this week MCatry. I wanted you to confirm to me just how much time was given over to the unsub in this week's episode because it seemed like at least half. Why they cannot put the focus on the fabulous male characters and insist on giving us so much unsub and soapy sub stories is beyond me. MGG for example is on the cusp of reaching 1,000,000 followers on Twitter - that ought to tell them who the fans really want to see surely? Sigh.

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I didn't watch the last two CM episodes. I have them recorded, but I feel no interest in watching them at all.


I didn't feel like watching them either, but I had no other plans for Saturday ... and I was pretty disappointed. I couldn't get through half of the prison episode. I watched the 50 Shades one, but didn't find it engaging. 


I don't have much time for TV anymore due to work, so my usual practice is to come here, look at the comments from you guys, and decide whether or not to watch based on your reviews. Your comments are more entertaining than the show itself!

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And, completely off-topic, JMO, I'm so glad it's finally spring where you are! Enjoy!


Yay--the crocuses are up and blooming!  Daffodils are being timid, but the tulips and hyacinths have decided winter is over.  Of course, with everything being buried for so long, I'd forgotten that most of the bushes had gotten chopped to within an inch of their lives last fall.  They were way overgrown, so it was the only thing to do. But, alas, that will make it a spring largely without flowers, waiting on a better one next year. 


But I may have to steal some of my neighbor's lilacs.  I don't think I can live through a spring without lilacs.

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I have a couple of Dogwoods in my backyard that are in full bloom right now. There is a huge one with white blossoms on it and another smaller one with pink blossoms on it. They are quite beautiful and I always enjoy looking at them for the short time they are in season.

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I'm gonna go Spencer on ya, MMC, and say, "Actually did you know that what looks like flowers on a dogwood is actually a bract? the flower is the little yellow cluster in the middle of the bract."

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I'm gonna go Spencer on ya, MMC, and say, "Actually did you know that what looks like flowers on a dogwood is actually a bract? the flower is the little yellow cluster in the middle of the bract."

No indeed I did not know. Thanks for sharing that bit of interesting info. My mom probably knew though. She was very much into stuff like that.Me I just like looking at all the pretty. Which is of course why I like looking at MGG so much

Edited by missmycat
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Its just been hot and/or rainy out here. Good thing I guess because it seems one of the water pumps stopped working. The one that pumps water up into the cistern wasn't running, but the one that is supposed to pump water out of it was making a loud humming sound. Had to shut off the power. Called the pump/well guy but got an answering machine. I hope I hear back from him soon. For now we have no running water. So its time to fill some buckets with rainwater to flush the toilet....

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LOL. It's ok. 

The good news is, one of his appointments canceled on him and he arrived as I was typing this message. A wire was fried from one of the power outages so he had to replace it.

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Can I take a moment to be a bit self-indulgent? Thanks.


There is a reason why my user name is Bookish Jen. I love books and I have a blog where I write book reviews. A couple of months ago a PR person for a book publisher sent me an advanced copy of a book to review. I read the book, loved it and posted my review to my blog yesterday. I sent the review to the PR person and he told me my review was, "just perfect!" Not only that, he sent the link to the book's writers. Yesterday the writers sent me emails thanking me for my review. They really loved it. Not only that, they also posted my review (with link) to their book's FB page. I can't believe how excited I am (and yes, quite proud of myself).


Here is a link to my initial review:


And here is a link to the book and its author's FB page (scroll down to find link):


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Anyone who is a big fan of classic Hollywood will probably like "In the Company of Legends." I'm following the authors via the book's FB page and they are getting great buzz and doing the media circuit. Good for them.


Re: My blog. I started it over a year ago after I had two very large setbacks in my writing career. These setbacks really threw me, and I never thought I would write again. I began the blog as a bit of therapy and as an ego boost. Steadily, I've gained followers and a lot of the authors whose work I've reviewed on my blog have reacted quite positively once I've sent them the links. I've gotten personal emails from them and they've given me and my blog shout-outs via their websites and various social media.


As for social media, I refrained from using it just because I needed to get over some insecurity and I wanted to lay a strong foundation of solid writing and good work. However, I will probably start a Twitter feed for my blog in the near future.

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So this has nothing to do with the show, which means it goes here.



For any of you who didn't read the Anne books or see the movies, Gilbert Blythe was both her competitor and her stalwart friend, eventually her suitor and finally her husband. The Green Gables series was a big part of my youth, and the fact that Crombie was only three years older than I am makes this hit especially hard. I feel like I've lost a close friend or even a family member. Rest well, young sir, you will be missed.



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Awwww.... I really loved the Anne of Green Gables miniseries. 48 is so young. It's always too soon for friends and family though. Had a friend who passed at 89 and it was too soon for us.

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Having knee surgery tomorrow (4/20) to repair a tear in my medial meniscus in my left knee. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. :p I'm hoping it will be a quick fix and recovery. I should be back to check in with you all in a day or so. 

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Having knee surgery tomorrow (4/20) to repair a tear in my medial meniscus in my left knee. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. :p I'm hoping it will be a quick fix and recovery. I should be back to check in with you all in a day or so. 

Sending positive vibes and happy thoughts to you for a speedy recovery.

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So this has nothing to do with the show, which means it goes here.



For any of you who didn't read the Anne books or see the movies, Gilbert Blythe was both her competitor and her stalwart friend, eventually her suitor and finally her husband. The Green Gables series was a big part of my youth, and the fact that Crombie was only three years older than I am makes this hit especially hard. I feel like I've lost a close friend or even a family member. Rest well, young sir, you will be missed.



Wow, this is so sad and so sudden. I noticed the link provided an interview with Don McKellar, a very talented actor and filmmaker in his own right and a friend of Mr. Crombie's. He spoke very highly of his late friend.

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Surgery went well. Only took about 20 minutes. I slept most of the day yesterday. Still on pain meds today, but I am able to put some weight on the leg. My wonderful husband has been taking care of me. I have a walker to use, but it's actually rubbing my hands sore. Larry has to help me get out of a chair or off of the toilet. When we said "in sickness or in health" I don't think either of us thought this would ever be the case. :) He also brings me food and drinks. Our house is all levels and I'm not doing stairs unless my life depends on it. The anesthesiologist gave me a block for my left leg. It did not wear off until maybe dinner time last night. It felt like I was dragging a cement block. When we got home from the hospital, I took one look at our front stairs and almost started crying. I decided the only way I was going to get into the house was to sit on my butt and scooch my way up one stair at a time. A nice neighbor came over to help. He and Larry inched me up the stairs. They thought they could stand me up on the porch but there was one more step into the house and I decided my butt was the way to go. I got my butt up over the step and then laid on my back and pushed myself down the hall to the kitchen with my good leg. There, Larry turned me around and I went down the stairs to our family room on my butt again. He got me up and into my recliner and that's where I have been ever since except to use the bathroom. But it seems the worst is over and now I just have to get the use of that leg back again. They wanted me to start physical therapy already this week, but there were no openings, so I start on Tuesday. I hope to already be back to work by then. I mostly just sit at a desk, so it should be okay to return to work. Thank you all for your good wishes. It's a pleasure chatting with you here. Thank goodness there was no one about with a camera to film my ordeal of getting into my house.  I can only imagine what that must have looked like. 

Edited by SSAHotchner
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Glad to hear it went well, SSAH.  So, here's what you know now:  You can do anything!!  Who cares if it's on your butt?  You'll find a way, and you'll get it done.


Physical therapists are among my favorite people in the world.  Good luck with yours!

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I just imagined you scooting around on your butt and remembered doing that on some stairs before. And it reminded me of the time MGG posted about crawling on his floor like a really gay snail when his knee was messed up.


I hope that your leg heals quickly!

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I know there are some readers among us, so I'm sharing on an author who was recommended to me.  I may be late to the dance on this one, as she's already won a Pulitzer and, last year, the National Book Award, but since she'd escaped my notice, maybe she's escaped yours as well.  Marilynne Robinson wrote her first book in 1980, and her second 24 years later. It may have taken her almost a quarter of a century to grow her writing, but it was well worth it.  I ended up reading the recent three in a mixed-up order, but it worked pretty well:  Lila, followed by Gilead, followed by Home.  I only wish I hadn't been reading them on a plane, because the people around me didn't understand my tears.

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I know there are some readers among us, so I'm sharing on an author who was recommended to me.  I may be late to the dance on this one, as she's already won a Pulitzer and, last year, the National Book Award, but since she'd escaped my notice, maybe she's escaped yours as well.  Marilynne Robinson wrote her first book in 1980, and her second 24 years later. It may have taken her almost a quarter of a century to grow her writing, but it was well worth it.  I ended up reading the recent three in a mixed-up order, but it worked pretty well:  Lila, followed by Gilead, followed by Home.  I only wish I hadn't been reading them on a plane, because the people around me didn't understand my tears.

I'm a huge reader and I write a book review blog. Your post has me very intrigued. I must check out Ms. Robinson's books once I get a chance. Right now I have around three books to read and review, and a NYC publisher once again reached out to me about reviewing another one of their books. And a UK-based writer sent me her book to review, which I'm in the middle of and hope to have a review of it by early next week.

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There really is a lot of truth to the saying, "April is the cruelest month." This current April was one of the most difficult months for me, both personally and professionally. And far too many of my friends and various loved one also dealt with life's cruel obstacles this April. But we are the advent of May, and today I am feeling such utter joy for far too many reasons to mention right now. But I think the little girl in this picture truly sums up my current state of being-mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally. And I'd dedicating this to all of you!



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Oh, I love that photo! I'm sorry it's been a typical April for you. I always intone the T.S. Eliot poem to my husband at the beginning of April, and, yes, for some damn reason (not the Easter one he might have been talking about), it always seems to at least tweak the heart in some manner that makes you go hmmmmm. 


"May Day, May Day, it's time to tell some jokes"


Google that and see some silly fun

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I am glad to kiss April bye-bye! I have allowed my stress to literally consume me -- so much going on. No one thing is fatal -- but added together, they are just too much:

>We have been remodeling since January. My house is literally gutted. I do my class assignments balancing my laptop on a stool. I can't remember the last time I cooked a meal in my kitchen.

>My daughter is graduating college next weekend. We have to put our relatives coming for graduation up in a hotel (see aforementioned gutted house).

>Daughter graduating college plans to move to Portland, OR, 3K miles away from her mommy. Mommy not happy.

>My own class project for which I researched all semester is due tomorrow. I just this minute submitted it. Too numb to dance Iike Snoopy.

>I somehow managed to lose my wedding rings. They're in this hideous house somewhere, but apparently very well hidden. I may have to turn it in to my homeowner's insurance. I am usually so careful but they are absolutely lost. I cannot bring myself to tell my husband.

THIS is why I stress about CM. It's supposed to be the OK thing.

Edited because I am an idiot.

Edited by Droogie
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Yikes, Droogie! Sorry about those wedding rings.---and I don't know how you pulled off all that class work with your house torn apart.

On the plus side, congratulations on getting the project done, and on your daughter's graduation! One less college tuition in your life, and you may soon have a reason to visit the west coast---just a short plane ride from MGG territory!

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Yikes, Droogie! Sorry about those wedding rings.---and I don't know how you pulled off all that class work with your house torn apart.

On the plus side, congratulations on getting the project done, and on your daughter's graduation! One less college tuition in your life, and you may soon have a reason to visit the west coast---just a short plane ride from MGG territory!

Thank you, JMO! It has been a rough few months.

I am so proud of my baby girl -- she is a very talented graphic artist. I am so excited for her and the opportunities she has. Now is the time for her to take off and be young. I'm trying to keep my sorrow to myself. And OH YEAH I'll go out west and maybe hope to spot MGG at some point.

... at which time I would dissolve into a puddle.

One less college tuition -- tuition is the only thing keeping me from becoming an indentured servant to the IRS. My husband told me after I did our taxes this year that I have to continue in college forever since it helps so much.

Edited by Droogie
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Oh, Droogie I don't know you well, but I'm sorry for the loss of your rings and the moving away of your child. Be glad that you've raised a lovely, independent person, and that she'll love you til the end of her days.


Have some ice cream? :)

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Oh, Droogie I don't know you well, but I'm sorry for the loss of your rings and the moving away of your child. Be glad that you've raised a lovely, independent person, and that she'll love you til the end of her days.


Have some ice cream? :)

Oh, you are sweet; thank you. Rings are just things, but I am so sad about them. My baby girl is breaking my heart, but she is so very excited, and I'm feeding off of that. I am so proud of her; I wouldn't do anything to squelch her enthusiasm. She went to Portland with a professor to a conference last fall and fell in love ("Mom! These are my people!"). She told me she is so thankful we aren't giving her a hard time about it.

I could go for some Moose Tracks! But I'm fresh out and so am having a fishbowl of Merlot...

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Y'know, every one of us probably has quirks/beliefs/ideas that would put off and/or offend everyone else here. But I have to say, I really enjoy coming here and "talking" with all of you. I quite like you people.

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Droogie-so sorry for the loss of your rings. I hope you find them shortly. And congrats on your daughter. She sounds amazing, but of course, she is. You're her mama.


I'm a teaching assistant for my church's RE classes. I work with 3-4 graders. We usually discuss serious topics, but yesterday was a fun day because we were making gifts for the actual teachers, and you know I'm all about making crafts. Well, there is one kid in my class whom I call Reid, Jr. He kind of looks like a baby Reid with his medium brown hair and spectacles. Plus, he kept spouting esoteric information every two seconds. For some reason, the conversation turned to turds, and Reid, Jr stated, "Turd are expensive." This totally tickled my funny bone, and I had a huge laughing attack. I could not stop giggling. I had tears rolling down my cheeks and my face probably turned as red as my hair. All the kids were cracking up, and my assistant, Kyle, could barely keep it together.


Turd jokes never stop being funny!

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