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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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Okay then!  New topic name - Penis Talk.....and stuff and thangs.  Ha!


And no, I didn't miss out on the Viagra discussion.  It was classic, as so many of the penis discussions tend to be.


And so, while we're talking about penises again, I have to confess that I've often wondered why we never see a male zombie walking around with his fly open and his stuff in his hand because you know there's no way some guy didn't get bitten while handling that thang, whether being caught in the act of peeing.....or other stuff.

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I've often wondered why we never see a male zombie walking around with his fly open and his stuff in his hand


And here I thought MY musings meander around in bizarre directions. Now I'll be thinking about this every time I see a zombie. Heee!!


It was kinda right out there, in the open.


Are we talking about flashers again?

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A zombie stiffy.  Hmm.  Someone must be a fan of Deadwood.


Well, considering Sasha laid down on a pile of them, maybe she found a couple of hard thangs, and stuff.


Since this seems to be the place for it.... I know the 'why haven't we seen any zombies dressed for BDSM?' topic has been brought up before, but I'm dying to see a fem-zombie walking around with a strap-on attached.  (AS FPP DIES IN THE PROCESS!)  Then we can talk about fake rubber penises!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I'm dying to see a fem-zombie walking around with a strap-on attached.  (AS FPP DIES IN THE PROCESS!)


  So...does that mean you want to see FPP getting strap-onned (new word!) to death? Or just that any scenario, no matter how messed up,  should include the demise of said FPP?


Anyway, what about some "Furry" zombies? Actually, seeing zombies who got zombified in the middle engaging in any perversion would be epic.


Then we can talk about fake rubber penises!



Should that be "penii"? Hmmm....

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Lots of yes, to Bobby.  I was the opposite, I had to wait & catch up on the earliest seasons of Smallville because I didn't have the local CW (WB, back then) affiliate on the cable lineup yet.  I am waiting (another month or so) for this SPN season's finale to air so I can marathon the whole thing.  I watched the first 2 and then missed the next one for some reason and then kept getting blocked from picking it up again for a while, so have been putting it off and will catch up after the season's over.  I remember, even just a few years ago, how SPN used to be "appointment TV" for me, it was one of (if not the) favotite shows, but I don't feel like my world is collapsing by having to wait to finally watch this season in its entirety.



Lana was ok, the first few seasons, but then became absolutely unbearable.


I don't have Netfilx, so I'm missing out on DD.  Sounds good, but they went that route for its distribution and I can only go by opinion.


I really liked Daredevil, and I didn't expect to. I'm not a fan of a lot of superhero stories. 


I have a cold, and haven't really been able to focus on much. I'm listening to an Africam webcam right now, because I can hear the night creatures chirping/singing. I just heard something in the water, but couldn't see anything. Some years back, I saw a hippo bathing in the pond, it fell asleep and was snoring. I loved it, but my computer kept crashing. This tablet is handling it well, when it isn't having its own problems. 

Edited by Anela
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  So...does that mean you want to see FPP getting strap-onned (new word!) to death? Or just that any scenario, no matter how messed up,  should include the demise of said FPP?


Anyway, what about some "Furry" zombies? Actually, seeing zombies who got zombified in the middle engaging in any perversion would be epic.



Should that be "penii"? Hmmm....


I could think up a very creative and graphic death scene involving FPP,  a strap-on wearing zombie, and either more zombies or crazies like the Wolves.... but it would never see the light of day in terms of actually being shown on the show - and probably for the best, for everyone (and my own mental & psyche health).


A "furry" zombie.  So, either a zombified Abraham or S5A Rick Grimes?


Penises/penii.  Not sure it really matters, but given the right circumstances I'm sure it could be a lengthy debate.



Weird.  "Tropical Storm John(son)".  That's exactly what I call my rising pressure too.  That's how I demonstrate its desire to seek out warm moist areas to release the pressure in, as well.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Ok who else thinks the private rocket that was tested is much more phallic than need be?

Been in dallas for a week my sister had bypass surgery. I'm so ready to go home. While we were in the waiting room there was a large family near us. Lots of emt/firefighters came through. Dude looking much like a gang member, leather and tats just lil scary looking. Well they didn't get good news. The whole group got into a circle and next thing you know they're all on the floor. The big scary dude was farther away from them and he's leaning on the wall and then he's in a ball on the floor screaming "why God why". Not a dry eye in the place. Trying not to watch but nowhere else to look. One of the sons is yelling "whoever did this is a walking dead man" they hushed him. So we are all crying.

I googled cuz I had heard Charlie and I guessed firefighter and found Charlie contreras a 33 year veteran of Dfw firefighters. He was hit by a drunk driver while he was on a motorcycle. Same thing happened to my brother in law.

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I haven't checked yet but I'm sure my DVR was full last Tuesday and I been gone 9 days. I think I'm paralyzed and my brain has atrophied. 


I had to sit through marathons of Reba and NCIS the early years. So my sister watches nothing current. Her cable bill is enormous and I asked what the hell she's got on there, she doesn't have HBO or any premium package. Honest to dog, she pays that much because she wants the mystery channel or some random damn thing where she watches reruns of Law and order or Murder she Wrote, any damn crime drama from 20 years ago. I said it aint worth $40 you freak!

Edited by nachomama
  • Love 4

I haven't checked yet but I'm sure my DVR was full last Tuesday and I been gone 9 days. I think I'm paralyzed and my brain has atrophied. 


I had to sit through marathons of Reba and NCIS the early years. So my sister watches nothing current. Her cable bill is enormous and I asked what the hell she's got on there, she doesn't have HBO or any premium package. Honest to dog, she pays that much because she wants the mystery channel or some random damn thing where she watches reruns of Law and order or Murder she Wrote, any damn crime drama from 20 years ago. I said it aint worth $40 you freak!


This was my thinking about the people who spent the money to watch the PPV of the Mayweather-Pacquaio fight this past weekend - even if got a bunch of people together to split the cost between.


If I want to see  a fight that bad, I'll go somewhere and provoke a fight between a couple people just for fun... plus get a free front row seat, live and in color & HD!

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I wouldn't spend that kind of money to watch a fight, I had some friends that went to VIP parties, dunno how much they paid, but for them it was just hanging out, they got other stuff besides the fight. 


What is going on with the cast of the walking dead? Father PP got arrested for DUI and Tyreese going nutso on the subway. 

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I wouldn't spend that kind of money to watch a fight, I had some friends that went to VIP parties, dunno how much they paid, but for them it was just hanging out, they got other stuff besides the fight. 


What is going on with the cast of the walking dead? Father PP got arrested for DUI and Tyreese going nutso on the subway. 


I posted about SG in FPP's (& in the media) thread. 


And as far was CLC goes, I'm betting there was a younger blonde woman, singing (warbling, more like) and already having a bad day, he just lost his shit.  "I had to put up with that crap when I was getting paid, but I ain't getting paid now to have to listen this bs, so shut your tone-deaf pie hole, b*!!  I'mma lay the smack down up in here!  Where's my f*in' hammer!?"


In all seriousness, though, he must have been really provoked or thought there was a real injustice happening to get him going like that.  From the times I saw him on TD, CLC seemed like a very well-mannered and laid back dude.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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he must have been really provoked or thought there was a real injustice happening to get him going like that.


In my mind? There is no excuse for that kind of public rampaging tantrum from anyone other than a toddler. It's disgraceful and if he wasn't high on drugs, he really needs to see someone about his uncontrollable behavior. What I liked were the other passengers, calmly sitting, reading magazines, etc. and not looking particularly impressed at the "I'M CHAD L. COLEMAN!!" The were probably thinking, "Oh just another day with another raving lunatic on the subway."


Father PeePee got a DUI? Sounds like the start of a song.

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Yeah nothing phases New Yorkers, the one time I went there was a crazy lady talking to a woman with a baby, kept going on and on about her own chile* whose now 26, I thought because no one was alarmed that she somehow knew this woman but no she was just ranting that her own kid was the cutest baby ever, like, your kid is cute but mine was so much cuter. 


I have no idea what could have prompted that diatribe from CLC, hopefully he's got that worked out now. 


*chile, really? am I "honey chile'ing" now? stupid auto correct.

Edited by nachomama

Maybe FPP done got eaten and he's been written off and thus needed to rage? we can hope (not the dui stuff, just the hope he got killed off the show part.


I'm not claiming that CLC or anyone has a reason to go off half-cocked on public transportation but with everything going on in Baltimore after everything in Ferguson, people are tense. If anyone did use the "n" word I'd expect a beat down. People are going crazy. I understand zombies more than I understand actual people these days.

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I'm volunteering to be walker bait. This is not my day, week, month, year or decade. Yes I did just take 2 weekends off from my second job because my sister had bypass surgery, short notice yada yada now they want me to come in Thursday, which I can do but will do so with no sleep after I've worked 10 hours at my other job. I owe the girl, she worked for me but screw the company. I've slept in my clothes and on a couch or chair for 9 days, all I wanted to do was sleep. I do need the money, Lord have mercy do I need the money. It's like I've sold my soul to the devil but for a really shitty deal. 


And how helpful is it that when the DVR is full it records 5 minutes of every show? I was surprised, thinking, oh great I didn't lose much, then I actually attempted to watch some of the stuff. blergh. Is there a coma drug I can volunteer for? Just check out for about a year? 

Edited by nachomama
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Hi guys. It's been a while because the poor laptop froze and went toes-up every time I tried to load this site. It completely cut me off. I caved and bought the iPad, and here I am. Back like a guilty conscience. I missed you guys. And because I missed you I braved the insanity that is the Eaton Center Apple Store where I had to wait ten minutes for an employee to come and relieve me of my money, and introduce me to my new toy. So far I haven't screwed anything up so the switch from laptop to iPad is going ok. At least I can make my way back here!

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Welcome back. Been missing a few faces. Dunno if it's hiatus-itis.

Is this the last mad men or next to last? I did not need to watch this before bed. Oi vey.


Not so much hiatus-itis  as an aversion to all the penis talk.  Thank goodness that, like Mad Men and John Hamm's allegedly legendary penis, seems to have run it's course.  :-)


I never go to bed, but can fall asleep whether I'm watching ID murder or after a strong cup of coffee.  I don't sleep for long, but have mastered the catnap-whenever-you-can.  I'm actually considering an avo/ham/cheese omelette and another run at last night's Game of Thrones episode right now, since I won't be sleeping again for hours  ...

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Is this the last mad men or next to last? I did not need to watch this before bed. Oi vey.

That was the penultimate episode. They ruined Mother's Day, and Game of Thrones had a Father's Day fratricide. What Walking Dead character can TPTB mess with on an ironic Sunday? We already missed Easter for Fr. Gabriel.

Edited by editorgrrl
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Mother's day schmother's day, meh means nothing to me. But hot damn I had a crappy weekend and then Mad Men messed with my head. I should just watch cartoons because I don't want to think, hadnt even started Game of Thrones yet. 


And the new holiday to celebrate is "bash nachomama Monday" EVERYBODY'S DOING IT! :D I show up for work on a Monday and it's all about what I did not do for Friday, we are "closed" on Friday but they come in and do office hours and apparently alllllllllllll these things i don't do become a huge deal on a Friday, they could call me, but don't. They sit on it til Monday then unload it on me. I have no days off, I work 7 days a week, Friday is my only "kinda" day off because I don't go to work until evening, but if it prevents me getting my ass chewed because they're too fucking stupid to ask me for stuff on a Thursday or god forbid can't find something that's so vitally important (on a day we are "closed") then fuck it, I'll come to work Friday morning so you can't blame me for every fucking thing under the sun. 

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That was the penultimate episode. They ruined Mother's Day, and Game of Thrones had a Father's Day fratricide. What Walking Dead character can TPTB mess with on an ironic Sunday? We already missed Easter for Fr. Gabriel.


We'll roll and smoke a dooby, while drinking a .40 and bury the needle on our car's speedometer - all at the same time, mind you - in his honor, to make up for it.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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John Hamm's allegedly legendary penis, seems to have run it's course.  :-)


I'm sorry, but I just have to comment on that. John, I have zero interest in your freakin' package and neither would anyone else if you put on some freakin' underwear. But then what would you have to complain about? Bug off.


We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.

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I'm sorry, but I just have to comment on that. John, I have zero interest in your freakin' package and neither would anyone else if you put on some freakin' underwear. But then what would you have to complain about? Bug off.


We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.


Hey, I don't wear underwear, either, but have enough sense not to display my wares with clingy clothing (although there was a time, when my breasts were purrfectly young & smallish, and certain t-shirts gave a hint of that).  I'm still trying to hide the nips without resorting to a fucking bra - but for different reasons these old days.  :-)


And I find John Hamm ... repulsive.  Always have, always will.  The Uncle Milty peen rumor just makes him that much more insufferable.


Just what IS our regularly scheduled programming, before FTWD comes along (on June 12th, or so I've been told)?

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Hey, I don't wear underwear, either, but have enough sense not to display my wares with clingy clothing (although there was a time, when my breasts were purrfectly young & smallish, and certain t-shirts gave a hint of that).  I'm still trying to hide the nips without resorting to a fucking bra - but for different reasons these old days.  :-)


And I find John Hamm ... repulsive.  Always have, always will.  The Uncle Milty peen rumor just makes him that much more insufferable.


Just what IS our regularly scheduled programming, before FTWD comes along (on June 12th, or so I've been told)?


I am, and am planning to, binge-watching shows/seasons I've been putting off, personally. 


(I really do intend to get around to watching Jericho, kikismom....  its just sometimes my intentions take a while to come to fruition)

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Me too and I've only ever seen him...somewhere online in pics with his nasty package swinging free.  Ugh.


My regularly scheduled program lately is playing with my spanking new PVR. Such wonders does the world hold!


OK, dumb question :  is a PVR anything like the DVR I have with Uverse?  Because my Universe is relegated to my TeeVee.  :-)

We'll roll and smoke a dooby, while drinking a .40 and bury the needle on our car's speedometer - all at the same time, mind you - in his honor, to make up for it.



Hey, I don't wear underwear, either,



(I really do intend to get around to watching Jericho, kikismom....  its just sometimes my intentions take a while to come to fruition)


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I was excited for a minute :( I had something to look forward to in about a month. Now what am I gonna do? Tie dental floss onto lightning bugs and train them to do cirque du soleil tricks? Cuz I'm In my hammock in the tree awaiting the ZA. Round up the other sqwiwwels and start an illegal gambling club and ferment some nut juice? I'm shaving my tail! Ima have a Mohawk and be a rebel.

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is a PVR anything like the DVR I have with Uverse?


Probably. I'm in Canada, eh, so maybe we get "P" and you get "D". It's all good! Now if only there was something I was interested in PVRing I'd be a happy camper. OH, but on my new free TV service, I get hard core porn. Yeah that might sound good, but trust me, it's not.

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