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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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Congratulations, it's a great feeling isn't it?


Oh yeah - especially as this vehicle wasn't necessarily what you would call a trade-by-choice.  I loved my previous truck (which was over 10 years old) and would've drove it forever, but it was developing mechanical problems which were already well on the way to meeting/exceeding its KBB value.  I got an OMG deal on my new truck, so I'm not complaining - I just hate carrying debt in any form.

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If my car dies, I'm screwed, I cant afford a new car payment, period. My papa was very anti debt. Credit was evil. He didn't buy nothing he didn't have the cash for. That included cars, which meant he cashed in company stock to buy a car every 10 years or so. Maybe he should have financed the cars because I think the 30 years of stock would have been worth more than the cars. But oh well, too late now. 


And add ascots to the pile of "evil" attire, along with scarves. Seriously, no one except villains and Mr. Furley wears an ascot. 


Oh my stars and garters! I'm sweating and it's not the ghost pepper fries from Wendy's. Holy smokes the lawn guy is hawt! Humina humina Good ol' country boy and the whitest teeth I've ever seen. Mama needs some new shoes....to throw up in the air. Lawd have mercy!

Edited by nachomama
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And add ascots to the pile of "evil" attire, along with scarves. Seriously, no one except villains and Mr. Furley wears an ascot.

So far as evil attire goes, one word:  DICKIES


I'm sweating and it's not the ghost pepper fries from Wendy's.

Tried those, actually. 

Best I can say is - underwhelming. 

More like the ghost of a ghost pepper.

I'll give them credit, though, for having some semblance of a flavor.

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Yes they get credit for effort. But weak, I'm not even one who is like a heat freak but also not a lightweight. I'd leave off jalapenos just because I'm not a fan of the texture. I'm ok with my lips being numb after I eat them. I don't want my internal organs to melt from having eaten something but they should have like wing options, hot, extra hot and the surface of the sun. 


Today we see if the city refuses to haul away my refuse. See what I did there? The pile of yard clippings runs the entire length of my house and it's 4 feet high x 4 feet wide. I don't know how you measure that in volume but holy cats I should have left them a bribe or something. 

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Today we see if the city refuses to haul away my refuse. See what I did there? The pile of yard clippings runs the entire length of my house and it's 4 feet high x 4 feet wide. I don't know how you measure that in volume but holy cats I should have left them a bribe or something. 


Out here we just pile it up by the street; the chipper service gets it next time they're making a run through our neighborhood. 

One of the alternatives for the DUIs besides picking up trash, donchaknow.

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Same here although I don't know if there's a limit. They will pick up your grass, branches, leaves all yard stuff but they want it bagged in paper lawn bags and separate, which mine is definitely separate but yeah I worry that they'll either hate me and drive by my house late at night and throw eggs, tp or just stab me. They may grab half and then I have to haul the extra back up under my car port til next week, because if I just leave it where it is over a week I get a ticket. I got some notice in my mail once that I didn't pull my garbage can back in from the street within the 24 hour period of my trash day. Which irritated the ever living tarnation out of me because there are literally under 10 streets in this whole town that this rule would apply to. I have no alley, everyone else takes their trash to the back of their house, I cannot. So they never actually have to pull their cans in at all. So I went out of town, left my can out so it would be picked up while I was gone and then I was back the day after trash day, they told me It was my responsibility that if I was going to be gone someone has to pull it back in or else I get a fine. I was livid! They waived it for me on that occasion because I raised so much hell. 

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So Netflix sucked me into this short lived show called Star Crossed.  It kept flashing across my screen and I was in the middle of my forced insomnia (my 140 pound dog decides there are Evile things afoot during the spring time because of the animal movement) so i thought why not?  It was only 13 episodes.


Wooza I know I don't like when there are perfect characters, but this show has got to have the Mary Sue to end all Mary Sue's*.  Like seriously, I could not believe how perfect they made her.  It's sad, it could have been a good show if written for adults instead of teens.  It had a great concept.


*I've never watched Smallville and I know people always say that chick on that show is the Mary sue to end all Mary Sue's, so the Star Crossed chick could be heir apparent.

Edited by kj4ever
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Is it the chick from Friday Night Lights who is the Mary Sue? She always bugged me. And I never watched Smallville either but I used to love how TWoP had long running jokes about pancakes. I didn't know if there was any other reference other than her parents were dead and I wondered if they got squished like pancakes but couldn't be bothered to ever watch to find out. 

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Is it the chick from Friday Night Lights who is the Mary Sue? She always bugged me. And I never watched Smallville either but I used to love how TWoP had long running jokes about pancakes. I didn't know if there was any other reference other than her parents were dead and I wondered if they got squished like pancakes but couldn't be bothered to ever watch to find out. 

Yep I think so.  I've never watched Friday Night Lights, but the chick has some weird facial expressions that really bug.  It's too bad because some of the politics and political statements and the questions about humanity where really interesting on the show, but it was on the CW so they had to ruin it with a bunch of romantic triangles that make no sense.

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Quinn is here, the infamous sender of old people to use our facilities, guess what her first question was? "can I use the restroom?" I wanted to say I have to go ask my boss if you can use the restroom. 

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Minka Kelly was Lyla Garrity on FNL. Kristen Kreuk was Lana Lang on Smallville. Smallville = pancake parents (LOVED Omar's (I think) recaps). And Tom Welling made it worth it. Lyla had two parents of the unsquished variety, but a boyfriend in a wheelchair.







Edited by mandolin
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I don't know if anyone else watches it, but I am getting this close to dropping Arrow.  The forced 'romance' and melodrama are just about to eclipse the dreaded "shark jumping" levels.


I stuck with Smallville out of some stupid sense of "loyalty", even though its quality dropped way off after Rosenbaum left (started well even before that) - and still have yet to take (waste?) the time to finally watch the back-half of the last season (10).


I'm sticking with Supernatural out of 'loyalty", since I've been there since the beginning (and having to watch it in SD for the first few seasons, to boot [the horror!]), but I'll honestly not be too sad when its time is finally up.  Its gone on a few too many seasons as it is now, plus at least one more guaranteed next year.


The CW should really consider changing its name (again), to something like The YoungAdults(& Teens) Wankgst Network, or The YAWN, for short. 


Oh, and WB/DC, stop 'ruining' franchises by putting series on this network and go the Marvel route and just start up a Justice League movie franchise already.

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I gave up on Arrow after the first season, I never could get into it's level of camp. I too was trying to finish out Supernatural out of loyalty but I don't even have a frikkin CW channel! But perhaps once it's all done I could marathon the last 2 seasons for closure. They need Bobby, I freakin love that guy. Everybody else comes back from the dead at least 9 times like a cat.


And on top of this spectacularly bad week my ceiling fan died. 

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We finished out Smallville. It was fine. I mean, not award winning tv, but not the worst thing I'd seen. I hated Lana Lang on that show.


We are almost done with Daredevil on Netflix. I am loving it, and would recommend it if superheroes are your kind of thing. I can't believe what D'Onofrio looks like these days.

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I gave up on Arrow after the first season, I never could get into it's level of camp. I too was trying to finish out Supernatural out of loyalty but I don't even have a frikkin CW channel! But perhaps once it's all done I could marathon the last 2 seasons for closure. They need Bobby, I freakin love that guy. Everybody else comes back from the dead at least 9 times like a cat.


And on top of this spectacularly bad week my ceiling fan died. 


Lots of yes, to Bobby.  I was the opposite, I had to wait & catch up on the earliest seasons of Smallville because I didn't have the local CW (WB, back then) affiliate on the cable lineup yet.  I am waiting (another month or so) for this SPN season's finale to air so I can marathon the whole thing.  I watched the first 2 and then missed the next one for some reason and then kept getting blocked from picking it up again for a while, so have been putting it off and will catch up after the season's over.  I remember, even just a few years ago, how SPN used to be "appointment TV" for me, it was one of (if not the) favotite shows, but I don't feel like my world is collapsing by having to wait to finally watch this season in its entirety.


We finished out Smallville. It was fine. I mean, not award winning tv, but not the worst thing I'd seen. I hated Lana Lang on that show.


We are almost done with Daredevil on Netflix. I am loving it, and would recommend it if superheroes are your kind of thing. I can't believe what D'Onofrio looks like these days.


Lana was ok, the first few seasons, but then became absolutely unbearable.


I don't have Netfilx, so I'm missing out on DD.  Sounds good, but they went that route for its distribution and I can only go by opinion.


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Lana was ok, the first few seasons, but then became absolutely unbearable.


I don't have Netfilx, so I'm missing out on DD.  Sounds good, but they went that route for its distribution and I can only go by opinion.


Get the free trial of Netflix (if you are able) and binge! I really think they've done a good job with it.

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I can't get my yard debris hauled away. The city on bulk pick up day skipped me. I might be over their limit. I called a service they wanted $558 >:O

Got a guy whose gonna haul 1 truckload for $100 and hopefully that leaves a small enough pile that the city will Collect. Holy criminy.

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I can't get my yard debris hauled away. The city on bulk pick up day skipped me. I might be over their limit. I called a service they wanted $558 >:O

Got a guy whose gonna haul 1 truckload for $100 and hopefully that leaves a small enough pile that the city will Collect. Holy criminy.

Oh dear

Next time, get some boxes (ask a store to save boxes for you), and then spend just a little money at the Dollar Tree store on gift-wrapping paper and bows.. Then put the wrapped "gifts" in the back of your car, park at Wal-Mart, and leave the doors unlocked.

Repeat until all your garbage is gone.

Edited by kikismom
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Then put the wrapped "gifts" in the back of your car, park at Wal-Mart,


That is going to work. I remember someone stealing a bag of cat litter from my car in a Wal-Mart parking lot. I left the door unlocked then got distracted by a flasher proudly displaying his limp weenie, and by the time I got back, litter was gone.


Edited because I seem to be having trouble writing more than one sentence at a time correctly.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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not that it does me any good, as I'm not gonna be posting any pictures of me flashing


I don't even want to think about how many times I've been flashed. I never got that. Do they think I (or any woman) is going to come rushing up yelling, "Yes baby! OOh, that makes me so HOT. I really want some of that!"??

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I don't even want to think about how many times I've been flashed. I never got that. Do they think I (or any woman) is going to come rushing up yelling, "Yes baby! OOh, that makes me so HOT. I really want some of that!"??

I'm gonna go WAY out on a limb and say "think" is a rather strong word to describe what's going on here....

Edited by Nashville
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I don't even want to think about how many times I've been flashed. I never got that. Do they think I (or any woman) is going to come rushing up yelling, "Yes baby! OOh, that makes me so HOT. I really want some of that!"??


So "two heads are better than one" is probably not a good speculation for the 'thought process' involved in this particular situation, huh?


Also, I wouldn't mind attractive women flashing me.  Never once has it happened, though.......  Any tips on how I could improve my luck?  ;-)

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I'm gonna go WAY out on a limb and say "think" is a rather strong word to describe what's going on here....


*snicker*  Some could say that these guys are on a hopeful search of a woman (or person) who appreciates the good luck gesture of 'knocking on wood'.

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Go to Mardi Gras. Mucho tatas

Once upon a time. I was sitting in a field by the road with a friend. For some unknown reason she was sticking twigs and leaves in my hair. So pretty soon I have a full blown "leaf" Afro and a gold station wagon stopped on the road. Dude in overalls got out and waggled his weenie at us. We were like 13ish and we screamed and ran, I was trailing leaves and twigs.

The lesson is don't put crap in your hair if you're evading perverts.

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Sadly, most of MY flashers would have had to stand on their heads to give any illusion of "wood".  I actually jeered at one them.


Just another instance that you really have been shown a limp willy too many times... when you start claiming them as your very own Flaccid Flashers.

Go to Mardi Gras. Mucho tatas

Once upon a time. I was sitting in a field by the road with a friend. For some unknown reason she was sticking twigs and leaves in my hair. So pretty soon I have a full blown "leaf" Afro and a gold station wagon stopped on the road. Dude in overalls got out and waggled his weenie at us. We were like 13ish and we screamed and ran, I was trailing leaves and twigs.

The lesson is don't put crap in your hair if you're evading perverts.


I knew there was a practical reason for keeping my hair really short, other than ease of personal grooming.

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your very own Flaccid Flashers.


Flaccid Flashers: I think that's listed under "Epic Failure" in the Urban dictionary? If not, it should be.


I've never been flashed, thankfully.


I wish I could say the same. Had my first flasher when I was 10 and unfortunately he was the only one NOT flaccid.

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We had a guy on the nude beach we called "The Whacker".  He had an extremely loooong member, and he would slap it with his hand up against his belly with every step as he walked along the shoreline. 


I've flashed people before.  When I saw my nude beach friends sitting at the window in a café we used to frequent, I'd flip up the front of my skirt to them in a friendly greeting.  That was a long time ago, when people weren't so uptight.  :-)

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We had a guy on the nude beach we called "The Whacker".  He had an extremely loooong member, and he would slap it with his hand up against his belly with every step as he walked along the shoreline. 


I've flashed people before.  When I saw my nude beach friends sitting at the window in a café we used to frequent, I'd flip up the front of my skirt to them in a friendly greeting.  That was a long time ago, when people weren't so uptight.  :-)


Sounds like he was auditioning for a role in a movie or commercial... he wanted everyone to watch him dramatically "whacking off into the sunset".


I wonder if you're friends were thinking you were flashing, or maybe you were just reminding them about the fish on the cafe's menu.

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"The Whacker" made this old song pop into my head. It's actually called "The Rapper" but for our puposes...



Hey girl, I bet you
There's someone out to get you
You'll find him anywhere
On a bus, in a bar, in a grocery store

He'll say, "Excuse me
Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

*Whack, whack, whack,
They call him the Whacker

Whack, whack, whack,

You know what he's after"


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Friend of mine was a foreign exchange student to Norway or some place and she loved her host family very much. At some point they were headed out somewhere and she was in the shower and couldn't bear not to say goodbye so she went to the frosted window to wave down. In her head she's thinking frosted glass = no see Nekkid. But that's not so true if you plaster yourself up on the glass to peek your head down and wave. Very definite boob flashing on the glass. As she was informed later. So she flashed grandma. Grandpa. Uncle Sven. The grandkids. The dog. She was mortified.

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I'm back!  I couldn't sign in for the longest....Kept getting an error every time I tried to log in.  I come back to whacking dongs.  Glad nothing has changed.


I had a revelation about TWD while I was mowing my yard.  I have one of those old fashioned push mowers with no motors and just blades that cuts grass better then anything in the world.  Maybe that's why all the yards are mowed in TWD, some hippy chick like me is mowing them with her person powered mower... 

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I'm back!  I couldn't sign in for the longest....Kept getting an error every time I tried to log in.  I come back to whacking dongs.  Glad nothing has changed.


I had a revelation about TWD while I was mowing my yard.  I have one of those old fashioned push mowers with no motors and just blades that cuts grass better then anything in the world.  Maybe that's why all the yards are mowed in TWD, some hippy chick like me is mowing them with her person powered mower... 


I actually reported that same problem and found out it was a BUG, which has now been fixed, kj!


My weeds are almost waist high, and I'm expecting a nastygram from my city ordinance officer any day now  They will be WHACKED, eventually ...

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You have to be indoctrinated to the fact that it is year round. It's like sports seasons. First is zombie season. Then lawyer season. Then misogenist retro 60's season. Then new zombie season. Then regular zombie season again. The playoffs.

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I had a revelation about TWD while I was mowing my yard.  I have one of those old fashioned push mowers with no motors and just blades that cuts grass better then anything in the world.  Maybe that's why all the yards are mowed in TWD, some hippy chick like me is mowing them with her person powered mower... 


Maybe someone was zombified as they were pushing an old fashioned push mower, and s/he is just wandering around Georgia still hanging on to the thing and mowing all those lawns.

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Any of you ZNation watchers know when the new season starts?  I could use a little cheese with my zombie guts right about now.


So sorry to interrupt the latest penis conversation but I am sort of topically appropriate since ZNation did have an episode with zombies on Viagra.

Edited by NurseGiGi
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