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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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I know, Georgia is too big. Thanks for the link, I'm signing up. I've looked all through Walker Stalker Con's website and I think only the vip stuff is extra. I can't afford $100 for an autographed photo of 1 person much less many others so I'll make do with the free stuff or pre packaged mementos. I'm very easily pleased. The bash afterwards is $20 which I don't think I'd go to anyway, I don't have costume things, who knows perhaps my inner party zombie will decide later.

Every time we lose a lot of "our group" but they come back when the season starts. (I'm hoping that we didn't lose regulars to any other sites when TWoP broke up). I think this one is the best to be on; we talk about stuff besides: oh daryl is dreamy   oh me too     he's hot     daryl and beth4-ever     oh me too   they're hot     me too

for 8 pages after an episode.

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Oh God, I would kill myself if I had to suffer through that. Do I find Daryl hot? For the most part (he needs a major haircut), but that is SO not a reason to watch this show and if he died I would be upset, but move on. Honestly, I think if Daryl were to die it would still not be as upsetting as Herschel's death was, to me. I guess it would depend on how it happened. But Herschel's death was so hard because of who he was to the group. Okay, sorry, I don't mean to ramble, I just get sick of all the fangirls who think Daryl is the only one who matters on this show. 

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Exactly. Plus, I love our little family here (awww!) because we have really intense debates--especially after an episode airs---but we never get into flame war crap. No ad hominem attacks, no waste comments (it's totally ok to snark but not just keep doing oh yeah   oh true   oh sigh and 12 year old text-"conversating")


I'll never stop thinking they got rid of Herschel and Merle too soon. And the Governor not soon enough. Hope they get a better grip on

Negan, Saviours, Hilltop, or whoever they are bringing from the graphic novel.

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Haha, Mandolin, don't tempt me! Season 3 of Homeland just came out and my husband is insisting we get caught up on that next. But the weekend before the season 5 premiere I may just have to watch "A" again. 


And, yes, I love that our group keeps it civil! I just love all the intelligent conversations. I'm always given something new to think about.

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I'm not as up on the names as you guys, but I LOVE that song that plays when they leave the quarry. I also really like the "Serpents" song that plays at the end of Indifference and "Oats in the Water" from Internment. I Youtube those a lot. Beth also had me singing Tom Waits to my daughter when she was upset. Overall, some very good music choices on this show.

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I absolutely love some of the music choices, even though I don't recognize much of anything; the songs just seem perfect for the mood.


This waiting must be getting to me in ways I wouldn't have imagined at the end of last season.  I actually recorded that Z Nation show and am going to watch it whilst waiting for my Breaking Bad mini binge later today.  I am not a well woman.  ;-)

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I absolutely love some of the music choices, even though I don't recognize much of anything; the songs just seem perfect for the mood.


This waiting must be getting to me in ways I wouldn't have imagined at the end of last season.  I actually recorded that Z Nation show and am going to watch it whilst waiting for my Breaking Bad mini binge later today.  I am not a well woman.  ;-)

Don't watch Z Nation Walnutqueen!  It sucks IQ points right out of your brain!

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I watched Z Nation and lived to tell!  It's different, that's for sure.  It's definitely not TWD.  Z Nation's version of Judith?  I think I've been overly desensitized because I laughed for about ten minutes.


Checking in to say 'hi, I'm still here and looking forward to October'.  It's been a tough few weeks and I need Rick Grimes back on my screen.  Even though my TV will be in a different house and I won't have my cat to hold when things get rough (he passed on unexpectedly this week)  It's been a stressful summer so, probably for the first time ever, I'm looking forward to cooler weather because it brings my show back. 

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So glad to hear from you again! I know we missed you! Really sorry about your TWD furry watching partner---as a cat person I've been there :-(.

This summer seems to have sucked for a lot of us; we are eager for the return of the show, and this community always make me smile (and sometines spit up on my keyboard).

Z Nation--they can't do the baby thing every week! Bet they're already out of ideas. Definitely out of talent...and skill and taste and any other useful qualities.


Agreed; I need some Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon on my...on my...screen.

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I do like a site where there is a conversation rather than fan gushing and everything sucks, sucks, sucks. 


This summer has been horrendous here also, YOU CAN TOTALLY HAVE MY CAT! He is a pest. He eats the packing tape off of boxes and pretty much anything, he was chewing on a plastic shopping bag this weekend. He might be "special". 


I have found a walking dead compatriot at work. She will look into whether she can get the time off to go to Walker Stalker Con with me. This trip and the start of the new season I hope will give me the kick in the pants I need to get out of my pity party. A new job, new car, new life wouldn't hurt either. 

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I absolutely love some of the music choices, even though I don't recognize much of anything; the songs just seem perfect for the mood.





All of those songs are great. I wish they'd done an album with all of them. I think I found them all on iTunes or amazon, IIRC. Last Pale light in the West is good too.




https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTYa2cwsW2GhbrZHOtc4690SBU2OSgjZG                 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTYa2cwsW2GjkCC22-8AXbkNkzy0xMBp1                                  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTYa2cwsW2Ggwpnih0pkE3m11nn6HYC8U





Edited by kikismom
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From the "Why Did You Start Watching?" thread:

I'm planning my premiere dinner, ribs (duh), bloody Mary's (duh), mac n cheese (elbow macaroni, duh) and ummm...lady fingers?

Some of us are going to have a little party for the opener but the only idea we had was going the other direction: serving pulled pork in (cleaned) dog food cans, fake "fire-grilled squirrel on a stick", we can get rattlesnake here so that would be included, I want to try making some kind of fake amuse-bouche that looks like a dissected rat dressed out on a plate.

I might copy the Bloody Mary idea; I must be slow because it wasn't a duh for me I never even thought of it (double duh!) So far we considered berry juice for teetotal-ers, and Dirty Martinis could be creek water although they never discussed that on the show. Bloody Marys are better.

I confess that I live not only where rattlesnake is available as a dinner selection, but pickled pigs feet are thick on the ground if you'll excuse the expression.

A nice cake would be fun. Maybe Herschel's leg, or Herschel's head. With a raspberry filling. Yum!

What are all y'all eating during the season premiere? And what Walking Dead-inspired food will you avoid?

I won't eat pickled pigs' feet, but what did Darryl & Beth wash 'em down with? Was it Diet RC Cola?

I might have chocolate pudding (in much smaller portions than Carl had), and chicken satay (but billed as "Darryl Dixon's spit-roasted squirrel on a stick"). And what kind of fruit did that young couple pick? Was it peaches?

Edited to add that if I eat dried fruit, I'll remember to brush my teeth afterwards!

Edited by editorgrrl
  • Love 1

From the "Why Did You Start Watching?" thread:

What are all y'all eating during the season premiere? And what Walking Dead-inspired food will you avoid?

I won't eat pickled pigs' feet, but what did Darryl & Beth wash 'em down with? Was it Diet RC Cola?

I might have chocolate pudding (in much smaller portions than Carl had), and chicken satay (but billed as "Darryl Dixon's spit-roasted squirrel on a stick"). And what kind of fruit did that young couple pick? Was it peaches?

Edited to add that if I eat dried fruit, I'll remember to brush my teeth afterwards!

Oh yeah, big 2-liter bottles of diet cola; the chocolate pudding idea is perfect. Chicken satay will solve my squirrel requirements!---thanks!


I believe the couple threw a peach at Rick--who could have caught it,... but didn't.


They also mentioned apricots and I think her spilled basket had some.


Yeah Rick that's "fruit leather" in the backpack. Surrrre it is.


What was the candy Carl found on the tracks, and then Daryl saw the wrapper? I know Carl previously mentioned stale M&M's, and back in season 3 Axel made ramen noodles at the prison. I'm not serving soymilk. Not at a party, not ever.


One Halloween we filled vinyl surgical gloves with green Kool-Aid and Hershey's strawberry sundae syrup to make frozen amputated-hand floats for the punchbowl; I wonder what would make the color grey? Light blue? With gummy worms?


I wonder if I could carve a big white cheese into a walker head shape, and partially grate it with chain-link.


I know you can make an armadillo cake (with red velvet); could that be morphed into a possum cake? (The hair is a problem. Wish they made brown cotton candy--and I've never wished that before.)

  • Love 1

What was the candy Carl found on the tracks, and then Daryl saw the wrapper?

Big Cat. (Michonne also had Cruncho.) If you do candy bars, you must have cans of squirt cheese!

Actually, you can have anything you like—just call it "stuff & thangs."

More ideas:

Terminus barbecued mystery meat ("We'll make you a plate!")

Zombie piñata

Eyeball cake pops (for extra grossness, use cocktail forks instead of sticks)

Suckling pig & veg from the prison garden (including peas straight from the pod)

Canned goods

Hershel's Spaghetti Tuesday on Wednesday

Pork rinds

Dry cereal by the handful (better than with water or the aforementioned soy milk)

Pickled pigs' feet, diet cola, and peanut butter & jelly ("white trash brunch")

Darryl Dixon's claimed strawberries

Pecans in the shell (from "The Grove": “What’s the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? Beer nuts are $1.79. Deer nuts are just under a buck!”)


Edited to say I found a blog with plenty of recipes. They do SPAM satay rather than chicken: http://www.thewalkingdeadsurvivalcookingblog.com

Edited by editorgrrl

Big Cat. (Michonne also had Cruncho.) If you do candy bars, you must have cans of squirt cheese!

Actually, you can have anything you like—just call it "stuff & thangs."

More ideas:

Terminus barbecued mystery meat ("We'll make you a plate!")

Zombie piñata

Eyeball cake pops (for extra grossness, use cocktail forks instead of sticks)

Suckling pig & veg from the prison garden (including peas straight from the pod)

Canned goods

Hershel's Spaghetti Tuesday on Wednesday

Pork rinds

Dry cereal by the handful (better than with water or the aforementioned soy milk)

Pickled pigs' feet, diet cola, and peanut butter & jelly ("white trash brunch")

Darryl Dixon's claimed strawberries

Pecans in the shell (from "The Grove": “What’s the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? Beer nuts are $1.79. Deer nuts are just under a buck!”)


Edited to say I found a blog with plenty of recipes. They do SPAM satay rather than chicken: http://www.thewalkingdeadsurvivalcookingblog.com

These are all amazing! Love the zombie pinata idea and the eyeball cake pops on forks!


Perhaps a nice party game like a version of Pin the Tail On the Donkey:


  • Pin a Claim On Daryl's Strawberry
  • Pop a Pea from Rick's Pod


Feel free to suggest...

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Where’s Carl?

Party game! Declare one of your party guests the “Carl” for the night. The Carl must do his damndest to go missing several times throughout the night. First person to notice and declare “Where’s Carl?” receives candy! First person to FIND the Carl gets to slap him and say, “Stay in the house, Carl!” And if the Carl is able to go missing for more than 15 minutes, he gets to whine and sulk for the next hour.

Edited to add: TV Tropes has a drinking game: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/DrinkingGame/THEWALKINGDEAD

Or get drunk on moonshine (&/or peach schnapps) and play "Never Have I Ever."

Edited by editorgrrl
  • Love 2

Laughed so hard I snorted diet cola out of my nose (onto my pigs feet)!


If you're just jumping on board, make sure to click on those links!


The Telltale one is really good too!.


My faves are going for realism by making party guests get canned food --from your neighbors house, and take a drink any time Shane rubs his head!

Thanks for those links; I am so looking forward to the Season 5 opener.  :-D


I think the party-stuff/thangs is getting better every year, as TWD stops being just a show and has warped our entire view of life.

  • Love 1

Laughed so hard I snorted diet cola out of my nose (onto my pigs feet)!


If you're just jumping on board, make sure to click on those links!


The Telltale one is really good too!.


My faves are going for realism by making party guests get canned food --from your neighbors house, and take a drink any time Shane rubs his head!

Thanks for those links; I am so looking forward to the Season 5 opener.  :-D


I think the party-stuff/thangs is getting better every year, as TWD stops being just a show and has warped our entire view of life.

Talk about warping...The BF and I went to this restaurant in the middle of BFE because they were supposed to have these awesome sandwiches (they did).  They had a store in the restaurant, think Cracker Barrel with a soul, that had all kinds of canned and preserved food.  He was like "This is the first place we are going to loot if the ZA happens".

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I am not having a good month: first the cat departed, and now I've moved to a new place and I don't have cable yet.  I don't have cable.  I moved in to find the guy forgot to run the cable through to my part of the house I'm sharing.  I imposed on a new room mate long enough to catch the finale of Amazing Race Canada, but Sleepy Hollow is back tonight and I don't have cable.  I think I'm in shock.  I know it's not the end of the world and zombies are not walking along my street or anything but damn, I was not meant to live without cable.  At least I have internet and there's a bookstore within walking distance!

  • Love 3

I am not having a good month: first the cat departed, and now I've moved to a new place and I don't have cable yet.  I don't have cable.  I moved in to find the guy forgot to run the cable through to my part of the house I'm sharing.  I imposed on a new room mate long enough to catch the finale of Amazing Race Canada, but Sleepy Hollow is back tonight and I don't have cable.  I think I'm in shock.  I know it's not the end of the world and zombies are not walking along my street or anything but damn, I was not meant to live without cable.  At least I have internet and there's a bookstore within walking distance!

Oh--that sucks so much! I never realize what an addict I am until something won't work (knock on wood! knock on wood!)

I don't know what the set-up is there, but can you run some cable extender off a T-connector and at least run it along the floor or ceiling? Under the door? Jeff Foxworthy style? (desperate times call for desperate measures!)

You aren't alone; some us have those "it never rains but it pours" times in life. We are always here to unload on.

Sending positive thoughts into the Universe for you!  "That's what we do"

Thanks, guys.  With everything going on (moving out to a new place, finding a new job) I knew this was going to be a tough year.  The cat was the icing on a big stress cake.  My room mate is going to call the cable company and get the guy back to finish the job; it should just be a few days, a week at most, before I'm hooked back up.  Most of the shows I watch are available online via the host Canadian channel - I was able to watch the premiere of Madam Secretary on Global.ca so I just have to find out which local channel airs my US shows and wait a day or so.  I'm trying to keep a sense of perspective about this because it's not like I'll die without an episode of Dominion or Z Nation this week!  I wasn't even sure if I'd watch the new season of Agents of SHIELD but suddenly it's become a huge deal that I can't,  I watch so much TV that I have a hard time believing I went through most of the '90s without a TV at all.  A friend and I used to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer at her place and that was it until I moved to a new place in maybe 1998 and I discovered the joys of life beyond basic cable, and then PVR and then time-shifting.  I developed a hardcore TV habit.  Now I twitch at the thought of missing my shows.  I'm fairly sure I used to have other interests and/or hobbies!

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It's a bit weird, isn't it?  I find it odd to realize that shows that are kind of touchstones for other people (Friends, Seinfeld, Dawson's Creek, Felicity, that one about the alien teenagers, Gilmore Girls) were shows that I never watched at all.  I was barely aware of them.  I did develop an addiction to Entertainment Weekly that continues to this day so that kept me in touch with plot twists and breakout stars, though I read it mostly for the movie and music news, but I had very little desire to actually develop a viewing habit.  Did that ever change!

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I had very little tv in the 90's also. Are you guys stalking me? I watched all kinds of crap after the fact. And I'm mourning the loss of AMC for this upcoming season, that's why I'm trying to find peeps to view with. (May have locked that down, won't be Sunday nights but I'll get it.) I may break down and bump up my package but damn I'm poor. I'm calculating how much turning off my air conditioner might save me. haha


And I can't believe there's no one else from here going to walker stalker con. I know I'll meet plenty of crazies but I'd love a "pre- approved" crazy before hand. I'm not scared of ya'll at all even though you eat squirrel meat. :D

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