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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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I got so super lucky early on, my first boss was so awesome. He's like my dad. I so wanna link a video of him and his wife singing happy birthday to their niece and nephew, they have birthday cake hats on and it's easily the stupidest and most hilarious thing you've ever seen. At the end they blow on each other's faces to blow out their faux candles. He gave me the down payment on my house (advance on two years bonuses, he aint crazy just giving out money). But you never know how lucky you are at the time. I've had to have at least 2 jobs the last 5 years to keep up (I know things are rough all over for lots and lots) at one point I had 4 jobs. I don't even remember what I used to do with weekends. And you get tired, not like sleep good at night tired but like your soul wants to cuntpunch people who have lives or this thing called "happiness".  


I pray to jeebus that I'm not 70 years old working at my weekend job like this one lady, she is so sweet. She's slow but sharp as a tack and she fell at work, kept on through the workman's comp settlement and as soon as all that was cleared the company came in and said "oh hey, you don't have range of motion in your elbow, you can't do your job, get the fuck out" ok, maybe not a quote but they said they were exceptionally rude to her and followed her to get her things like she was a thief. That's a woman who worked for you for 15 years, got hurt on the job could have sued for a lot more than what she got (they made her climb up a ladder in a walk in freezer at her age and she slipped) and ya'll got the balls to do that? 

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Workers' Comp sucks as much as employers do.  I spent years minimizing my work injuries for fear of losing my only shot at paying my bills, and the "settlement" amounted to a couple of thousand dollars over a series of injuries spanning almost 20 years.  I think I had a total of 2 WC paid days off work total - when I had epidurals and wasn't allowed to go back to my desk until the next day.  Bitter?  Not really, but maybe just a wee bit resentful when I see all the "back injury" malingerers who totally snowed the system.  Oh, dummy me, I made my bed o' pain and am now wallowing in it.   Typical story of "what NOT to do", I now live to serve as an example to others.  :-)


Yet, life is ridiculously good, and could only be made a little better if I could afford unlimited vet care and awesome food for my critters.  Oh, and perhaps a little help now & then with the physical stuff - housework, yardwork, heavy lifting ....  But if that involves a huzzbin', I am SO out!!!  ;-)

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It's true.  You get to a certain level and they don't fire you anymore, they just move you around to spread the 'wealth' of your incompetency!  I'm sorry, nachomama, nothing makes the day go more slowly than busy work!


kj4ever, a scarf around your hair would have pulled that look together, and hidden your tangled locks at the same time!  You could have then dabbed the corner of it at your eye makeup as you waited in line at the DMV ('cause there's no way you didn't wait in line) thus cleaning up the raccoon eyes. 


(I never went to the Little House TWOP forums, but I do remember things were always serious if there was a headscarf involved.  This awful winter has me wanting  to read "The Long Winter" again.  I loved those books when I was a girl!) 

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Workman's comp is a bunch of crap. We had 2 people who fell, one totally legit, they owed her money and she deserved it, the other not so much. They both had to continue to come to work. So within the guidelines of what their doctors allowed them to do. So the one chick, who I do not believe in any capacity, always told us she could not lift over 2 pounds. wtf is 2 pounds? So she spent her days doing mark downs, and taking a break every 20 minutes. Just looking at her infuriated me. Spent 6 hours doing what the rest of us were required to do in under half an hour. And yet for all that she got less than $10k, had to work for nearly a year before she got it. Meanwhile when she left work she went to the liquor store next door and purchased 4-40 oz beers every day. I just knew one day I would shout at her "Lifting 40 oz to your lips is more than 2 pounds!" 

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Ooooh BrokenRemote, you is a bonnethead. <-- that's a good thing not an insult, you're in the tribe. We were pretty hard core Little House fans, both reading the books obsessively as kids and watching the show. And that thread was simply miraculous. Whole bunch of us actually went to Missouri to Laura's house! I met interweb people's! and they weren't scary murderers! I think there were initially almost 15 of us who hatched the plot and planned the trip, many couldn't make it, I think 7-8 ish showed up. Honestly, I didn't ever think I would be one who did, had absolutely no intention of following through then somehow I did. I made frikkin tshirts for errbody. We skyped some of the ones who couldn't make it. Last year I went on vacation and visited 2 of them again so they're like real life honest for true people! 

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Workers Comp had NO problem paying for the copious quantities of pain meds I needed just to get to, and through, work every day for years and years.  REAL treatment, or tests to see if all those meds might be causing liver damage?  Fuggetaboutit.  Fuck Workers Comp up the ass, sideways with a brick  :-)


I eventually had "mandated rest breaks" I rarely used - except to fill all the bird feeders that kept me sane and at my desk facing the window every day.  Those and the baby ground squirrels every spring kept me coming back long after I should've taken early (and povertyx10) retirement. 


The straw that broke the camel's back was actually an asshole new boss.  I broke bad - and it was MARVELOUS!

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Ooooh BrokenRemote, you is a bonnethead. <-- that's a good thing not an insult, you're in the tribe. We were pretty hard core Little House fans, both reading the books obsessively as kids and watching the show. And that thread was simply miraculous. Whole bunch of us actually went to Missouri to Laura's house! I met interweb people's! and they weren't scary murderers! I think there were initially almost 15 of us who hatched the plot and planned the trip, many couldn't make it, I think 7-8 ish showed up. Honestly, I didn't ever think I would be one who did, had absolutely no intention of following through then somehow I did. I made frikkin tshirts for errbody. We skyped some of the ones who couldn't make it. Last year I went on vacation and visited 2 of them again so they're like real life honest for true people! 


Jaw dropped!  That is the most amazing thing!  I shall have to drag out the photo of my sister and me in calico dresses and bonnets that we forced our mom to make for us one year! 


I met some internet people recently, at a Dark Shadows convention. I am the most casual of viewers (in that I've seen the show and some parts of some of the movies), but my sister is a rabid fan (even though she wasn't close to being born when it aired).  We went to Tarrytown this past summer and met some amazing, non-murderous people that she knew from the internet.   And some really lovely old actor-types that used to be in a crazy gothic soap in the sixties and have apparently made a pact with the devil so that they don't look really old.

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It didn't occur to me as a child just how warped the Little House on the Prairie show got to be. There was a Mime Rapist!!!!!! And Mary went to teach in some crazy backwoods school where the woman thought the pristine Mary Ingalls was a Jezebel. Turns out old lady was just mean cuz she din't had no book learnin and had memorized the Bible so it was only bible insults she could throw at Mary. Oh and then one time...at blind school...Mary's baby done burnt up in the fire. The woman who perished trying to save the baby looks as though she's using the baby as a battering ram to get out of the window. By then we were all so warped and twisted in the brain from all this that we laugh and laugh about that baby. Which is not cool. 


On that trip I laughed so hard I blew a vein in my eyeball. We were in the elevator and we had many many long running inside jokes, for some reason we kept shouting Mandingo at each other. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe and then the next morning woke up flaming red eyeball. One of my fascinating tales of injury, eyeball completely normal again. 

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Oh yes! That was awesome. One time Ma was home alone and cut herself and the would got all Grody and she started sweating and hallucinating and she was about to cut off her own leg.

Ok I'm watching the weirdest @midnight. There's a squwiwwel puppet and a hot dog puppet and its just so absurd but tickling me also.

I saw a couple minutes of that late last night and thought I'd gone a little too hard on the goofballs or something...

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You're right, that does sound like something straight out of The Handmaid's Tale! I think I my philosophy would go more along the lines of Cabin in the Woods;

if keeping humanity alive requires inhuman behavior, maybe humanity shouldn't survive.



Okay, I might watch Cabin in the Woods on Netflix later, so I won't read that spoiler yet. Thanks for hiding it.

Cabin In The Woods is on tonight, wednesday, at 7 pm.

Not that anyone cares.



I got stuck to the monkey bars at school in 2nd grade. I ripped the top layer of skin right off my tongue. It hurt like a bitch! I didn't dare tell my parents. And guess what we had for dinner? Meatloaf with fucking, burns like acid, ketchup! I can still remember it 50+ years later.

Now you made me think of a time in high school when I got up on Saturday with the worst hangover, and my mom was making homemade applesauce (oooh coincidence) but she'd had this inspiration to add wine to it and see what happened. I know what happened to me---blegghh! The whole house smelled like mulled wine it was winter and snowy so the windows had to stay closed and the fumes made me sicker than a dog.

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I know this is sudden, but when you know, you know. I'm eloping with irish nachos tonight! I know what you're gonna say. It's too soon...He's a bad boy...he gives girls heartburn. I DON'T CARE! He is my soulmate. I hope you can be happy for us, technically we are swingers, we share. He gives his bacon to everyone but  I know all about it. Sometimes I watch. 

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I'm gonna make mine with soy bacon, and they're going to be the best!

Funnily, my family on my mom's side has always insisted on a certain ethnic background. We got my mom that DNA kit thingy for Christmas, and it's completely, vastly different from everything they've always said.

Not sure if it's some family secret or what, but I always thought I had little to no European ancestry on Mom's Mom's side and it turns out I do have quite strong Irish ancestry. (My mom is also doing a family tree and history.). I know she's not adopted because everyone on her side looks so much alike.

So now I feel much more legit on St. Patrick's Day!

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Ooooh. I would love to do the DNA thing. My mom always told us her mom was Portuguese. Her mother died when she was 2. So my grandma was her step mom. But the fascinating story about bio grandma was that she was found on a doorstep. So at 12 I finally ask how they knew she was Portuguese if she was in a basket like Moses? Did she have a note? "Please take care of my Portuguese baby?"

Apparently bio great grandpa (finder of the baby on the doorstep) had a sister who ran off with an African-American gentlemen in 1903. They married and went to Texas. Not a great idea to have kids in that day and age. So they think she shipped grandma back to Iowa for brother to raise. And "Portuguese" was invented. But there's not a single living soul who can corroborate anything. I'd love to see what my DNA would say. Cuz my grandma would be half black. I've got a couple pictures sure can't tell by me. My mom would be 1/4. I'm an eighth! :D my moms sister you could maybe tell. She was darker. But we are kinda the whitest white that ever whited. But if it's true I say YOU GO GIRL. Step grandma was also very cool. By cool I mean scandalous, she got a divorce in 1928 and I have a spectacular picture of her on a basketball team in 1916.

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I still remember A Very Special Episode where Ma got the menopause and was sure she was pregnant.


That happened on The Waltons, too. Ma Walton went to the doctor thinking she was pregnant and instead she was told she wasn't a "spring chicken" anymore.


Why do TV shows think they need to show us all the ladies going through "the change"? I don't particularly need to see it mined for supposed hilariousness. For example, please don't show us Carol going through it, or let us know that she already has. Don't care.


Put some applesauce on it.


It'll make you manly. Or maybe it will only make you hate applesauce and decide you don't want to eat it even if it's the only way to convince someone you're not trying to poison their baby.

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Kev? Why were you late? You come straight home from school young man! >:(


It's the darned kids. Or maybe zombies. Probably the kids. I haven't even had time this week to check out the episode threads for any of my shows. I've just barely managed to keep up with Twitter and with my Small Talks, because they're fun. :)


And I must confess that I'm neither young, nor a man. My name comes from an episode of The Office, S1E6, Hot Girl:


Roy: Hey, Jimmy what do you think of that little purse girl, huh?

Jim: Cute, sure, yeah.

Roy: Why don't you get on that?

Jim: She's not really my type.

Roy: What, are you gay?

Jim: Hmmm, I don't think so. Nope.

Kevin: What is your type?

Jim: [glances at Pam] Moms, primarily. Yep. Soccer moms. Single moms. NASCAR moms. Any type of moms, really.

Roy: That's disgusting.

Kevin: Stay away from my mom.

Jim: Too late, Kev.


If you click on my avatar to see it larger, you'll see I'm not entirely man-shaped. :)

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Im not on a mobile device but this website never let's me "like" anything. I asked on the tec forum about it and one helpful poster said I should just be extra careful to only click the like button once..........yeah I've been doing this online thing for a long time now, I know the difference between clicking and double clicking, I click it once, I get an error message telling me "there was a problem storing your rating please try again" so I mentally tell the poster "good job!" and move on. Maybe one day, maybe one day.

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My problem is that on a mobile I have to click through 3 pages to get between, say, the spoiler thread and the current episode thread. When I'm on 3G this means waiting for 3 pages to load.

It also doesn't make sense to put the current season in a subforum called past seasons.

If even the current episode were in the main thread and then moved when the next one airs, it'd be better. As it is, it's going to limit my time here, 'cause I'm often on a quick break or whatever and don't have time to wait for 3 or 4 pages to load to go back and forth.

And it doesn't seem that they're at all interested in feedback or input.

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Dunno if it helps but I bookmarked the places I go most. I'll have to re bookmark once the pages advance but I don't go to that many threads here. It doesn't seem to have that "snap to last thing read " it will always bring me to the first page and if you gotta click through 75 to get to the end it gets tedious. But bookmarks help.

diebartdie, you like me! You really like me! Or...you were able to like my post. Cool! I wonder what changed?

well I dont know, I just tried liking your other post here and have to quote you instead to let you know, yes, yes I do but it didnt show that the like thing worked and i got that error again. sigh.

Thank you AngelaHunter, now I know what to do! Look out yall, a BOATLOAD of thumbs up coming your way!!!

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I opted out of the taxes on my mortgage. They were making my payment fluctuate wildly. But they killed my entire escrow. Urrrrgh. That wasn't what I asked for but they sent me $1000 refund. I just have to save it til October to put towards homeowners insurance. And my payment went down about $200. Can't wait for the ZA just move into any damn house I want. See a car you like? Just push the dead guy out and go for a ride. Tired of pumping gas? No need, cars are disposable. Just grab another out of the road.

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I did the National Geographic DNA thing and it is so interesting.  Since I'm female I can only get my Mom's side, and some was what was expected (Ireland) while other things weren't ( I have a whole lot of Bulgarian in me which I never heard of any of my relatives coming from that area).  I also have a high percentage of Denisovan ancestry.  It's really cool.


New format is a no go on the mobile.  I have the patience of a two year old and it SUCKS.


I used to have the like problem too and one day it just started working....

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My boyfriend did the DNA testing by 23 and Me. Turns out he is 97% or so Ashkenazi Jew...which wasn't exactly a surprise! I can't even remember what the small percentage was. I haven't done it yet but I'm expecting 97% Northern European (yawn), as my limited family tree investigating has revealed almost exclusively Scots, Irish, and English ancestors.


I'm bummed Leonard Nimoy is dead. He was awesome. My earliest memories of him are watching In Search Of with my dad. RIP, Spock.

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