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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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As long as your car is all right kikismom, I say you aced it and tell 'em you did it on purpose. 


My grandpa was an electrician reminds me of a guy I used to work with. He was raised in Germany til he was 14 ish. Dad was american who married a german lady, they got divorced, he has siblings that stayed in Germany and he's as southern redneck as he can be but he can flip on the fluent german and it's freaky. Anywho, one day he starts telling me this story. They had been told that grandpa was forced to sign up, as were many german kids, and all he ever did was drive a truck and his claim to faim was that Hitler stepped on his foot. They lined everybody up on the day Hitler visited and Hitler stumbled on the steps and wandered into grandpa. However...Mike's dad had once found a SIGNED copy of Mein Kampf and asked grandpa if he could have it when he died. Grandpa didn't like his son-in-law and said no. Anywho he also came to discover that years after the war the Nuremburg boys kept arresting grandpa and they would keep him for up to a year at a time but they never did anything with him. No charges. Apparently grandpa was in the SS and had been absent on tattoo day. They could never pin anything on him. but he musta been somebody. eeeek!

  • Love 5

Wowza.  My German family lived in Lodz, Poland during the war so I have stories, too.  My uncle was a smart kid, and he went through all kinds of testing until he was one of only 2 boys chosen from Lodz to go to Hitler's elite school (not the Hitler youth - this one was special and little is written about it).  Anyhow, Oma & Mum visited him there, and those little boys were treated like royalty (silver, fine china, gourmet food, high learning, in the middle of the war) and every single German officer had to salute the boys, everywhere, all the time!!!  Oma was not pleased with her young son's attitude; thank goodness things got bad real quick and she managed to get him outta Dodge before the real psych damage was done.

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As long as your car is all right kikismom, I say you aced it and tell 'em you did it on purpose. 


My grandpa was an electrician reminds me of a guy I used to work with. He was raised in Germany til he was 14 ish. Dad was american who married a german lady, they got divorced, he has siblings that stayed in Germany and he's as southern redneck as he can be but he can flip on the fluent german and it's freaky. Anywho, one day he starts telling me this story. They had been told that grandpa was forced to sign up, as were many german kids, and all he ever did was drive a truck and his claim to faim was that Hitler stepped on his foot. They lined everybody up on the day Hitler visited and Hitler stumbled on the steps and wandered into grandpa. However...Mike's dad had once found a SIGNED copy of Mein Kampf and asked grandpa if he could have it when he died. Grandpa didn't like his son-in-law and said no. Anywho he also came to discover that years after the war the Nuremburg boys kept arresting grandpa and they would keep him for up to a year at a time but they never did anything with him. No charges. Apparently grandpa was in the SS and had been absent on tattoo day. They could never pin anything on him. but he musta been somebody. eeeek!


That's how I felt when this girl in high school I was friends with confessed that her grandfather was some underling to Hermann Goering; she showed me pictures of them, and showed me his German Cross of some type in gold, and other medals. The only reason she told me was that he came over to the US for a visit and she wanted to warn me not to make jokes about certain subjects...he was very courtly; he shook my hand and said  "Cold hands, warm heart!"

I went home and told my mother "Guess who I shook hands with today?"

Wowza.  My German family lived in Lodz, Poland during the war so I have stories, too.  My uncle was a smart kid, and he went through all kinds of testing until he was one of only 2 boys chosen from Lodz to go to Hitler's elite school (not the Hitler youth - this one was special and little is written about it).  Anyhow, Oma & Mum visited him there, and those little boys were treated like royalty (silver, fine china, gourmet food, high learning, in the middle of the war) and every single German officer had to salute the boys, everywhere, all the time!!!  Oma was not pleased with her young son's attitude; thank goodness things got bad real quick and she managed to get him outta Dodge before the real psych damage was done.

Oma had really good women's intuition! that could have turned out differently---in a big way!

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Luckily by the time my uncle got there, things were starting to go south.  So by the time Oma went back to grab him from the Nazis' clutches (and my money's on Oma in that fight), the school had been evacuated and some nice folks took my uncle in.


My Mom's stories about the war and fleeing the Nazis & Russians, wandering the war-ravaged countryside, scrounging for food & shelter (she was barely a teen at the time) are in many ways similar to TWD.  Maybe that's why I like it so much.

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Fascinating stories, everyone. My father was in the most devastating Canadian battle of the war, a huge military blunder that left only him and two other soldiers alive out of the whole company. He suffered mentally from this for the rest of his short life.



Apparently grandpa was in the SS and had been absent on tattoo day.


Wow! As for the signed copy of "Mein Kampf", there are people out there who would pay a lot of money for that. Not people we'd want to know, however.



2 boys chosen from Lodz to go to Hitler's elite school (not the Hitler youth - this one was special and little is written about it).


I saw a movie which I believe may be about that school. It's in German (subtitled) and it's excellent:

"Napola - Elite für den Führer" or "Before the Fall".


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Thanks, AngelaHunter.  It does sound similar - there were several levels of elite Nazi schools (scary, eh?), but the one my uncle was taken to was even more secret and elite;  #! on the Hit(ler) Parade, so to speak.  Oh, and I misspoke; 2 boys made the finals, my uncle was the only one taken.   :-) 


That is so terrible about your Dad.  Luckily my Opa spent most of the war in a POW camp in Crete.  Oh, and my Oma got everyone together after the war, and got them all to Canada, eh!    :-)

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My uncle Dwight was in the Bataan Death march. My cousins (he was their grandpa) were watching a WWII documentary and spotted him in some footage. He came home so thin and frail and never really got better, always stuped over, stayed super thin and always had lung and breathing issues. My aunt would not allow a word about it in the house but he apparently had no problem talking to my dad about it. 

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OMG, Nachomama. It's a miracle your uncle survived that. I had no idea what my father had gone through until just a few years ago when I got hold of his military records. In those days, no one talked about this stuff. They suffered in silence.


In other news, I started watching "Dexter" on Netflix but I had to take a break. During episode 1. But with your recommendations, I will start over and give it a fair shake.


I bet it was the killing of the child-murdering preacher? The first episode was tightly scripted to match the book, but don't worry. TPTB realized no one was going to enjoy watching Dexter torture his "playmates" so you won't see stuff like that much anymore and TV Dexter is a little cuddlier than Jeff Lindsay's version. But watching him trying to mimic the reactions and emotions of "real" people, sometimes successfully - surprising even himself -  and sometimes screwing it up totally but never really knowing why, is addictive.

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My uncle Dwight was in the Bataan Death march. My cousins (he was their grandpa) were watching a WWII documentary and spotted him in some footage. He came home so thin and frail and never really got better, always stuped over, stayed super thin and always had lung and breathing issues. My aunt would not allow a word about it in the house but he apparently had no problem talking to my dad about it. 

So horrible to go through that but so strong to make it! Then to go through the rest of life with the disabilities; that's what real courage, quiet courage is and it should be the kind of thing held up when these idiot celebrities talk about how brave they were to gain 20 pounds for a movie role or something.



OMG, Nachomama. It's a miracle your uncle survived that. I had no idea what my father had gone through until just a few years ago when I got hold of his military records. In those days, no one talked about this stuff. They suffered in silence.

Yes, and nobody would help our vets for years until just recently because it was considered for so long to be unmanly to open up about it and the men (and women) were expected to "just forget it" and even the suggestion of counseling or something was "abnormal".


Our old neighbors had a grandpa who was the biggest joker ever; always laughing and making funny remarks. But sometimes he would wake in the night crying and he'd grab them and sob about the men he had fought with and "they were begging me to save them and I couldn't do anything! They were screaming at me Help Me and I couldn't fix them!" He had been a medic and all these decades later he was still having these guilty horrible dreams where he would see those men and what happened. Heartbreaking. Maybe the Nam vets would not have been seen the way they were if people had just been able to let men be honest in previous years wars.


ETA: excellent book to read Home Before Morning Lynda Van Devanter   who was an army nurse in Viet Nam; not at the China Beach type place but up at a MASH type unit., what happened there and what happened when she came home and tried to make it, and couldn't deal.

Edited by kikismom
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Then there's the collateral damage.  My Mum's auntie, who had a gorgeous fiery mane of hair, I'm told, was badly burned during the firebombing of Dresden.  My Mum also tells a story of climbing over dead soldiers in a forest, except all the trees were stumps only chest high - from the machine gun fire that mowed them down.  She was young and cried; got slapped across the face and was told to save her tears for the living who suffered, and if she felt so bad for the soldiers, get their ID and let their families know what happened to them.  How's THAT for teenage angst? 




I was proudly gonna proclaim I done gotted Deadwood season 1 eps 1-3 all queued up and D'OH! I did season 3. YOU STUPID DONKEY!


Oh, NOES, nachomama.  That is a tragedy and a travesty!   :-)

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nobody would help our vets for years until just recently because it was considered for so long to be unmanly to open up about it and the men (and women) were expected to "just forget it" and even the suggestion of counseling or something was "abnormal".


Exactly. I never knew the extent of my father's PTSD (or "shell shock" as it was called then) until my mother died and my stepfather told me what SHE told him. My father mentioned the war to us kids once in awhile, but only told funny little anecdotes. I never even knew my father was married twice before he married my mother until I got the military records. People certainly could keep secrets in those days and took them to their graves!


Now, everyone just can't wait to get in front of millions and talk about stuff I wouldn't even relate to my closest friends.

  • Love 4

Never underestimate the power a really good fucking song that evokes an emotional memory can have on a damaged psyche, BrokenRemote (see the road trip soundtrack to walnutqueen's hovel).  It may not cure all that ails you, but sometimes an old fashioned sing-along can make the world just a little less unbearable.  :-)


I read a book that I would describe as erotic, and the setting as post-apocalyptic.  One of the guys periodically plays his guitar and sings Britney Spears throughout the book.  Finally at the end, the girl asks him why he always choses such stupid songs.  He then begins to play Imagine, and she completely breaks down.  He's like - do you get it now?

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All of Kanye's fans will survive the apocalypse. So I don't need to


I'm supposed to get to go to lunch today, but no one has confirmed with me. >;( Don't dangle lunch then snatch it from me. I love lunch. the Free-er the better :D


And operation Deadwood is underway successfully now, got the correct season and it will coincide with operation Firefly over the weekend. 


My boss just had me double check an email he couldn't remember if this german guy had ordered 4 or 5 so I'm reading the email to confirm and his english is good but he meant to say "sturdy" and this is what I read aloud "5 hard bottoms" to my gay boss. hahahahhahahhahah

Edited by nachomama
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ETA: excellent book to read Home Before Morning Lynda Van Devanter   who was an army nurse in Viet Nam; not at the China Beach type place but up at a MASH type unit., what happened there and what happened when she came home and tried to make it, and couldn't deal.

OMG!  I found this book years ago in a second hand book store and I was so moved by it!  I can't believe I found someone else who read it.  And I was trying just this week to remember the name of it.  Thanks so much!

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One of the guys periodically plays his guitar and sings Britney Spears throughout the book.  Finally at the end, the girl asks him why he always choses such stupid songs.  He then begins to play Imagine, and she completely breaks down.  He's like - do you get it now?


THAT...is perfect and says it all.


he meant to say "sturdy" and this is what I read aloud "5 hard bottoms" to my gay boss. hahahahhahahhahah


Obviously using one of those stellar online translators. Lots of lulz to be found in their use. OH, and bwahahaha!

  • Love 1

OMG!  I found this book years ago in a second hand book store and I was so moved by it!  I can't believe I found someone else who read it.  And I was trying just this week to remember the name of it.  Thanks so much!

I cried a lot reading it and not because it's anything sappy/sentimental; not at all. I cried with rage because of so much wrong shit no one should ever have to take. If you know any people feeling sorry for themselves loan them this book to read and it will straighten their ass out quick.

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I am the least excited about the upcoming half season as I've ever been about a premiere. Boo hoo, me. I miss season 2.


Agreed. And I was super excited about the first half of this season. But that hospital plot was a real buzzkill. Oh well, I guess going in all blase like this, at least we won't be disappointed? And maybe we'll even be pleasantly surprised?

  • Love 6

But that hospital plot was a real buzzkill. Oh well,


Agreed! I was kind of "WTF?" at how the Terminus arc was finished as though someone were in a race - Terminus escape, church, FPP, Gareth - DONE!  then pushed us into quicksand slo-mo for the interminable (and really, pointless) hospital story. Maybe they wanted to showcase all the different expressions EK could summon up, proving they weren't wrong to hire her,  but unfortunately that turned out to be around two. "Calm" and "Chagrined" are the only ones I remember seeing but I dozed off a few times so I maybe I missed one.


I don't have any high hopes for the upcoming season.

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I can't explain why, but I'm still not disenchanted with this show.  Every time I see Michonne in the trailer on AMC, I feel that same bubble of joy and anticipation I feel before every season.  Even at its weakest, this show holds me in its grip. 


And onto the feeling-sorry-for-myself portion of the evening:  in my job, there is a certain amount of cleaning necessary, and I am a thorough cleaner.  I also have sensitive skin (being pale and Irish) so I use gloves.  My job provides these gloves.  They are cheap and yellow and come from the Dollar Store, as fits our budget.  I guess the most recent pair must have been extra-cheap because my hands are currently raw with dermatitis.  Ugly, red patches all over the place.  One patch is so inflamed, a complete stranger commented on it this afternoon.  I am not a happy camper.  I'll have to pay for fancy gloves with actual lining and stuff out of my own pocket to save my skin.  Literally, in this case.  I've actually seen zombies on this show with nicer hands than mine right now!! 

  • Love 2

I can't explain why, but I'm still not disenchanted with this show.  Every time I see Michonne in the trailer on AMC, I feel that same bubble of joy and anticipation I feel before every season.  Even at its weakest, this show holds me in its grip. 


And onto the feeling-sorry-for-myself portion of the evening:  in my job, there is a certain amount of cleaning necessary, and I am a thorough cleaner.  I also have sensitive skin (being pale and Irish) so I use gloves.  My job provides these gloves.  They are cheap and yellow and come from the Dollar Store, as fits our budget.  I guess the most recent pair must have been extra-cheap because my hands are currently raw with dermatitis.  Ugly, red patches all over the place.  One patch is so inflamed, a complete stranger commented on it this afternoon.  I am not a happy camper.  I'll have to pay for fancy gloves with actual lining and stuff out of my own pocket to save my skin.  Literally, in this case.  I've actually seen zombies on this show with nicer hands than mine right now!! 

Or...you could try slathering ointment or cream or vaseline (petroleum jelly is cheapest) on your hands before putting those gloves on. Make a barrier that will protect the skin. Or zinc ointment they sell with the sunscreens, whatever is most affordable. Those really good gloves cost money and add up fast.


I read that there will be a focus on Michonne and Carl's bond in the coming season. Whoop.

Edited by kikismom
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I'll have to pay for fancy gloves with actual lining and stuff out of my own pocket to save my skin.


You're probably allergic to latex. I believe you can get thin, cheap cotton gloves to wear under the cheap latex gloves. That way you can wash the cotton ones and not have to buy expensive, lined rubber gloves. BUT, the expensive rubber gloves last a lot longer than the cheapies so you might be better off with those.


I was trying to think of someone on the show I really care about, and except for Rick, I'm coming up blank. We had to spend so much time with EVIL cartoon cops, the wooden Beth and watching Father PeePants (about whom I give not one flying fuck) blundering around and sweating that no one else got much a chance to even say much of anything and mostly stood around like props.


Even Daryl, who was always good for a few bon mots has been homogenized into a sad-eyed Care Bear/schmoopie and I've lost interest. *shrugs*

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I was trying to think of someone on the show I really care about, and except for Rick, I'm coming up blank. We had to spend so much time with EVIL cartoon cops, the wooden Beth and watching Father PeePants (about whom I give not one flying fuck) blundering around and sweating that no one else got much a chance to even say much of anything and mostly stood around like props.


Even Daryl, who was always good for a few bon mots has been homogenized into a sad-eyed Care Bear/schmoopie and I've lost interest. *shrugs*

Agree completely; I knew there was trouble when the first four seasons I would be encouraging anyone who didn't watch TWD to tune in---and now I don't say a word because I'd be embarrassed to have someone new to the show see Grady and FPP and Abe/Rosita/Eugene and ask me this is what the big deal is about?! Are you fking kidding me?!


The first season was 6 episodes; if this had been the first season it would have been cancelled.


I keep wondering if they are trying to wean us off the characters we like and test our reaction to newbies so they can quit paying larger salaries to the AL/NR/MMB etc charter members.


Sadly, they may misinterpret the ratings. People kept watching hoping for something big with someone we care about; not because we were fascinated by the Short Bus Crew or the Neverending Beth Greene saga.

  • Love 4

Sadly, they may misinterpret the ratings. People kept watching hoping for something big with someone we care about; not because we were fascinated by the Short Bus Crew or the Neverending Beth Greene saga.

I can't speak for all the ratings of course, but for me...YES, YES, YES. 


And I don't even mind Abe, et al. Just split the episode up so I can see the people I love.

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You're probably allergic to latex. I believe you can get thin, cheap cotton gloves to wear under the cheap latex gloves. That way you can wash the cotton ones and not have to buy expensive, lined rubber gloves. BUT, the expensive rubber gloves last a lot longer than the cheapies so you might be better off with those.


I was trying to think of someone on the show I really care about, and except for Rick, I'm coming up blank. We had to spend so much time with EVIL cartoon cops, the wooden Beth and watching Father PeePants (about whom I give not one flying fuck) blundering around and sweating that no one else got much a chance to even say much of anything and mostly stood around like props.


Even Daryl, who was always good for a few bon mots has been homogenized into a sad-eyed Care Bear/schmoopie and I've lost interest. *shrugs*


I agree with this entire post, even the part about the probable latex allergy.  A coworker developed quite an allergy to latex which got so bad that her hands were hugely swollen, cracked and bleeding.


Also, there are few on the show anymore that interest me.  I love Rick and Michonne, for sure.  If they would return Daryl to a preschmoopie level I would like him much more.  

Agree completely; I knew there was trouble when the first four seasons I would be encouraging anyone who didn't watch TWD to tune in---and now I don't say a word because I'd be embarrassed to have someone new to the show see Grady and FPP and Abe/Rosita/Eugene and ask me this is what the big deal is about?! Are you fking kidding me?!


The first season was 6 episodes; if this had been the first season it would have been cancelled.


I keep wondering if they are trying to wean us off the characters we like and test our reaction to newbies so they can quit paying larger salaries to the AL/NR/MMB etc charter members.


Sadly, they may misinterpret the ratings. People kept watching hoping for something big with someone we care about; not because we were fascinated by the Short Bus Crew or the Neverending Beth Greene saga.

I think you're probably right about the ratings.  I know I watched hoping to find out her fate and instead got the Keystone Cops.  And I really, really hate the bottleneck episodes.  I would never have made it past season 1 if they had done this in the beginning.

  • Love 3

Thanks for the suggestions, all. I don't have a latex allergy, though. Until I get to a store with good quality, lined gloves I tried the barrier cream method this morning and it did help. My choice of "barrier"? Diaper rash cream. Works like a charm. The lighter rash on the backs of my hands cleared up quickly. I have to apply it on the sly because there's no way I'm explaining to anyone why I have diaper rash on my hands!

  • Love 5
Agreed! I was kind of "WTF?" at how the Terminus arc was finished as though someone were in a race - Terminus escape, church, FPP, Gareth - DONE!  then pushed us into quicksand slo-mo for the interminable (and really, pointless) hospital story.


I know! And, actually, at first I was fine with the Terminus end. I thought the Guv/Woodbury arc was really dragged out. So I thought, "Well, they wrapped this up before it became stale and annoying". So I was fine with it leaving me wanting a bit more (considering my personal opinion is that Gareth/Terminus was the most interesting villain this show has given us)....if only I had known. If I knew then that Grady would come along like a big fat anvil and make me want to stab myself with rusty BBQ skewers, I would have gladly taken more Terminus. Ate it up with a spoon made out of Bob's leg. 


I read that there will be a focus on Michonne and Carl's bond in the coming season. Whoop.


That would be lovely. One of the relationships I've always wanted to see more of. Another favorite was Glenn-Hershel, but it's a bit too late to pining for more of that one. 


Sadly, they may misinterpret the ratings. People kept watching hoping for something big with someone we care about; not because we were fascinated by the Short Bus Crew or the Neverending Beth Greene saga.


You're so right about that. People made a big deal because Slabtown had huge ratings. Um....that doesn't mean they LIKED the episode. It just means they tuned in because the trailers kept making a big deal about it. And, I'm ashamed to admit, I actually found myself getting intrigued by it. I had high hopes for what they could do with a creepy hospital storyline. Instead I ironing, bitch slaps, and a strawberry bandit. 

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 I have to apply it on the sly because there's no way I'm explaining to anyone why I have diaper rash on my hands!

Did you know that Preparation H is used by many people in tv because it gets rid of crows feet etc (temporarily, of course.)

If famous people can put hemorrhoid cream on their face, you have nothing to be embarrassed about.

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I feel so left out everywhere because I couldn't get into Dexter, Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones. I'm more annoyed that they're forcing the Call Saul premiere on those of us who are just waiting for Talking Dead. I also never saw Titanic until a few months ago, and didn't enjoy it.

Confession is good for the soul...

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What I remember about seeing Titanic was a close up of Leo and Kate which showed the prominent huge veins in his arms.  I turned to my date and said Wow, I could get an 18 gauge jelco in those veins in a flash (yes I'm a nurse).  He realized right then that he had a true romantic on his hands.

Did you know that Preparation H is used by many people in tv because it gets rid of crows feet etc (temporarily, of course.)

If famous people can put hemorrhoid cream on their face, you have nothing to be embarrassed about.

I put Prep H in the refrigerator and apply it under my eyes when I'm really tired from a hard night's work.  Don't know about the crows feet but it certainly feels refreshing.

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What I remember about seeing Titanic was a close up of Leo and Kate which showed the prominent huge veins in his arms.  I turned to my date and said Wow, I could get an 18 gauge jelco in those veins in a flash (yes I'm a nurse).  He realized right then that he had a true romantic on his hands.


You sound like my wife did back in the 90s when she was going through EMT/IV/Paramedic training.  I have very prominent veins - arms, hands, feet, ankles, legs, everywhere.  When she and her classmates were at our house studying, I couldn't walk through the living room to the kitchen without every eye fixing on me and commenting how they could hit this vein or that vein from across the room.  I felt like a walking dartboard.

  • Love 4

You sound like my wife did back in the 90s when she was going through EMT/IV/Paramedic training.  I have very prominent veins - arms, hands, feet, ankles, legs, everywhere.  When she and her classmates were at our house studying, I couldn't walk through the living room to the kitchen without every eye fixing on me and commenting how they could hit this vein or that vein from across the room.  I felt like a walking dartboard.


You are most fortunate, Nashville.  Many years ago, TPTB determined I must be cannulated (?) for an epidural procedure on my neck "just in case".  Phlebotomist Beyotch butchered my hands and wrists until I threatened to punch her in the cooch if she didn't find someone who could find a vein in less than a dozen attempts.  TPTB were not amused.  Neither was I.  Oh, and despite the fact that no drugs were EVER delivered to my body in any way, fuckers wouldn't let me leave, and I had to rely on lies and subterfuge to get out of there (it involved a complicated story about an undercover cop waiting in the parking lot for me, unable to show himself due to unsanctioned extra-curricular activity, yada, yada.  I knee crawled to my vehicle to avoid detection and drove myself the few blocks home).  :-D

Edited by walnutqueen
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Heh. My story is not nearly as colourful as the others here, but awhile ago I needed to get a number of vials of blood taken. The nurse stabbed me numerous times in each arm, getting more and more irritated,  before stomping out, muttering "Not a DROP!" and fetched another nurse who got the job done. I mean, I'm sorry! It wasn't my fault! Sheesh.

  • Love 4

Did you know that Preparation H is used by many people in tv because it gets rid of crows feet etc (temporarily, of course.)

If famous people can put hemorrhoid cream on their face, you have nothing to be embarrassed about.

Preparation H is also one of the most shop lifted items! people don't wanna admit buying hemorroid cream, I won tickets from a radio station so it must be true.


And I Hate Titanic. It's a fucking fascinating story without having to put schmoopie made up crap. I wanted to see the actual footage that James Cameron got and I have 2 friends who know virtually everything about the Titanic, the actual survivors and they are so disgusted with the movie. I was very happy Rose pushed Leo DiCraprio off the door, jack-cicle. 

Edited by nachomama
  • Love 2

I have never seen Titanic. Two different people have given me the DVDS; they are still in the plastic.

I have also never been in a Starbucks.


I've never been in Starbucks either. For some bizarre reason, I like my coffee to be coffee - no chai, vanilla, hibiscus or pumpkin spice added.


I did, however, see Titanic. It's...not good. I apologize for Celine Dion too.


Do I take a drink now?


By all means! I'm having my weekly ration of Grand Marnier, following my daily ration of a glass of *hic* wine, so please excuse any typos that may be troublesome.

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I have never seen Titanic. Two different people have given me the DVDS; they are still in the plastic.

I have also never been in a Starbucks.


Do I take a drink now?

Titanic was mildly entertaining, but I only watched it once when I was trapped in a hotel room with nothing else to do. The theme song made me want to ram ice picks in my ears.

The only time I've had Starpukes was in London when room service coffee was the equivalent of $36.00.

Drink up!

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I got through 7 episodes of Deadwood and 8 of Firefly over the weekend. Firefly I keep noticing wildly fluctuating Jayne hair. As in I think they reshot scenes and he had either re-grown the facial hair or they didn't dye it. In some scenes he's got comically black black hair and facial hair. I had forgotten the episode where Jayne was a folk hero. The special effects don't hold up as well but I still love. Vera didn't appear until like episode 6. And every single episode Mal gets hurt and usually 1 member of the crew is on death's door.


Deadwood, lot of stuff I forgot and I had thought the Bella Union people didn't show up til season 2. Completely forgot the whole story line with Kristen Bell and her brother trying to scam them. And the voices were badly badly dubbed. So many people were in this show! Nice walk down memory lane. 


I rarely rarely go to starbucks. I rarely drink coffee. 


My evil sister has discovered facebook. Might go delete my profile. 


I think Michonne's boyfriend/baby daddy/brother is in the latest episode of girls! 

Edited by nachomama
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I don't drink coffee so I never go to Starbucks. My husband is 1/4 coffee, though, and he goes there from time to time. Moreso before we had kids. Now I pack him a giant thermos of homemade to get through the day. But I remember when we lived in the city, before we had kids, and he would stop by for a mocha and get me a caramel apple cider and a big cookie. So nice on a cold day. 

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