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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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next night, Zac Brown band FANTASTIC. FANDIBULOUS! Number 1? DID NOT RAIN. Well it rained before the show like 5 oclock so it got it out of it's system, that cooled everything off and made it less humid. We were at Truist park, home of the braves. He opened wearing a world series ring. It was a damn good show. He sang 9 to 5 from Dolly Parton! You know what I love? escalators, lord have mercy I climbed so many steps this weekend but truist park has some lovely escalators to the nose bleed seats and then to get out ramps, lovely ramps although it sure seems like a lot, we kept winding and winding and winding down but  I guess it's 4 ramps per floor and we were third tier (which were not bad seats) but god bless not having to climb all that.

Next day we went to museums and a brazilian steak house. before I left town sunday I went to Wahlburgers. Just to try it, it was good. I got a salmon salad with mexican street corn and cojita cheese it was very good but maybe not $15 good. but I'm on vacation and I literally flushed money down a river for alison Krauss, they postponed it so they'll reschedule but I'm guessing the new dates won't work for me and I don't live in atlanta so refund. It was a good effort. we made our uber driver's night he had a rented tesla, rented from uber you can't drive a rental as an uber. As we entered I asked was he "Anthony? not a rapist?" and he laughed and we apologized for being drowned rats. Then we entertained him with our stories from the evening. Then we are so dumb we don't even know how to open doors, (Teslas are weird yo)

I kept getting these "spam" calls some random number from Casa Grande Arizona and I kept muting them and blocked them. I was like " my god these are the most persistent telemarketers ever." Literally 7 times a day or 5 minutes apart, I probably had 21 calls...it was my prison niece. She got moved to a new place. somebody had to text me to let me know to pick up. I felt real dumb. (yes she got in trouble) she was headed out to her "job" something with water...turning off pipes who knows. The guard stopped her and asked her name, she responded. She asked again, she repteaded first and last name. She answered like 4 times and finally said "you don't have to talk to me like that" that obviously pissed off the guard. next thing she's all F you to the guard which you DO NOT DO. Shes up against a wall and now shipped off to this place because they don't have solitary where she was. sigh. It may be worse than she lets on but we'll see.

Edited by nachomama
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4 hours ago, nachomama said:

You know what I love? escalators,

I swear they should make a  TV series about your life, they managed to squeeze 78 years worth out of those boring assed Waltons, apart from the Cholera disaster in ‘37, every post you make is more interesting than anything they came up with 🙄, goodnight John-boy 😬

Edited by OoohMaggie
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11 minutes ago, OoohMaggie said:

I swear they should make a  TV series about your life, they managed to squeeze 78 years worth out of those boring assed Waltons, apart from the Cholera disaster in ‘37, every post you make is more interesting than anything they came up with 🙄, goodnight John-boy 😬

My friend Becky who made this trip with me was listening to the prison phone calls and I had said something along the lines of once upon a time my mom wanted me to write a book and I said all our stories are just pathetic, we are losers there are no life lessons other than don't be like us. They may be interesting but I got no happy endings to my stories.

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3 hours ago, Superclam said:

Y'know, I've been taking the subway pretty much everyday for decades, and I've seen them maybe 5 times. 

But has that been recently? I was rather hoping for a reply of “don’t be silly, we’ve not needed them for years and years” or is that way too optimistic? This is coming from my country where current knife crime is an epidemic and a national disgrace 🥺

Edited by OoohMaggie
17 minutes ago, OoohMaggie said:

But has that been recently? I was rather hoping for a reply of “don’t be silly, we’ve not needed them for years and years” or is that way too optimistic? This is coming from my country where current knife crime is an epidemic and a national disgrace 🥺

Unfortunately, subway crime has been way up lately. I won't get too into the U.S.'s problems, and they don't involve knives. 

  • Sad 1
18 hours ago, Superclam said:

Unfortunately, subway crime has been way up lately. I won't get too into the U.S.'s problems, and they don't involve knives. 

I think everybody is just going cuckoo and on a hair trigger.

After work I swung by MacDonalds because I had errands and was supposed to go to my water class and of course some jackhole backed into me. I wasn't flustered at first, very small scratches but he kept talking over me and then started saying I hit him. I DID NOT HIT HIM. So I said it louder. I coughed up my insurance info and he gave me his drivers license but kept going on about his wife had the insurance card. He had no license plate on his truck, he had no bumper. I do have a dash cam and sure enough dash cam shows him backing into me and also no back up lights! red lights but no white reverse lights. Yes I was angry yes I yelled at this man. Man took off. I called police. The wife did eventually send me the insurance paper but not before he took off. He kept calling me rude and ignorant because I yelled. I yelled because you kept saying I hit you when I did not. I was furious. but I got dash cam to back me up I'll drop by my insurance dude after work. sigh.

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10 minutes ago, nachomama said:

but I got dash cam to back me up I'll drop by my insurance dude after work. sigh.

I do hope that’s going to include the obligatory 1 mph whiplash claim 🤔, we’ve had to get used to all that nonsense since it came across the Atlantic from guess where, you guys have a lot to answer for 😤

  • LOL 1
12 minutes ago, Superclam said:

I think they try to bully you into giving them a couple bucks to avoid going through insurance. Here, there's a classic scam where the dude in front will stop short, and if the guy behind them bumps into them, they try to get some $$ to "forget the whole thing." 

I wasn't sure if that was where he was going or he just didn't have insurance period. I asked him with the knowledge I have why did he expect me to trust him? You gave me no insurance card, your truck is busted as hell (no judgement there my old was 16 years old) but reverse lights not working, no license plate, why would I not start being upset when you aren't forthcoming with the stuff I need? I did start to think it was a scam with the insistance on me hitting him.

2 hours ago, Superclam said:

there's a classic scam where the dude in front will stop short, and if the guy behind them bumps into them, they try to get some $$ to "forget the whole thing." 

It’s called a crash for cash over here, they don’t bother trying to extort someone to forget it, they put as many people in the car as is legal, babes in arms included, then they put a separate insurance claim in for everyone in the vehicle. We even had a spate of gangs putting several people on a public bus, getting one of the gang in a car to slam on the brakes in front of said bus, the rest of the gang would then throw themselves around the bus with gay abandon, claiming all sorts of injuries. The bus companies had to install cameras,motion sensors and G-meters to prove these claims false 🙄, what a lovely world we live in.

Edited by OoohMaggie

I still have no internet. Was not able to work last night. Now they have finally concluded that the terminal back to headquarters is damaged. So fixit guy who came last night could do nothing for me, a separate ticket has to go out for the terminal. So it didn't cost me any money other than one night's paycheck. I got a text saying someone is doing something so I pray I'm back up and running this evening when I get home. I need to earn my paycheck!

I did run out to Sam's club and get an $8 membership, so there's that! Until June 26 you can get a membership for $8 but you have to go in person. You can't do it online.

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Now that I got my internets back I'm watching all kinds of stuff. I did subscribe to Acorn tv so I'm watching a ton of British detective shows. I started with Foyle's war. Agatha Raisin, Queens of Mystery, chelsea Detective, Murphys Law. etc etc

I also picked up the new Umbrella Academy. And I will start the new season of Only Murders in the Building on the 28th.

I'm into season 2 of "the Boys". Finished 3rd season of Barry. I guess Westworld is starting up here pretty soon.

1 hour ago, Superclam said:

I am big on Umbrella Academy. I'm through episode 7 of this season. 

Also the Boys. Both of these are having great seasons. 

I watched 4 Umbrella academies yesterday don't know if I'll kill it tonight. I have my swimming and laundry. I have to good and get my homework done before I can watch tv. :(

I just started the Boys about a week ago. Zoomed through season 1, I have been hearing great things about season 3 so I'm about halfway through season 2. I gotta finish because I have so many things started and I just can't keep them straight.

16 hours ago, Superclam said:

Ooh, I'm jealous that you get to watch the Boys from the start! So much gratuitous bloodshed! 


I was much shocked with Elizabeth Shue!

So Butcher and Hughie don't have any super powers?

I knocked out 2 more umbrellas and another Boys. Plus 1 episode of Bloodlands which is on the Acorn and with my beloved James Nesbitt. I LOVE PIG FINN! (I Did not get my laundry done and I went to bed much too late) I'm naughty.

Edited by nachomama

The neanderthal boss has special friends and projects and somebody please just stab me in the throat. Why he has taken such a special interest in this restaurant I have no idea. But he feels compelled to do eeeeeeeverything for them. The woman and her husband were in here and he's the one suggesting what to do, such as window signs. He went to their place and measured their windows. 55 inches so he wants signs that say "burgers" " buffet" phone number and breakfast about 12" tall to go in each window. Signs to go on the door. business cards and tshirts. And every item I must literally drop anything I'm doing to do immediately. Can't give me a list and walk away he must hover. I hate every single one of his special projects. I sent a composite of the tshirt to the girl, it's going to print in gold on some shirts so I explained I can't simulate gold on the screen. I just show her in black and white but trust it will be gold when printed. He comes screaming at me "why did I tell her we can't print gold"? I said I didn't say that (and I didn't say that) On the screen I can't make it gold it will just look brown. it can't convey the  metallicy-ness of gold. I won't survive the day

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hahhaha now he just yelled at me for "reading" at work. I'm copying the rule book for the carmellite nuns. It went out of print in 1991, Pope John Paul II approved it himself. I have to scan every single page (215) and reformat it, make it bigger and assface just got angry that i'm "reading" so I explained no I'm not just sitting around reading the bible at work. I can't take the book apart because it's a leather bound "set" normally we'd cut the spine off and shoop shoop scan all at once. I had to get a program on my phone to photograph each page and it translates back into words so it's editable. sincerely I'll let him do it, fuck him. 

  • Mind Blown 2

I ran into an issue...what do I do when I'm caught up with my shows?! I dont' have a life to plug in there. The boys are done for a minute. I was all caught up on "Only Murders in the Building" so that twice this weekend I went to go look for a new episode and it was killing me that it wasn't until midnight last night. Which I did not stay up to watch. I watched "Reservation Dogs" which reminds me of my childhood. I'm the chonky white kid. ha! I am gonna go watch Thor tonight. sigh.

The Old Rifleman with Chuck Connors? That seems odd although dear lord in heaven my father watched the damn rifleman all the time. I don't remember if it was TBS or one of the other old cable stations that was almost entirely westerns. Holy shit my father watched the crap out of that. We joked that the only things he watched that were set in the 20th century was hawaii 5-0, quincy and kojak. We watched Bonanza, Rifleman, Big Valley, Wagon train...I vowed I would never watch Westerns again. I had a crisis when Deadwood came out. Loved it but wanted to punch myself in the face. I did keep my word and have never watched an episode of Wheel of Fortune in eleventy seven years. My dad used to holler out the puzzles from down the hall in his room and always told us how dumb we were because we didnt guess the puzzles...we were watching it. We switched the channel and kept the volume real low. One of us had to sit where we could see him coming if he left his room (he rarely left his room) but the other would switch the channel back quick if he did venture out. When my dad died my sister wanted to "remote" watch Wheel of fortune, she was in texas and we were elsewhere and she wanted to tune in and watch it over the phone. I was like hell no.

2 hours ago, nachomama said:

I ran into an issue...what do I do when I'm caught up with my shows?! I dont' have a life to plug in there. The boys are done for a minute. I was all caught up on "Only Murders in the Building" so that twice this weekend I went to go look for a new episode and it was killing me that it wasn't until midnight last night. Which I did not stay up to watch. I watched "Reservation Dogs" which reminds me of my childhood. I'm the chonky white kid. ha! I am gonna go watch Thor tonight. sigh.

There’s always Letterkenny on Hulu.

Or Kolchak: The Night Stalker on Amazon Prime.

I've heard good things about both. I am watching my Acorn. I was very offended that a show I called up was NOT irish. The Republic of Doyle. It looks like a seaside Irish town, some dude chasing another dude and action, action, action and then when  the dude spoke it wasn't an accent. It's friggin Nova Scotia! Don't you bait and switch me a canadian for an irish, rude

  • Sad 1
57 minutes ago, nachomama said:

The Old Rifleman with Chuck Connors? That seems odd although dear lord in heaven my father watched the damn rifleman all the time.

Yes. I never saw a single episode until last week. My wife and most of my kids are away so I was just watching tv & it came on ME Tv. Very entertaining in a simplistic sort of way. 

most of the westerns my dad watched I kinda of thought of in the same way I thought of Scooby Do, that it was the same plot recycled week after week just with new townspeople or villains. I hated virtually everything my dad watched. Mash because I could be watching the Brady Bunch...any of the westerns all were just pure torture for me. My dad would point out all the guest stars "there's Palmer Courtland from All my Children" or wayne newton (as a child) on Bonanza and I didn't believe him because old people couldn't have ever been young people. I wasn't very bright. Like I knew Little Joe was Pa from the Ingalls but in the same way they were not the same person because they couldnt exist at the same time on the tv. Oi vey I was stupid.

I have come around on some of my dad's stuff. I like Rockford Files. But I'm never gonna sit down and watch Wagon Train to find out if it was quality. OR the one with Miss Kitty.

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Went out for some chinese food last night with my friend, he is an uber driver but he was not ubering. When we came out his car wouldn't start. He just picked it up from being serviced at the dealership. It's maybe 2 years old?? Tons of miles on it because he ubers but he takes very good care of it. Something electrical. It was giving a very hollow click click when he was trying to start it, as if the alternator or battery but everything started going off, all the warning lights and the heat gage up and down, fuel gage up and down. He recorded it (even shushed me so he could get the sound of whatever was going on) anywho had to take an uber home and he sat there and waited for a tow truck. He was plenty mad. So I went to a later showing of Thor. It was pretty good, silly. He's getting ready to move to Charleston and I guess he's kinda cleaning out his house be brought me used booze. Like serious booze, stuff he nor his parents will drink, maybe stuff that people brought as gifts? I did have to ask "do people think I'm an alcoholic?" I do often say I'm going home to drink or I need a drink but honestly I rarely do. There are several kinds of vodka, some moonshine, patron, lemoncello, several rums...didn't go through it all. It's 2 big boxes of booze so if anyone needs a drink you can stop by.

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1 hour ago, OoohMaggie said:

Maybe you could invite your boss round, when he’s had half a box you could push him down the stairs 🤔

I've half contemplated trying to get him to punch me but he used to be a bouncer and has some very scary stories about picking up huge football players (ours not the soccer kind) so I feel like I might not survive the punch but I could take him for all he's worth. :D I really want to win the lottery and buy all the land around his house and hire mariachi bands to play 24/7. He keeps bees and I don't want to hurt the bees but lure them away somehow. just have his bees abandon him. I am weird

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38 minutes ago, nachomama said:

. I am weird

Absolute tosh, they say revenge is best served cold, nonsense, revenge is best served backed by millions in the bank. Most unimaginative folk think of Ferraris, private islands blah blah if they win the lottery, there are several people whose surrounding properties i’d love to buy then rent them out to Madams, biker gangs, drug dealers etc. Who needs cocktails on the beach when you can watch their suffering 👹 👹,bees are far more important 🐝 🐝

Edited by OoohMaggie
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Oh yeah I don’t want to hurt the bees. Just lure them away with better flowers or whatever. Just have them abandon him. But they get to live millionaire bee lifestsyle. Or just take out anonymous billboards calling him out for being a jerk. It’s astonishing really. 2 brothers 1000% different. One talks like a red neck but they were both raised in the same house. Both educated the same. NOT rednecks. One is gay and just the nicest guy on the planet and one it a rageaholic. Like if you could combine them they’d be the perfect dude. 

I do not know, usually you can find a source for this rage. (My father had anger issues) Like maybe raised by an alcoholic that slapped him around so he's got to bully other people. I know his entire family...he's the only one. Maybe he was swapped at birth? because his whole family is teeny tiny people. His mom is barely 5 feet, his dad was a short man and he's above 6 feet. His nickname is "tank" because he's built like a tank. maybe he needs to go back to being a bouncer on weekend so he can get his aggression out. Everyone else here is family so he doesn't get to rage at them they can fight back. He screams at me and threatens to fire me at least once a week. I am not allowed to answer him in any way. Generally speaking I will give a smartass answer to most people, I absolutely keep my lips zipped because on a good day he misinterprets everything I say so god forbid he not understand I'm kidding. I'd take the punch but I don't think I'd survive. I would very much like to speak to either of his ex wives because I damn sure know who's fault it is...even if he never hit them he's abusive.

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If I was 100% sure that the work from home job isnt going away, I'd be out the door. There is no HR here, it's a family owned/run business it's not like I can take my complaint somewhere. I have applied for other jobs with printers here in town. My problem is I'm a print designer. Where nowadays you are mostly "web". They do not know how to get something off of a computer and onto paper and I don't know how to do websites. I'm half old school and half new fangled crap. They do everything from their phones. I'm not so stupid that I don't think I could run somebodys twitter but obviously when online things go wrong I can't fix them. I'm a nerd but only half a nerd.

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