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AS4, S11: Patricia Michaels

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I agree with those who think Patricia's work is mostly art and less wearable design, but I still would prefer seeing that over routine, boring, half-finished dresses.


I'd be fine with this if we actually saw the art, but mostly we heard Patricia talking about how fabulous her art is, and we see her activity, but the results didn't make it onto the dress (at least not in the last episode, which is all we can take into consideration for being in or out on the episode).  How can the judges take into consideration something that isn't there?  Patricia can talk all day long about how wonderful her design would have been, but if it is not incorporated in the garment, it doesn't exist.  And I still don't think her technical skills at garment making are that strong.  My recollection, and I could be wrong, is that the reason the other designers became frustrated with Patricia is that, on the team challenges in her previous season is that she would act as if she was going along with the team decisions and then she would go off on her own without much consideration of what the others were doing.  She has supreme confidence in her own superiority (and she's certainly not the only one who does on that show, but why would you be in a contest like this if you didn't?), but she really doesn't seem interested in working with anyone else (at least not on Project Runway).  I was a great believer in Patricia at first, but I just got frustrated at her lack of delivery.  I don't think that's a heritage thing; that's a personality thing.  She is no doubt an expert at textile manipulation, but she really should delegate the creation of garments to someone else, or she needs to admit she has some additional skills to learn, and actually allow someone to teach her those skills.

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I always liked Patricia; probably even moreso because Michelle hated her.

Mr. Monkey cannot stand her, though, so he was glad to see her go, even though he doesn't watch the show, of course.


I was sad to lose her so early; I was hoping she'd be around to stick in Michelle's and Isaac's craws for a bit.


I didn't sense that from Michelle. She only had respectful things to say about Patricia and respects her creation of textiles. I'm sorry I didn't get to see more from Patricia but I'm sure she has a website somewhere that displays her creativity.

I didn't sense that from Michelle. She only had respectful things to say about Patricia and respects her creation of textiles. I'm sorry I didn't get to see more from Patricia but I'm sure she has a website somewhere that displays her creativity.


Michelle retconned her view of Patricia when she saw she was popular with the judges. She was quite rude about her at the beginning.

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Michelle was not the only one who didn't like Patricia as a team mate.  It was mostly, as I recall, based on her lack of team work and her insistence on doing her own thing no matter what the task at hand was.  She also was pretty slow (mainly because she focused on working on her textile manipulations and had no time for anything else).  I liked Patricia in the beginning, but I was irritated by her as a viewer as time went along...I can't imagine what it was like trying to work with her.  She is one of those people who should not be in a team situation, nor one with time limits.

Edited by dialyn
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Here's an interview with Patricia from Blogging Project Runway.


On her expectation of the show versus reality:

...I thought that because we were All-Stars that there would be something more - I don't know - honoring - for us.  That we wouldn't have to prove ourselves all over.  Maybe there would be better equipment, more time, more sleep, more workspace,  more RESPECT, I just felt...disappointed.  I was not comfortable there.  We had even LESS time to produce.  I knew right away that this was not right for me.  I did not feel creative.

On being sequestered after elimination:

...It was wonderful!  It was a sabbatical from heaven!  I went shopping for fabrics, and thrift shopping, I went to museums.  I went to the garment district to look at production facilities.  I could sew and work on jewelry and even check my email.  The Gotham West is lovely, there was a gym where we could work out.  I read and I wrote - I am working on two novels.

It sounds like getting eliminated early on All Stars is the best way to enjoy the experience.


I must say, I've always liked Patricia and was sad to see her leave. I recently had the opportunity to see a rack of her designs and jewelry in person, and they were really beautiful. The rushed Project Runway atmosphere is just not the place for her talents to thrive in.

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Michelle was not the only one who didn't like Patricia as a team mate. It was mostly, as I recall, based on her lack of team work and her insistence on doing her own thing no matter what the task at hand was. She also was pretty slow (mainly because she focused on working on her textile manipulations and had no time for anything else). I liked Patricia in the beginning, but I was irritated by her as a viewer as time went along...I can't imagine what it was like trying to work with her. She is one of those people who should not be in a team situation, nor one with time limits.

...which I found to be idiotic and shit-stirring on the part of the other contestants.

Benjamin made his own textile/loom and Joseph wove a fish net for several hours, and yet nobody complained about that. And yet, if Patricia even so much as breathed for too long, she was wasting her time, blah blah blah.

Honestly, I have come to the conclusion many of these self-styled designers have a sense of privilege and superiority about them that they cannot handle outside input other than textbook sew-and-drape ideals. Especially those that spring from the same egg as Michelle and Korina.

To answer another person on Michelle treatment of Patricia - she literally eviscerated the woman in the beginning then slightly started sucking up to her after she realized she wasn't going anywhere.

I must say, I've always liked Patricia and was sad to see her leave. I recently had the opportunity to see a rack of her designs and jewelry in person, and they were really beautiful. The rushed Project Runway atmosphere is just not the place for her talents to thrive in.

PR has turned into a high class exploitation fest that has nothing to do with fashion anymore. Like, nothing.

I enjoyed Patricia and was disappointed at the treatment of her character and work method on the show. In a decade where people love to harp on bullying, racism, and equality, I anticipated a more open minded mentality for not only her fellow contestants but the judges.

Isaac Mizrahi lost about 20 integrity points from me with his idiotic snickering after her war cry.

I know TV both ages, adds lbs, and warps a person's persona, but Michelle, who is a product of the wannabe Portland hipster crowd, could not handle someone whom is truly an individual. At least Eraserhead had enough respect to admit he would like to learn several of Patricia's textile techniques.

Patricia, I wish her all the best of luck and pray many blessings her way... I don't usually identify nor give a flying fuck about TV personalities, but I can personally relate to her and know what it's like to have people treat me strange.

Hooray finally found Patricia's topic. I've been looking since just before last weekend.  I liked her a lot on the show but have always thought maybe it wasn't the best fit for her. She seems to work a lot better on her own and without the crazy time constraints. Now I feel that way even more...

... because, my real reason for posting now is that I had such an awesome experience last weekend!  My little sister (about 23 years younger than me) is an aspiring model, among many other things. She recently moved to LA for college, and has been getting back into some modeling here and there.  Tryouts were technically over for LA Fashion Week, but she was strongly encouraged by a photographer she met at another show to go to the last minute call for Fashion Week models. She ended up being selected by Patricia! I live about 8-10 hours away (depending on traffic) but no way was I missing my sister's first runway show in LA, so our Dad and I went down to see her. We got super lucky and ended up seated basically at the end of the runway, right next to all the photographers, so we had a great view of all the fashions (and my sis of course). It was my first time seeing a runway show in person and it was so much fun!

Lots of crazy fashions, mostly among the audience members LOL.  Patricia opened the Saturday night show and I loved almost all of her designs.  They were very "her" - no doubting who the designer was.  My sis was the first one to walk down the runway for her. I loved the dress she wore, and it was a thrill to see her on that walkway fulfilling a dream. She got to model one other great dress as well. After the show she brought us backstage to meet Patricia. I got tongue tied and couldn't think of what to say at first, but soon enough we were all having a conversation about family, importance of your roots, her Project Runway experiences, etc. We talked for a lot longer than I would've thought she had time for, but she was very bubbly, friendly, kind and welcoming. Then she asked my sis to model for her again in an upcoming November show in Palm Springs.  Sooo much goodness all packed into one evening!

Specific to PR, Patricia talked about how it was a lot of fun and she really enjoyed it. I so wanted to ask if the time constraints drove her crazy, but didn't. I said I loved her work on there though and always wished they had more time, and she was nodding with a sort of "me too!" expression.  Some of the pics from that show are slowly coming out on the photographers' sites and on Facebook, so I'll post one of my sis in the show if I can.

Here's a video of one of the designs (not my sis modeling it, but great video and gives a sense of the show): https://www.facebook.com/danny.go.3150/videos/1803593619897286/

Here's one of the runway (different night, but same setup): https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/12719468_1151037554929742_16174138127996351_o.jpg

Another of Patricia's designs: https://www.facebook.com/stylefashionweek/photos/a.180052002028307.40415.178451562188351/1311597122207117/?type=3

Hope the links work, getting a weird error message. It was so neat to meet Patricia, and to get to see her latest designs up close and personal.

Edited by NikSac
Trying to fix URLs
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