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You Know You're Obsessed With Sleepy Hollow When...

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...after seeing less than one full episode, you fall so in love with the show that you immediately order the Season 1 DVDs, restlessly insist that Amazon "rush" the shipping despite the fact that you barely even have enough money for rent and food, and proceed to devour the first seven episodes in a row without stopping to do anything other than occasionally hit your pause and rewind buttons. 


... once glance at Tom Mison is enough to force you to totally overhaul your usual rule about not finding guys with long hair attractive. 


...you find yourself wishing that Abbie Mills were real since you're kind of dying to be her friend. 


... after swearing off TV apocalypse storylines forever due to an overdose of Supernatural, you change your mind completely after just five minutes of Sleepy Hollow. 


...when you argue passionately with a real life friend about how engaging, clever, funny, warm, energetic and even surprisingly thought provoking this show is and feel genuinely irritated when she doesn't agree quickly and vehemently enough to suit you :) 

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Girl - get AppleTV and then order it off of iTunes - instant access!!

But I so feel you - I have been berating a colleague for the last 3 weeks to get and watch this show! And I just tried to explain it to a friend, but couldn't - because it's nuts! I started saying what the show was about and had to clamp a hand over my mouth and exclaim "Just watch it!" because I sounded so ridiculous.

And I wanna be Abbie and Jenny's long lost sister. A girl can dream, right? Please, please let me voice all the stuff that Abbie and Jenny only say with looks here and there! During that scene with Ichabod where he tries to press Abbie about Katrina, I would have blurted out, "Cause yo shady wife caused Abbie to be trapped in purgatory cause she's always hiding ish! So excuuuuuuuuse her if she doesn't trust that your wife will be down for the cause or betray us all in the name of her crazy son!" Then when Ichabod picks his mouth up off the ground to retort, I'd continue with "And another thing! I still haven't forgiven you for drawing that stupid map to begin with! You're just as shady as yo wife! And don't get me started on Jenny getting locked up all on another "Save Katrina" mission. Say 'Save Katrina' one mo time!"

Whew. That felt good.

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...you start saying, "I can't with you" to your husband.


...you finish watching your DVR'd episode then immediately rewind it to watch the Ichabbie/Abbie Being Awesome/Crane Ranting/Abbie & Jenny scenes again. Or you just watch the entire episode again.



...you find yourself wishing that Abbie Mills were real since you're kind of dying to be her friend.

Me too!

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...when it takes you twice as long as it should to get through most episodes because you "have to" pause and rewind so many scenes.


 ...you find yourself delighted by the weirdest little things, like how the writers carefully and amusingly differentiate between Abby's contemporary manner of speaking and Ichabod's "old-timey" dialogue :) 


But I so feel you - I have been berating a colleague for the last 3 weeks to get and watch this show! And I just tried to explain it to a friend, but couldn't - because it's nuts! I started saying what the show was about and had to clamp a hand over my mouth and exclaim "Just watch it!" because I sounded so ridiculous.


Ha! The conversation I was describing took place in a restaurant, where our poor, increasingly horrified looking waitress kept walking by just in time to hear phrases like "best apocalypse ever!" and "I'm just waiting for a guy like Ichabod to travel through time so that I can team up with him to help save the world...that's a totally realistic goal, right?"


...you start saying, "I can't with you" to your husband.


I hope he's enough of a fan to appreciate it :) 

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LOL - I think "I can't with you..." is just like "Bless your heart...".

The way my friends and I use it, at least. It's either - "I can't with you right now" because you're irritated, or "I can't with you" because you're charmed and amused.

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I'd never heard that term before. Yes, it sounds very southern. I wonder if the writers came up with that line or if it was a Nicole Beharie adlib (she's originally from South Carolina). Or the writers could have picked it up from one of the Wilmington, NC locals

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...your only saved twitter searches are:



#Sleepyhollow Abbie


#Sleepyhollow Mills Sisters


... You actually say out loud "Oh my god that is awesome!' when you find that fan compilation video on youtube of of every Mison/Beharie interview

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But I so feel you - I have been berating a colleague for the last 3 weeks to get and watch this show! And I just tried to explain it to a friend, but couldn't - because it's nuts! I started saying what the show was about and had to clamp a hand over my mouth and exclaim "Just watch it!" because I sounded so ridiculous.


Yup, I had the same problem the other day.  My confusing explanation of the show spiraled into, "It's just bonkers--but in a good way!"



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...When you write fan fic in your sleep.


Which is crazy because I don't ship Ichabbie anymore, and I've never written fan fiction in my life. But I had a dream that Ichabod and Abbie took a shower together and then stood facing each other, covered only with their bath towels, while they stared into each other eyes. And I was writing it all down. I woke up like, WTF? Why did I put Ichabod and Abbie on the set of Young and The Restless?

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I'm a veterinarian and co-own a cat veterinary clinic.  Yesterday, a woman brought in for a checkup, two stray cats she found and they were named Icky and Abby after the Sleepy Hollow characters.  I loved it!  It's happened to me before with Downton Abbey characters, I had two cats named Lady Mary and Matthew as patients but those characters were married on the show.  I loved that she didn't have the cats named Ichabod and Katrina but after Ichabbie! She's a big fan and shipper.

Unfortunately, there won't be any romance for the feline Ichabbie as they're scheduled for spay/neutering next week.

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So, for the past few years, I (black female English teacher) have shared a basement classroom with a white male history teacher.  This year, though, he was moved to another room on the first floor, which he now shares with a white female English teacher who just had a baby.  This conversation totally happened:


Me:  "Dude, we are Ichabod and Abbie.  You've just abandoned me in Purgatory and moved on with your wife, who secretly had your baby.  He turned out to be the Horseman of War, by the way."


Him:  "Uh, you know I'm not the father, right?"  {Looks at me with concern for the crazy}  "Is this a TV show or something?"


I did get him to watch and enjoy the "Democracy in Action" opener from "Deliverance" (like, the only good thing about that episode!).

Edited by netlyon2
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Well, at work we were talking about something to do with research and I went, "It's just like in Sleepy Hollow when..." and made some analogy...

One of the guys on my team goes - "How does EVERYTHING come back to that show?!?"


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You know you're obsessed with SH when you really don't get social media (Twitter, Facebook and all that other stuff), nor even give a damn about it. When SH loses it's way in Season two, you find yourself checking public tweets, Facebook comments, blogs, even venting on certain forums! about the show to find out what went wrong.  You start linking comments from public Twitter, Facebook pages of BTS people (and Orlando Jones) for more understanding.  You know it's crazy, but you can't help yourself!


I really don't know what it is about SH.  I've loved many shows in the past but never was obsessed like this.  Maybe it's because after the first day of back to work, it was great to have this crazy, fun show with a twist on American history and diverse cast,  to sit back, relax and enjoy.  Then something happened.  And now something seems to be happening again.  And I hope that something is true.  Because Dana Walden got this right for me. There are so many dark shows on the air with all their "shocking" twists broadcasted across the Internet. I have no desire to watch them.  Sometimes all you want from TV is  relaxation and fun.  SH was fun.  And I really, really, want my fun Monday nights back.

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Hahahahaha!!!! That's how mine looks when I'm washing it in sections!

I decided awhile back that I wouldn't comment on any posts regarding hair.... But I just did unfortunately. ;)


Love you all! ;)

Edited by RiddleyWalker
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