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S16.E40: Live Finale

Tara Ariano

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I have just finished watching BB16 for the first time (yeah I'm late :P) and I have two comments on it.


First regarding Amber (in fact some of you mentioning her story with Caleb in another show discussion made me start watching Big Brother) and now that I have the whole story I want to comment on some of you saying "poor Amber, she had a good alliance but, with what Caleb did to her, she had nothing more to do than leave". I totally disagree. In fact, while I like Amber as a person and I know she didn't think she was doing anything bad, the fact though is, she never openly told Caleb she doesn't like him romantically, only on the night of her eviction she said to Julie "well I can't make myself like him like this to stay in the game". Caleb might have been a little in his own world but he was under no circumstances the creepy stalker peple were talking about. Amber was stupid to not accept the all woman alliance Joe suggested and she took the comfortable position of a floater who is handed an alliance just cause she's pretty. I didn't see her strategizing, trying to hear what other people were saying, trying to become useful in her alliance, nothing. She left cause she was useless in her alliance, a little more than Christine. But Amber did not lose the game cause of Caleb. Derrick and Frankie were strategizing and counting their every move. Amber was just sitting there being pretty. Plus she even led Caleb on with the "if you eat pickles I'll go on a date with you". I think part of never denying anything to Caleb was part of her strategy. Oh well, the only guy who deserved it won. Gz Derrick :)


Gossip question: Did Victoria have a crush on Derrick or am I imagining things?


The second thing I want to comment on is Donny. I'm really impressed and proud of this guy's good heart and I'm really glad this kind of people stilll exist in our world. Donny I wish you the best :)



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himela, the live feeds showed a very different version of the Amber/Caleb storyline. The show did not even come close to showing the real story.

Total agreement. I'm pretty certain there were several clumps of consecutive days - and I do mean DAYS, in a literal sense - where Caleb turned EVERY conversation into an Amber-and-Caleb discourse within ten or fifteen minutes. His PrevTV nickname of BMBB (Beast Mode Bunny Boiler) was only half-joking, and fully deserved.

I do not discount the possibility Caleb was doing this solely to grab extra time on the feed cameras - but if this beyond-obsessive behavior was purely a grand put-on, then I would expect him to also be smart enough to moderate the over-the-top-ness of his "performance". He went way beyond John Cusack in "Say Anything", and was sniffing a lot closer to Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction".


Both things were true.  Caleb took his crush way too far, and Amber was way too late in recognizing this, and more tardy still by refusing to end it.  Her strength in her life was to play to guys' egos and thereby benefit.  She did the same with Caleb, hoping to curry enough favor and his votes to win.   It's an ancient story and a BB tradition.  


To me, in the end, neither party were horrible.  They each came to accept their fates with good grace and recognized they had made mistakes relative to each other.


The right person won.  Clearly.  He played an all-time game.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes

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